Due to COVID-19-related orders, standard processing time for paper transcript services is two weeks. Mail Code: 148248 Email:finaid@uclaextension.edu. If a student is denied resident status and his or her application to appeal is accepted by the OGC residency analyst, a response may be expected from the analyst in six to eight weeks. The Management Team includes the Executive Director, Director, Associate Director, three Assistant Directors, and our Office Manager. Email: finaid@law.ucla.edu major exploration, assistance with degree planning, academic difficulty, etc). (310) 825-9194, Monday - Friday 10995 Le Conte Ave, Room 320 885 Tiverton Drive, Suite 305 Fax: (310) 794-8751Address Elemental Readings I: Air - Humanities Division - UCLA 1121 Murphy Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095-1501 Office Hours 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday - Friday Tax Services Phone: (310) 79 4-8191 Fax: (310) 79 4-8147 Address 10920 Wilshire Boulevard, 5th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90024-6541 Office Hours Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Closed UCLA Travel Accounting Please note that REACH is for quick advising questions or to schedule appointments with a College advisor. To send us a question or message online, start by clicking the button below that best describes you or the type of information you seek. 405 Hilgard Avenue Residence Contacts | UCLA Registrar's Office The UC site offers helpful information for freshmen and transfers. Description . Saturday and Sunday Closed, Address UCLA College Office of Development 1309 Murphy Hall Box 951413 Los Angeles, California 90095-1413 (310) 206-1953 Fax: (310) 267-2343. Saturday and Sunday Closed, Email:purchasing@finance.ucla.edu 10920 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 600 (310) 825-4310, Magyn KyddDirector, Administration Marketing & CommunicationsMobile (310) 422-3282, Mona Ereiqat Virtual and In-person hours 10 a.m. to 12 noon, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. PT Monday through Friday (except holidays), UCLA campus 1113 Murphy HallCampus map for location, directions, and parking details, UCLA Registrars Office Box 951429 Los Angeles CA 90095-1429, Health Sciences Summer Fees (Medicine, Dentistry), Foreign Literature in English Translation, Departments, Programs, and Freestanding Minors, Professional School and Extension Transcripts, Restricted course and enrollment petition, Approved fee reduction (part-time undergraduates); refund for withdrawal, dismissal, cancellation, leave of absence; late fee waiver, Current and past term grade reports/printout, Grade change or incomplete grade procedures, Legal name change, social security number change (form available, Address, telephone, or contact information change, File undergraduate readmission application, Cancel registration before first day of class, Student: attendance, degree, address, loan form (proof of enrollment), Student: good-student auto insurance form (academic transcript), Benefits eligibility, waivers, enrollment, certification, leaving for or returning from active duty. Changes can also be made, and revised documents can be obtained at 1113 Murphy Hall and most student service offices in Murphy Hall. For information about COVID-19 policies and restrictions on campus, please visit the UCLA COVID-19 resources website. Website: https://law.ucla.edu/admissions/jd-admissions/financial-aid, Address: 2255 Murphy Hall Email: titleix@equity.ucla.edu Phone: (310) 206-3417. Los Angeles, CA 90024-6505, Office Hours Vendor Payments: IMPORTANT NOTE: These resources are subject to change without notification. Email:ap@finance.ucla.edu Please see our Study List Petitions page for more detailed information. The chancellor of UCLA shapes the vision and strategic plan for the campus, and grows and diversifies revenue streams in support of the university's mission. 10920 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 500 (310) 206-3411 askgrad@grad.ucla.edu Application Questions For applicants during the application process. Phone: 310-206-0400 Send an e-mail message to reginfo@registrar.ucla.edu. Departmental Advisors Office of Financial Aid UCLA has elected to use a paperless process when filing documents, and Document Management is responsible for the timely review and uploading of all documents. Send an e-mail message to transcripts@registrar.ucla.edu. Instagram @uclat9 Facebook @UCLAT9 \n ; Accessibility \n ; UCLA Location: A-255 Murphy Hall Phone: (310) 825-1501 TTY/TTD: (310) 206-6083 Disabilities and Computing Program See the service directory below for Registrar services available online. The Management Team is responsible for the oversight of the daily operations in Financial Aid and Scholarships. For information about COVID-19 policies and restrictions on campus, please visit the UCLA COVID-19 resources website. UCLA Royce Hall - UCLA College Megan Kissinger Assistant Vice Chancellor (310) 206-0667 mkissinger@support.ucla.edu. (310) 206-6030. Special Verification To request verification of data not included on the proof of enrollment, submit a Special Verification Letter Request. 10920 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 650 Contacts/Hours | UCLA Registrar's Office Appointment information for scheduled appointments is always available on MyUCLA -> Academics -> Appointments. Los Angeles, CA 90095, UCLA School of Nursing Financial Aid Office Prospective students in need of advisement should contact UCLA Undergraduate Admission directly with their questions. About; News; Magazine; Commencement; Giving; Contact; Related Sites. Please be aware that the Chancellor's Communication Service retains copies of all correspondence, and all correspondence is considered a matter of public record. Read . Phone: 310-825-2583 Location 1331 Murphy Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095-1418 Get Directions Email info@summer.ucla.edu Please follow our email guidelines: Include your full name, program/course, student type, and UID or registration number Allow 1-3 business days for a response, do not send duplicate emails Zoom Drop-In Hours https://ucla.zoom.us/j/99008472303 Los Angeles, CA 90095-7089. Email sent to the Chancellor's Office may be read and answered by members of his staff or other university personnel. IT Services manages the campus data and voice network and provides data center, infrastructure, middleware, identity and access management, content management, security and other technical services. 2023 Regents of the University of California. Title Participants march in front of Murphy Hall during Labor Union Rally, 1993. The role of the Processing and Special Programs unit is to provide escalated guidance to students and families via our counseling team. 110 Westwood Plaza, Marion Anderson Hall, Suite G4.06 Los Angeles, CA 90024-6541, Email:travelacct@finance.ucla.edu Los Angeles, CA 90095-1501, Office Hours 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Phone: (310) 794-2600 1121 Murphy Hall Mail Code: 143348 You will be required to show your Bruin ID or other photo identification at the start of the appointment. UCLA Title IX | UCLA Title IX Office/Sexual Harassment Prevention UCLA's campus is located just east of the 405 Freeway. Former students should include the 9-digit UCLA ID number (if known) in all communications. Admission Representatives | UCLA Undergraduate Admission Mona Ereiqat Project Manager (310) 825-5342. 4-ranked UCLA (25-4, 16-2 Pac-12) will close the regular season with a pair of home games this week against Arizona State on Thursday and Arizona on Saturday. . For international students with general inquiries and additional . The UCLA University Archives, established in 1949 by Provost Clarence A. Dykstra, is the official repository for non-current UCLA records having permanent historical, fiscal, legal, or administrative value. UCLA Financial Sites | UCLA Student Loan Services & Collections Thank you for adhering to these guidelines as our priority is your safety. 1125 Murphy Hall Directions to UCLA and Parking | UCLA Graduate Programs Prior to making a trip to the Loan Services Office, you are welcome to contact a loan counselors using any of the communication methods listed above to help you determine if you qualify for a short-term loan before applying. Although our physical offices offer limited in-person services, we continue to offer a number of ways to connect with College Academic Counseling including: We are here to support you in-person at A-316 Murphy Hall, Window 2. Advising in the College of Letters and Science, To expedite your REACH session, before entering REACH, please, Click here to enter our Virtual Drop-in Advising Lobby, Monday Thursday, 10:00am-2:00pm Pacific and Friday, 10:30am-2:00pm Pacific (excluding university holidays), Monday-Friday, 10:00am-3:00pm Pacific (excluding university holidays), Year in college (1st, 2nd, 3rd, new transfer, 4th), A brief description of the main purpose for the appointment (e.g. Los Angeles, CA 90095 Our office is open 9:00AM to 4:00PM for in-person services, and designated phone hours. All appeals pertaining to residence for tuition purposes are handled by the UC Office of General Counsel (OGC). The unit also completes hiring paperwork and processes timesheets for UCLA's off-campus work-study student population. Free Tools ; Leads by Industry ; Top Profiles . No. 4 UCLA Posts 79-61 Victory Against Arizona State - UCLA Alex Hall is a Scientist at UCLA based in Los Angeles, California. The residence deputy responds to most inquiries within three business days. Office of the Campus Counsel University of California Los Angeles Box 951405 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1405. Office Hours A129 Murphy Hall Monday through Friday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Phone Hours Monday through Friday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Phone: 310-206-0400 Fax: 310-267-4143 Mailing Address for Scholarships Make check out to "UC Regents" Box 957089, 1125 Murphy Hall 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095-7089 Visiting and Parking Campus Mail Monday - Friday, appointment preferred, Contact Corporate Accounting Please come to A-316 Murphy Hall at the time of your scheduled appointment. LOAN SERVICES OFFICE VIRTUAL LOBBY SCHEDULE (all lobby service hours listed are in Pacific Time). IT Services Email: help@it.ucla.edu | Phone: (310) 26 7-HELP (4357) | Fax: (310) 82 5-9513 | Mail Code: 143401 Address Box 951434 3327 Murphy Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095-1434 Office Hours Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Closed Los Angeles, CA 90024-6541, Office Hours A265 Murphy Hall 410 Charles E. Young Drive East - Los Angeles Events This page can't load Google Maps correctly. Once your advising appointment has been scheduled, you will receive an email confirmation.