In most cases, the Health app reportedly records the starting point of a walk, but nothing for the rest of the route. Your activities sync to Garmin and Strava using servers in the cloud, so if either Stravas or Garmins servers are down, information between the two apps cannot flow. Browse to the Activities folder (\GARMIN\ACTIVITY.). These similar steps are detailed below in the section outlining how to connect Garmin with Strava. On the Strava app, go to the Profile tab, and then tap Settings > Privacy Controls. Powered by Help Scout. If it's still stuck, follow these steps: Delete Strava from your watch first, and then delete Strava from your phone. No, not yet. This morning for example I've been on my bike. Refunds. Check your Strava account and make sure the activity has been successfully uploaded. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes I have the opposite - no GPS data for outdoor walks prior to upgrading to WatchOS 7, but complete GPS data since then.To be honest, I've never looked at the GPS data until recently (I've always relied on Runkeeper for this functionality).I assumed that all Apple Watches with GPS recorded this data. One of Satechi's newest docks is the Pro Hub Slim, which adds seven additional ports to the latest MacBook Pro and MacBook Air models. It appears on the Link with Google Fit page inside the exercise tracking app. If you love what we do, please consider a small donation to help us keep the lights on. If you join a Run and Walk challenge, then rides and swims will not be added to those challenges. 05-18-2015 Strava is displaying my Fitbit activities properly, but Fitbit is not posting the activities I've uploaded to Strava (cycling). ask a new question. Check out their support page for more details on what Garmin devices are compatible with segments. Repository with some Python and Arcade code to extract activities data from Strava to produce an ArcGIS Dashboard. Edit I notice that the picture is my FB picture, not my Strava picture. I have used the my Apple Watch 2 to record my Strava workouts for the last few years but starting in May, it stopped syncing workouts to my Activity app. To fix this problem, the best method is to disconnect the apps and re-establish their communication. Thanks RoadKill. - GitHub - amanech51/Strava_to_ArcGIS_Dashboard: Repository with some Python and A. I'm hoping it is a short term bug with the API integration being so new, but also didn't want to brush it off as being the only one it was happening to. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access. Overall, the syncing process between the two is relatively straightforward, but what happens if you find that Garmin isnt syncing with Strava despite logging your workouts as you would normally? The fenix 7 didn't take this long to start showing up in Strava activity pages. A decade after its launch, Gmail is a feature-rich productivity tool and one of the most popular email services worldwide. Here are the main ones, and what to do about them: At least one user has had this problem since the middle of last month. If you dont want to use the Garmin Connect app or you dont have a mobile device, you can use the Garmin Express app on your computer and sync all your activities with Strava from Garmin Express. So for some reason it's not showing up on your dashboard. How to Use Strava's Global Heatmap Feature - Strava for Apple Watch: a complete guide - MyHealthyApple Strava Activities to ArcGIS Dashboard - Choose the files you just downloaded using Stravas uploader. You must log in or register to reply here. Follow these steps to disconnect. It has always worked fine for me until today. Original 6/2: The issue results in workouts not syncing between Strava and Google Fit. Strava Testing 'Mute Activity' Option to Reduce Feed Spam September 22, 2021 by DC Rainmaker Sports Technology News and Reviews Comments (70) Strava is testing a new feature to some 50% of their user base that allows people to mute an activity of their feed when publishing. If that still doesn't work, you may need to reset your Activity app settings. Choose the files you just located using Stravas uploader and save them to your account. Rain Intensity inch/hr. I personally do not have a compatible device, which is another reason why I have never logged my activity via their web page. You have entered an incorrect email address! This article gives you some troubleshooting options to try when your Garmin isnt syncing with Strava (or vice-versa). You'll be able to learn more about managing your activity's privacy controls here. Samsung's Galaxy S23 Ultra is a high-end smartphone that aims at Apple's iPhone 14 Pro with a 200-megapixel camera and a high-resolution 6.8-inch display, as well as a stylus. Strava not showing pace on feed : r/Strava - reddit We outline below how to connect Garmin and Strava together so information flows both ways. It's safely recorded in Strava. I have turns on all sharing between Health and Strava both ways and . How can I correct that? Acitivies PR not showing. I can view the training by going through the "training calendar" but I don't see it in my profile Related Topics Strava Fitness Fitness and Nutrition comments . I think you can export the GPX from Strava, then import it manually into Strava. For me it appears to be one way only. I can see them on my profile and they are counting towards totals and challenges but my friends cannot see them in the feed or on my profile. Then proceed through the setup process at once more to reconnect. Challenge Hound You've got 2 accounts. Be sure to check out, [Update: Fixed] Google Fit and Strava facing app is blocked sync issue, Comment: An ascendent Google Fit makes the task of integrating Fitbit all the harder, Google Fit: Hands-on with the new heart and respiratory rate tools [Video], [Update: Download] Camera-based Google Fit heart & respiratory rate tracking rolling out to Pixel. This may be due to older activities still being stuck in the unsynced status (see image below). Open the Strava app on your phone. I have tried countless times with same result. I'll reply with any updates. CycliqPlus for Mac/Windows (Desktop App) Method 1: From the My Device (s) tab you can connect to your Fly device and select the My Footage section, select the video file you wish to overlay and click Import into video editor. 'Drive to Survive' producers set to make MLS documentaries for Apple TV+, Sparkee portable charger review: Two portable chargers in one, Apple Watch ban threat, layoffs, and Jony Ive's red nose February 2023 in review, Satechi Pro Hub Slim review: Good port expansion for Mac, on a budget, Daily deals March 4: $400 off M1 Pro 14-inch MacBook Pro, $100 off iPad Air, $50 off Apple Watch Ultra, more, Apple's vice president of cloud engineering departs in April, Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Ultra vs MacBook Pro 16-inch - compared. I think the saying is true: Did it really happen if you didnt log it in Strava? This issue is occurring on all Android and presumably iOS devices. Apple's support forums currently lists over 1,300 people claiming to have found that the Apple Watch Outdoor Walk activity is failing to record GPS data when people do not also have their iPhone with them. You don't have anything to share until it's been uploaded and strava website has given you are activity number. A number of users on watchOS 7 are reporting that their Apple Watches are failing to record GPS data from their walk workouts, including when using the Strava fitness app. Following a partial outage with Fitbit just last week, Strava is now having major sync issues with Google Fit. Sometimes challenge administrators select Run, but not Virtual Run, so in that case Virtual Runs would not be counted. Strava Activities Do Not show in Garmin Connect. Here are the main ones, and what to do about them: Strava account not connected - to find out how to do this, see here, Strava privacy settings - in order for your activities to be visible on your page, the audience for them needs to be set to 'Everyone'. I then used the tech support as this didn't work. Answered! The activity may be flagged. If there are none available, I'd contact them directly for more help. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. I think Strava has been having a few hissy fits recently. If the activity is in Challenge Hound, but NOT being added to the challenge, it is most likely due to how the challenge has been configured. Join an existing conversation, or start a new thread to ask your question. Why aren't my activities counting towards a Club leaderboard? Tap the Settings icon in the top right. How come my exercise on the activity does not match the actual? edit 1 So Google services had a major outage this past weekend (gmail and other hosting services). E.g Ill start an apple workout and 5 mins in it ends the workout. How to Stop Strava From Making Your Home Address Public Recent activities are not showing up in feed edit 1 So Google services had a major outage this past weekend (gmail and other hosting services). Anybody else been having issues the past few days? Strava User Guide - Cycliq - Bike Camera and Safety Lights 05-18-2015 is anyone else's heatmap not working? : r/Strava Not all fitness activities are showing on my page? One is your normal strava account, but you accidentally created a second account that uses your FB identity. Best advice is to NOT delete it from your phone though. I disconnected, reconnected and waited several hours, but none of my cycling logged in Strava is being synced to FitBit. To reconnect Garmin and Strava, see theinstructions belowin the sectionHow to sync your Garmin with Stravathat detail this process. It is also important to note that you need a segment-compatible device added to your Garmin Connect account to do this via their webpage. Wait for the confirmation that your accounts are linked! New ride not sync'd to Strava, Fit File says Duplicate Activity If those of you who have now reconnected youraccounts can see if new activitiessync over, that would be a good test. - edited I've done this hundreds of times successfully. Countless docks aim to bring more ports to Apple users, but the HyperDrive Thunderbolt 3 Mobile Dock specifically targets MacBook Pro owners. Why aren't activities recorded with Strava showing up in Garmin Connect? 05-21-2015 By joining our Community, you agree to uphold these guidelines, so please take a moment to look them over. Going for a run in a little but so I'll update then. Some say that Apple has promised a solution in an update to watchOS 7. Currently, you can lose your achievements when switching activity types. OP Leaway2 Scroll through your recent activities to make sure they are loaded and displayed on your feed. Strava is displaying my Fitbit activities properly, but Fitbit is not posting the activities I've uploaded to Strava (cycling). The oriGrid by tinyRigs is a versatile and portable organizer designed to accommodate the Magic Keyboard and iPad, providing a multi-functional solution for on-the-go productivity. Activities viewable by only you will not count towards your Club totals or appear in Club feeds. I have been logging rides in Strava regularly. Why aren't my Strava activities showing up on my page. Options. And just today, I did a new segment where I made a PR: And this doesnt appear on the overview, and I cannot find out why. I dont record activities on my phone with Strava Im in same place - no activites have ever synched! I used the Apple Watch Series 7 Strava app to record a short bike ride Saturday morning. The Beacon to Bonza Strava Segment Weather from myWindsock Plus, I'm also an avid cyclist with a passion for writing and travel that have helped shape my interest in the fitness tech world. We suggest you toggle both on so information flows both ways. Total Rainfall inches. Welcome to the Community - here is your guide to help you get started! I'm glad to here others are experiencing problems. ClementD. However, if reconnecting your third-party app with Garmin Connect does not resolve the data-sharing issues, we recommend trying the troubleshooting steps listed orcontacting their support team directly. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the. Interested in the minutiae of Google and Alphabet. My run from several hours ago using the Surge does not yet show in my Strava app. Select Applications, Services, and Devices (iOS) or Link Other Services (Android.) To those who have posted in this thread, or anyone else experiencing syncing problems with Strava - please disconnect and then reconnect your accounts at, and let us know if syncing resumes normal behavior. No speed sensor. How long does it take for activities to sync with Strava? To do this, check the "Applications" section of your Dashboard Settings, and revoke access to Strava. In order to get them to show up I had to download the ride from GC and delete the activity on Strava and manually upload the GPX file and then it showed up. Back in August 2018 these workouts would show distance (5-10mi based on the workout). 2023. So for some reason it's not showing up on your dashboard. I have never personally used the Garmin Connect website to do this, as it seems like an extra step, but if this is your preference, feel free to do so. If an issue exists, you must wait until Garmin or Strava resolves it and the status returns to operational (green.). only. Otherwise, it probably isn't. However, other people say that route data is not being recorded in Apple's Health app either. Apple's update to the 16-inch MacBook Pro adds the M2 Max to an already fantastic notebook, a change to satisfy creators and power users. On occasion, something more involved may be going on that warrants the tech support of Garmin directly. More detail about this here, Activities completed before Strava connected - Strava will only send us new activities after you've connected your Strava account, so if you've already recorded any that you want to include, you will need to re-add these as new activities, Activities completed outside of the event dates - In order to be included in the event, your activities need to be completed within the event dates, so if you've set up your page and connected Strava prior to the event start date, you'll be able to raise money, but your activities won't start counting until the start date, Wrong activity type - the event you're taking part in might be running only, so walking activities won't be accepted (for example), or manual activities might not be allowed.
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