Or are you working on those? It could be a scam. However, that caused me to buckle down and learn A LOT. Honestly surprised they gave me that much power when I only had my associates degree, but it happened. So we can -- I would say this, I can tell you what we're not going to do. Contents: Prepared Remarks; Questions and Answers; Call Participants; Prepared Remarks: Operator. Long answer. Just real quick on the GenDrive units sold for the year. Yeah. You can also create a short sequence of pictures from your phone, and use that as a video instead. I move across the country to Los Angeles, California and take myself off the birth control that Ive been on since I was 15. As for the type of content you should post, the possibilities are nearly endless. Please state your question. I mean, there's sentiment out there that the reaction to the IRA thus far has been underwhelming, but it is very new, and there's a lot to digest. We do look at and we continue to explore potential JVs. On the second item, I -- we do -- I think we mentioned in the shareholder letter, we probably booked 30 of these 5-megawatt systems in the last two-three months of last year. Thank you, Paul, appreciate it. Curious of that $8 million to $9 million per ton per day is still holding steady and how you expect that to trend over time? Oh! So it's really just a timing thing. I can tell you, next week, I'll be at CERAWeek for three and half days. We anticipate that our broad efforts across the hydrogen ecosystem will become apparent this year. I -- so let me make sure I'm clear about the numbers, Sherif. However, keep in mind that TikTok has a few security risks, too. Its been a little over 6 months, and yes, its been challenging, but I wouldnt change it for the world because Im finally stepping into me and why Im here. And our next question comes from Bill Peterson with J.P. Morgan. So we -- and you can see that in the slide, we are talking about getting Georgia starting to produce by the end of this quarter and in early Q2 from a full production standpoint. You're probably wondering how I got here, well for you to understand I need to go back to the start." I'm paraphrasing here. TikTok grew even more when ByteDance decided to merge with Musical.ly in August of 2018. It helped, I guess. Go back to your profile and tap on the footprints icon in the top right-hand corner to see your profile view history for the past 30 days. The main attraction of TikTok is the use of music. 11 Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Discover short videos related to youre wondering how i got here on TikTok. Yeah. 16.3K Likes, 76 Comments. However, investors are cautioned not to unduly rely on forward looking statements, and such should not be read or understood as a guarantee of future performance or results. That was the tipping point, I could not manage this on my own, and in trying to, I was also breaking Taylor. I got really lucky and signed a freelance social media management client that paid, in full, which made it possible for me to pay for my first nutritional certification. And if you -- what I really like about the mix is it's really -- a lot of it is -- some of our traditional customers like Walmart, we have a fairly aggressive plan this year with them but also during the past year, we announced the new pedestal customers. 1.5 billion monthly users across the globe, Send the Help Desk your personal technology questions. In fact, the time constraint usually makes for more creative and entertaining videos. Take control: Sign up for The Tech Friend newsletter to get straight talk and advice on how to make your tech a force for good. One of our major advantages is the distinguished list of customers, including Amazon, Walmart, New Fortress Energy, and great partners like Gasquet and Renault. And our team has been particularly focused on the Nordic regions. [Operator instructions] Please note that this conference is being recorded. Let me tell ya, not a great way to step into marriage. Our next question comes from Amit Dayal with H.C. Wainwright. Good afternoon. Does any know where the "yup thats me, you probably wonder how i got Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #youreprobablywondering, #ibetyourewonderinghowigothere, # . I wanted to ask a couple of quick ones, following up on Manav at the top of the call about material handling. I'm just kind of wondering, it sounds like there's a lot of demand for green ammonia, but just what's your sense in terms of the timing of when we see larger types of announcements? Can you talk about how big this could be for third-party sales? Axiomatic, wearing a tattered Hatsune Miku cosplay outfit, is being tossed around the kindergarten playground by an angry crocodile, attempting to choke the lizard from behind without being turned into lunch. Really, really appreciate it. Thank you. If you liked what you saw, make sure to subscribe to the channel with notifications on so you can catch all the future content! If you're reading the description, you're probably missing out on some mediocre content. Im talking about the kind that make you pass out or puke. 20.3K Likes, 56 Comments. And fortunately, I have other options available to me given the strength of the balance sheet and the positioning them in as we move through the year, including leveraging the Georgia facility and other facilities that we're going to turn on this year to circulate that capital. Yeah. Scroll through the suggested videos, and click the username on the ones you like. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #wonderinghowigothere, #ibetyourewonderinghowigothere, # . Scroll down and select the Post views option in the menu. Scaling up the electrolyzer production, as we talked about, we've already seen a substantial improvement in output. And so, I sit with a fairly basically unleveraged balance sheet and so we sit in a good position to fund the pipeline this year. Part of our aggressive strategy we also will provide products such as our electrolyzer platforms, pay sharing a product for EV charging and peaker plants. So I do think there is a little bit of difference there. Either way, you have a very short timeframe for your videos, but it's still not as limiting as Vine's six-second maximum. So that's a real area of focus at the moment. I know Sanjay will be there. And another thing which is -- and by the way, when we talked about our margin cadence for the fuel business, we were thinking about natural gas maybe at around $4 an MMBtu by the end of the year. And the second one, I'll let Sanjay talk about the ramp of the electrolyzer business. Obstacles we encountered while introducing new products, delays in constructing our hydrogen plant, and macroeconomic conditions that affected the cost of natural gas, resulting in a significant increase in the cost of our hydrogen. Just with respect to the questions from the recent caller, the 200 tons that have been commissioned by the end of the year and then getting commercialized fully by mid-2024. Like legit, the same week, all of them came to me and said they didnt want to renew their contracts because they brought someone in house. During my time here, my cystic acne came back, full force and so did my anxiety. Depression and anxiety! Sure. Discover youre wondering how i got here 's popular videos | TikTok On the liquefier, we are a real believer that during the next 10 years, liquid hydrogen is going to be the primary most cost-effective means of transporting hydrogen any distances. With its overflowing stream of content, TikTok can be overwhelming. With respect to the green hydrogen network coming up now, are the offtake agreements for this already in place? It was bad. And I forgot to mention, that during our time in Georgia, I worked as the communications director and a costume designer for a VERY small film production company. Yup, thats me Originalton - POVs. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. Absolutely. And so, I think we're going to have real good progression as of the year. It may not display this or other websites correctly. 48w. I was in it. Thanks. TikTok video from Julie Kobylarz (@mousetales): "Reply to @timatoesoup This is a repost but I HAD to! When you spend more than 90 minutes on the app, you'll receive a notification to take a break. Thank you. Every muser incorporates a song into their video using TikTok's huge library of song clips that features almost every genre. In an instanteverything changed.Ive had anxiety issues for what seems like my entire existence on this planet. Thank you, Sanjay. TikTok spokesman Zachary Kizer said TikTok is working on a new feature that would allow users to refresh their algorithm. AT THIS MOMENT I KNEW, *freeze frame in Rivendell* I bet youre wondering how I got here, Your probably wondering how i got here , This is a repost but I HAD to! But as Andy mentioned, right, obviously, 500 tons is number at a point in time and given how big this hydrogen economy and hydrogen ecosystem is going to be as we get to that time frame and beyond that, obviously, those numbers are going to go up. Could you just expand on what the drivers were there? So if I was going to give you an order, Bill, we'll sell hydrogen to anyone in the heavy-duty vehicle industry. Hi. And directionally, you will actually see that as costs continue to go down. ET. I think as time goes on and there's more competition that the ability for the producer to capture that level, I think, declined. *Average returns of all recommendations since inception. That's all I have, guys. Through therapy, my anxiety is getting better, but I still dont feel settled. We'll look at JVs with a very thoughtful eye thinking about the long-term margin profile of that industry. By 2017, Musical.ly had hundreds of millions of users creating quick 15-second to one-minute long music videos. Through my months of research, I found that one of the MANY side effects of hormonal birth control is depression, anxiety, weight gain, low libido, and so on. We obviously try and maximize spread and leverage on those from an investment standpoint. Remy not ratatoullie repost Le Festin (From "Ratatouille") - Movie Sounds Unlimited. Try not to watch too many TikToks. In the pop-up menu, tap Settings and privacy.. The only reason it "doesn't exist" is because of the song, which was clearly just a random, mildly fitting choice by whoever put it in audio format. The state-of-the art facility, we have in Albany are unrivaled in the sector. A video of a person doing a backflip on a trampoline seems to be going well, until we're hit with the record scratch and a freeze frame while the person is in midair. Do you want to comment on that, Sanjay? TikTok is a social media app that allows you to create, post, and discover various types of viral videos. http://bit.ly/SubToImmortal Sponsor the channel here https://goo.gl/jyW5vmFollow me Twitter https://twitte. Please see our Terms and Conditions for additional details, including our Obligatory Capitalized Disclaimers of Liability. Let's not forget, it's a first of the green hydrogen liquid plant in the world that has not been built in the past, right? Fast forward to high school and that anxiety is more present than ever only being magnified by the onset of cystic acne and debilitating period cramps. Sanjay, do you want to take that one for Amit. And the combination of those two activities support the 30 megawatts. Thanks for that. Hi. I mean, they all are liquid short term in nature. We have gone through the settings for the most popular (and problematic) services to give you recommendations. We could do one or the other. Paul Middleton -- Chief Financial Officer. So Sanjay, do you want to take the first one? TikTok video from MJ (@mjhedderman): "HAPPY PISCES SZN!! Sure. How are you? That's 500 tons, 70% capture rate, that's the number. It will probably be mixed. Some of these playlists pertain to gaming, art, comedy, dance, fitness, cars, beauty, memes, and more. 2, when you then think about -- and the goal here, right, is we just want to make sure that we keep driving the capex numbers down, which obviously impacts the depreciation cost and the overall cost of that hydrogen molecule. Same here. Like Vine, Musical.ly centered around short videos, particularly the kind that involved lip-syncing to music. When we talk about commissioning to full production, no different than how solar and wind industry actually talk about commissioning to commercial operation date. Great. However, we believe that our plans are achievable and have built in some buffer in our projections for 2023. And there are no further questions at this time. original sound - MJ. And you are right, it gets lost in the shuffle. We're also developing on road vehicles through our JV partner Renault. You just need to find the right musers to follow, and once you do, you'll receive a daily stream of amusing content. This app has been blasted for its addictive qualities, highlighting some of the negative effects of social media. My very quick follow-up is you sometimes do credit for your materials handling business and we're looking at -- just basically in to add about 80 new material handling sites -- so if you could quickly talk about that. And I think you guys explained that the guide down in back at the business update was due to operational hiccups related to the electrolyzer ramp in rollout. Thanks. It sucked so much. She had a vision of me bringing health to people, which Im not going to lie, felt very far-fetched, especially while I was so sick. Required fields are marked *. The best memes from Instagram, Facebook, Vine, and Twitter about I Bet You Re Wondering How I Got Here Meme. To make a new file for your videos, click create new collection. You can also make bookmarked files private. When I worked at the Dream Center and I was in the depths of my sickness, a mentor told me that she could feel healing in my bones. Happy to. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. He finally came into chat with me, he said the same thing all the other docs said, You could run a marathon right now, your labs are showing youre healthy Except for one thing, he listened. It was gnarly. And when you break down what's in that funnel, almost 50% of that is really related to e-fuels, including green ammonia-type opportunities. A menu will appear and you can choose whether to report the video to TikTok or you can select More next to Not interested, to hide videos from a specific user. We have a number of programs, which we've seen tremendous benefits in the small population of sites and units that we've deployed them to. Go to your profile, then click the three lines for Settings and privacy. Here, you can click privacy to make your account private, turn off or on the ability for others to view your liked posts, the list of whom you follow and what youve downloaded. And we believe that ultimately, the liquefiers also will be used off hydrogen pipeline to be able to deliver high-quality storage of people who are not on the pipeline. The good news is it's -- the volume and the sales are there. Yeah. You can use Clear Mode to remove all icons and description text blocking your view. 265 Likes, TikTok video from The Silk Labs (@thesilklabs): "*record scratch* youre probably wondering how I got here". During my year as an employee, I got really sick. You must log in or register to reply here. When you start seeing content that you dont want, you can make explicit and implicit changes. Plus, major bonus is that being off birth control and cutting out gluten majorly helped my depression and anxiety. Sanjay talked about turning on the Georgia plant and starting to scale that up. cc: im kristen, youre probably wondering how i got here | every teen movie intro: | cc: but if i were to tell you that wed have to go waaaaaaaaay back | original sound - Cat Burns. Select the three-bar Menu icon in the top right-hand corner. Axiomatic, wearing a tattered Hatsune Miku cosplay outfit, is being tossed around the kindergarten playground by an angry crocodile, attempting to choke the lizard from behind without being turned into lunch. I read every book I could get my hands on, listened to all the podcasts, and changed my diet. So PJ, I think it will be -- I think -- let me take a step back. We recommend our users to update the browser. You might want to save seven chicken sandwich reviews or shelve book titles for your next read. A new and little-known feature on TikTok allows users to see whos viewed their TikTok videos and profile, and all you have to do is turn it on. Go to your profile by tapping the "Profile" icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your . Can you maybe just talk about some of the signposts that we should look for in 2023 to kind of judge the progress toward some of your long-term goals? The next question comes from Sherif Elmaghrabi with BTIG. Hey, Andy and everyone. Thank you to you and all those who have joined us on the call today. The moment I knew And we're actually looking at to expand the facility that we have in Houston to be able to support the demand. Truly thriving. This is direct feedback to your algorithm to avoid this sort of content. So Sam, I'll take that one. Let me take a step back at a higher level, I think how businesses respond is what seems like to you and investors is slow, for some of these large companies is actually quite fast. In that moment, it did not feel like an answered prayer, it felt like the gates of hell were about to open up and swallow us. Partnerships, JVs, or just maybe just have offtake agreements with the likes of nickel or other players? (new Image()).src = 'https://capi.connatix.com/tr/si?token=38cf8a01-c7b4-4a61-a61b-8c0be6528f20&cid=877050e7-52c9-4c33-a20b-d8301a08f96d'; cnxps.cmd.push(function () { cnxps({ playerId: "38cf8a01-c7b4-4a61-a61b-8c0be6528f20" }).render("6ea159e3e44940909b49c98e320201e2"); }); To take advantage of these tools, first make sure your TikTok app is updated to the latest version. Biju Perincheril -- Susquehanna International Group -- Analyst. I'll be there and many other members of the Plug team will be available to rule always. Monkeys Spinning Monkeys - Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey. Now that you know what TikTok is, you should know whether it's worth downloading. Good evening team and thank you for taking the question. 12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit. .css-ze5eiw-SpanViews{-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;padding-right:12px;color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);}53.2K views|.css-15ooo5t-H4Link{font-family:ProximaNova,Arial,Tahoma,PingFangSC,sans-serif;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;display:inline;color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);margin-left:12px;}.css-15ooo5t-H4Link a{color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);}. 3.3K. Allow me to take just a few minutes to explain how all the pieces fit together. However, there was still a moon in our desert. I appreciate that. You can further improve your experience with these TikTok apps and websites. Check out Into The AM and use code \"WhosImmortal\" at checkout to save 10% on your order - https://goo.gl/zRNbqKWant a partnership? You Probably Wondering How I Ended Up In This SituationGive your life to God (Yahweh) and his son Jesus (Yahshua)! Right. Please state your question. When you have a $5 billion balance sheet by itself, you theoretically could leverage up that. original sound - spaceboy. Pro tip: You can also grab the Dyson Airwrap from Sephora or Ulta rn if you've got some reward points burning a hole in . TikTok shows you recommended videos, as well as videos from the musers that you follow. Please state your question. Or is it kind of more just some understanding? Necro - Movies that start with a freeze-frame and "I bet you're So we'll see how the timing all that comes together in centers, but that's our focus. And those pedestal customers, folks like Gastar are looking to deploy -- start deploying at scale and that's a benefit not only here in North America, but building out our newer European capabilities. Didn't Fallen, with Denzel Washington, start this way? So, Paul. Sure. And last one for me, guys, on. 3 For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me. And in other situations, it's actually the network where they are actually allocated a certain amount of capacity from plant A, B, C and D, if you will, right? TikTok also cycles through various challenges that a large number of musers attempt. I discover that I cant take it without food or I will puke my guts out. Thank you. idk #QuakerPregrain #miata #cars #cartok #miatatok #miataclub #miatahub #jdm #stancecar #fyp #fyp #mx5 #cartiktok #cartiktok #CapCut". 109. That's it for me. This time, a year long program. Emma was formerly a Senior Writer and Junior Editor for the Creative section. Just another site. Good afternoon. You were designed for greatness, to walk in the fullness of your God-designed fememine power, expressing glory and beauty in all that you do. Google | Amazon | Facebook | Venmo | Apple | Android. On the top line in the quarter, came in a little bit light than what the guidance that you gave a month ago implied. (Does anyone know the OG creator of this audio? Outside of that, and changes in the exact wording, it very much does exist in all the examples you just provided. And then, also just wanted to see what we should assume for capex in '23 and maybe '24. | Halfway through second semester of my freshman year, my life fell apart after I was diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder. TikTok has reached 1.5 billion monthly users across the globe and is now a popular social platform for product recommendations, restaurant reviews, memes and more. I want to tag them but I couldnt remember)". The real -- where we're going to see as we turn on those plants this year and ramping on into next year, that fuel will become a more -- increasingly more meaningful part of the mix as we turn those facilities on and moving into '24 but for this year, that's kind of how that roughly breaks down. What your capture rate is a little bit more than cut in half, I mean, that's a number, that's $350 million. Greetings and welcome to . Turn on profile view history by toggling the switch to the on position. OK. Got it. You know that TikTok trend that starts in a ridiculous freeze frame and says "You're probably wondering how I got here," well, that's basically where we are right now. I noticed on the discussion on the sales funnel for the electrolyzers at a pretty substantial proportion is related to, I guess, green hydrogen/green ammonia. This is a repost but I HAD to! They got stuck with sexualized videos instead. Hi, Andy. We think that's an added strength. We intend these forward-looking statements to be covered by the Safe Harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. But I lost all of my friends in the process, was failing out of school, and could barely function. After one really long night and reaching out to my glorious social media community for prayer and encouragement, I decided to research my ass off. As BPIJonathan, he was a member of the RPGnet community for more than 20 years. So I wanted to dig in a little bit to the Q4 results, just one more time. I heard the rest of your question. Yeah. The feedstock hydrogen plant, the likes of JV with Olin, lower capex, right? And so, as you see those start to play through, you'll definitely see a significant positive trajectory in that service margin. Help us understand what they bring to the table, why this partnership is important to you? And I think I get different answers from different people. In fact, TikTok could be considered a huge security risk. Yeah. As someone who has been involved in introducing new platforms for many years, I can confidently say that it's unrealistic to expect flawless product launches. Find the newest I Bet You Re Wondering How I Got Here Meme meme. It was very in and out, telling me that this was literally the only option. The Sports Memery on Instagram: "*record scratch* *freeze frame* "Yep 2.3K Likes, 24 Comments. Readers like you help support MUO. I think it's a very viable and exciting potential program for us. After a few months of being a shell of myself, I decided to move back to Texas and live with my parents till I could really figure out what was wrong. So on the answer to Kash's question, I was a little confused, Paul. I see some get defensive but most either ignore or take the opportunity to share beliefs. If I was in -- crystal balls are tough, but I would think in 2028-2029, you're probably talking 30%. What Is TikTok and How Does It Work? - makeuseof.com Go to your profile by tapping the Profile icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. *ORIGINAL* Yep, That's Me You're Probably Wondering Again, Bill, from a portfolio perspective, right, that $4 number, we are absolutely very confident about that. We also see -- and our investors will see announcements over the coming months about first-generation peaker plants, where we'll be deploying electrolyzers, say something, James, in the 8 to 10-megawatt scale at first -- fortify our stationary products. Just on gross margin, obviously, a pretty critical objective. TikTok video from Lexi (@ohhbabyitslexi): "Youre probably wondering how I got here ". That's a good question. And then, maybe also discuss how we should be thinking about the timing and size of the DOE loan, if there's been any evolution in your expectations there? Simultaneously, which should give investors a little more confidence, we are also working on the details of the MEA manufacturing plant in South Korea to support that 200-400 megawatts per year size deployments between '25 and 2040. My mom takes me to the dermatologist and they prescribe me The Pill. Im 15. Since TikTok's inception, millions of videos have been posted, so you're bound to find at least one type of video you enjoy watching. Please state your question. 2.8M views. Kind of resilient to try to turn it into a teaching moment, I suppose. However, this is just the start of our plan to expand our production of 500 tons per day across the United States by 2025. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's a number that could be pretty constant as we look out on an annual basis.

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