We would be pleased to have you check into the ECARS net. Website: http://www.w7lt.org/. Pacific Island Net (South Pacific) 14,135 USB at 00:00. Baja-California Collins Collectors Association For past Linux User Net sessions visit The Linux Page. WCN provides a place for you to learn message handling at a much lower speed: 10 WPM. Nets - West Coast at heatherk.com -- Also some WX and HF transceiver 4 el yagi or vertical (to accommodate check-in's polarity) at 25 feet, 35-75w. ECARS offers service to HF/SSB watch is daily at 0505 UTC on 12353 KHz for vessels in North and South Pacific, Coral and Tasman Seas. West Coast Noon Time Net the copyright and appropriate trademark laws of the United States of America. around the world. Georgia Traders FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION SWAP NET USB. Come join the AM fun! A good net to learn net procedures in CW environment. Sat Visit their website for information and resources. A0FRI Swan and others modification page. 8:00 PM EST and 3970 kHz. Live streaming. else if (seed <= 0) meters and 7.0565 on 40 meters. -- FISTS Jim Bandy has stepped down but the net is still believed live. . PORTABLE 3.975 SSB. Western Australia. YOUTH AND BOY SCOUT NETS -- NTS Area Nets, Maritime Nets, NTS Region Nets, Wide Coverage, Start Time N1YZ's HF NET LISTING Modified --> 4/23/2017 15:02 Winter Summer M:\HFNET_LIST UTC and Central Times Additions/Corrections? Central St Swap You can find us onW7NK and Oregon Repeater Associates, the EXH repeaters 441.35 MHz (+), with a tone of 100.0 Hz (W7EXH) & 145.31 MHz (-), with a tone of 123.0 Hz (N7EXH). County Hunter Web -- A resource serving the needs of US county hunting French Net13940 kHz at 0300Z (French)The frequency is still available and they also use 8335 kHz. Cal 6m Club Sunday morning 10:00 AM PT 50.400 Toledo, Ohio Sunday Nights 18:00 AM EST 50.360 Sacramento, CA Sunday Nights w6pjj 19:00 PM PST 50.400 Media PA Sunday Nights 21:00 PM EST 50.550 Wadsworth, Ohio Sunday morning 10:00 AM ET 50.550 Northwest AM Net Sundays and Wednesdays 18:00 PM . 7.084 The primary SSB operating frequency of the county hunting net is 14.336 MHz, and Saturday 2-3:30PM eastern time on 7235Khz. 7.290 communications. Country Cousins Nets, WESTERN AMATEUR RADIO The Organization was founded to continue the efforts, begun in 1961, by Project OSCAR, a west coast USA-based group which built and launched the very first Amateur Radio satellite, OSCAR, on December 12, 1961, barely four years after the launch of Russia's first Sputnik. Sonrisa Net for Sea of Cortez, 3.968 MHz (3968 LSB) at 0730 PDT. Worked All States Interactive Sked Page - Make a Schedule For That Elusive . Russell Radio (Russell in the Bay of Islands of New Zealand) www.russellradio.org.nzEmail:[emailprotected]VHF 16, 63 (working channel)Coverage area extends from Tutukaka in the south to Knuckle Point at the northern end of Doubtless Bay, encompassing the Cavallis and the Poor Knights Islands. . Assistant Manager W9EC Ray Lischka SMARC does not control the content of these nets nor does it guarantee these nets follow any form of guidelines or follow FCC regulations. All are welcome, regardless of location. Hurricane Watch Net. jimholls@prodigy.net The CCA also supports three weekly 75-meter SSB Nets: Tuesday & Friday nights on 3.775 kHz LSB at 8 pm Central, A ham radio net (network) is an on-air gathering of people with common interests, such as emergency preparedness, religion, or locale, using amateur radio as their communication medium. - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A HAM TO . This Site is Updated Often. Antilles Net. aka West Cars the beginning of the 5 Meter Band! 2300 UTC The Vintage SSB Net and website. We are always ready to help anyone who wants to partake in this great hobby! English-speaking SSB net where vessels underway can report their position and conditions, and boats at anchor pass on info about weather, anchoring, events, etc. This repeater has a positive 600kHz offset and a tone of 100.0 Hz. These messages are passed from Operator to Operator on their way from origination to destination often using CW or Morse Code. Swan Technical Nets - Wednesday 2300GMT on 14292Khz. PA Emg. SSB Net, free of charge public service. secretary@pnwvhfs.org. 00:00 UTC 510 651 6100. 14.317 Amigo Net (very popular/helpful for Pacific Mexico) 1400(UTC) Daily 4149/4146. Coverage: South BC, WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, MT The Northwest Oregon Traffic and Training net is a affiliated with the Radio Relay International Traffic System. -- FISTS The WIN System is a community of amateur radio operators focused on educating all licensed radio operators so they can better serve their communities. Welcome to SMARC! Generally, these times are 1300 to 2200 UTC, but they can be extended Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Nethttp://www.pmmsn.net/Nets begin at 2100 UTC hours every dayNets close at 2400 UTC hours every day15-meter band wide area coverage on 21.412 Mhz USBNot limited to the Pacific OceanFelix Dudley W4FDD Email:[emailprotected] Last reference Nov 2015. 6 WA6USL Swap List. Net Manager KD6DMH Mike Golub What is a Ham radio Net. Columbia Basin Net : SSB: 3960: . What is the West Coast Net (WCN)? { 3.938 Traders Net Mississauga Amateur Radio Club Tues - 9:00 PM Calhoun 146.745 ( -600 ) PL 100 and 443.675+ (PL 100) and via Echolink on KI4LMA-L node #306589 - VA3WM John - #43220 AM Swap Net 14.316khz Sunday at 18:00Z. Here's what Wikipedia says. Welcome to ECARS. Check out the weekly net, Monday nights at 7:00pm on 146.840, no tone. Sister net to Sheila Net: More to New Caledonia, Vanuatu & north to Solomons. Clarke Home Page - Neat Boating Pics and Links You can also join us via 147.040 IRLP NODE, If anyone has any questions feel free to contact the NET Net Management Team at, 7:00PM Clackamas County (CARES) Net, (100.0) 147.120 MHz. {seed--; -- From The 3905 Century Club HAM net relays weather. 00:00 UTC allow. 7.225 QRP RTTY KE7GGV In addition to our 85 Ragchew Net every Tuesday at 6:30 Pre-net, 6:45 pm Net Start.444.85 + 110.9 PL. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Tip: If viewing from a mobile phone, try turning your phone sideways for a better view of the chart! on 75 meters is 3.903 MHz, while 15 and 10 meters are at 21.338 MHz and 28.336 Pacific Puddle Jump www.pacificpuddlejump.comSupports, and reports on, the annual migration of cruising sailors from the West Coast of the Americas to French Polynesia. SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK-31 modes on 20, 40, Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Net every Monday from 6:45 PM to 7:15 PM. FOR ALL THE UPCOMING SWAPMEETS, TIMES, LOCATIONS, ETC. } Sun The 3.922 SEARCH THE WEB OR THE AC6V WEBSITE, Search the entire AC6V website (all 133 pages). HF Nets. West Coast AMI. WEST COAST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB INC. Huntington Beach, California P.O. -- Four affliliated nets which meet weekly, Swan Users Net WESTERN AMATEUR RADIO About Me. Southern Country CW Nets Unlike satellite-based communications systems, HF radio communications is a kind of 'party line'. with a long path opening to the west coast of the . Frequency: 14.329 Hurricane Frequencies 13:00 UTC Morse The first hour of the net is dedicated to Buy, Sell, Swap, and Wants. WA2PZI Net when there are active mobiles. Website Search . . 14.325 Day -7.268 Night. Home; About; Join Us; Events; Media; AMI Live; . Texas Regional The Portland Public Schools Amateur Radio Club Traffic Net is held Wednesday evenings from 7:00 PM until 7:30 PM on the 440.25 MHz repeater. UNSURE LAST REF PRIOR TO 2015 OR NO REFERENCE: Arnolds Net (South Pacific) 14.318 MHz at 0400 (UTC) Last reference 2013. In many parts of the world outside North America, it is illegal for amateur radio operators to pass messages on behalf of third parties. ( -) PL136.5 Hz. The ARRL Diamond Cluster 100th logo, ARRL diamond logo, ARES and NTS shield, abbreviation ARRL, American Radio Relay League name, and the "When All Else . Operating How To Obtain A Ham License. information for local areas by place names, zip codes, etc. Cousins Nets VALLEY HAMS RAG Read The Beginning of NSN by Bob Klepper, W7IEU, for the story. NOTE: AC6V.com is an archive of Rod/AC6V's webpages, and is no longer being updated. Welcome to the WIN System. {out+=msg.substring(-seed,msg.length); Band conditions usually limit coverage to the general area of the Pacific Northwest. RadioMinistries.org -- Local Nets, Section Nets, State Nets. Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency, and are organized for a particular purpose, such as relaying messages, discussing a common topic of interest, in severe weather (for example, during a Skywarn activation), emergencies, or simply as a . Midwest Country Cousins Net window.status=out; AND SAN DIEGO BOATING. 20:00 EST 3.803 PST after the RV net finishes Swap and Shop. West Coast 3.880 mHZ8:00 PM Local West Coast Time, Friday MID US SSB 3.775 mHz at 8 pm Central SSB 10/12/2021. 0930 They are one of the key reasons for investing in a SSB or HAM radio system. Kenwood Hybrid Nets (Kenwood gear with Tubes) 7230-7235khz Saturday at 3:30 Eastern. British Columbia Boaters Net http://www.bcbn.ca/The BCBN operates daily during the summer months from 1700 PDT using the Vancouver Island Trunk System. Washington County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) exists for the purpose of providing backup emergency communications to many served agencies in Washington County, Oregon. WEEKDAYS RAG CHEW & SWAP NET . The first session was conducted by W7IEU September 2nd, 1958. West Coast AMI is a fun loving group of amateur operators that enjoys operating in the mode of Amplitude . "INTERNET RADIO LINKING PROJECT" (IRLP) East Coast Reflector 9050-ECR ALLSTAR Bridges 27339 - 45192 - 45225-Reflector M17-ECR Module A- -- Frequencies & Nets 3980 AM or SSB Important information if heading to South Africa. Wed & Sat -- Subscription Info, Counties in the United States Last Updated on January 1, 2023 by KC7NYR. (As of May, 2012 this net is shut down because of erratic propagation, but it is coming soon). - No net control. See 'Become an ECARS Member' below. Six Washington County ARES/RACES PAGES AND NETS 6 METERS East Run by Gunther. Then Join us on AM for the 1st Wednesday AM Net on 3880 kHz at 7 or 8 pm in each time zone moving from east to west. out+=msg; Freqy Net Day Time Zone Location Other; 1.850: Australian 160 Meter Crossband Net: Saturday: 11:30 PM: local: Australia: 1.888: Early Morning 160 Meter Net: Daily: 5:00 AM They may go up or down Slightly if there is QRM. Sun All Contents inclusive of URLs involving "collinsradio", protected by Amateur Radio Service The amateur and amateur-satellite services are for qualified persons of any age who are interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest. Every Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time on 3.908 EMERGENCY history of handling RTTY Nets Cheers and 73 from Jim and Ann Cate (N9GFT/VK4GFT) s/v Insatiable II, Far North Radio (NZ Kaipara, Brett Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu)Provide an SSB (hf) service to vessels transiting to/from the Pacific and Tasman sea areas.See Noonsite Report for more details.1800-1900 hours New Zealand daylight time 6.516MHz1900-1930 hours New Zealand daylight time 4.417MHz. 10:00 AM,PST Promotes tropo DX within the PNW and surrounding region, Promotes 23 cm activity. The Western Oregon Radio Club is an Amateur Radio club located in Portland Oregon. Pacific Seafarers Net www.pacseanet.com (HAM) 14300 kHz at 0300(UTC). To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. . working in remote areas with communications expertise and equipment ASSORTED SWAP NETS AND OTHERS 14.207 St. Clair County Illinois Radio Club 2 Meter AM Blue = Marine SSB (Note: All Marine SSB nets are conducted on USB). Wayne - VK6FT Net Controller, The West Coast Military Radio Collectors Net, Vintage and Amateur Radio Society (VMARS) Net. 14.263 Net Information: Freq: 3540 kHz Join one or all of them! Info: W6PJD - P.O. The North American Youth Net -- From The 3905 Century Club, RTTY Nets For more information, please contact any of our Net Managers or give your name and telephone number to any Net Control Stations on any CCA net. Unauthorized use is prohibited except as specifically USA Dockside Radiowww.docksideradio.com/west_coast.htmRadio Nets on the East and West Coasts. Guide To Amateur 3.755 National Weather Service Products via Amateur "Ham" Radio. In the meantime Peter has launched a free global service for cruisers on passage. California Amateur Radio Service Net www.californiaamateurradioservice.com Monday - Friday : 1830Z: 14.290: OMISS Net: see www.OMISS.net for other frequencies and schedule: 1130: 1:00 PM Sun. Subscription Info, COUNTY 3.579.5 Below we've compiled a list of active weekly digital nets. Current Ham Radio Propagation Conditions. {out+=" ";} Gulf Coast Sideband Net: 3.925: Daily: 7:30 PM: LSB: Gulf Coast Hurricane Net: 3.935: Daily: 8:00 PM: LSB: Southwest Traffic Net: 3.935: Daily: 9:30 PM: LSB: Southern Territory SATERN Net . Our purpose is to provide experience with and exchange information about amateur radio use by NETs (Neighborhood Emergency Teams)and CERTs (Community Emergency Response Teams). Fri Also check the WB2KAO repeater on Saturday nights at 7:30 PM for the Green Eggs and Ham Net. If you continue to use this site, you consent to the use of those cookies. YOUTH YL DX101x - 235 Pages of Real DX Secrets For HF and Six Meters. . Like other Amateur Radio Clubs the Gulf Coast Amateur Radio Club assists those who wish to take the exams by holding exam sessions at the Millenium Academy, Millennium Academy, 10005 County Road 524 (Ridge Road), New Port Richey, FL.

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