Even if you think that this is irreversible, its really not. So someone could hurt you without knowing and become truly remorseful. What do I do to let you know I am badly hurt by your actions? What is the reason why you chose to make me cry, though I love you this much? But now I am sitting here confused, not knowing what to do. You could have told me yourself and spared me all this anguish. But you know what? 10. Because you hurt me does not mean I no longer love you. Emotional Abuse 7 Break-Up Letters to Girlfriend 8. Even though you hurt me, I still love you so that I can forget the hurt of the past and move forward into a glorious future with you. I am happy for you because you realize your mistake and are humble enough to say you are sorry. I'm not over you because I don't want to be. The day I met you, is the day my world changed. I may not like you, I may not want to be with you, but I love you. 03 Ask for forgiveness. That person is in the past. I feel sad that I dont mean as much as to you as you mean to me so you hurt me but I forgive you for the love that I have for you. 36. I forgive you even before you offend me so even though you hurt me, I still love you. There was a time when I was quite black-and-white with relationships. Are you looking for new and unique I still love you quotes? It hurts to love you, but I can never get enough of loving you. You betrayed my love and my trust. Especially when it came to how much time and effort we were prepared to give each other. Poem About Longing For A Lost Love Being left by our love is painful, but what is more painful? You broke me, I love you still - Letter To My Ex Don't come back. I guess you didnt share these same ideals and feelings. 52. You deserve everything I did for you and more. I hate you and u hurt me. Nothing can stop me from loving you, all you need to do is to change your way so that you will not have to hurt me anymore. Living without you will make me sad; it will make me want to run mad. I forgive you. But how you react when you are on different terms matters a lot. If I dont do that, then Ill never be able to move onward and live the life that I deserve to have. Like I don't know how i'm just gonna heal. 41. 500 I Love You Letters For Your Special One - Relationship I was so blinded by that small moment of understanding that I disregarded all the other signs you werent right for me and would never be! I forgive you. I thought I could get over you and that my broken heart would heal quickly. I love you. Despite you treat me like I dont exist, I still have a space in my heart to keep you safe. My life revolves around you; you are my joy, my love, and my smile. 81. We went separate ways, but my heart still beats for you. Whenever I felt like something was suspicious, I was usually right. Dont worry; I dont have any issue with you. Please, let us talk about this so we can be happy together. I want to love you day and night; I want to see you waking up next to me. I need love and peace in my heart, so I forgive you, and I still love you. An Open Letter To My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love There's nothing to be ashamed of for leaving. Dont you know a heart that keeps your love deserves the best from you?if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'ilovemessages_org-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ilovemessages_org-large-leaderboard-2-0'); 15. 9. You hurt me but your offence did not reduce your value so I forgive you. I need to talk to you and make things right. I wont let you destroy my trust in people so I forgive you because I love you. Writing a letter to your ex after a breakup: The Dos and Don'ts! I love you on your joys, but I will love you even more on your struggles because I know life gets difficult for everybody. I forgive you because I know the real value of friendship and so I understand the importance of forgiveness in a relationship. There is no special laughter aside from the ones I had with you; no tears are more painful than those I shed when you hurt me. 33. My Man Hurt Me Emotionally: How to Feel Good Anyway - Kristine Bolt But my heart still aches for you. You would get triggered whenever you saw me talk to another guy, even if it was an innocent bystander who asked for directions, because your ex cheated on you. 3. Love is a perpetual joy that saves us when all hope feels lost. I didnt want to be vulnerable around you because I always believed youd use it against me. I know you are always there to support me, just like I will always be there for you. Just dont ghost me anymore. When you called me clingy, boring, annoying, and a brat, I was so angry that I just wanted to insult you more. She loves him, but she can't express it. You have been treating me like you don't care, but I still love you because you are a significant part of my life. I love you. 21. 3. Despite all this, I still want to live my life with forever. This is it. I Still Love You Messages, Quotes & Poems 2023 - Weds Kenya Because I truly do love you. If you want to confirm, lets have a get together at the coffee table this morning. Catalogue your heartache, and don't stop with the feelings you have regarding your friend. Dont forget that I still love you.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sweetlovemessages_com-leader-4','ezslot_22',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sweetlovemessages_com-leader-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sweetlovemessages_com-leader-4','ezslot_23',120,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sweetlovemessages_com-leader-4-0_1');.leader-4-multi-120{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. I am sure the pain would have been worse, but I regret not hugging you, kissing you, holding you, looking into your eyes, caressing you for the last time, even though you broke my heart. Forgiveness is a two-way thing. 96. I love you because you are bold enough to ask for forgiveness. A Love Letter to You received acclaim from critics, who praised its harmonious delivery and diversity. A You hurt me but I still love you letter isnt an easy one to write at all. Because even when you cause me pain, you are worth it! 98. You dont have to feel worthless because you hurt me. You deserve to never be sad over wondering if you matter. 63. I want to write to you so I can let you know that you have let me down. Thats why this letter exists, to send a message to you about the hurt you made me experience, but also the fact that I still love you. I would sob through the entire night, trying in vain to stop my chest from aching. Your words hurt like daggers. Did you decide to punish me because I fell in love with you? Surely, you are the most precious love of my life, the one I cannot forget all my life. I'm sorry that I held on for as long as I did without being completely honest with you. Its too embarrassing to admit that I wanted someone to love me that much. "You Hurt Me But I Still Love You" - My Last Letter To You - Think Aloud You may not have my time but I still love you. Betrayal from a loved one is painful but more painful is the betrayal of oneself. I love you. 66. You hurt me and I know you will ruin yourself if you are not forgiven and I am ruined if you are. 14 Break-Up Letters to Someone You Loved (Examples and helpful tips) Heart touching words to say Though You You Hurt Me I Still Love You. You will always be mine. You are special, so should your love be. 77. 57. Give me a chance to forgive you as well. I hate you. You dont understand how much I have fallen in love with you, may be it is the reason why you chose to treat me bad. You've done many horrible things to me, but I still love you. You broke my heart but it doesnt mean I will stop loving you. True love is not easy to come by, so cherish the ones devoted to love you for better or worse. I forgive you. You have to think about what you should do next. I forgive you. And now that I look back at everything, I dont even think she should. It took you hurting me and me considering packing my bags, even though my love for you is undeniable, to make you realize that you need me just as much as I need you and I'm heavily confused. Growing apart 3. 7. 1. I'm sorry I didn't just ask . I'm grateful that you had helped me to become a person i am. Even if nothing ever happened physically, I still know that your heart belonged to someone else. Having a rough time in a relationship is somewhat inevitable. After everything that weve been through and after all the sacrifices Ive made. 56. We can work on this. Before you commit it, my love for you has already forgiven you without any record of any wrong. 24. Selected Love Letters to Fanny Brawne - Academy Of American Poets Life has hardly been kind to you, so I wanted to be that little spark of joy you could hold on to. 45. You don't know what I am feeling right now. #5: I would say "I am sorry" times without number to show how sorry I am and I hope you'll forgive. 5. My heart is still with you even though the tale is old. Or he could even take it the wrong way! You hurt me, but it is not your fault, so I forgive you. The day i set my eyes on you, I was happy because you have all the qualities a good man should have. I did the same thing to you, I wasnt any better. If I dont forgive you, I dont stop hurting so I choose to forgive you so I can stop hurting because I love you so much. Dont just dismiss my arguments because of your ego. 10. New feature: Check out news exactly for YOU find Recommended for you block and enjoy! You hurt me but I still love you. Why Do You Hurt Me So Much Love Letter - Blogger You hurt me but I still love you because there is no right way to deal with hurt rather than to let it go so I forgive you. Despite everything that happened, I want to make it work. I love you still. You hurt me, but I still love you, and this letter serves as your reminder that you lost the best woman you couldve ever had.
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