I would also assume that the deep state knows MOST of what the Q army knows, and therefore, we would be a valuable way to confuse, distract or relay 100% of the info we are given over and over to each other. Digging for the truth is part of Charlies nature, given the fact that he was constantly lied to or brainwashed as he put it, in his early life (weve all been brainwashed.). He added Dr. to his name to get out of a parking ticket years ago and it worked; the title has stuck since that day. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). I looked at my 13 yo son and we laughed so hard . Christopher Daniel Duntsch (born April 3, 1971) is a former American neurosurgeon who has been nicknamed Dr. D. and Dr. Death for gross malpractice resulting in the maiming of several patients' spines and killing two of them while working at hospitals in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. X22 Report, And We Know, Stew Peters, Dr Charlie Ward - Survive the News Hello from the States. Partially Transcribed by Kat 7:18 Charlie Ward: They've actually been planning this [collapsing the economy] for 8-10 years strategically it's incredibly well-planned the people who planned it are absolutely brilliant at what they do they actually had to shift the dates around it 7:35 Where we're at right now they're actually ahead of where they'd expected to be Your in a Movie. Mirrors: https://odysee.com/@stpierrs:f/What%27s-REALLY-in-the-fake-%27vaccinesformer-FEMA-employee-Celeste-Solum-talks-with-David-Icke:f?r=BiDB2NT39Z4WaqimHMu29QQqUBnxFXqA Its a job that has quite a bit of danger to it. Therefore, digging for the truth is part of Charlies nature, given the fact that he was constantly lied to or brainwashed as he put it, in his early life. The man dropped the child and drove off. Dr. Peter & Anna Colla Interview with Dr. Charlie Ward & "The Letter His message was, Dont worry. And now it is all about the foreign currencies. Check out this great listen on Audible.com. UFC Fighter Blasts Jimmy Kimmel As A Pedo, White House Calls Anti-2nd Amendment Summit. I need to think about what theyre saying and if Im reading their words then its easier for me to retain and understand the essential points. He was bought up and born in the religious cult known as Plymouth Brethren and commonly known as Exclusive Brethren referred by some people. If you go back to his early videos that were made from his iPhone where he chats either from his home or on his walks, his message is the same. Keeping Secrets, The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! Later on, Dr. Charlie completed his Bachelor's degree at the University of America. Dr. Charlie Ward shares what Sydney Powell meant by releasing the Kraken and the truth about George Soros and Bill Gates. Never Before Seen Documents: Las Vegas Shooting Documents Prove multiple shooters LOOK OUT FOR MARCH [] Bro Charlie Ward is the fucking devil reincarnate I'm pretty sure, and Alex Jones is his gate-keeper for the synagogue of satan. Charlie Ward on Q, DUMBs, and Why POTUS is Laying Low (Transcribed by ]-Gene is aware of 356 DUMBs in the USA and has vetted 349. All Rights Reserved. Charlie is NOT a doctor. How I wish he could read this. He had an arranged marriage at eighteen years of age. God bless you Q, POTUS and the Alliance. US Election Fraud UNMASKED!! Im not saying its right Im not saying its wrong but have a look at it, 5:15 Its like if you look at the Burges Khalifa as an example, where I work in the Middle East, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burj_Khalifa, 5:21 If you look at the Burj Khalifa from one side in the sunlight it looks completely different to when you look at it from the other side in the shade but its the same building but its very important to have a look from every angle and aspect and see what is actually going on, 5:41 One things for sure THEYRE NOT TELLING US THE TRUTH 1 million % theyre not, 5:49 But what are they doing behind the scenes? You telling us what we all know is of no use to us. Its obvious hes had this same behavior his entire life. Maybe its wrong? IDIOTS! In a recent Roundtable video with Charlie, Jen McCarty and others (cant remember which one now,) Charlie Freak said that Charlie Wards videos are among President Trumps favorites. Putting American Politics Into Context, 4. Ward margin of victory was a massive 1,622 points, second at the time only to O.J. When his daughter was a young child she was almost kidnapped by a pedophile. Epilogue, about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! The Pope was arrested in March 2020 because some of my Security Team was watching him. A video shared over 2,300 times on Facebook includes false information about COVID-19 vaccines, such as a suggestion that that one hundred volunteers died following a clinical trial. 531 4 . My name is Anila. Dr. Charlie Ward - What's Up? Media I do not know. Could be longer. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, about Evil UNMASKED!! Dr. Charles Ward Phone: 410-372-0202 Practice/Lab Name: Baltimore Dental Arts Address: 6080 Falls Rd, Ste 202 Baltimore, MD 21209 Website: http://www.baltimoredentalarts.com Dental Specialty: General Dentist Membership Type: Pankey Platinum Advisor: Yes General Dentist Map About About Me: He has performed more than 2,000 reconstructive surgeries, and his work has been featured on the cover of Newsweek and in TIME magazine. CDC Admits Over 75% of COVID Deaths Were People "Who Had at Least Four Comorbidities" CDC Director Rochelle Walensky acknowledged that over 75% of COVID deaths were people "who had at least four comorbidities" and were "unwell to begin with." "The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities," said Walensky. Political Complexities Muddy the Binary Waters, about 11. Reported Damage: $850.00. Grandfather of 4 Father of 4 and Husband He also reveals that other major truthers are now being targeted including Mel K and Juan O Savin. She still believes Biden was the fake president and that there were signs from Trump and all that. The truth is, Charlie Ward isn't a doctor and he admits this. Maybe its not time? All Rights Reserved. Doctor Ward is always talking about how much research he has done over the past 2 years. A famous name in the business world, Dr. Charlie Ward. The speakers claim that the COVID-19 vaccine is being used for population reduction is not supported by evidence. Im going to put my trust in God Almighty, Yeshua Ha Mashiach! Logic & Experience Support US Conspiracy, 14. Explaining Conspiracy In the 2020 US Elections, 10. Understanding Global Geopolitics, about Evil UNMASKED!! Said he lived in California. Will always try to get to the truth of the matter. Posted On: 12/29/2014. 28 talking about this. Charlie Ward Dr FraudAnd his brand new gift from Trump (or eBay)You would think most people would see through this, especially when all it takes is a quick G. 650 plane loads of gold, cash and documents were flown out of the Vatican to Fort Knox because all the teams I use to move money for me were hired to clear out the Vatican of its stolen treasure. He lives with his Turkish wife and their young son, Justin. Indeed. All deaths represent events that occur in the general population at a similar rate, FDA staff said (here). Interrogation of James Clapper Mike Pence is BAD. Thanks for the comment! Lens Autism, about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! So if they live in Dubai for instance, and want to buy a house in London, they hire Charlie to move some of their cash to England for the purchase. Has found Mr. Ward and another one who goes by the screen name Mark Z. According to Charlie Ward, March 2021 will be a crazy month with deep state arrests and truth coming out soon. Cover-up, about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! I was interested in him for a while but now I really wonder what he is up to. I have known the Chinese Dragon family for more than 15 years. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment that which they cannot anticipate. Sun Tzu. Just you wanting your name in lights as well. I have to wonder how much money they are making with their false documentaries and promises. What's behind the rise of QAnon in the UK? - BBC News Vaccines are thoroughly tested for safety and are given to thousands of volunteers before they are rolled out en masse (here). I am a writer and I love to gather interesting stories and write about them. Your email address will not be published. In 1973, Ward moved to the West Coast to take the appointment of president of Bethany Bible College (now Bethany University), continuing to be Revivaltime speaker until 1978, when he retired from the radio broadcast. Understanding Global Geopolitics, Evil UNMASKED!! DR CHARLIE WARD LTD is a Private limited company (Ltd.) company based in KEMP HOUSE 160 CITY ROAD LONDON, United Kingdom, which employs 2 people. Therefore, he is the author of his autobiography. He has said, many times, that he was brainwashed from the time he was a child so he has a deep-rooted aversion to lies. Charlie Ward Shares What "The Kraken" Actually Is - The ThriveTime Show It comes direct from inside the White House and there is no higher authority than that on Earth. Well i am mostly with you Steve. A Living Christ Challenges, about Evil UNMASKED!! Dr. Charlie Ward Charlie is an amazing global patriot, born and raised in Ipswich England. Millions of people are looking forward to the arrests and executions of famous people and The Deep State. But with every defeat, The Alliance regrouped, learned and grew stronger until they became invincible. trb membership booster - the key of the success! A Summary, about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! As you say, we need to get this information out there to awaken as many as we can. Both Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward claim to have insider info from high ranking officials involved in the Deep State take down (draining of the swamp.). None of what you are hearing is real. without a shadow of a doubt hes [Gods] got his hand on him (President Trump) because hes removing the Trafficking, the drug lords, the pedophile gangs. Read the Art of War and see how Donald Trump really fights. Bugg 6 April 2021 at 7:05 AM Reply. Secondly, there is no evidence to support the claim that 100 people died during a trial of any COVID-19 vaccine. Simpson's 1,750 point win in 1968. Charlie Ward SHOCKING "We're Making it Happen - ussanews.com Add your two cents. I do not know. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. His truth/INTEL is bona fide. Not that I like Trump but the people despise the military juntas and Trump had nothing to do with the takeovers. Charlie Ward iPhone Video, from Marbella Spain, Saturday Morning March 28, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-CGap6qdkc. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. If the covert operation was as huge as they say, why would a couple civilians be allowed to spread the word on updates? He must be terrible at math because even if he worked 24/7 he could not have done 20,000 hours of research in 2 years. But in his capacity as a Hotelier he fell into his current job, which is that of moving money around the planet for Governments, billionaires and various VIPs. Biography, Age, Wiki, and Net Worth! However, many others are increasing day by day as they are updated worldwide. However, he lost his sonLeein the year 2009 who died at the early age of 27 years. 30 Reasons why I dont trust Charlie Ward by M Truth Seeker. Unfortunately, I can no longer open the video and . We The People vs Deception & the 1871 Theft, Evil UNMASKED!! Dr Charlie Ward - Fake Dr Scammer Grifter Mr Oil Tycoon Charlie Ward So I spoke on here recently about how my black mum (we are from ths UK btw) has been sucked in to qanon and other peripheral conspiracies. I could be wrong, but I cant ignore my gut. I'm just on the idea that she has to somehow realise that what she's watching is bullshit. This article will address the main statements made by the speaker, which have been shared and repeated by other Facebook users (here). Charlie has said on many occasions hed do ANYTHING for his children. They are not Communist Chinese but are descended from the Himalayan Line, and are funding this entire Global Transition. The Danger of Advanced Knowledge in Truthseeking, about 21. Stretching the Rules, about Media Release I Fed the Baby Confession & Motives in the Crewe Murders Cold Case, about IFTB 19: It Didnt Start Yesterday, Open Letter: Nicholas Veniamin QFS Ponzi Scheme, Hopium, Fear Porn & Vaccine Frauds Explained, More from Karen Ngatai: Taumarunuis Non-lawyer, Treasuring British Traditions A Cultural Difference, Meurant, Booth & de Sturler on the Crewes, 36. (Partially Transcribed by Kat), Who is Charlie Ward and Who are the Alliance? The Cover-Up Will Always Get You! Both Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward have special memberships available for purchase for truth seekers. Charlie Ward Ward, of Tallahassee, is a former professional basketball player and the current Head Coach of Florida State University Schools' "Florida High" boys basketball team. Satanic Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia, PUBLIC WARNING: Charlie Ward & the QFS Ponzi Scheme, Media Release I Fed the Baby Confession & Motives in the Crewe Murders Cold Case. Perhaps he gets a cut from the people he presents on his videos, selling this or that gizmo, but I wouldnt call that a fraud. The Samoan Manifestation, Evil UNMASKED!! I decided in my late 20s to challenge it the British Government said its not brainwashing its indoctrination, which is exactly the same except with a posh name, 1:01 Its a bit like Donald Trump using the word Fake News when we know its Propaganda currently its very interesting about the Mainstream Media complete and utter brainwashing about the coronavirus, 1:18 Now they take their advice, the British Government and the American Government from a guy at the Imperial College London, Professor Neil Ferguson a specialist in his field., 1:40 He told both American and British Authorities that the expected death rate would be around 2.2 MILLION in America and 500k in the U.K. from the coronavirus the governments made their decision based on that, 2:05 The other day another specialist decided to challenge that suddenly Professor Neil Ferguson completely CHANGED HIS PROJECTION probably only 20k in the U.K. and probably 10k will die of Natural Causes anyway so only 10k will die of coronavirus which is less than people dying from influenza in the last couple of years, 3:00 What is very interesting is that Ferguson downgraded these projections 2 days ago and there is absolutely NO MENTION BY THE MEDIA AT ALL about this, 3:49 Since I grew up I was told that the End of the World would be 100% coming before the year 2000 I didnt need to study at school didnt need to do all these things this was the Plymouth Brethrens Teaching which I grew up in, 4:10 When I was 23, having had an arranged marriage from the age of 19 by the age of 23 I had 3 children thats their way of keeping you in reproductive but I started to challenge them and when I started to challenge them and came out of the religion my family completely disowned me from that day to this, 4:23 But you start to challenge things rather than taking things they say for granted and then finding out years down the line it was all a load of BS, 4:35 And as Ive said before, If it looks like sh*t and it smells like sh*t it probably is sh*t, 4:42 And at this moment in time the Media theyre all sponsored by the same people theyve all got the same stuff now youre locked in your houses why dont you start doing a bit of research and going outside the box, 4:58 And youll start to find out stuff and Ive got people watching my little updates with humor and just saying where do you get this information from? and Ive shown it to them, Its interesting. Exposing Secrets, The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! And from there grew a vocation he designed and has been involved in for more than 15 years, at least. Dr Charlie Ward - Home - Facebook https://intothelight.news/files/2020-08-25-charlie-ward.php. Charlie Ward 26 views / 21 hours ago. Aliens & the ET Thing, about Evil UNMASKED!! That was just one of many defeats delivered by the deep state. While he owned a Hotel, he began moving money around the world for his high profile, wealthy guests. Wisdom Applied to the US Election Conspiracy, 19. Not even the Whitehouse is real. Today Thurs. We The People vs Deception & the 1871 Theft, about EVIL UNMASKED!! Its all going to be OK. Were moving into a far far better world. Bless you, Charlie. 0:21: And I was brainwashed from birth, all the way through my life until I was 23 about certain things that turned out to be complete and utter rubbish. There is something off about Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes videos. It began with some of his wealthier guests who asked him if he could get some of their cash to a different country. In an 8-19-20 video with Nicholas Hoddesdon Veniamin, Charlie said the following: The White House have been following us for some time now and also, theyve re-tweeted some of our videos a real honor their Head of Security keeps us informed about what we can and cant say and we also have contact directly with 2 advisors in the White House, it comes with an element of responsibility to be trustworthy to be honorable and to try and deliver the message in the correct Spirit as well as the direct text. Charlie Ward says The Deep State is losing and March 2021 will be a crazy mental month. Its not like little kids crawling through a tunnel. We help people hurt by Q. In a recent video, Simon Parkes posted he was upset that truth seekers were using his videos under false accounts. I watched your b.s. I watched a video that he did with another man named Charlie Freak but I couldn't listen to very much. I have my own theories which Ive shared with you but its very important that you dont get brainwashed by the Media because the Media have a plan, 6:08 Ill give you one little example Piers Morgan picked up on one single Tweet today that a 7-year old girl was stabbed to death but theres been absolutely no coverage of it in the Media at all thats not their agenda, 6:21 Their agenda is coronavirus because something else is going on behind the scenes whether its to do with 5G, whether its to do with the Global Reset whatever its to do with everybody has a theory, 6:30 Nobody actually knows until it happens because whatever way were looking at it were being lied to from every angle and were not being told the whole truth, 6:42 Do yourself a favor and have a look because I grew up thinking one thing and then finding out it was very very different, Even if everybody else thinks youre a twat, ______________________________________________________, If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to, The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure", - Your signature/name/username at the top, If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can. Simon should show his followers again in the present day all about being a mantid or mantis. Dr. Charlie Ward Net Worth Today: Bio, Wiki, Age, Videos and Wife A list of the COVID-19 candidate vaccines and their developers can be seen here . Both Charlies Ward and Freak have said that Q-Team/The Alliance, have taken more than 50 years to figure out this plan and striven to implement it. The Charlie Ward Show since: February 5th 2021 Connect With Gab to subscribe, follow, and engage with this channel on Gab TV. video you have taken alot of stuff out of context. Evil UNMASKED!! Of course, Dr. Charlie Ward is a married man, and the name of his wife Nursel who is originally from Turkey. Now she's watching videos from Charlie Ward, some middle aged English bloke who lives in Spain who apparently receives intel from the US Army and Secret service - which makes absolute sense of course. Is there an off-planet aspect to this Global Reset? Fessing & Speaking Up, about Evil UNMASKED!! Ten Truth Theses for Easter 2021, about Evil UNMASKED!! . All vaccines are tested rigorously to ensure their safety and the coronavirus vaccines are no different. He is a renowned financier of the world and an important asset of world government. Putting American Politics Into Context, about 4. Your real name.please. Hence, he is of British nationality. I have been a writer since my school days as I loved getting to know about people and their experiences in life. Charlie Ward currently resides in Marbella, Spain. He is a renowned financier of the world and an important asset of world government. Also, he has a total of four grandchildren. Adam & James and the Banks. drcharlieward (2021) : Dr Charlie Ward - Internet Archive 7-12-2021. The Generational Curse, about Evil UNMASKED!! He occasionally will jokingly describe his wife as "95% perfect and 5% terrorist." (LOL. Hey Mandy, havent seen it yet, was wondering about that. He never talks about that time of his life anymore. Dr. Charlie Ward Age Ward was born on 8th June 1960in Ipswich, England. I couldnt agree more about Charlie Ward. Charlie adds Dr. to his name on his sites, showing Dr. Charlie Ward. Trust NO ONE especially if you dont know them. I do not believe Charlie or Simon. It has worn thin, threadbare, OFF. about UNMASKING the Crewe Murders: Lets Go! The same with Hillary Clinton and Tom Hanks. The coronavirus is BS and theres much else happening behind-the-scenes. Logic & Experience Support US Conspiracy, about 14. WATCH NOW: Follow Charlie on Telegram. He can't provide any proof on what he says, he uses good looking girls to get views. To help detox heavy metals and toxins from chemtrails and other exposure, we recommend taking Touchstone Essentials liquid zeolite products. The Wisdom of Circumspection, Evil UNMASKED!! Explaining what Sidney Powell meant when she said, "Release the Kraken," while exposing the tech-enabled mass-scale medical and election fraud being financed and organized by George Soros, Bill Gates, China, Harvard's . Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. Log in, EVIL UNMASKED!! There is no evidence that 100 volunteers died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',124,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3-0_1'); .medrectangle-3-multi-124{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Charlie Ward Intel Insider's Club - Putin Interview - Kate Shemirani Exposure! Ten Truth Theses for Easter 2021, Evil UNMASKED!! Press Esc to cancel. 35:41. This video is 10 years old and has never been more relevant than it is today! Apparently according to him there's a storm coming, trump is going to be president on the 4th March and there's something big happening with the Vatican and Italian satellites. He was a normal low tax/less regulation conservative 4 years ago. Widespread Recognition of US Presidential Election Fraud Excites Me, about 7. On Nov. 10, a trial for Chinas Sinovac vaccine was also halted after a volunteer died. This gift of his to smell BS and seek out the truth, has stood him and all of us who listen to him in great stead. Wisdom Applied to the US Election Conspiracy, about 18. He's literally a salesman, and unfortunately a good one at that. Charlie also said that he moves money to various countries to make sure elections go the way the elite want them to go. On the morning Churchill was scheduled to appear before King George IV so that the King could formally ask him to form a Government, Churchill was putting on his shoes and thought. and then blow them up so theyll never be used again. Dr. Charlie Ward is an English media personality widely known for his videos, he was born and brought up in a religious cult known as the Playmouth Brethren also known as the Exclusive Brethren.
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