), "Sailor Mouth" (Used heavily as a censor for bad word number 11.). Creepypasta: Spongebob Bootleg Episode Remixes. Redeem Now Play SpongeBob Walking Sound Effect Benadryl Horseflopper 3 years ago Comedy 7,874 62 5 10 spongebob patrick the map the map i . Lobby Music (Original Soundtrack). car explodes, Sound Ideas, EXPLOSION - LARGE EXPLOSION 02 (H-B), Sound Ideas, Explosions - Missile fires . . ), "Squidferatu" (once when SpongeBob and Squidward accidentally carve steaks instead of stakes. TikTok video from Gabby Morrison (@gabbymorr): "Someone please take my phone away my fav part of spongebob is the blink sound #comedy #foryou". Mike Koenig 33404 4/5 Jeff Hutchins Squeak Sounds (Season 4- onward; generally accents Spongebob's hits or emotions) JIBBER WIBBERS (Heard once in "Welcome to the Chum Bucket" and "Frankendoodle.") Joel Valentine Falling Whistle Sound (Heard twice in "Sand Castles in the Sand".) Sound Ideas, WHIP - BULLWHIP: SINGLE CRACK 01 Sound Ideas, WHIP - BULLWHIP: SINGLE CRACK 02 ), "Patrick's Tantrum" (once when SpongeBob rings the Bell. SYSTEM, Sound Ideas, FENCING - SABRE SWIPE: SINGLE, SWORD 01, Sound Ideas, FIJIT, CARTOON - FIJIT SOUND EFFECT 02, Sound Ideas, FIJIT, CARTOON - FIJIT SOUND EFFECT 07, Sound Ideas, FIRE, BALL - IMPACT AND LARGE FIRE BURST, RUMBLE, Sound Ideas, FIRE, BALL - SHORT, LARGE BURST OF FLAME 01, Sound Ideas, FOLEY - WHOOSHES SWISH: THROW OBJECT WHOOSH 01, Sound Ideas, FOLEY - WHOOSHES SWISH: THROW OBJECT WHOOSH 03, Sound Ideas, FROG, BULLFROG - CROAKING, ANIMAL, AMPHIBIAN 02, Sound Ideas, GAS STATION - SERVICE BELL: SINGLE RING, SERVICE STATION, Sound Ideas, GAS STATION - SERVICE BELL: TWO RINGS, SERVICE STATION, Sound Ideas, GLASS, SMASH - GLASS BREAKING 02, Sound Ideas, GLASS, SMASH - WINE GOBLET BREAK, Sound Ideas, GONG - LARGE: SINGLE HIT, MUSIC, PERCUSSION 01, Sound Ideas, GONG - SMALL GONG, MUSIC, PERCUSSION, Sound Ideas, GUINEA PIG - SQUEALING, ANIMAL, RODENT, Sound Ideas, GUN, RICOCHET - SINGLE RICOCHET, BULLET 01, Sound Ideas, GUN, RICOCHET - SINGLE RICOCHET, BULLET 14, Sound Ideas, GUN, RICOCHET - SHORT THIN RICOCHET, BULLET 02, Sound Ideas, GUN, RICOCHET - SINGLE RICOCHET, BULLET 05, Sound Ideas, GUN, RIFLE - SINGLE SHOT 01 (H-B), Sound Ideas, GUN, RIFLE - SEVERAL SHOTS, WITH RICOCHET, Sound Ideas, HARP - CHORDAL GLISS, UP, MUSIC, Sound Ideas, HARP - CHORDAL GLISS, UP AND DOWN, MUSIC, Sound Ideas, HARP - DOMINANT 7TH GLISS, MUSIC, Sound Ideas, HEAD SHAKE, CARTOON - PIANO HEAD SHAKE, Sound Ideas, HEAD SHAKE, CARTOON - PINGY HEAD SHAKE, Sound Ideas, HEAD SHAKE, CARTOON - XYLO HEAD SHAKE, Sound Ideas, HEAD SHAKE, CARTOON - THROAT GARBLE, SHORT, Sound Ideas, HELICOPTER - BELL 206: EXTERNAL: APPROACH, PASS BY, FAST, Sound Ideas, HELICOPTER, CARTOON - ATOM ANT SQUEAKY COPTER, STEADY, Sound Ideas, HELICOPTER, CARTOON - FUNNY COPTER, STEADY 01, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - BIG HEAD BONK, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - BRAKE DRUM AND BULB HORN HIT, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - COCONUT HIT 01, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - GOLF SWING AND HIT, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HEAVY RISING HIT, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HEAVY TIMP RISE, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HOLLOW METALLIC HEAD KONK 01, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HOLLOW METALLIC HEAD KONK 02, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HOLLOW METALLIC HEAD KONK AND HORN, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - LID ON MANHOLE HIT, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - METAL PAN ON HEAD, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - SHARP HEAD HIT WITH METAL PAN, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - SMASH AGAINST WALL, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - SOLID TIMP RISE, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - SWING AND BROKEN HIT, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - TEMPLE BLOCK KONK 01, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - TEMPLE BLOCK KONK 02, Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - ZIP AND HEAVY THUMP, Sound Ideas, THUMP, CARTOON - HEAVY THUMP, Sound Ideas, HIT, HUMAN - BIG HEAVY FACE SLAP, CARTOON 01, Sound Ideas, HIT, HUMAN - BIG HEAVY FACE SLAP, CARTOON 02, Sound Ideas, HIT, METAL - ANVIL DROP ON FOOT, CARTOON, Sound Ideas, HIT, METAL - ANVIL FALL ON HEAD, CARTOON 01, Sound Ideas, HIT, METAL - ANVIL FALL ON HEAD, CARTOON 02, Sound Ideas, HIT, METAL - ANVIL FALL ON FOOT, CARTOON, Sound Ideas, HIT, METAL - METAL GIRDER CLANG, CARTOON 01, Sound Ideas, HIT, WHAP - BIG WHAP, CARTOON 01, Sound Ideas, HOP, CARTOON - JEWS HARP HOPPING, FAST 01, Sound Ideas, HOP, CARTOON - SINGLE JEWS HARP HOP 01, Sound Ideas, HOP, CARTOON - SINGLE JEWS HARP HOP 02, Sound Ideas, HORN, ALARM - KLAXON ALARM HORN, Sound Ideas, HORN, BOAT - STEAM WHISTLE: SINGLE BLAST, Sound Ideas, HORN, BICYCLE - BULB HORN: SINGLE HONK, TOY, Sound Ideas, HORN, BICYCLE - BULB HORN: TWO HONKS, TOY, Sound Ideas, HORN, BULB - CLOWN BICYCLE BULB HORN, MEDIUM SQUEEZES, Sound Ideas, HORN, CARTOON - OLD BULB HORN, Sound Ideas, HORN, PARTY - THREE BLOWS, NOISEMAKER, Sound Ideas, HORSE - 3 WHINNIES, 3 SNORTS, C.U, ANIMAL, Sound Ideas, HORSE - EXTERIOR: WHINNY, ANIMAL 04, Sound Ideas, HORSE - EXTERIOR: WHINNY, ANIMAL 05, Sound Ideas, HORSE - INTERIOR: WHINNY, ANIMAL 01, Sound Ideas, HORSE - INTERIOR: WHINNY, ANIMAL 02, Sound Ideas, HORSE, CARTOON - HORSE GALLOP, Sound Ideas, HOSPITAL - HEART MONITOR: HEART FAILURE, CONSTANT TONE, Sound Ideas, HOSPITAL - HEART MONITOR: MONITORING, CONSTANT BEEPS, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, BABY - CRYING, WHINING, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, BURP - HUMAN: LARGE BELCH 07, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, EATING - APPLE: MEDIUM BITE, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, EATING - POTATO CHIPS: SLOW CHEWING, FOOD, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, FART - LARGE FART (Extension VII), Sound Ideas, HUMAN, GASP - GASP: FEMALE 02, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, LAUGH - GIGGLING: CHILD, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, LAUGH - GIGGLY LAUGH: FEMALE, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, LAUGH - SQUEALING: CHILD, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, SCREAM - SCREAM: FEMALE, HORROR 01, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, SCREAM - SCREAM: FEMALE, HORROR 03, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, SCREAM - SCREAMING WOMEN, HYSTERICAL, GROUP, ADULTS, HUMAN, DIGIFFECTS, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, SCREAM - SCREAMS, WOMAN, VERSION 4, HUMAN, DIGIFFECTS, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, SCREAM - YOUNG GIRL SCREAMS FOR HER LIFE, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, SNEEZE - SNEEZE: FEMALE 04, Sound Ideas, HUMAN, SNEEZE - SNEEZE: MALE 03, Sound Ideas, HYENA - HYENA LAUGHING, ANIMAL, Sound Ideas, KAZOO, CARTOON - KAZOO FADE IN, Sound Ideas, KETTLE, STOVE TOP - HEAT WATER, BOIL, STEAM WHISTLE IN STOVE TOP KETTLE, Sound Ideas, LASER BEAM - ROBOTIC LASER: CONSTANT 01, Sound Ideas, LAUGH, CARTOON - SHORT CRAZY LAUGH, HUMAN, Sound Ideas, LAUGHTER, CROWD - INDOOR: MEDIUM CROWD IN NIGHT CLUB, AUDIENCE 01, Sound Ideas, LAUGHTER, CROWD - INDOOR: MEDIUM CROWD IN THEATER, AUDIENCE 01, Sound Ideas, LAWN MOWER - GAS: START UP, RUN, SHUT OFF; CLOSE UP, GARDENING, Sound Ideas, LION - BIG GROWLS, ANIMAL, CAT, Sound Ideas, LION - SINGLE GROWL, ANIMAL, CAT, Sound Ideas, MACHINE, CARTOON - FUNNY LITTLE MACHINE, Sound Ideas, MACHINE, CARTOON - FUNNY RHYTHMIC MECHANICAL MACHINE, Sound Ideas, MACHINE, CARTOON - HAPPY MACHINE, Sound Ideas, MAIL BOX, METAL - OPEN LID, LETTER, POST, Sound Ideas, METAL, HIT - METAL IMPACT: SHARP RIPPING CRUNCH 02, Sound Ideas, METAL DETECTOR - METAL DETECTOR: SECURITY WAND, WARBLED TONE, AIRPORT, Sound Ideas, MONKEY - SMALL MONKEY CHATTERING, ANIMAL, APE, Sound Ideas, MONSTER - BIRD MONSTER SCREECHING, CREATURE, CARTOON, ANIMAL, Sound Ideas, MONSTER - DRAGON GROAN, CREATURE, CARTOON, ANIMAL, Sound Ideas, MOTOR, CARTOON - LITTLE MECHANICAL MOTOR RUNNING FAST, Sound Ideas, MUSIC, BOX - SMALL MUSIC BOX: ROCK A BYE BABY, Sound Ideas, MUSIC, HARP - HARP GLISS UP, CARTOON, Sound Ideas, MUSIC, TUBA - TUBA NOTES, CARTOON 01, Sound Ideas, NOISEMAKER - HORN: TOOT, PARTY, TOY, Sound Ideas, ORCHESTRA BELLS - DREAMING, LONG, MUSIC, PERCUSSION, Sound Ideas, ORCHESTRA BELLS - DREAMING, SHORT, MUSIC, PERCUSSION, Sound Ideas, ORCHESTRA BELLS - GLISS, DOWN, MUSIC, PERCUSSION, Sound Ideas, ORCHESTRA BELLS - GLISS, UP, MUSIC, PERCUSSION, Sound Ideas, ORCHESTRA BELLS - TRILL, MUSIC, PERCUSSION 01, Sound Ideas, ORCHESTRA BELLS - TRILL, MUSIC, PERCUSSION 02, Sound Ideas, PICK, CARTOON - FIDDLE PICK AND RISE, LOW, Sound Ideas, PICK, CARTOON - FIDDLE PICK AND RISE, MEDIUM 01, Sound Ideas, PICK, CARTOON - FIDDLE PICK AND RISE, HIGH 01, Sound Ideas, PICK, CARTOON - FIDDLE PICK AND RISE, HIGH 02, Sound Ideas, PIG, SCREECH - C.U. Sound Ideas, TWIRL, CARTOON - FRISBEE TWIRL, CONSTANT (Heard in the Mermalair Arf & Arf-Dawg cutscene.) Puff puffing.) Spongebob. H-B BUGLE, CARTOON - ATTENTION!, SLOW, MUSIC, H-B COMPUTER, CARTOON - MUSICAL COMPUTER RUNNING, H-B RUN, CARTOON - SHORT WIND WHISTLE SCAT, H-B SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE UP, SHORT 03, H-B SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE UP, SHORT 04, H-B SLIDE, CARTOON - LONG SLIDE WHISTLE DOWN, H-B SLIDE, CARTOON - VERY LONG SLIDE WHISTLE DOWN, H-B SQUEAK, CARTOON - ROLLING WHEEL SQUEAKS, H-B SQUEAK, CARTOON - SINGLE RUB SQUEAK 04, Sound Ideas, Cartoons - Chattering Teeth Or Bones - CU - Fast Clicking Rattles, H-B ZIP, CARTOON - BIG WHISTLE ZING OUT, LONG, H-B ZIP, CARTOON - LOW WHISTLE ZING OUT, LONG, H-B ZIP, CARTOON - QUICK WHISTLE ZIP IN, HIGH, Hollywoodedge, 1 Glass Jar Being Drop TE037604, Hollywoodedge, Aerosol Can Spray Var PE695803, Hollywoodedge, Air Drill Short LongS PE195401, Hollywoodedge, Air Horn Blasts Truck PE079701, Hollywoodedge, Airy Hollow Inflate CRT040303, Hollywoodedge, Alarms High PitchedS TE012603, Hollywoodedge, Answering Machine Mo PE251902, Hollywoodedge, Antique Timer Clicks PE179201, Hollywoodedge, Ascending Stretch CRT046001, Hollywoodedge, Ascending Whistles CRT057902, Hollywoodedge, Ascending Whistles CRT057903, Hollywoodedge, Ascending Whistles CRT057904, Hollywoodedge, Ascending Whistles CRT057905, Hollywoodedge, Ascending Whistles CRT057906, Hollywoodedge, Ascending Whistles CRT057907, Hollywoodedge, Baby Crying Slowly PE144001, Hollywoodedge, Baby Laughs VariousS PE144601, Hollywoodedge, Baby Vocals Spitting PE145001, Hollywoodedge, Balloon Inflate Defl SS020202, Hollywoodedge, Balloon Pop Funny Ai CRT058701, Hollywoodedge, Basketball Bounces PE304201, Hollywoodedge, Bass String Scrapes CRT047201, Hollywoodedge, Bass String Scrapes CRT047202, Hollywoodedge, Bass String Scrapes CRT047203, Hollywoodedge, Bass String Scrapes CRT047204, Hollywoodedge, Bass String Scrapes CRT047205, Hollywoodedge, Bass String Scrapes CRT047206, Hollywoodedge, Beeps Alarm Electron EE130701, Hollywoodedge, Belch 2 Short Close Pe PE138101, Hollywoodedge, Belch 3 Shorter CU PE138201, Hollywoodedge, Belch 7 Long Disgusti PE138601, Hollywoodedge, Belch 8 Long Disgusti PE138701, Hollywoodedge, Belches Slow Very Low TE035705, Hollywoodedge, Big Inhale Balloon CRT019901, Hollywoodedge, Big Metal Clangthud CRT031902, Hollywoodedge, Big Metal Clangthud CRT031903, Hollywoodedge, Big Roars Animal Lg CRT013601, Hollywoodedge, Big Single Gulp ie Dr CRT026803, Sound Ideas, GULP, CARTOON - BIG GULP, HUMAN, Hollywoodedge, Big Single Gulps For CRT026802, Hollywoodedge, Big Slow Boinkboing CRT015801, Hollywoodedge, Bird Call Jungle Clas PE926403, Hollywoodedge, Bird Duck Quacks Clos PE020501, Hollywoodedge, Bird Hawk Single Scre PE020801, Hollywoodedge, Hawk Screech Single AT082901, Hollywoodedge, Bird Hawk Single Call PE021001, Hollywoodedge, Bird Rooster 2 Crow PE021501, Hollywoodedge, Bird Seagull Four Sin PE021601, Hollywoodedge, Blow Dryer Turn On Dry PE165201, Hollywoodedge, Boing Followed By Me CRT017905, Hollywoodedge, Boing Two Bounces CRT018704, Sound Ideas, BOING, CARTOON - DRUM WITH WACKY TAKE, Sound Ideas, SPRING, CARTOON - SPRING STRETCH AND RELEASE, Hollywoodedge, Boing Wood Twang CRT016301, Hollywoodedge, Boings For Impacts CRT016701, Hollywoodedge, Bonk Pseudo String Pl PE941201, Hollywoodedge, Boxing Matc Bell Hit CRT014201, Hollywoodedge, Bottle Rocket 2 Picco PE098501, Hollywoodedge, Bounce Jews Harp CRT015802, Hollywoodedge, Bounce Jews Harp CRT015805, Hollywoodedge, Bounce Jews Harp CRT015806, Hollywoodedge, Bubbles Gurgling Up PE052601, Hollywoodedge, Bubbles Gurgling Up PE052701, Hollywoodedge, Bull Roar Medium Pers PE022301, Hollywoodedge, Bull Whip Crack 1 Swis PE108701, Hollywoodedge, Bullet Ricochet OffH PE097101, Hollywoodedge, Bull Whip Swinging Wh TE049404, Hollywoodedge, Cannon Mortar Shot PE1094602, Hollywoodedge, Car Horn Honk Close Mi CT052301, Hollywoodedge, Car Horn Beeps High Do PE077201, Hollywoodedge, Car Lng Peel No Rev Hot PE855302, Hollywoodedge, Car Tire Squeal Short PE074301, Hollywoodedge, Cartoon Farts 1 HighP TE020801, Hollywoodedge, Cartoon Farts 2 HighP TE020802, Hollywoodedge, Cartoon Streaks 1 SS016501, Hollywoodedge, Cartoon Streaks 2 SS016502, Hollywoodedge, Cartoon Streaks 3 SS016503, Hollywoodedge, Cartoon Streaks 4 SS016504, Hollywoodedge, Cartoon Streaks 5 SS016505, Hollywoodedge, Cartoon Streaks 6 SS016506, Hollywoodedge, Cat Domestic Meow Ang AT010501, Hollywoodedge, Cat Domestic Meow Ang AT010603, Hollywoodedge, Cats Fighting Loud Sc PE917007, Hollywoodedge, Cats Two Angry YowlsD PE022601, Hollywoodedge, Children Sml Grp Laug PE954803, Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Laug PE143601, Hollywoodedge, Children Sml Grp Yell PE954901, Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Chee PE142801, Hollywoodedge, Chimpanzee Screams AT050301, Hollywoodedge, Chimpanzee Screeche PE026201, Hollywoodedge, Coconut Comedic Hit PE941001, Hollywoodedge, Comedy Body Fall Msx CRT017301, Hollywoodedge, Cow Moos Three TimesC PE022901, Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Glass PE110801, Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Shatter PE110201, Hollywoodedge, Crash Metal Shatter PE110401, Hollywoodedge, Crazy Man Laughing 2 CRT023201, Hollywoodedge, Night Ambience Light PE011701, Hollywoodedge, Crowd 100 WWhistles LCA013601, Hollywoodedge, Crowd 50 WWhistlesA LCA013801, Hollywoodedge, Crowd Reaction Shock PE142501, Hollywoodedge, Crunchy Fist Impact PE247301, Hollywoodedge, Kick Body Hit 4 Thud Cr PE101601, Hollywoodedge, Cuckoo Bird Followe CRT041202, Hollywoodedge, Cuckoo Birdcoocoo 2 CRT036802, Hollywoodedge, Cuckoo Clock 12 Cucko TE022501, Hollywoodedge, Cuckoo Clock Chime CRT2043401, Hollywoodedge, Cuckoo Clock Strikin PE179401, Hollywoodedge, Cymbal Crash BoingQ CRT016401, Hollywoodedge, Cymbal Crash BoingQ CRT016405, Hollywoodedge, Diving Board Vibrat CRT041201, Hollywoodedge, Dog Growls Viciously TE015601, Hollywoodedge, Dog Howls Plaintivel TE014201, Hollywoodedge, Dog Small Yelps Barks PE023301, Hollywoodedge, Donkey Brayheehaw CRT011902, Hollywoodedge, Dolphin Chirps Vocal PE024601, Hollywoodedge, Dolphins Chirping TE015902, Hollywoodedge, Door Bells Avon Style TE018701, Hollywoodedge, Door Bells Multiple B TE018702, Hollywoodedge, Door Oc Squeaks Vario SS022804, Hollywoodedge, Doppler Car Horn By Ap PE077401, Hollywoodedge, Doppler Horn By HighP CT053001, Hollywoodedge, Doppler Horn By LeftT PE079801, Hollywoodedge, Drip Single Falls Liq PE041301, Hollywoodedge, Drip Single Falls Liq PE041401, Hollywoodedge, Drinking Wslowglug CRT026601, Hollywoodedge, Drunktype Hiccup CRT026203, Hollywoodedge, Dry Skids Long Squeal PE297001, Hollywoodedge, Dry Squeaky Kiss OrS CRT027702, Hollywoodedge, Egg Timer Bell DingsL PE193601, Hollywoodedge, Electrical Capacit BFX018301, Hollywoodedge, Elephant Single Clas AT043701, Hollywoodedge, Elephant Single Clas AT043801, Hollywoodedge, Elephant Single Clas AT043901, Hollywoodedge, Elephant Trumpeting PE024801, Hollywoodedge, Evil Toy Laughhallow TE036403, Hollywoodedge, Explosion 1 Medium Si PE097501, Hollywoodedge, Explosion 2 Medium Si PE097601, Hollywoodedge, Explosion Incoming EXP022901, Hollywoodedge, Factory Buzzer Rever TE020301, Hollywoodedge, Fart 1 Medium Fart Clo PE138901, Hollywoodedge, Fart 2 Short Fart Clos PE139001, Hollywoodedge, Fart 4 Very Short High PE139201, Hollywoodedge, Fire Truck Siren Clos PE081501, Hollywoodedge, Fly Buzzes Against Wi TE016601, Hollywoodedge, Funny Engine Steady CRT035401, Hollywoodedge, Funny Engine Wvocal CRT055904, Hollywoodedge, Funny Multi Swishes CRT054102, Sound Ideas, SWISH, CARTOON - TWIRLING SWISH, MEDIUM, Hollywoodedge, Funny Multi Swishes CRT054103, Hollywoodedge, Funny Musical Creak CRT052901, Hollywoodedge, Funny Rapid GlassyM CRT041401, Hollywoodedge, Funny Sgl Chicken CRT011001, Hollywoodedge, Funny Sgl Chicken CRT011004, Hollywoodedge, Futzed Phone Off Hook PE172601, Hollywoodedge, Giggling Two Childre PE131001, Hollywoodedge, Two Young Kids Giggle PE143501, Hollywoodedge, Girl Screams Long Hi CRT028201, Hollywoodedge, Goat Bleats Twice CRT011503, Hollywoodedge, Gong Hit Wring Stret CRT015602, Hollywoodedge, Goofy ga hugh Type St CRT023402, Hollywoodedge, Gopher Laughs Hyste CRT013105, Hollywoodedge, Gorilla Growl Snort AT052701, Hollywoodedge, Grunt 3 Male Strained PE132301, Hollywoodedge, Grunt 5 Male Strained PE132501, Hollywoodedge, Grunt 8 Male Strained PE132801, Hollywoodedge, Gto Mix Revs Peel Out PE074101, Hollywoodedge, Guitar Glissando CRT045901, Hollywoodedge, Guitar String Pluck CRT047301, Hollywoodedge, Gusts Heavy Cold Wind PE031601, Hollywoodedge, Whistling Wind Stead PE033301, Hollywoodedge, Harp Boings Arrows CRT016603, Hollywoodedge, Hawk Redtailed Scree AT082801, Hollywoodedge, Head Bonk 2 Types One CRT032402, Hollywoodedge, Head Bonk Wbell Drum CRT031901, Hollywoodedge, Head Bonk Whorn 3 Typ CRT032401, Hollywoodedge, Heavy Bonk Wbass Dru CRT033001, Hollywoodedge, Heavy Head Bonk Fall CRT033002, Hollywoodedge, Heavy Metallic Impa CRT017304, Hollywoodedge, Highpitched Electr CRT035801, Hollywoodedge, High Pitched Whistl CRT018103, Hollywoodedge, Hollowbomp Impact CRT030401, Hollywoodedge, Hollowbomp Impact CRT030402, Hollywoodedge, Hollowbomp Impact CRT030404, Hollywoodedge, Hollowbomp Impact CRT030405, Hollywoodedge, Hollow Wooden BonkW CRT057102, Hollywoodedge, Horns 4 Group Party Ne TE030402, Hollywoodedge, Horse Laughing Evil CRT011702, Hollywoodedge, Horse Neighs Loop PE922006, Hollywoodedge, Human Whistlebecko CRT059206, Hollywoodedge, Human WhistlewolfW CRT059203, Hollywoodedge, Hyena Spotted Laughi AT033901, Hollywoodedge, Inflate Pop Bubble CRT049104, Hollywoodedge, Jack Hammer At Work EE157001, Sound Ideas, CONSTRUCTION, JACK HAMMER - JACKHAMMER, TOOLS, DIGIFFECTS, Hollywoodedge, Jews Harp Boings 3x CRT016003, Hollywoodedge, Kick Fly Tumble Wbel CRT033801, Hollywoodedge, Kitten Domestic Meow AT011201, Hollywoodedge, Large Ceramic Pot Bre TE023001, Hollywoodedge, Pottery Drop Break PE112401, Hollywoodedge, Large Explosion With Lon PE280201, Hollywoodedge, Large High Pitch Bell PE190801, Hollywoodedge, Large Impacts WGlass PE280801, Hollywoodedge, Large Interior Crowd PE140901, Hollywoodedge, Large Splash Or DiveW PE127101, Hollywoodedge, Large Splash Or DiveW PE127201, Hollywoodedge, Large Splash Or DiveW PE127401, Hollywoodedge, Laugh Evil Very Lowpi PE131301, Hollywoodedge, Lg Metal Wheel Creak CRT053701, Hollywoodedge, Lightning 08 CloseG SIG012601, Hollywoodedge, Lion Roar Snarl Growl AT013501, Hollywoodedge, Lion Roar Snarl Growl AT013601, Hollywoodedge, Long Airy Whoosh CRT040203, Hollywoodedge, Long Airy Whoosh CRT040206, Hollywoodedge, Long Crash Tire Skid CRT055201, Hollywoodedge, Long Descending Whi CRT018002, Hollywoodedge, Long Slow Stretch CRT049403, Hollywoodedge, Long Strain Stretch CRT049501, Hollywoodedge, Long Stretchy Wood CRT049401, Hollywoodedge, Low Pitched Squeak CRT049301, Hollywoodedge, M60 Automatic Machin PE094901, Hollywoodedge, Man Gargles 3x 1st On CRT026701, Hollywoodedge, Man Gaspshuh Wbreat CRT027502, Hollywoodedge, Man Laughs Hard Stea CRT022801, Hollywoodedge, Man Yells Mediumhig CRT028301, Hollywoodedge, Many Car Horns Honk Cl CT052601, Hollywoodedge, Traffic Jam Group Car TE047301, Hollywoodedge, Traffic Jam Many CarH PE077601, Hollywoodedge, Med Ascen Gliss Gloc CRT015202, Hollywoodedge, Medium Ascen Gliss CRT015201, Hollywoodedge, Medium Crowd AdultsY PE142901, Hollywoodedge, Medium Exterior Crow PE140401, Hollywoodedge, Medium Exterior Crow PE140501, Hollywoodedge, Medium Exterior Crow PE141401, Hollywoodedge, Medium Impact With Debri PE281001, Hollywoodedge, Medium Interior Crow PE141701, Hollywoodedge, Medium Pneumatic Dri PE278201, Hollywoodedge, Medium Stretch Pop CRT049304, Hollywoodedge, Mediumpitched Boin CRT016703, Hollywoodedge, Med Tight Stretch CRT053101, Hollywoodedge, Metal Bonk Fall Tumb CRT033802, Hollywoodedge, Metal Hinge Creak CRT053502, Hollywoodedge, Metal Junk Crash CRT033509, Hollywoodedge, Metallic Clicks Rap CRT038103, Hollywoodedge, Mud Pots Blurps Bubb CRT040401, Hollywoodedge, Mud Pots Blurps Bubb CRT040406, Hollywoodedge, Multipitched High Fr PE208201, Hollywoodedge, Music Effect Jazz Tr SDT055901, Hollywoodedge, New England ChurchB SIG022801, Hollywoodedge, Object Being Squashe PE105201, Hollywoodedge, Old Car Horns Single CRT021302, Hollywoodedge, Old Fire Bellgong Ri CRT014602, Sound Ideas, BIRD, OWL - SINGLE OWL HOOTING, ANIMAL, Hollywoodedge, Parachute Open Wair CRT030605, Hollywoodedge, Party Noise Wtoy Hor CRT029203, Hollywoodedge, Peacock Call ASingle AT075801, Hollywoodedge, Phone Receiver Hangu PE175901, Hollywoodedge, Phone Receiver Picku PE174701, Hollywoodedge, Pig Squeals Grunts Me PE026401, Hollywoodedge, Plane ASteep Dive En CRT056108, Hollywoodedge, Plane ASteep Dive Th CRT056107, Hollywoodedge, Plastic Zipper Openi TE034602, Hollywoodedge, Processed Cowbell CRT014502, Hollywoodedge, Punch Face Hit 1 Sharp PE100101, Hollywoodedge, Punch Face Hit 3 Sharp PE100301, Hollywoodedge, Quick Air Release Ho CRT030102, Hollywoodedge, Quick Double Bell Di CRT015001, Hollywoodedge, Quick Twirl Scrape CRT058504, Hollywoodedge, Quick Whistle Zip By CRT057501, Hollywoodedge, Quick Whistle Zip By CRT057502, Hollywoodedge, Quick Whistle Zip By CRT057503, Hollywoodedge, Quick Whistle Zip By CRT057504, Hollywoodedge, Quick Whistle Zip By CRT057505, Hollywoodedge, Quick Whistle Zip By CRT057506, Hollywoodedge, Radio Tuning SWave TE040201, Hollywoodedge, Radio Beeps Static CRT051408, Hollywoodedge, Radio Beeps Static CRT051409, Hollywoodedge, Railroad Cars Coupli BB033101, Hollywoodedge, Rapid Metallic Warb CRT041204, Hollywoodedge, Rapid Metallic Warb CRT041205, Hollywoodedge, Rapid Whirling Ratc CRT058301, Hollywoodedge, Raspberries Variou CRT050304, Hollywoodedge, Raspberries Variou CRT050306, Hollywoodedge, Rattlesnake Tail Sh CRT014001, Hollywoodedge, Record Scratches 1 SS016001, Hollywoodedge, Record Scratches 2 SS016002, Hollywoodedge, Record Scratches 3 SS016003, Hollywoodedge, Rev Slide Whistle CRT058002, Hollywoodedge, Reverse Ricochet 1 St PE207501, Hollywoodedge, Reverse Ricochet 2 St PE207601, Hollywoodedge, Reverse Ricochet 3 St PE207701, Hollywoodedge, Reverse Ricochet 4 Tw PE207801, Hollywoodedge, Riot Background Exte PE153101, Hollywoodedge, Roadster Mix Revs Var PE074201, Hollywoodedge, Running FootstepsW CRT020403, Hollywoodedge, School Bell Long Ring PE193201, Hollywoodedge, School Bell Long Ring PE193401, Hollywoodedge, Screams 2 Man Yell Scre PE134301, Hollywoodedge, Screams 2 Woman Singl PE133601, Hollywoodedge, Screams 3 Man Gutwren PE134401, Hollywoodedge, Screams 3 Woman Singl PE133701, Hollywoodedge, Screams 4 Woman Singl PE133801, Hollywoodedge, Screams 5 Man InsaneT PE134601, Hollywoodedge, Semi Horn Honk Long Sh PE298101, Hollywoodedge, Several Rapid Swish CRT054101, Hollywoodedge, Ship Huge Low Pitched TE048201, Hollywoodedge, Short Bass Honk WCow CRT032406, Hollywoodedge, Short Bulb Horn Honk CRT020701, Hollywoodedge, Short Heavy Wood Cru CRT030806, Hollywoodedge, Short Metal BonkieF CRT031702, Hollywoodedge, Short Metallic Mach CRT037901, Hollywoodedge, Short Nose Blowsbul CRT021101, Hollywoodedge, Short Quick Xylopho CRT045801, Hollywoodedge, Short Rapid ShakesC CRT014402, Hollywoodedge, Short Single Double CRT020902, Hollywoodedge, Single Classic Wolf CRT012501, Hollywoodedge, Single Cricket Spora PE012001, Hollywoodedge, Single Frog Croak Cl CRT013001, Hollywoodedge, Single Gulpie Mista CRT026801, Hollywoodedge, Single Piece Wood Fal PE113801, Hollywoodedge, Single Piece Wood Fal PE114001, Hollywoodedge, Slide Whistle In Out CRT057601, Hollywoodedge, Slide Whistle In Out CRT057602, Hollywoodedge, Slide Whistle In Out CRT057603, Hollywoodedge, Slide Whistle Up Dw CRT2028301, Hollywoodedge, Sm Heavy Metal Door Sl PE185001, Hollywoodedge, Small Group Men Pant CRT027902, Hollywoodedge, Small Hinge Squeak Hv PE188401, Hollywoodedge, Small Med Hi Boink CRT016002, Hollywoodedge, Small Tight Timpani CRT030301, Hollywoodedge, Small Tight Timpani CRT030302, Hollywoodedge, Small Tight Timpani CRT030303, Hollywoodedge, Snap Sudden Cartoon PE941605, Hollywoodedge, Snare Drum March CRT042901, Hollywoodedge, Splashes Small PlopL TE049201, Hollywoodedge, Spooky Fluttery Gho CRT029402, Hollywoodedge, Springy Boinge Long CRT016202, Hollywoodedge, Springy Boingelong CRT016705, Hollywoodedge, Steel Guitar Stretc CRT046801, Hollywoodedge, Stinger Cymbal Roll PE1073407, Hollywoodedge, Swish 11 Double Swish PE117001, Hollywoodedge, Sword Or Bayonet Juic PE102301, Hollywoodedge, Sword Twang 1 Sword Pl PE103701, Hollywoodedge, Synthy Beeplike Zap CRT059701, Hollywoodedge, Telephone Rings Bell PE170601, Hollywoodedge, Telephone Rings Bell PE170701, Hollywoodedge, Telephone Rings Bell PE170801, Hollywoodedge, Telephone Rg Dual Ton PE170301, Hollywoodedge, Television Switch On PE804801, Hollywoodedge, Thin Process Bell CRT015601, Hollywoodedge, Throw Bowling Ball Ro PE122601, Hollywoodedge, Thunder Clap Head Sh PE1007203, Hollywoodedge, Thunder Crack Impac PE1006401, Hollywoodedge, Thunder Crack Viole PE1008302, Hollywoodedge, Thunder Dry Rumbles PE050901, Hollywoodedge, Tiger Growls Snarls SS015601, Hollywoodedge, Tire Skids For Plane PE060901, Hollywoodedge, Toilet Flush 2 Old Typ PE167401, Hollywoodedge, Tree Cracks Splinter PE108201, Hollywoodedge, Twangy Boings 7 Type CRT015901, Hollywoodedge, Two Body Fall Gravel PE106301, Hollywoodedge, Twirling Objectsli CRT058302, Hollywoodedge, Various Squeaky Kis CRT027704, Hollywoodedge, Very Wet Lip Smackin CRT026505, Hollywoodedge, Vibra Harp Slide Whi CRT046501, Hollywoodedge, Vibraphone Arpeggi CRT047501, Hollywoodedge, Vibraphone Gliss CRT047502, Hollywoodedge, Vibraslap Ratchet CRT043704, Hollywoodedge, Violin Gliss Ups 2 Asc AC050101, Hollywoodedge, Warning Buzzer Indus PE194401, Hollywoodedge, Warning Buzzer Space PE194501, Hollywoodedge, Werewolf Howls Dist TE031001, Hollywoodedge, Werewolf Howls Dist TE031002, Hollywoodedge, Wet Snarly Blurps CRT040501, Hollywoodedge, Wet Splats Various CRT052101, Hollywoodedge, Wet Splats Various CRT052301, Hollywoodedge, Wet Splats Various CRT052302, Hollywoodedge, Wet Splats Various CRT052303, Hollywoodedge, Whale Humpback Calls AT039101, Hollywoodedge, Whale Humpback Calls AT039201, Hollywoodedge, Wheezy Honk Cymbal PE941302, Hollywoodedge, Whind Up Toy Click CRT036302, Hollywoodedge, Whistle Wbulb Horn CRT020801, Hollywoodedge, Whiste Spin Crash CRT058801, Hollywoodedge, Whistling Wind Mediu PE032901, Hollywoodedge, Wind Cold Whistle BT022801, Hollywoodedge, Windup Alarm Clock Ro PE179901, Hollywoodedge, Wolf Howls Very High AT028901, Hollywoodedge, Woman Screamsahhh M CRT028203, Hollywoodedge, Woman Screams LongP CRT028202, Hollywoodedge, Wood Door 3 Open SlamM PE180301, Hollywoodedge, Wood Door OCKnob Ratt PE180201, Hollywoodedge, Wooden Blck Hits Raz CRT019402, Hollywoodedge, Wubble Wobble Spring PE940704, Hollywoodedge, Xylophone Gliss Asc CRT045802, Hollywoodedge, Xylophone Gliss Asc CRT045803, Hollywoodedge, Xylophone Gliss Des CRT046201, Hollywoodedge, Xylophone Gliss Des CRT046202, Hollywoodedge, Yelper Siren Multipl PE081101, SoundDogs, Explosions, Electrical - Elec Thunder Explos, Pro Sound Effects, Rhino Bellows, Wheezy Grunts, Deep Inhales, Groaning, Sound Ideas, ALARM - BATTLE STATIONS: LOUD ELECTRONIC ALARM, SCI FI 01, Sound Ideas, Animals - One cricket chirping 02, SKYWALKER, EXPLOSION - EXPLODING FIRE CRACKER, SKYWALKER, EXPLOSION - THE EXPLODING POP 01, SKYWALKER, JET - ARTOO'S ROCKET THRUSTERS, SKYWALKER, TOY - WOODY'S PULL-STRING SOUND, SKYWALKER, WHOOSH - LONG DESCENDING WHOOSH, SoundDogs, Male, Yell, Howling And Screaming And Painful And Yowling And Yelps, SoundDogs, Sparks, Explosive, Zaps, Violent, Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, BIPLANE - STEARMAN: EXTERNAL: PASS BY 01, Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, BIPLANE - STEARMAN: EXTERNAL: PASS BY 02, Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, JET - FAST PASS BY, SHORT, Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, JET - MILITARY FIGHTER JET: PASS BY 02, Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, PROP - LONG DIVE 01, Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, PROP - LONG DIVE 02, Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, SINGLE PROP - TBF: EXT: POWER DIVE, Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, SKID - LANDING TIRE SQUEAL 03, Sound Ideas, AIRPLANE, SKID - LANDING TIRE SQUEAL 04, Sound Ideas, ALARM, CAR - DISARM CAR ALARM, AUTO, Sound Ideas, ALARM, FIRE - FIRE BELL RINGING, Sound Ideas, AMBIENCE, FOREST - FOREST, SPOOKY NIGHT, Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, BATS - LARGE GROUP SQUEAKING, Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, BIRD - ROOSTER CROW 03, Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, CAMEL - CHEWBACCA-LIKE GROAN, Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, CAT - SEVERAL GROWLS, SPITS, INHALES, HISSES & SWIPES, FIGHT SCREECHES, Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, CATTLE - INSISTENT BAWL, BELLOW, COW 01, Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, CHIMPANZEE - SCREAMS, CHIRPS, BREATHS, APE, MONKEY, Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, CREATURE - "PIT CREATURE" SNARL AND GROWL, SCI FI, MONSTER 04, Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, GORILLA - ANGRY YELLS, GRUNTS, APE, Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, GROWL - LARGE CAT-LIKE COMPLEX SOUND 01, Sound Ideas, ANIMAL, GROWL - LARGE CAT-LIKE COMPLEX SOUND 03, Sound Ideas, ANVIL - SINGLE HIT ON ANVIL WITH HAMMER, METAL 01, Sound Ideas, ANVIL - SINGLE HIT ON ANVIL WITH HAMMER, METAL 02, Sound Ideas, APPLAUSE - INDOOR: SMALL CROWD IN LARGE ROOM, HEAVY, AUDIENCE 01, Sound Ideas, APPLAUSE, CHEERING - INDOOR: LARGE CONVENTION CROWD, AUDIENCE, Sound Ideas, APPLAUSE, CHEERING - INDOOR: MEDIUM CROWD IN SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, AUDIENCE 02, Sound Ideas, APPLAUSE, CHEERING - INDOOR: SMALL STUDIO AUDIENCE, WITH WHISTLING, HEAVY, CROWD 01, Sound Ideas, APPLAUSE, CHEERING - INDOOR: SMALL STUDIO AUDIENCE, WITH WHISTLING, HEAVY, CROWD 02, Sound Ideas, APPLAUSE, CHEERING - MEDIUM CROWD: INDOOR, WHISTLING & CHEERS 02, Sound Ideas, APPLAUSE, CROWD - SMALL STUDIO AUDIENCE: SHORT APPLAUSE 01, Sound Ideas, AUTO, '38 CHEVY COUPE - EXTERNAL: HORN, LONG BLAST, CLOSE UP, CHEVROLET, VINTAGE CAR, Sound Ideas, AUTO, BACKFIRE - OLD AUTO BACKFIRING (20th Century Fox), Sound Ideas, AUTO, BACKFIRE - OLD AUTO BACKFIRING (Hanna-Barbera), Sound Ideas, AUTO, CARTOON - AUTO WHIZZ BY, ZOOM 03, Sound Ideas, AUTO, CRASH - HEAVY CAR CRASH, METAL AND GLASS DEBRIS 01, Sound Ideas, AUTO, HORN - KALUGA CAR HORN: FORD MODEL-T: LONG BLAST 01, Sound Ideas, AUTO, SKID - BRAKE SKID, TIRE 02, Sound Ideas, AUTO, SKID - BRAKE SKID, TIRE 05, Sound Ideas, BABIES AND CHILDREN - CHILDREN CHEERING.
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