Candy, sleep, and elegance. I have moved away from family and friends so have nothing planned for my actual birthday. When I asked for gift ideas for women on Twitter, she said: Plunder the birthday womansbucket list for a novel experience you can do together.I love it! May you be a free spirit! I am SOOOOO excited! Thats the best way to celebrate your fortieth birthday: connect with your true self, and figure out what you really want in your life. This has been going on for some weeks, and I don't know how to help, now that my gf even remembered that her former friend's birthday is in a week. Do a Dare That You've Never Been Brave Enough to Do, Ask If Your Favorite Restaurant Can Create a Personalized Prix-Fixe Menu. If your birthday girl likes to travel, scroll down to the African safari vacations and Caribbean cruise ideas. I dont know about you hippies, but Im going to spend my 40th racing exotic cars in vegas, then flying to mexico for a week, lying on the beach, golfing on perfect turf, going to see mayan ruins, racing dune buggies in the sand, scuba diving, and chasing around my 26 year old wife. Thank you for this! What do you really want out of life? Handmake a gift certificate for a massage or a nice home-cooked meal. Happy 40th Birthday to my amazing husband! Trust that God will reach out to people through you. For Christmas last year (no, I didnt have another 40th birthday! Meet regularly. LOFL.where is the Buy a fast car or Live to excess or Spend a weekend in Bangcock? My 47th birthday celebration was a two-week road trip to California, for a Christian Writers Conference. I would make fun of you for being old, but Im afraid you might toss your dentures at me and hit me with your cane! I am exactly the same and I prayed several times and asked God for a miracle. The best way to celebrate your birthday is to do whatever makes you most happy. A gift that symbolizes timeless love. What other gift could yougive on her 40th birthday? Made me feel way better. For example, we hada birthday celebrationbowling event, and we were all asked to dress up in Fiesta costumes. Although, I am waiting anxiously for my birthday, I still dont know what to do. I love moving. Or, consider joining a church or community choir. If youre nervous or depressed about turning forty, find ways to celebrate with people you love. For instance, I dont like big costume jewelry because Im a small woman. I know menopause is a new beginning, but who needs to be reminded of the change? I have no children but was blessed with raising my husbands granson for the first 6 years of his life till his mother sued us for cousidity this past summer. Im more bitter and unhappy than Ive ever been. Not everyone can afford to go away for the weekend or even a day to celebrate a birthday, but that doesnt mean you cant travel in other ways! Im definitely more of a introvert, so I prefer the quiet, meaningful, reflective celebrations. Full of self-care, things you love, relaxation, and fulfillment. What associations do you have with your 40th birthday (or being in your forties) that are negative? Maybe you need to be part of a good, strong, healthy group of women. Look up at the night sky, and know you were created out of stardust. Im still head over heels for you, and I always will be. Not so much the aging but the celebration part. I have a year until i turn 40, however I wanted to celebrate the whole year since my birthday is in December. I struggle with so much you have shared here.. specifically #3 which brought on a flood of tears as it really connected with me! Those are my little birthday gifts and tips to myself. The following gifts will make a womans 40th birthday meaningful because they focus on experiences as well as elegant and practical gifts. I was a dumb 20 year old, and wouldnt want to be that young again! I am mother of two, with a husband, but at times I still feel lonely. I feel like Ive earned the right to give myself permission not to attend events that make me feel tired and unhappy. Welcome to 40, an age when youre still young at heart, but other body parts are starting to falter. Heres hoping you get at least 40 more! NOT my 21st wedding, I meant to say wedding anniversary. My pieces are slowly coming together and I know Ill survive this birthday. Yes, Im going back to the purse aisle, and picking up theAnuschka Collage Leather Tote Bag. In What NOT to Do When Giving Yourself a Pixie Haircut (I Accidentally Gave Myself a Buzz Cut) I share how adventurous I became in my forties . 40th Birthday Gift Ideas That Will Surprise and Delight Her - She Blossoms I would have planned a big 40th birthday party for you, but whodathunk youd make it this far? Even if she isnt excited about turning forty, shell be surprised and delighted by one of these thoughtful and unique gift ideas. She has been writing for MyDomaine since 2017. This is the best 40th birthday gift you could give yourself. Below, find our picks for the best 40th birthday party ideas you'll love. The best way to celebrate any birthday in your 40s is to be kind to yourself, surround yourself with beauty and creativity, and stay connected to your heart and soul. Welcome to your Viagra years! Your forties are when you blossom! If I was making a list of 40th birthday gift ideas, theyd be at the top. I do not know that to do,should I throw a party inviting forty persons, or just best friends. I bought myself a Samsung Galaxy Tablet, and I love it. May your 40th birthday bring joyful memories, countless blessings, and peaceful thoughts. Be a bridge, a conduit. I am not 40 as of yet, but I do see my 40th and the years to come to be my best years yet! The best 40th birthday gift is something that makes a woman feel good about herself. its, time indeed, to learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow. 16 Ideas for Celebrating Your 40th Birthday, Your Dog Scratched an Eye? I do not want it to just be another day. Happy Birthday! Forty is the new awesome. I really love what youve written here! Im turning 40 tomorrow and its been bittersweet getting older. They were nice, but I wasold enough to be their mother! I think all these worries have dragged me into a state of depression as I just am not happy with where my life is and at 40 I truly hoped I would have been in a different place in life. You really touched me when you shared this personally about yourself . Your first 40 years were pretty damn great. Its less expensive than an iPad, and almost as good. Anthony DELANOIX/Unsplash. Thats what makes gourmet chocolate a good gift for women on their fortieth birthdays! 10 Things You Need to Know About Changing Careers at 40, What to Give Someone After Surgery: 18 Gifts for Healing & Recovery, 12 Gift Ideas for Paraplegics, Quadriplegics and People in Wheelchairs, 9 Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster From Biotin to Bear Grease, What to Give a Mom After a C Section: 10 Thoughtful Gift Ideas, Making the Difficult Decision to Give Your Dog Away. I will be turning forty in five days and I cant describe how blah Ive been feeling about it. Rather, I encourage you to livefrom your heart and soul, and blossom into the womanyou were meant to be! My husband and I were married for 22 years and we celebrated his 40th birthday with a cruise to the Bahamas, five years ago. Gift certificate. I will give celebrate my 40th giving all praise and glory to God and in doing so, bringing others to know Him. Neither of us are keen on adoption. Dance if you feel like it. If you're looking for a spa booking that's highly rated or a specific treatment near to your home, consider using Spa Finder to help you with your search! Your birthday spanking is going to be a real doozy! 20 Delightful Ways to Say Happy Mothers Day to Your Daughter, Thank You, Nurses! Id go to Vietnam or Bora Bora . Im turning 40 in 2 weeks, and Im dreading it. 40th Birthday Gift Ideas That Will Surprise and Delight Her - She Blossoms A regular, healthy exercise routine is essential for a healthy body, mind, and heart. He has only been on one cruise and that was 20 years ago, but he knows how much I LOVE cruising!. To find the perfect gift for a woman on her 40th birthday, think about what she most wants in life. Happy 40th Birthday! Anuschkas bags and wallets are colorful, hand-painted, durable, and gorgeous. Happy Birthday! Way back in 1932, a guy named Walter Pitkin popularized the phrase life begins at 40. The meaning of that old saying is clear: people turning 40 have plenty of living left to do. Invite friends and family to dress up, and then play to win. Sometimes I even think my life is actually a series of books. Heres one of the most interesting 40th birthday celebration ideas from a reader: Im going to spend my 40th birthday racing exotic cars in Vegas, then flying to Mexico for a week, lying on the beach, golfing on perfect turf, going to see Mayan ruins, racing dune buggies in the sand, scuba diving, and planning my new business idea, says Shannon on How to Create Something New in Your Life. If your birthday falls in the summer months, there's really no excuse to be cooped up inside. finding the best 40th birthday gift and celebration ideas, What NOT to Do When Giving Yourself a Pixie Haircut (I Accidentally Gave Myself a Buzz Cut), Anuschkas Genuine Leather Hand Painted Bags, vintage Journey of Life writing journal, Moving to a New City Alone? I have two boys,9 and 6. and this year means so much to me and my family.. Again, this sounds incredibly extravagant. And remember: Youre never too old to act like an idiot. Im more centred spiritually and emotionally, more grounded, and more in touch with my own spirit. I wish you all the best as you turn 40 and celebrate your anniversary in August. About me. One of my dreams is to go on a cruise.youve just inspired me to start researching the cost of cruises, so I have something to save up for and look forward to . I love the fact that 40 gives you a licence to truly be you and thus your celebration should be true to who you are! IF you wanna go get all responsible for your 40th birthday.go ahead..or you can embrace the fact that youve only lived 1/3 of your adult life to date and have plenty more to go around. I turn 40 later this week & I have no idea what I want to do. Best wishes on your 40th birthday a great milestone for a truly great person! Ill be celebrating my 50th birthday in three years! And, its whimsical and happy which is what any woman turning forty needs. Is your 40th birthday girl unhappy or even depressed about turning forty? As I countdown 35 days until my 40th birthday this article resonated with me deeply. , Good day my sister, Never give up on your dreams and desires, God is in control and still in the miracle business. When my marriage ended last year, I gave up hope of EVER going on another cruise. Theyre comfortable and sleek against her skin, and a luxury she wouldnt buy for herself. Welcome to your four Ts! If youre not planning on buying 40th birthday jewelry, you can rest easy. If youre a homebody, dont push yourself to leave home for an unforgettable idea for my 40th birthday. Itll disappoint you because you need to do what you love to do. Maybe your 40th birthday means its time to celebrate an unexpected stage of freedom. That didnt help me so I turned to support online. And, if you really want to, you can keep it simple and have a full-blown dance party in your own home. Thank you so much for sharing and creating this beautiful list of things at the age of 40 or going to ve, to think about and do for myself. Try to match the right gift with her personality. Thank you again and have a blessed day . Change what you can. Still fun, foxy, and fabulous at 40. Grieving on your birthday changes everything. I loved my 40th because I felt like I was starting fresh. For me, joining a band is one of the most meaningful things to do when I turned 40. I know this isnt the most pleasant 40th birthday gift idea, but it is a reality for some women. Indulge her with someone guaranteed to tantalize even the most discerning palates. The black diamonds and white gold complement each other, offering astunning twist on classic hoop earrings. Kelly Dawson is a writer and editor who focuses on architecture, interior design, and culture. How to Celebrate a Husband or Wife's (or Girlfriend or Boyfriend's) Birthday Without Money. After a C Section Birth. Give her time and space to be sad. Theyre so excited and happy like the women on the Ellen show, actually. Im 49 now, and need tips for making a 50th birthday meaningful . Id never hide my age, either. This is the most important gift you can give yourself: notice who fills you up with life and energy, and who drains your spirit and soul. Ive asked friends in their 40s how they accepted it and they said it was no problem. Shell be inspired and encouraged live life fully before she even turns 40. Thats the most thoughtful idea and only you can give it. Sleep? Here are several pretty, elegant 40th birthday gifts for women. Get something like Ageless with Kathy Smith: Total Body Turnaround if you need an encouraging external motivation. Happy 40th Birthday! Instead of wishing certain people were in my life, Im trust theyre here for a purpose. See the view from the top of the Empire State Building in the morning before the lines are long, go white-water rafting in the Grand Canyon,or rent a convertible to drive down the Pacific Coast Highway. When searching the internet for 40thbirthday gift ideas for women, I found this entry on a cruise forum:Im a cruise addictI have only been on 6 cruises so far. Instead of flagellating myself for my mistakes, I now focus on the freedom and forgiveness I have in God. Also make sure that there's enough popcorn and snacks for everyone, too. How does it feel to be the worlds oldest kid? Your email address will not be published. You look good for 40. Xxxxx, Im so happy to hear from you, Sarah Im glad this article was helpful. Very much feels and look a lot younger. Luckily, youve come to the right place! Its nice to meet a kindred spirit . So turning 40 is a gift! Your ideas, your reflections, your humor and your experiencing similar fears makes me feel less alone. Hi everyone, thank you for your thoughts, ideas and support. Your post has REALLY helped me to re-center myself Most importantly focus on my relationship with Jesus & tune in to my Holy Spirit (more church, podcast sermons, be more open to His love & take action); Journal more, even when its hard.. Even just one night away is an amazing birthday gift for women turning forty andyou dont have to go to a faraway place. Better yet, learn how to love yourself even if you think you let you down. Hope youre planning to stick around for many more years, because I couldnt possibly find another friend like you. They really are too good to get lost in the comments section . If you're coming up on this milestone birthday and you're unsure of how to celebrate it, we gathered some 40th birthday ideas to choose from. It's possible to rent classic casino tables alongside professional dealers who will set everything up in your home. Thank you again.. Follow a spiritually healing book such as The Mindful Life Journal: Seven Minutes a Day for a Better, More Meaningful Life and ajournal. I love being 40, even though it is a huge milestone in a womans life. This will help her feel good about turning forty. I feel I never reached my potential and that has affected my long term goals. Happy Birthday, lady! Again, thank you for those words of encouragement. Deep down I think I am a bit antsy about it because I am not where I hoped I would be by 40. Believe it or not, theWomens Classic Silk Pajamas Luxury Giftis one of the most popular and thoughtful 40th birthday gift ideas for women! This list of 40th birthday celebration ideas isntabout partying it up or trying to forget that youre turning forty. For more ideas, see these birthday messages for your sweetie. When the big day comes, you can simply head from your bedroom to the party. So when I read your post about accepting what I cant change in my life really hit home for me. Id go live in Whistler or somewhere beautiful for a month, and explore the area while blogging. Sure, this sounds extravagant. Turning 40 is a big deal, and should be celebrated with something meaningful and exciting. The Anuschka purses are hand painted on genuine leather and finished with stylish top stitching. Heres a fun idea from the Gift Ideas Muse:Giving 40 small gifts is a cool idea! I want to put your tips for the 40th birthday in the article itself! A friend of my girlfriend recently cut contacts with her. Look around your home and work environment. Many of the women in my book club have a kindle or digital reader, and they love them. Love your blog and I shared the link on my fb page. This I can promise you. Thank youfor your beautiful thoughts. Amazons newestKindle Fire in Full Color loaded withher favorite books will jolt her out of the doldrums that come with turning 40. The key to helping a woman feel good about herself on her 40th birthday is knowing her personality, likes, and dislikes. But definitely do not plan what you are going to discuss or do. Rather, you have to be open to the possibilities and try new things. But just was not some thing that ever did happen and I didnt pursue fertility or adoption. The vibrant colors are a very powerful element in these designs. Thats one of the most thoughtful 40th birthday gift ideas of all. The people who bake and decorate cakes are absolutely amazing in their creativity and artistry, and a cake like this will be something a woman never forgets when she celebrates her 40th birthday. Who knew turning 40 could be so wonderful! Oops. Best wishes on your 40th birthday. Myfirst setof ideas on this list includes elegant, thoughtful40th birthday gifts for women. Happy Birthday to one beautiful and youthful 40-year-old! Thanks for sharing a piece of yourself to help make others whole. When I celebrated my fortieth birthday almost a decade ago, I was looking for meaningful, creative ways to honor my forties. Thank you so much for this article, it has really opened my eyes to what being 40 is all about. Turning 40 is difficult for many women, because it does seem old in comparison to those younger milestone birthdays of 30 and 20 years old. Writing in my journal is one of the healthiest things Ive ever done for myself. It could be a staycation at a local 5-star hotel, or getting out of town and taking a visit to your most sought-after cabin in the woods. Hopefully something to comes to mind Happy Birthday to all! Your email address will not be published. Many realtors, architects, interior designers, and the Real Estate Standards Association have recognized the potentially discriminatory connotations in the term Master. Read more about our Diversity and Inclusion Pledge. Everyone seems to be doing party extravaganzas, and thats just not in my cards. Thank you for your article- this is a good starting point for me to change my perspective this year. So, whats the best way to wish someone a Happy 40th Birthday? will appreciate any one input. I feel your pain. You have the energy of someone half your age and the wisdom of someone double your age. Fortyis not old.youre as young as you feel. And every day I use this laptop for my workand every day I am so grateful he bought me this gift. I really did start to blossom after I turned 40 and thats one of the best 40th birthday celebrations I could ever ask for. This is the only 40th birthday gift idea for women that Im not excited about. I receive it. As I looked back over my life all I could see my was what I have NOT done instead of what I have done and what still awaites me. Blessings. Ill come visit! I know how you feel about starting a blog I struggle with feeling like I have nothing to offer, as well. Thank you for your comment, and for sharing my tips for turning 40 on your Facebook page! I have been on four Carnival cruises before, and I just love them. For more ideas, read 20 Birthday Gifts for Women Turning 40 Plus Retro Ideas. Surprise parties are a great way to fte the one you love, especially on a milestone birthday like 40. I also dont wear earrings, rings, or bracelets. Other women might like to experience zip lining, sky diving, or hot air ballooning as their 40th birthday gift. Im not a woman who welcomes or even wears jewelry gifts, but I would wear this pendant if my husband gave it to me. What about you how will you celebrate turning forty? An experience is an exciting way to spend any birthday. Get creative and throw in some surprises, like perfume for a woman or sporting event tickets for a guy. Women need to spread their wings and fly; to do that we need to create our own independence and it all starts with a makeover as part of the 40th birthday celebrations. My husband did exactly what I told him to: he didnt give me a giftfor my 40th birthday not even a card. Required fields are marked *. Time is one of the best gifts you can give any woman turning forty. Turning 40 next month and IDK how I am supposed to feel or am I even supposed to feel a certain way. This is one of the best 40th birthday celebrations and gifts you could give yourself: focus on your own heart, soul and spirit. For example, if your dream is to spend your 40th birthday in Venice, Italy but you cant afford it, then maybe you could throw a party with an Italian theme?? Think of it as the 20th anniversary of your 20th birthday. If any woman is looking for creative ways to celebrate her 40th birthday, she need only read through your comments. Lordy, Lordy, look whos 40! Theyre extravagant 40th birthday gift ideas for her. 15 Ideas for a Truly Memorable 40th Birthday Party - MyDomaine If you want to tease the birthday boy for getting older, youll also want to check out these brutally funny birthday messages. Again, this sounds incredibly extravagant. Turning 40 is awesome. Id like to be able to say he gave me theseBlack Diamond and White Gold Round Hoop Earringsas my 40th birthday gift, but Id be lying. How do you feel about what you see? This may not be the most exciting40th birthday celebration or idea, but it will change your life in deep and fulfilling ways! Bonus points if everyone has a personalized bowling shirt to wear as they play, too. It's worth it. Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life is one of the best ways to let go of the past and heal from old wounds. Start spending time with people you love, respect, and admire. This list just made me sad. The 40s are going to be great! You might also want to check out this list of ways to say Happy Birthday, Beautiful.. Lie about on cushions. About three weeks before my birthday, we went on a 15 hour road trip to be with my sick friend. Throw an outdoor party with all the childhood fixins', just for fun. If the birthday girl or boy is your best friend, you might also want to check out this article. Thank you! Gather your closest friends and take a trip to a new city of your choice, whether that's lively Austin, Texas or more relaxed Napa, California. Ive cried many times because I wish I could give my husband a child of our own. Cotton candy, ice cream sundaes, you name it! Dont push or try to convince her that 40 isnt old, or that she should be positive about her fortieth birthday. Im also accepting that its likely Ill never be a mother to children of my own. And Im happy to hear you have a little un who is turning 4 in July . My husbandtook almost two weeks off work for this trip, and I told him it would be my 40th birthday gift because I was so grateful. Its from Prank Ideas Central: For a woman turning 40, hot flashes are a real concern and can strike anytime! Im turning forty in a little over two months and this is exactly what I wanted to read. Your birthday spanking is going to be a real doozy! Sounds pretty nice, right? Your gift is writing, sharing, healing, inspiring, encouraging, and even healing.. Here are some birthday wishes for a man turning 40. If youve always wanted to learn how to play the guitar or any musical instrument what better time than now? Wishing to spend my 43rd birthday, not again in some motel alone with my poor beautiful son. Lastly, focus on my health with more exercise & incorporating healthy foods; for my birthday getting a healthy cookbook for my nuwave & a new workout outfit. Dont have an agenda. Ive accepted and even embraced my life exactly the way it isand its best gift I could ever get on any birthday. They make wonderful birthday gifts for women because theyre versatile and go with everything! Low key, introspective but encompasses who that I am! Hope you have a blast on your 40th birthday! Thanks so much for such a wonderful reminder. I cant wait to see what you do with your next 40 years. Right after this section are unique and creative birthday experiences for women plus a fun Retro Candy Box for Women Turning Forty :-). May you find creative ways to celebrate your day, and your life , Finding meaningful ways to celebrate your 40th birthday makes it much easier to turn 40. Now imagine watching it from your decked-out backyard, which can be decorated with string lights, cozy blankets, and plenty of lawn chairs. Maybe youre rebuilding after a loss, divorce, empty nest, unexpected career change or a life-altering health diagnosis. This isnt a 40th birthday celebration idea you can plan. I am feeling so much sadness but hes been gone for almost 10 months and it is better now. These tips will help you remember that turning 40 isnt just about finding the best 40th birthday gift and celebration ideas though thats part of it! Im one of those people who thinks forty is old, and I dont want to celebrate that birthday. Look fro ways to make your life more meaningful and beautiful. Thisunique 40th birthday gift for includesa card that describesa funny reason why each item was included, as well as retro candy from the 70s. Decide that you wont get caught without friends on your 41st birthday, and you wont be celebrating alone. Whatever you've debated doing for fun over the years, but ended up talking yourself out of, now is the time to go for it. Fertility options are too expensive. Dont worry if it doesnt appeal to you or the birthday girl when you scroll through youll find a wide variety of classy jewelry, luxury birthday ideas,and evengourmet chocolate gifts. I hope you create memories that will bring you a sense of warmth and love for the rest of your life. But think about it like this: You're with your closest loved ones, with thefresh air on your face, and the gorgeous coastline in the distance. Thank you very much! Thank you for being here and happy birthday! Will Your Boyfriend's Lack of Motivation Drag You Down? Just dont overdo it at your age, partying too much can be dangerous. I think once I reach 40 I will feel okayish, but the waiting part is hard. I loved the rehearsals, concerts, and feeling of being part of an orchestra! Happy Birthday! Share secrets. The Anuschka Leather Front Pocket Handbag and Walletis a gift set that includes a removableleather organizer wallet, an optical case for her reading glasses (she is forty, after all), and a cosmetic pouch. I'm still head over heels for you, and I always will be. Spend time with women who uplift you and help you be your best self. I turn 40 on August 25 and celebrate my 21st wedding on the 3rd. I hope you come back and tell us how you celebrated your fortieth birthday! If your birthday girl told you not to get her a gift for her fortieth birthday, dont listen to her. Take your party higher at one of Chicago's top-rated rooftop . In this article, youll find a variety of tips and suggestions for celebrating a fortieth birthday in meaningful and joyful ways. Ill have to write another article, and find even more creative ways to celebrate and honor a milestone birthday. For beating myself up, losing friends and relationships along the way, and losing my Dad last july. With advances in medicine and greater awareness of health and nutrition, thats even more true now than it was in Pitkins day. These scarves areexceptional, rich and superior in quality. I played the flute in high school, and have always wanted to re-learn it. This is one of my least favorite 40th birthday gift ideas for women. Your fortieth birthday sounds wonderful! But Ive only had one really good birthday in my life, in Africa. If youre turning 40, I think you should buy yourself a fun, zippy, exciting little car. This was such a beautiful piece! For instance, you could tease her with all the possible fortieth birthday gifts she might be getting. Thank you for letting me share!

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