Art. Fawn Township Zoning Officer/Building Code Official/Codes Enforcement Officer. As our laws change throughout the year, please contact the City Clerk weekdaysfor updated/amended ordinances. Art. 2015 to 2019. mile Township Road Miles . 194. About Falls Township. . Art. Fire Insurance Escrow Act. Legal advice on Neighbor noise disputes in Pennsylvania 1704. International Mechanical Code (Local Amendments) View International Mechanical Code 167. Board of Supervisors; Planning Commission; Windsor Township Recreation Commission; . Art. Art. download. Art. Art. Copyright 1999 2023 GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC. Table of Contents Itinerant Vendors. 197. 516. In the event a violation exists, a letter will be sent to the property owner explaining the nature of the violation, the ordinance code regulating the violation, and a date by which the violation is to be corrected. A mix of agriculture, business and residential with parks and a high-achieving school district make this a great place for home and work. Vacant Property Registration. Art. Phone: 717-993-2027 . Art. 1308. 195. 1312. . Tax Review Board. Art. Public Eating and Drinking Places. Ordinances - Fawn TownshipFawn Township 611 becomes Old York Road in Willow Grove 3.) Penn Township, York County. Small and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program. 136. 171. 185. Art. Zoning - York Township Art. 323. The use of land within the Township must comply with a Zoning Ordinance, developed by the Comprehensive Plan. An effective noise ordinance should be clear and understandable to the average person. 755. Sign Regulations. York, PA 17402 Phone: 717-757-3521 Fax: 717-757-7856 155. Educational Service Agency. 1310. City Parking Lots. Emergency Notification; Fingerprinting; Motor Carrier Enforcement Unit . 2005-08 and published by Keystate Publishers, Inc., on October 24, 2005. 149. Cruising., Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.5 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1. Ordinance #2009-05, adopted November 10, 2009, regulates the keeping of certain animals and prescribes the penalty for violation thereof. Art. Art. (Fees) B.Y.O.B. Curbs and Sidewalks. Dogs. Art. Citizens Grievance Committee. Fees and Expenses. Township #244, Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance Art. . Art. Infrastructure and Landscaping. (.67M) Art. Art. 938. Fair Housing. 1376. Art. Admissions Tax. (Fees) Ordinances and Resolutions. Bicycles. Find agendas and members of our township. 129. Art. 1352. Carroll Township; Carroll Township Ordinances; Dillsburg Borough Ordinances; Monaghan Township Ordinances; Franklintown Borough; Megan's Law; Agency on Aging; Children and Youth Services; Crash Reports; Suicide Prevention; True North Wellness; Services. Ordinances | Shrewsbury Township, York County, PA East Manchester Township | Codes & Ordinances Home Boards and Submission Info Departments Local Services Local Information Permits Codes & Ordinances Codes & Ordinances Cli ck Here All Forms are in PDF format and may be downloaded and printed. Home; Agenda/Meeting Minutes. Art. Historic Monument Preservation Fund. Art. Art. Menu Fairview Township Police Department Chief Jason Loper 599 Lewisberry Rd New Cumberland, PA 17070 (717) 901-5267 FollowCrime Map Search form Search Search Search form Search The noise ordinance in Waynesboro states that any amplified noise that can be heard 50 feet away is a violation. 952. [View Complete Ordinance E360 ], [View Complete Ordinance PDF ] (GetAdobe Readerto view this file). Pick up date: April, On July 13, 2021, the York Township Board of Commissioners approved a cable franchise agreement with Shentel Communications to provide fiber, Please follow the links below for additional information regarding current open positions. 303. Codes & Ordinances - Manchester Township - 943. 1751. Art. the township ordinance defining a nuisance noise as any use of property or activity that disturbs a reasonable person of normal sensitivities was not . Art. Friday 7:30am 1pm, Monday thru Thursday Table C Vacating of Streets and Alleys York Township Office. Art. 1304. Their kitchen wall is my bedroom/office wall. Art. Art. Art. 1166 Old York Road Abington, PA 19001 Phone: 267-536-1100. Fairview Township endeavors to continue the orderly process of proper land use controls. Table of Contents, Zoning Ordinance (#322) (08/05/09) Ordinances Forms/Permits/Fees Departments Recreation Waste/Recycle Police/Fire/Ambulance Open Records. Rake your leaves to curb; DO NOT put leaves in bags, DO NOT put leaves with regular garbage. Mailing Address: 1501 Mt. Phone: (216) 514-1022. TITLE FIVE Planned Residential Development. 145. Art. The York City Police Department, Mayor Helfrich, and members of York City Council are committed to transparency regarding the York City Police Department's Use of Force Policy. Art. Art. 1302. Art. 1705. International Plumbing Code (Local Amendments) View International Plumbing Code 741. Mobile Cart Vendors. Residential Parking Permit Areas. Adopted Ordinances (That Are Not Yet Codified), 7471 McCray Road, Fairview Township, PA 16415(814) 474-5942, DisclaimerGovernment Websites by CivicPlus, Chapters - Current ordinances are alphabetized by subject matter. All rights reserved. Apply Filter. B. Art. Art. York, PA 17408. 1709. Sanitary Sewers. Browse Through Book View Recent Updates Code of Ordinances. 901. Office Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Friday (excluding Township . Neighborhood Improvement Ordinance (SWEEP) Art. 2020-01 Second Amendment Sanctuary 286.07 KB 218 . Excessive barking/animal nuisance prosecution can result only when the individual files a formal complaint with the District Justice. ATV dispute triggers draft noise ordinance in Newberry Twp. - York Dispatch 191, passed 1-8-2019 Call 911 to contact animal enforcment officer. Use Definitions, General Provisions, Accessory Uses, Conditional Uses and Special Exception Use Requirements. - York PA 17406 - (717) 434-1300 - Business Hours: 7:00 to 5:00. Art. Flood Plain Management. Art. Art. Prosecution will result for violation of this ordinance (Ordinance #90-07)., Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36. 737. Art. Dover Township. Administration and Enforcement. Please report, The brush site is now open only on weekends from Friday at 3:30pm until Monday at 7:00am. Mon Thurs 7:30am 4pm BOCA National Building Code (Local Amendments) View National Building Code Short Title and Purpose. #362 Amending Ordinance #322 709. City Controller. Application for Zoning Permit. Administrative Forms & Documents; . The Ordinance is dated August 9, 2022. Total Area: 23.5 sq. Introduction The York Township Stormwater Management Ordinance 2022-04 is available at the link below. Art. All written complaints are confidential and are not subject to inspection under the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law. Upon receiving a written complaint, the Code Enforcement Officer will inspect the property normally within 24 hours. 931. The board wanted to take up the issue only after in-person. 349. Art. What issues are not regulated by Code Enforcement?Some issues cannot be resolved by the Code Enforcement Officer. NOTE: Newly adopted ordinances are annually updated in January to our online Code of Ordinances. Index - Alphabetical arrangement of subjects. 3-2022 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Special Event Barn Fawn Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (PDF) Fawn Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance Amendments (2008-2015) (PDF) Residence Tax. Regulation of Portable Toilets. Art. Uniform Construction Code(Adopted). 2020 to 2024. 753. Property Tax. Art. Code Enforcement handles complaints in the township from other residents. Change of Ownership/Tenant Certificate of Compliance. The Ordinance was adopted August 9, 2022. Visit Website. Newly Adopted Ordinances. City Treasurer. Property Codes Enforcement - Springettsbury Township, PA Ordinances - Shrewsbury Art. York Township - Website of York Township Pennsylvania Phone: 717-225-5661. To purchase a complete Codified Ordinance book for the City of York, please contact: The Walter H. Drane Company. Art. 733. Disclaimer: The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Art. Applications should be returned via e-mail to, At last nights York Township Board of Commissioners meeting the board was honored to have Mr. Bob Junkins of the York Township Goodwill, The Public Works department is asking residents to watch for storm drain inlet issues and to help keep them free of leaves and debris. Parades and Street Fairs. Parking Regulations. Ordinances; Resident Information; Right-To-Know; Sewage Enforcement; Taxes/Tax Collector; Township Officials; Trash; Building & Zoning Permits. 183. East . Truvillion, Lavell Lamar - (1) Count Stalking and 2 additional charges Art. Road/Street Names & Jurisdictions. 937. Turn left into Abington Township parking lot. The main obligation of Spring Garden Township's Code Enforcement program is the enforcement of the Township Code of Ordinances for compliance with the Township's property maintenance, nuisance, and all other Township codes through reasonable and unbiased administration. Browse the Manchester Township Codes & Ordinances to view or download. 501. 301. 533. (Committee Members) 338. As a reminder, brush is defined as tree limbs and shrubbery, The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is providing an online plan display of the Route 2002 (Springwood Rd) bridge replacement project. Follow Crime Map Site Home About Us Crime Services Forms Megan's Law Our Township Employment OBTAIN A CRASH REPORT Contact Us User Log In CRIMEWATCH Network In this section Daily Police Blotter ARCHIVE 2020 1725. #324 905. (Routes) (Permit Application). For additional information or questions contact YAUFR at 717-992-2679. The numbers must be attached so as to be visible from the street. Art. Community Facts. The Appendix ncludes chronological lists of subject descriptions along with a reference to the original ordinance and its date of enactment, Keys to Disposition of each ordinance ever enacted by Fairview Township. These ordinance and amendment documents are in PDF format. Art. Newly Adopted Ordinances - West Manheim Township TITLE SEVEN Employment Provisions; Pensions and Benefits, Art. Art. Eligibility and Design Standards. Specific ordinances are listed by subject on the contents page at the beginning of each Chapter, Appendix - All ordinances of a temporary nature. Ordinance #87-13, requires all owners of residential, commercial, and industrial properties to notify the Township Office of the names of tenants who move into or out of rental units within ten (10) days of each move. As such,. (Local Amendments); Falls Township, located in Lower Bucks County, is an area rich in history. This is a cross-reference to the original ordinance books of Fairview Township, and to the location of each ordinance by number. Ordinance #0: Interim Zoning Ordinance. SPARKLERS, when directly supervised by an adult, are the ONLY type of fireworks permitted. 1375. 2023 City of York Pennsylvania. Art. Visit Website. 127. Table B Street Naming or Changing Name Read 1 attorney answer Q&A Asked in Media, PA | Nov 26, 2018 Save Can I file for constructively evicted? Art. PDF ORDINANCE NO. 322 - Welcome to Conewago Township 151. This was approved as required by the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act of 1999. Art. You will need, Residential Trash and Recycling Guidelines, Subdivision & Land Development Amendments. American Legal Publishing provides these documents for informational purposes only. Poles and Wires. However, we encourage our residents to be neighborly to one another a pleasant conversation may make the all the difference. Art. 2480 West Canal Road. Art. 115. Art. Commonly Referenced Property Related Ordinances, Ordinance No. Earned Income and Net Profits Tax. On May 11, 2004, York Township (via Ordinance 2004-7) adopted the Uniform Construction Code, establishing the administration and enforcement of the code, a Board of Appeals and fees assessable by York Township. 716. Required Improvements. Art. Art. Stormwater Management (SWM)Site Plan Requirements. 525. 193. 1354. #363 Amending Ordinance #322 section 305e, Conewago Township Hellam Township - 35 Walnut Springs Rd. 1333. 337. Art. Art. Art. as regulated by the Commonwealth of PA. Department of Public Works. Art. Short Title and Purpose. 1-2019 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Noise Ordinance No. Copyright 1999 2023 GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC. 1763. Penn Township Lancaster County PA 97 N Penryn Rd, Manheim, PA 17545 Phone: 717-665-4508 Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 7am-5:30pm Home - City of York, Pennsylvania Peddlers and Solicitors. 3 min read. (ii) Cites the municipal noise ordinance. Art. PDF Chanceford Township East Manchester Township | Residential Permits Filling Stations. Zoning - East Hopewell Township - Google Fax: 717-225-0130. Questions or complaints regarding vehicles parked in the street, general noise complaints and barking dogs should be referred to the Spring Garden Township Police Department at 717.843.0851. Art. Art. Art. 1353. Property owners should not permit grass, weeds, or other vegetation other than plants for edible or ornamental purposes, grow to a height over twelve inches (12). Art. Enforcement and Penalties. Section 103 TOWNSHIP GOVERNANCE Since the 1960s, Fairview Township has historically regulated land development through planning, zoning and land use regulations. Zoning districts are geographically plotted, based upon municipal needs, on the official map of the Township. Firework Displays require a special permit. 2021 York Township, Medina Ohio . Mayor. Please contact the Zoning Officer or Fire Chief for information how this ordinance affects your property. TITLE THREE Business Regulation (Business Start-Up Packet), Art. Booting. Please see the list of ordinances below. (717) 843-0851 161. 513. Web development by . The Code of Ordinances contains most of the ordinances in their current status. Defined Home Occupations require prior approval from the townships Zoning Hearing Board. Securing safety from fire, panic and other dangers. Phone: (216) 514-1022 City Ordinances; Neighborhood Associations; Real Estate; Permits, Planning and Zoning; Sewer Information; . Public/Private Property Towing. Streets and Sidewalks. Ordinances - Manchester Township. 331. On behalf of York Township, I want to welcome you to our website. Art. Art. 1700. Friday 7:30am to 1pm. The Township cannot enforce subdivision covenants or deed restrictions. Indicate what action has been taken by the Board of Supervisors with regard to each ordinance. (Ticket Complaint Form)(Fines) The following are the most commonly used enforcement ordinances with the Township. 163. Phone:(717) 848-2858, Suite B Ordinances. City Solicitor. 611 south 2.) East Manchester Township York, Pennsylvania. As required by Pennsylvania Act 101 Manchester Township provides curbside leaf collection from mid October through the first week of December. It is the PROPERTY OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY to notify the Township Office of name/address changes. The Dover Township Code of Ordinances are now being maintained, updated and published online by American Legal at the link below: . Deck Information/Example Accessory Structure Example Art. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. Codified Ordinances - City of York, Pennsylvania City of New Rochelle Empowering People and Businesses. Sewer Rentals. ordinance and penalties for the violation thereof, in the township of conewago, the county of york and commonwealth of pennsylvania, pursuant to the authority granted in the pennsylvania municipalities planning code (act 247) as enacted and amended. (Repealed) Bakeries. Firearms and Weapons. 1731. 355. Stephen McKeon, PE (717) 382-4915. TOWNSHIP OF CHANCEFORD in the County of York and the State of Pennsylvania, as follows: ARTICLE I SHORT TITLE, PURPOSES, ZONES AND STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES SECTION 101 SHORT TITLE This Ordinance shall be known as the "Chanceford Township Zoning Ordinance." SECTION 102 PURPOSE OF ORDINANCE Recycled Product Procurement Policy. The ordinances contained herein are for informational purposes. South Penn Code Consultants, LLC (SPCC) . Art. Excavations. 1721. Art. Ordinances - Newberry Township located in York County Pennsylvania Disorderly Conduct and Disturbing the Peace. Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Zoning Ordinance Map - Historic Village Overlay (HVO) Zoning Map Shrewsbury Township 11505 Susquehanna Trail S Glen Rock, PA 17327 717-235-3011 (T) 717-227-0662 (F) Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Closed Saturday & Sunday Code of Ordinances - Enforcement. 541. Art. 1331. [ View Complete Ordinance PDF ] (GetAdobe Readerto view this file). Some violations may be determined as safety hazards and must be corrected within a timely manner. Art. Whether you are a business, resident, or a visitor, we hope you will find easy access to a wide range of services and information. Rt. 82 Beaver Creek Road Abbottstown, PA 17301 Phone: 717-259-0385 fax: 717-259-7561. 725. 1305. Administration. 199. Underground Conduits. Occupation Tax. To purchase a complete Codified Ordinance book for the City of York, please contact: The Walter H. Drane Company Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. Ordinance #87-13, requires all owners of residential, commercial, and industrial properties to notify the Township Office of the names of tenants who move into or out of rental units within ten (10) days of each move. Art. If you have any questions regarding zoning, contact the Zoning Officer at the township office. 153. Procedures. On October 13, 1976, East Hopewell Township adopted a Zoning Ordinance which is enacted as part of the overall plan for the orderly growth and development of East Hopewell Township. No person shall, from Monday through Saturday between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. or on Sunday, in conducting any excavation, demolition, erection, alteration, repair or other building operation within 1,000 feet of any dwelling or business property, operate or use any steam shovels, tractors, excavators, pneumatic hammers, pile drivers, Township Utilities. Ordinances. Dover, Pennsylvania 17315. Minors Curfew. Tree branches hanging onto your property, property line disputes, decorations, and aesthetics such as the paint color. If you feel there is a code violation, you can report it via our formand upload to send by email. 717. Forms available at Township Office. 745. 1121. Registering a complaintTo report a potential violation, you can visit the Township Administration Office at 340 Tri Hill Road, Suite A, York PA 17403 and complete the complaint form, or visit theTownship websiteto complete the online form. 308. Online Codes | Falls Township Art. 942. Art. Shooting Near Residences and Other Occupied Structures - Ordinance Name. Ordinance Definitions. 713. 1125. The noise starts as early as 6-7AM and continues for hours during the day ending at 9:30-10PM every day. Ordinances - Hellam Township This ordinance requires posting of street address numbers of all properties located in Manchester Township. Art. TITLE ONE Standards Adopted (Click here to visit the International Code Council website). Subdivision/Land Development Plan. York County, Pennsylvania . Art. Street Adoption and Names. Stormwater Management. Vacant Property Review Committee. Local Services Tax. 1303. Please make sure you check each Ordinance for amendments so that you are aware of the most current regulations. (View York City Property Maintenance Code). Take Rt. Department of Administration. Zoning Ordinance: . 718. Keeping of Animals. Franklin Township Office (Fayette County) 353 Town Country Road Vanderbilt, PA 15486 Phone: 724-677-2172 Fax: 724-677-4700 2019 Franklin Township Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance (LERTA) Program. The Township of Dover Code of Ordinances was adopted by the Township of Dover by Ord. Hopewell Township Municipal Office in York County. Planning Commission. Franklin Township Zoning Map (Revised 08-2018) Application for Conditional Use Hearing. Art. Mar. Police Officers Pension Fund. Art. 490 Copenhaffer Rd It has been subsequently revised and supplemented as follows: Supplement I; February 12, 2007 . (Ticket Complaint Form)(Meter Info) (Parking Garages)(Monthly ParkingRates) (Fines) Continue south on Old York Road 4.) Art. (2) The municipality's resolution that: (i) Confirms the municipality's support of the petition to substitute the municipal noise ordinance for section 493 (34) of the Liquor Code. Animal control officer pushing for bans of leg hold traps in Lewisburg Updated as of November 2010. Administration Generally. Approval Requirements and Procedures. . Art. Dumpster Placement. Township of Springettsbury by lessening congestion in the roads and streets. Zoning Ordinances. Windsor Township. Ordinance Art. ZONING/PLANNING | mysite Tax Incremental Financing Program. 333. 1379. Copy. Art. Dover Township, PA Laws - American Legal Publishing Corporation Hellam Township's Current Zoning Ordinance. 1301. 1307. 143. 935. Animal Control | Fairview Township Police Department - CRIMEWATCH Construction Inspections. Enforcement and Penalty. Art. City Clerk. 715. Noise takes place in their kitchen. Art. Beginning July 1, 2022, York Township residents will see an increase in their quarterly fees for the collection of solid waste and recyclable PennDOT Announces Online Plans Display for Route 3001 (S. George Street) Bridge Replacement Project in York County Stormwater Management Standards. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. 181. See the details in the application. Zion Rd. Yard, Garage or Similar Sales. York, PA 17404 1-2020 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Solar Energy Systems Ordinance No. Building & Zoning Permits - Fawn TownshipFawn Township West Manheim Township - York County PA. Noise. Spring Grove, PA 17362. 135. Art. Contact. 1336. Art. Definitions. Effective Date as Amended: September 14, 2009. Firefighters Pension Fund. Mount Wolf, PA 17347 Phone: 717-266-4279 Fax: 717-266-0429 Art. Art. Art. Art. Snow Emergencies. 1355. 1378. Definitions and ordinances are within this form. Consolidated Board ofAppeals. Tax Upon the Consideration in Non-Residential Parking Lot Transactions. 507. 714. Ordinance #361, Numbering of Homes and Businesses in the Detection and Elimination of Illicit Discharges to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. Art. Knock It Off! Best Practices and Pitfalls When Adopting Noise Ordinances Art. Springfield Township, Pennsylvania Code of Ordinances 329. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. Real Estate Used For Illicit Drug Sales. School District. In 1998, Fairview Township consolidated with Fairview Borough into a new government enterprise. 1113. Ordinances - Jackson Township East Manchester Township | Property Maintenance Building Permit Returns. FAQ - Abington Township Police Department Non-conformities, Uses Established by Special Exception, Uses Established by Variance . 1105. 302. Art. Employment Provisions. Definitions. This, Beginning July 1, 2022, York Township residents will see an increase in their quarterly fees for the collection of solid waste and recyclable, Harrisburg, PA The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) invites the public to an online plans display regarding the Route 3001, You may have heard about mobile carriers rolling out new 5G services, but did you know that part of this rollout necessitates the retirement of 3G, York County residents can report damage to their home in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Download information on Ordinances and Tax in Windsor Township. Southern Regional Police Shrewsbury Fire Company Southern York County Schools. Township Ordinances - Franklin Township Art. Districts, Maps and Boundaries. Telephone: 717-632-7366 20 Wayne Avenue, Hanover, PA 17331 Fax: 717-632-2464. Watch newspapers for details. Steve has office hours at North Hopewell Twp the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from. TITLE SIX Storm Water Management and Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Art. DROP BOX FOR PAYMENTS There is an outside drop box for water, sewer and refuse . Rules and Regulations. Home: Applications/Forms: Government: Legal Notices/Bids: Online Payment: Residents: Site Directory: Stormwater Management: Website Designed at Homestead Make a Website and . Environmental Performance Standards. 1761. Art. 1337. As our laws change throughout the year, please contact the City Clerk for updates and/or amendments to the code. . Ordinance #3-2009; Ordinance #7-2011; Art. Art. PurposeThe main obligation of Spring Garden Townships Code Enforcement program is the enforcement of the Township Code of Ordinances for compliance with the Townships property maintenance, nuisance, and all other Township codes through reasonable and unbiased administration. 1306. (Fees) Fairless Hills, PA 19030 Phone: (215) 949-9000 Fax: (215) 949-9013 Existing alarms should have been registered by November 15, 1988. 1139. Ordinance #345 Amending Ordinance #322 Suite A Art. Art. Interpretation, Confliect and Validity. Recently adopted ordinances not yet included in our online Ordinances can be found below: Ordinance 2022-01 Stormwater Management Ordinance Formally Adopted July 25th, 2022, Ordinance 2022-02 Planned Residential Development Formally Adopted October 24th, 2022, Dover Township is a second class township located in beautiful York County, Pennsylvania, Industrial & Commercial Development Committee. Ordinances - Manchester Township Springfield Township, PA Code of Ordinances Annotations Off Follow Changes Share Download Bookmark Print 2019 S-2 Supplement contains: Local legislation current through Ord. If you are averse to correcting the violation or making contact with the Code Enforcement Officer regarding the violation, you may be subject to fines and penalties. Ord 2022-1 Ordinance amending Chapter 103, Nuisances and Chpater 111, peace and good order. 1335. Art. Powered by Storytelling Marketing Communications. If you need official, certified copies of any Council documents, you must obtain such official copies through the Office of the City Clerk.

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