If only this mysterious stranger would trust them enough so he could return the favor. One Piece is a beloved manga and anime franchise that has captivated fans for over 20 years. If only this mysterious stranger would trust them enough so he could return the favor. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use' And he seems to have a little more chance to turn Marinefords War into a successful mission. Armed with his Devil Fruit power and a regret/wish, he changes as much of the past as he can. Therefore, Akainu will not be the only Helldog fully involved in the battle as in the normal plot. Shocking, isnt it? Vienna grows up with Ace, Sabo, and Luffy running wild on Dawn Island. STRAW HAT IS MAKING HIS WAY THROUGH THE BATTLEFIELD! When Luffy makes a mad dash to rescue his brother from certain death, he sets off a chain of events that makes the very foundations of that realm shudder. what if wano luffy was at marineford fanfiction. That may be a subtle hint at his character and that hes hiding his true intentions, as that is a common practice to denote such. Like WB will still die, One way or another, But Ace would've definitely lived, and Luffy will be capable of decimating the marines. Garp lived long enough to see his beloved grandson achieve his dream. If you want more detail on Gear 5 powers, check our article What are luffys gear 5 powers ?. The momentum created by the presence of Luffy as the bearer of the Hito Hito no Mi will thus lead to a bloodier and more intense war than what we saw in Marineford. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. He wouldn't even bother to continue going to Marineford if so. Whatever happens will happen. His father, and Garps only son, was dead. The precious card that Ace had given to him before he continued his chase for - what was his name again? Title says it all. #ace #yamato #portgasdace #luffy #wano #marineford #onepiece #onepieceedit #parati #viral #fyp #fyp". Luffy now stomps with the recent chapter. O usurio cita uma fala feita por Oda em que fala sobre seus acrscimos histria, que no foram planejados com muita antecedncia. The Gear 5 is the gateway for him to express freedom even through his drawings. Ace, believing he'd died at Marineford, wakes up 10 years in the past, right in the middle of the Gray Terminal fire. An undercover RA agent notices something on the battlefield of Marineford that shouldn't be there, something only she can see.She finds life where there should be none. Sabo was dead. Relao de sangue de Doflamingo e Corazn Ace Thinks He's in Hell (He's Actually in The Past), Mentioned Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco, both very brief i'm almost unsure if I should tag them, I was unsure if i should mark it as teen or mature but i'm going with mature just to be safe, Like everyone I cannot accept Marineford so let's fix-it, been wanting to make a gear 5 luffy & marineford fic since oda released chap 1044, ( ), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Buggy, Bagi Kaizokudan | Buggy's Band of Pirates, In which the Roger Kaizoku get off their arses and intervene. The Gear 5 opens some unpredictable ways of interaction. I mentioned the fight with Jnbei just in case you tried to downplay Ace's endurance nothing else. made Luffys head snap up. This limitless control over his rubber body allows him to do amazing things like inflate himself to a gigantic size or run through the air like a Looney Tune. Assuming Kaidou and Shanks never crossed paths on his way to Marineford, that would be a whole different matter. A sorta slow burn wholesome love story between One Piece character Sabo and [Name]. Whether he planned to consume it himself or not is unknown, but thats certainly the one and only reason he had it. I never really believed Shanks was an enemy for Luffy, until just recently. He tried to move, but his limbs seemed glued to the rock-hard ground. In a 2v1 Luffy has the advantage. For you, it was no different as you try to survive in Arabasta while avoiding secrets about your dark past and staying under the radar is already hardCourse it really doesn't help that there's some jerk with devil fruit powers who's really taken an interest in you. Like a switch flipping in his mind, he immediately knew what he had to do.--------------------------------------------------------------Whitebeard had no idea who this new arrival was, much less where he came from. There's just something about the Strawhat Pirates. At 17 she sets out with Ace but goes her separate ways to learn more about the truth behind her wings and powers. It can be found here or here.. He can finally go after the One Piece, and unfortunately his key to that is, Luffy. A flash of light, and then a sudden surge in heat.All accompanied by the smell of burning rubber. While taking additional damage, he got up from a direct attack from Sengoku and Whitebeard. The people froze, unable to move even a finger. Pre-TS Blackbeard wiping the floor with current Luffy is funny when Blackbeard + his entire crew ran away from Akainu. TOP 50 Highest Known Bounties Ever in One Piece! Pode acontecer, embora no com tanta frequncia, que as histrias mais surpreendentes e intrigantes sejam tambm aquelas que prejudicam o planejamento por trs delas, e One Piece pode ser um exemplo bastante adequado. Akainu> Garp and Sengoku too? Fighting Jinbe and clashing with a Yamato years before the current day? Luffy high diff. Kaido comes, sees , puts his tail between his legs & escape as fast as possible. Shanks has been waiting this entire time for Joy Boy to emerge, because he knows that's the only way he can get the One Piece which is why he had to save Luffy at any cost. Looks like he's the target now, he thought dimly, as he saw Akainu switch positions and rush at him. Luffy knew that Ace could take on an admiral even if he wasn't in such a horrible condition. Going by the scenario provided by the OP, Kaidou wouldn't have come to Marineford after "overpowering" Shanks. Ace, believing he'd died at Marineford, wakes up 10 years in the past, right in the middle of the Gray Terminal fire. Terry? And it fits the vibes of the sun god Nika, right? They're not going to complain, though. He has done everything he has done for a reason. With the knowledge of the Summit War coming up, they get ready to embark to war, not knowing they'll end up tailing a very interesting man through the New World.Set from the Summit war arc onwards, and is canon-adjacent in a way. Please consider turning it on! Sanji's stay at Kamabaka Kingdom had left our favourite cook with more than just hellish memories, it had also let out a few feelings he had thought he wouldn't ever need to confront. So WB would've recieved less i. With Luffy handling the interference, Sanji utterly crushes his brother and Judge. In Shanks wanted poster, he is looking away. And well, the answer has become very very clear, he was waiting for the emergence of Joy Boy. When I saw the story unfold and explain the truth pretty clearly before our eyes. Therefore, its existence was erased for years until it reappeared thanks to Shanks. Quite the opposite, really: it's only getting crazier on the Grand Line as Big Mom finds out about Luffy's true heritage and everyone is scrambling to get into the best positions to deal with the ensuing fallout as Luffy is abducted, and the Straw Hats will do whatever it takes to get their Captain back. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. But, I wonder about what wouldve happened if, at that moment, he had his insane power-up of Wano Country: the Gear 5. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. No, death was a roadblock but not permanent, just a little hiccup. Monkey D. Garp died at the old age of 146, three years after his grandson is named Pirate King. Luffy was able to transfer his rubber properties to inanimate objects, and even organic substances. , , , -. A certain takeaway is the following: a Gear 5 Luffy is highly likely to save Ace if the Marineford events were to take place again. One of the mind-boggling abilities of the Gear 5 is the unrestricted control of his body. A single factor that could change the entire history of piracy in the One Piece universe. perhaps, Protective Shirohige Kaizoku-dan | Whitebeard Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy & Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates & Trafalgar D. Water Law, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, characters and tags to be added as story progresses, Ace lives AU where he gets some disabilities and a lot of love, Logia fruit as a metaphor for self acceptance, ship may occur down the line it just depends, Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante & Trafalgar D. Water Law, These are scary tags but the fic itself is not scary, Ace Thinks He's in Hell (He's Actually in The Past), Mentioned Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco, both very brief i'm almost unsure if I should tag them, I was unsure if i should mark it as teen or mature but i'm going with mature just to be safe, Like everyone I cannot accept Marineford so let's fix-it, been wanting to make a gear 5 luffy & marineford fic since oda released chap 1044, ( ), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Buggy, Bagi Kaizokudan | Buggy's Band of Pirates, In which the Roger Kaizoku get off their arses and intervene. And thats why Shanks was at Wano, to ensure Luffys survival. Then he would have tried to take over WB territories. Of course, if the good doctor had his way, he wouldnt be dead forever. Kaido angry.". Apario de Shanks na Guerra de Marineford It takes place in an alternative universe, in which [Name] and Sabo become marines. For more information, please see our You must log in or register to reply here. Its an interesting choice for Oda to go for if nothing else. With the Gear 5 activated, Monkey D. Luffy can fight with his rubber body without any physical limitations and in a cartoonish manner. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (68), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types (1), | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (1), ! Luffy solos his own verse with "Red Rock". Deal with it. He tried to rationalize it in his mind and make sense of it all, but he couldnt come up with a cohesive answer without starting from the very beginning. Luffy probably wouldnt run from sakazuki, but he didnt run from BM or Kaido and look how that turned out. considering if he entered the war in full strength, then Akainu goes down pretty quickly. Kaido come to Marineford, see WB's dead body and leave as fast as possible to not finish like Newgate. @keyrushmeister: I don't recall that happening. Marco helps Luffy time travel to save Ace, along with the rest of the Straw Hat Crew. A sudden yell that sounded like 'wait!' But at what cost? Oda j tinha um plano onde Kuma separaria os Chapus e Palha logo depois que fosse apresentado, Oda: I usually don't mention this since my fans may be disappointed, but some important plots were not planned well in advance. Hit the Navy hard, cover Whitebeard and protect the . Feeling bad that he'd never get to meet the other one, not at the rate his health was deteriorating.What he didn't expect was for his soulmate to come and find him, save him from what would no doubt be a horrible day. Given that Judge was an. He watched as Akainu focused his attention from Ace to him. Midoriya glanced at the angry man in front of him and then at the two heavily injured men (teens?) The Wild is a mirror, a magic realm of possibility parallel to the mundane one, and people like Luffy, changelings who've made a devil's bargain for power, walk the line between worlds daily. Lets note that here, the Marine main figures wont hold back. Asides from that, some paramecia alterations have been detected in the Gear 5. Hell Big Mom looks better than Kaido right now. "Eu vou ser o Rei dos Piratas!!!" Armed with his Devil Fruit power and a regret/wish, he changes as much of the past as he can. Well shit. Taking a look back to the circling walls which slowed down the swarm of pirates, Luffy can now blow them away with a single oversized punch. There's something the people in power aren't saying, and it might be the key to all the strange events that keep happening around them. Wait WHY DOESNT HE HAVE ANY MEMORIES OF MARINEFORD?? Ve meets lots of people gathering allies and enemies wherever she goes, always on the run from the navy. So are you saying that this is if Kaido went all-out and managed to beat Shanks? Three years later she reunites with Luffy and the Strawhats when they reach Loguetown, deciding to join them as they depart for the Grand Line. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.

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