As with most other small regional lamp makers, the Chicago Mosaic Lamp Company saw the phenomenal success of Tiffany Studios' patented copper foiled . It is a rather nice example of lamps of this type and I would place a value of $300 to $400. Peachblow was produced between 1955 and 1963. The company, based in Jeannette, Pennsylvania, rebranded in 1898 and took on the name Jeannette Glassware. The mosaic glass created in Pittsburgh was a mixture of purple and either white or an opal shade. historical building groups and antique lighting dealers. Also look on the lighting fixture itself; sometimes, the manufacturer includes a sticker that includes the name, or date of manufacture. Many of the same designs for milk glass were also produced in slag glass. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. in the middle of a section the repair will be performed on the 4,043. Separations, cracks or breaks White metal with filigree work was Unsigned decorative glass items like compotes and vases tend to sell between $5 - $50, even if they are from the 19th century. Akro Agate standing ashtray from the 1930s- slag glass, onyx & cadmium(?) View more in our L. G. Wright Glass Price Guide. Slag glass lamp frame repairs | Brass - Zinc - White Metal - Pot Metal - Copper - Bronze Click HERE to view my many workbench articles. A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass spill vase. American companies (Taylor, Northwood, Dugan, Akro Agate, Westmorland) began manufacturing this type of glass during the late 19th to early 20th century. Many of the same designs for milk glass were also produced in slag glass. As you search for a lamp maker's mark, remember that it may be covered up by dust or dirt, so have a cleaning cloth and gentle cleaning solution handy. Patterns included Daisy and Button, Moon & Star, and Panel Grape. Metal issues or glass issues I may not see in the pictures. Atterbury & Company, Challinor Taylor & Company, and H. Northwood Glass Company are some well-known manufacturers from the United States. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. Challinor Taylor & Co. was one of the most prominent American Slag glass manufacturers. 4. in the middle of a section the repair will be performed on the A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass vase. Discerning Victorian consumers resisted purchasing marbleized glass in some cases and preferred more decorative elements in crystal. Made by Sowerby, pattern number 1223. Old House Journal reports that many early 20th-century lighting fixtures were made of brass, typically finished with a coat of lacquer. During the 1920's designs changed to reflect the new Art Deco trends. White Metal Repairs by Len Daley She has also managed an online antiques community. This is one of the most common uses for slag glass, and you'll see many slag glass chandeliers and other fixtures in antique shops. You can also send photos once I've connected you. Signed Rainaud Antique Slag Glass Lamp In Green And Gold. A glass decoration plant opened in early 1968. Original Price BRL 2,616.52 2 days Left RARE PAIR OF SIGNED TIFFANY STUDIOS LAMPS $1,700. Slag Glass Lamp - Etsy Manufacturer unknown. On the interior of the break in most cases I create a bridge Also, add in any background information you have, and add in a question so we know what you want from us . or Handel lamp that needs a little love. These beautiful old light fixtures can also be incredibly valuable, so knowing how to spot a, Collector Marbles: A Basic Guide to Types and Values. between these sections are easily repaired and can retain the same Some of the most costly slag glass pieces take the form of lampshades by well-known makers like Handel, Bradley Hubbard, and Tiffany. Fenton Glass Made for Other Companies 1907-1980, Identification & Value Guide Weil Ceramics, Abels Wasserburg, Edward Paul, L. G. Wright, Rubel. In 1969, the company opened a museum adjacent to its gift shop and plant in New Martinsville, West Virginia. Fenton Glass Collecting Guide [Identification & Values] - Heart The tureen does not have a makers mark. If a lamp has brown malachite colors it can easily sell for around 1000 dollars. How to Look at a House: When Did the Code First Require Electric Receptacle Outlets to be Polarized? Slag Glass Lamp & Base $500. Markings for Bigelow and Kinnard, Kramer, Steuben, Bradley and Hubbard, Stickley, Gorham, Wilkinson and Jefferson also have high value. One item where slag glass was used often was in the creation of antique oil lamps, chandeliers and lampshades, particularly during the Art Deco and Art Nouveau periods during the late 19th and early 20th century. Thank you. 2022 HEIRLOOMS AT HOME & AGELESS HEIRLOOMS. Antique Lamp Co. provides an antique lamp identification chart that illustrates many basic lamp styles. officialfuel 11 years ago. Prices go up significantly if a light is signed by a prominent manufacturer like Tiffany Studios or, to a lesser extent, Bradley & Hubbard. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750, Great Discoveries: Antique Pharmacy Items Found Amid Renovation, Great Discoveries: Antique Bottle, Message Found Beneath Floor in Scotland. Made by Davidson. These three manufacturers are very well known in the United Kingdom. Dating items down to the decade can be challenging because manufacturers profited off the popularity of slag glass and re-used the same molds over and over for nearly thirty years.1, In the late Victorian era, this opaque marbled glass became incredibly fashionable, and simple pieces made between 1880 and 1900 are relatively common (and inexpensive). A Victorian blue and white British pressed malachite / slag glass bowl. Purple is the most common slag glass color. Youll rarely find marbleized glass dating earlier than 1860, even though the technology existed before this point.2. it will be like a hair line. Another example in the list of famous lamp makers is Frankart Inc. of New York whose lamps were the premier lamps of the Art Deco period (circa 1920s-1930s) with elaborate figural bases and impressive designs that intrigued 1920 flappers and 2020 collectors alike. It wasn't until the early 1960s that outlets were converted to both grounding (3-prong) and polarized. If the item does not have any names or marks, the piece likely is a fake. This color pattern led to the "brown malachite" and "brown marble" names. This is listed on the bottom of most slag glass items, especially lamps. Art Deco Vaseline Slag Glass Smoking Stand Ashtray Electric Lighter. If the bottom of the base is covered with felt, lift the felt gently to look for signs of the lamp's maker. It's quite beautiful. All rights reserved. It should not have white streaks mixed into the color, nor should it be one solid color. [1] The factory at one time was owned by the former West Virginia Glass Company. Antique Slag Glass Lamp Simple in design, this antique leaded slag glass Arts and Crafts table lamp is in excellent condition. ARTDECODON 3 years ago. I would say the lamp is from the 30's or 40's. glass glasses lamps marks plates. Separations, cracks or breaks In your brief description you failed to mention condition or the presence or absence of any marks or numbers on the base of the lamp. Slag glass antique lamps sell between $200 and $2,000, and most of the value is in the light itself. Production of slag glass originated in late-19th-century England, where glass manufacturers are thought to have added slag from iron-smelting works to molten glass to create a range of effectsfrom tortoiseshell to marbling. A Victorian purple and white pressed malachite / slag glass posy vase or bowl. After: Replaced 24 curved pieces,foiled, solder and patina. Table lamps with missing white metal Made by Davidson, marked. Marks on Glass - Glass Lovers Glass Database w/ 2 of the tulip panes are Cracked* In one of the 3 shades ; Needs restoration* The Lamp would sell for $795- $1200 USD. A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass bowl in the form of a nautilus shell. Initially, it was known as marble glass, malachite glass, or Vitro porcelain. cheaper to use. A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass vase. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Most companies have halted the production of slag glass items altogether. Outstanding full floral Duffner and Kimberly dogwood lamp. Table Lamps; Floor Lamps; Desk Lamps; Lamp Shades; Outdoor Lighting; . The number of broken pieces.4. White metal with filigree work was Antique Glass Insulators and Their Electrifying History, Antique glass insulators are a low cost but very popular collectible that come in a myriad of fun shapes and colors. Below we will teach you to have to identify slag glass and give you a greater understanding of its value. you just found the slag glass table lamp of the century in the back Antique Purple and White Slag Glass Cake Stand, Antique EF Industries Green Slag Glass Table Lamp. Your IP: Original Price BRL 2,668.79 BRL 2,093.21, BRL 2,616.52 A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass basket shaped spill vase. Oil Lamp Maker's marks are usually to be seen on the wick winder button and occasionally elsewhere. Slag Glass - Kovels will bring to your unique project over 40 years experience, knowledge 979664 Tiffany Studios. The Fenton Art Glass Company is a glass manufacturer founded in 1905 by brothers Frank L. Fenton and John W. Fenton. Tiffany Lamps: Price Guide and How to Identify an Original - Invaluable As the 1930s ended, Wright was buying glass from Cambridge, Fenton, Morgantown, and Westmoreland. Pictures of both the inside and outside of the lamp.2. Check out Appraiser's's ANTIQUES ROADSHOW appraisal of this Early 20th-Century Bradley & Hubbard Lamp from Seattle, Hour 3! What Is Slag Glass? - The Spruce Crafts American slag glass lamp, metal filigree trim, period metal base,. How to Identify Slag Glass Types and Worth | Heirlooms at Home The marble should never be streaky and it should blend well with the color of the glass. I enjoyed learning about items she grew up with and collected throughout the years, and recognizing similar items when we would go antique shopping. Depending on the rarity of the item, slag glass is worth anywhere from $50 to $1500. . answer. A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass vase. SLAG GLASS LAMP - Salem Brothers, circa 1920, SLAG GLASS LAMP - Salem Brothers, circa 1920, Arts & Crafts Spelter Lamp in gold finish with Gothic detailing, having a six-panel caramel slag glass dome 2 days Left FINE ANTIQUE CHINESE MARKED BUTTERFLY VASE MARK AND PERIOD $850. A Victorian turquoise and white British pressed malachite / slag glass spill vase. Contact Us. Manufacturer unknown. (Source). L. G. Wright Glass. The style of the lamp can help you narrow down the manufacturer and the era in which it was made. Chicago Mosaic Company Lamps - oldlampvalues : r/Antiques. One of the best ways to check if your slag glass is real is to look for the names and marks of manufacturers. It's also possible that the shade of your lamp was replaced somewhere along the line, so the lamp base and shade may not be an original pair. MushusBoutique. In addition, it introduced new forms, shapes, and patterns. Real slag glass will not have a solid color but rather a blended, marble look. She is also a journalist and marketing content creator who enjoys cooking and eating, both helpful hobbies for a gardener. On the interior of the break in most cases I create a bridge Manufacturer unknown. Related Dictionary Pages: Lancaster Colony, Lancaster Glass, Libbey Glass Company. BRL 718.95, BRL 898.69 Nostalgic Bulbs: Introduction to Lamp Wire & Cords, How to grow your own herb garden in any indoor or outdoor space, How to Identify Antique Hand-Painted Lamps. American Slag Glass Lamps | Antiques Roadshow | PBS Oil Lamp Makers buttons - Oldcopper This is a big part of why slag glass is so valued today. There are some numbered lamps that aren't on our site. By determining the year a table lamp was manufactured, you can learn a lot of information that can help you discover its value or find any replacement parts needed. Pictures of both the inside and outside of the lamp.2. Values. If you can identify what company manufactured the slag glass, you can determine if the product is real. There have been many well-made slag glass lamps over the years, but those made by Bradley & Hubbard, Miller Lamp Company and Handel Lamp Co. are often thought to be among the most beautiful. Akron Diamond 120 Gas Table Lamp. Dorothy Stephen and Phyllis Stephan Brettner, her daughters, inherited the company. interior. $435.00. Davidson Glass information from the Glass Museum on line A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass spill vase. View Similar Items . Akro Agate crow flying through an "A" markmost pieces are also marked "Made in USA" in raised letters and include a mold number. It was my grandmothers and is over 60 years old. Unsigned decorative glass items like compotes and vases tend to sell between $5 $50, even if they are from the 19th century. Caramel 'Slag Lamp' Value Lights Up - Antique Trader What Is Slag Glass? Antique Works and Values | LoveToKnow Other clues may include a delicate polychrome finish or gilt, which could indicate Depression era lamps. Wondering what your antique table lamps' value is? They also began producing opaque golden, creamy colored glass known as caramel slag that allowed the passage of enough light to give a room a soft, warm, golden ivory glow. Lamps from that time period may be made from lower-quality metals that would then be painted or gilded. Business directories of that era list a Chicago Mosaic Lamp Co. in 1905, 1910, and 1914. Slag Glass Lamps - 54 For Sale on 1stDibs it will be like a hair line. Accept Read More, We hand-pick antiques for our readers and may, Popular Glass of the 19th and 20th Centuries: A Collectors Guide (Millers Collectors Guides), Antique Price Guide with Pictures: A Look at Antiques Worth Money, The Best Antique Price Guide Books for Appraising, Online Resources for Free Antique Appraisals, 10 Most Valuable Pennies That Sold Recently, What Is Carnival Glass? The Pittsburgh Lamp, Brass & Glass Company was assigned at least five lighting-related patents between August 28, 1900 and March 21, 1916. Made by Davidson, marked. The value of slag glass antiques ranges from $20 $20,000. Sowerby marketed their slag glass under the name 'Malachite', and this name was used for all the colours they produced, even though technically it should only apply to green, as the name comes from the marbled green mineral 'malachite'. Slag-Glass Lamp - Elizabeth Appraisals (20% off), Sale Price BRL 401.93 with copper that will give the break extra support. Prices for slag glass lamps start at $150 and top out at $13,250 with the average selling for $1,250. Table lamps with missing white metal In 1905, John and Frank Fenton of Ohio opened the Fenton Glass Company. They're easy to find, and make a colorful, decorative display in your home, offi, If you're hoping to add some historic charm to your home, antique chandeliers can be a wonderful choice. But you Handling Antique Glass Antique glass should be handled as if it has been Maybe inherited a Tiffany stained glass lamp Other times when tears or breaks occur How to Determine the Year a Table Lamp Was Manufactured Made by Sowerby, pattern number 1258, marked. This leads to marbling in the colors of the glass. Maker or style/age of this Lamp? Metal and glass,unknown maker. The original slag glass created in England was known for having a brown base color mixed in with streaks of a creamy white color. Plus Return Shipping Tiffany stained glass lamp repairs and restoration for antique slag glass lighting. Some of these are probably products of Atterbury & Company or Challinor, Taylor & Company. Slag glass, also commonly known as Malachite glass, is pressed glass made in the same way as Milk glass, but with coloured streaks to create a marble effect. $71.65 shipping. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. It formed at a very low temperature which made it faster and Manufacturer unknown. Antique Lamps Online | Antique Vintage Lamps It is unlikely that any American glass factory produced Mary Gregory -style glass before Westmoreland Glass Company's 1957 line. known for its ability to retain detail when removed from its master When molds were acquired from defunct glass companies, L. G. Wright did not always remove the former makers marks. The chart below highlights some recently sold slag glass items. Made by Davidson, marked. WorthPoint is the largest resource online for identifying, researching and valuing antiques. The SUCCESS burner was Pilabrasgo's "claim to . A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass spill vase. The first new molds date from 1937. See if holding onto your favorite action figures as a kid has paid off. Measurements: 105 x 80 x 80 cm. Most lamp frames consisted of 3-8 sections of metal A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass cup. A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass bowl. These lamps and lampshades were not only prized for their beauty but also the colored and marbled effect of the lights on the walls of a home. Made by Sowerby, pattern number 1192, marked. barn or at an estate sale. Cast caramel slag glass lamp with floral design on base and shade,. Slag glass was extremely popular when used to create lampshades. Once you know the style of lamp you have, finding a vintage lamp manufacturers list of makers within that style is much easier. . Big named glass companies jumped on the craze, and the most expensive slag glass lamps were produced by Tiffany, Roycroft or Steuben. This lamp at auction today would bring around. Mar 18, 2023 Very desirable pair of Dumas, Texas Bit and Spur Maker Terry Alward double mounted Spurs, #141 . About Heisey Glass - National Heisey Glass Museum - These were made by the specialists for use in lamps made by themselves and also sold for use by others. Measell, James, and W. C. Red Roetteis. The period from the 1950s to 1970 was L. G. Wright's golden age. A glass decoration plant opened in early 1968. This is because the top manufacturers of the day often did leave any identifying brand marks on the fixtures. mold. The older piece, the greater value it has. A Victorian turquoise and white British pressed malachite / slag glass vase. In most cases Westmoreland glass was made by the Westmoreland Glass Company of Grapeville, Pennsylvania, from 1890 to 1984. The Sowerby trade mark, a peacock's head, was registered on the 26th January 1876 and most Vitro-Porcelain can be found with this mark, usually accompanied with a design registration mark. Public Auction Sale: 03-16-2023 Stained Glass Lamps, Antiques, Collecti Newer slag glass has been produced by several companies in the latter half of the 20th century. Slag glass lamp | Pricing Guides Dictionary & Values - Marks4antiques mold. Paducah, KY: Collector Books, 2005. Antique Slag Glass Lamps - Etsy A variety of opaque glass plates, mostly of the Victorian era. Challinor created slag glass slightly differently than the original process which uses true slag. I am needing a narrative of this lamp's era, style, origin, Did we forget one? Forms ranged from covered animal dishes to lamps to water goblets. contacts will be at your service. Many antique lamps of these periods were made with stained glass, rather than slag glass, and a careful review of the glass opacity and patterns is necessary to determine the difference. Some later manufacturers include Boyd, Imperial, and Westmoreland. This would still give the marble effect without the use of actual slag. Verna Mae Wright died in 1990. For more information on Malachite / Slag glass, check out the following resources: - Large gallery of Sowerby and other Victorian pressed glass, with catalogue scans. After: Made 1 mold bent 1 large caramel curved glass panel and 2 blue pieces. Slag Glass Lamp (1 - 40 of 587 results) Price ($) Shipping All Sellers early 1900's slag glass lamp catchreleasecollect (73) $1,275.00 1920's-30's Houzex Slag Glass Lamp/Smoking Stand Part ARTCPACKRAT (1,548) $21.99 FREE shipping Antique Old American Art Nouveau Floral Bent Slag Glass Lamp Shade & Base Lamp LeeFamilyAntiques (605) $595.00 known for its ability to retain detail when removed from its master A Victorian blue and white pressed malachite / slag glass small tankard. original metal finish the repair may be less noticeable. Made by Sowerby, pattern number 1299, marked. Slag glass created in recent years can come in many new colors including orange, pink and red. (A complete list of the molds sold in 1999 to other firms.). For instance, bronze lamp bases topped by leaded glass shades could be the hallmark of American designer Louis Comfort Tiffany. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. Some handmade collector marbles are small works of art that can command big prices. A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass spill vase. The worth and value of slag glass varies. Check your tackle box because these rare fishing lures could help you reel in a fortune. Lawrence Gale Si Wright (1904to 1969) began buying and selling glass seconds in 1937. Search 7 Wetzlar custom cabinet makers to find the best cabinetry and custom cabinet maker for your project. Slag glass with no makers marks on it. In more recent years it was made by Imperial Glass, by Westmoreland Glass, by Akro Agate, and several other companies. original metal finish the repair may be less noticeable. Metal and glass,unknown maker. Metal issues or glass issues I may not see in the pictures.5.Your shipping address for return shipping quote.I will include suggestions and comments along with links regarding shipping and packaging.Contact: Email Len.Daley@yahoo.comPhone: 401-314-6005 (non text line)Or click on the picture to email me. The dimensions Length x Height.3. Explore other items from ourAntiques & Collectibles Price Guide. 28 bids. L. G. Wright reproductions tend to be thicker than period pieces. w/ 3 Tulip Glass Shades* Very Good Condition- Works great. A Victorian blue and white pressed malachite / slag glass spill vase. Maybe inherited a Tiffany stained glass lamp Examine the color. (20% off), Sale Price BRL 718.95 These items became so popular that slag glass made its way across the ocean and become common in American homes as well. strength as when manufactured. A Victorian purple and white British pressed malachite / slag glass half pint tumbler. Antique Slag Glass Lamps | Collectors Weekly I will include suggestions and comments along with links regarding shipping and packaging. A Victorian blue and white British pressed malachite / slag glass bowl. barn or at an estate sale. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 2003. strength as when manufactured. In exceptional condition. Ask Your Own Antiques Question. These colors are created through different repurposing techniques. Manufacturers used the glass in molds to make bowls, compotes, vases, plant cache pots, and more. Though it's easily mistaken for other glass products produced around the same time period, such as stained glass, slag glass has its own unique look and slag glass items can fetch a wide range of prices. Antique Week - News Article Entrepreneurs in America discovered the popularity of English slag glass lamps: a factory named Akro Agate produced its own version, a name that references cut agate.
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