Bernardo's most recent book is Science Ideated: The fall of matter and the contours of the next mainstream scientific worldview. I work with and am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. According to the conventional modern scientific worldview, reality consists of a physical universe composed of energy and matter behaving according to objective physical laws. Welcome to Science and Nonduality Conference. My thanks to you and the filmmakers for your work! Over 6,000,000 human beings from 230 countries and territories have seen the film so far. Dr Peter Fenner, PhD has a multifaceted practice as a writer, author, spiritual coach, and trainer in teachings of deep Buddhist philosophy. If you need a timezone converter, please click here. I really enjoyed my time at this conference. Share School Psychology in WA - Live Chat with your friends. With Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone and Gabor Mat. Joanna Macy, Asking the fundemental questions and laying the ground work for a spiritual inquiry into racism, Chapter 14 of Diana Kupers memoir 'Finding Refuge' availabe now. There are many big questions to be curious about, and one of the most fascinating is this: What makes, Promoting his new book 'The Myth of Normal' on the Tim Ferris Show. Every defeat is just an angel, tugging at your sleeve, telling you that you dont have to keep banging your head against the wall. Share Pocketsized psychology: Cognitive psychology in the classroom with your friends. It gave me language to understand our world and our self-destructive culture in a way that finally makes sense, language Ive been seeking for my entire life. Theres a guy over there petting the fish, murmurs one San Rafael hotel worker to another, as they watch a young man with features like an Indian Raja stroking the big golden carp clustering beneath the big lobbys artificial waterfall. Thank you for your courage, wisdom and hard work you put into producing such an amazing movie!! If you have any further questions, please email for more information. Share Decoding the Mind: Psychology Wisdom Course with your friends. In this short video neuroscientist Chris Fields explains the scientific concept of. Victoria introduces the Racism and the Self webinar and leads a guided meditation. To do this, we organise 'lecture days', where you get a full day of talks from leading psychologists, authors and university professors. Essentia Foundation hopes to help close this communication gap. When I ask Dr. Hameroff if his ideas had been cross-pollinated, before the event, by other conference speakers, he mentioned Daniel Sheehans talk about Casimir force: in fact there is a calculation of the Casimir force acting significantly on microtubules. From "Democracy and Belonging Forum" Why We Need a Politics of Exile in a Time of Troubling Stuckness. Biology isnt applied chemistry. However the impact the film and the 5-6 talks I managed to find time for have made a massive impact on me and I'm so grateful particularly for my eyes being widened to how physical the effects of Trauma can be and how it links into the environmental crisis. Dr Bernardo Kastrup, PhD is the executive director of Essentia Foundation. Sounds of SAND is a podcast from Science and Nonduality which contemplates and reveres the beauty, complexity, pain, and great mystery that weave the infinite cycles of existence.We explore beyond ultimate truths, binary thinking, and individual awakening while acknowledging humanity as a mere part of the intricate web of life.Episodes tap into SANDs rich history and collaborative future by presenting talks, dialogs, interviews, readings, music, and recordings from SAND Conferences, events, and webinars weaving timeless wisdom and embodied experience.Lets listen, learn, and share. Peters books include Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditioned Awareness (Sounds True, 2007), The Ontology of the Middle Way (Kluwer, 1990), Reasoning into Reality (Wisdom Publications, 1994), Essential Wisdom Teachings (with Penny Fenner, Nicolas-Hays, 2001), The Edge of Certainty: Paradoxes on the Buddhist Path (Nicolas-Hays, 2002), Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy (Editor, Omega Books, 2003). Further, all presentations and posters were very fruitful for the researchers and students of nursing science and practice. Your contribution will help us bring the movie and resources to many communities in need across the globe. Emerging evidence from the fields of quantum physics, the neuroscience of consciousness, and analytic idealism are beginning to show a more interconnected picture of the world one that sees mind as primary, and each human life as a microcosm of a larger whole. Very few people are aware of the impact of historical trauma. So, in this online conference, well explore the fascinating synergies between modern psychology and ancient nondual teachings. ByMaria Kneas And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. Not a word I say is true. New Medical Codes for COVID Vaccination Status Raise Concerns Among Experts Feel free to copy and share. 38 min, A selected set of talks from the Talks on Trauma series, parts 1 & 2. By David Dombrowski Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of [Read more] Tao gives birth to one, Private membership site to access all of your content for, Or pay 3 installments of US$67 for a total of US$201 >>. Talk at the University of South Carolina: What is the New Normal? In the main lecture room a gray haired professor argues for conservative quantum physics as opposed to speculative quantum physics. Access 70+ hours of additional educational material, "Trauma is not the bad things that happened to you", James Doty: Childhood Traumatic Experiences, Gabor Mat on the potential of a trauma-informed society, Michael: The Effects of Isolation as a Child. These subtle forces may be resonating in microtubules which form the tiniest parts of living cells including brain cells where quantum computation with objective reduction may be somehow involved in consciousness. Share Importance of Child Psychology and Intervention Strategy with your friends. Duality, or separation between the observer and the observed, is an illusion that the Eastern mystics have long recognized and Western science has more recently come to understand through quantum mechanics. Youll learn how these insights can improve your own quality of life, and also how to help others do the same. The mission of Science and Nonduality (SAND) is to forge a new paradigm in spirituality, one that is not dictated by religious dogma, but rather is based on timeless wisdom traditions of the. Nonduality is the understanding that identification with common dualisms avoids recognition of a deeper reality. And is it scientifically accurate? SAND is a journey, an exploration on the nature of awareness. Besides offering experiential workshops, Peter has given presentations of his work at institutions such as Stanford Medical School, Columbia University, Saybrook College, California Institute of Integral Studies and Naropa University. Barefooted peoplesome of them freshly arrived in RVs trimmed with Tibetan prayer flagsoccasionally find themselves more mystified than mystical in conversation with earnest men in horn rim glasses, rumpled suits, brown shoes, and a tendency to drone during mathematical elucidation. I have been opened up and led forward. About Us. ~ Tao Te Ching. His books include In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction; When the Body Says No; The Cost of Hidden Stress; Scattered Minds: The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder; and (with Dr. Gordon Neufeld) Hold on to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers. Anyone who claims to know is believing their story about what is true.There is only Mind. LTRP Note: The following is posted for research and informational purposes and is from a secular news source. We are witnessing this very thing today. Im a Junior at UC Santa Cruz, and I just declared a major in psychology. Nonduality & The Science of Consciousness - Peter Russell. For a full breakdown of the lectures, speakers (and their reading recommendations) emailed to your inbox, please click here. The next Conference. Thank you for producing this. If you would like to get our latest psychology lectures sent to your inbox, you can sign up for the early access list at, Pocketsized psychology: Cognitive psychology in the classroom, Pocketsized psychology: Developmental psychology in the classroom, Decoding the Mind: Psychology Wisdom Course, Importance of Child Psychology and Intervention Strategy. In fact, since the contemplative prayer movement has come into full swing, more and more churches are observing Lent. Are science and nonduality compatible? It was a nice experience for me. In Action Share Psychological Self Care for Individuals. But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing. Speaker extras: articles, book chapters, meditations & embodiment practices. She lives and creates at the confluence of music, wisdom schools, and cutting edge technology.She grew up on the volcanic island of Sicily and has been exploring the powerful world of sound since her youngest years. In fact, that's why this Wisdom of Trauma is so important and actually an entire new movement. I have been sharing with so many people. Join Science and Nonduality Conference (SAND) for a 5-day immersive experience where leading scientists, philosophers and spiritual teachers gather to explore a new understanding of who we really are, both as individuals and as a society. Get on our mailing list for the latest news, articles, videos, webinars, events and more. The Weekend University seeks to guarantee an excellent learning experience. I will share it with all of my mental health colleagues. Two gives birth to three, "A new world will be born in blood and pain, just as we are." Perception underpins all human behavior and helps interpret sensory information to make sense from the senseless. Welcome to Science and Nonduality Conference. This website has been translated in the following languages: , , etina, Deutsch, Espaol, Franais, , Italiano, Lietuvikai, Magyar, Polskie, Portugus, Trke and subtitled in 27languages. Almaas' books include: Love Unveiled, Unfolding Now, and The Keys to the Enneagram.www.diamondapproach.orgThomas Hbl is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator whose lifelong work integrates the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science. A gift for humanity. The Weekend University aims to make the best minds and ideas in psychology more accessible to the general public. Sometimes, the meeting of the rational and the emotional produced a synthesis with a life of its own, DUALITY AND NON: A Visit to the Science and Nonduality Conference. Trauma is the invisible force that shapes our lives. You are indeed changing the world for the better in such challenging times! My dad was sent home [Read more] Thank you for your invitation to join the 5th International Conference on Nursing Science and Practice. These surprising emergent behaviors are what our universe appears to be made of, from the Big Bang, to the unfathomable complexity of Life, to the unimaginable future yet to come. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy (ontology, philosophy of mind) and another Ph.D. in computer engineering (reconfigurable computing, artificial intelligence). BOOKLET Provides Irrefutable Evidence: A Serious Look at Richard Fosters School of Contemplative Prayer, BOOKLET: IF it is of GodAnswering the questions of IF:Gathering. If you have any further questions, please email for more information. You are kind of preventing yourself from seeing whats immediate and now because youre expecting it to be something spectacular., Nonduality and science converge fairly comfortably in some conferees, especially Stuart Hameroff. I too work with the traumatized/addicted each and every day and I can say there is no other life or way of life for me. He is immediately followed by a fresh-faced young Englishman, Jeff Foster, who improvises on waking up from the dream of separation and the possibility of absolute freedom in the midst of ordinary life. Peter Russell studied theoretical physics, experimental psychology, and computer science at the University of Cambridge. She is currently based at Southern Cross University, where she directs the Biological Intelligence Lab funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The table shows below the name of the job title below you may be interested in including salary range and total compensation. Sufis, Jewish philosophers, Transpersonal Psychologists and Christian mystics were conferees as well, easily finding overlapping ideas and points of agreement, their discussions seeming to validate Aldous Huxleys The Perennial Philosophy. The scientist Sir Roger Penrose suggested in his 1989 book The Emperors New Mind that Platonic values including mathematical truth, ethical values and beauty are embedded in the fine structure of the universe, specifically in fundamental spacetime geometry at the inifinitesimally tiny Planck scale. I am forever changed and will carry this information into my work as a nurse, mom and coach! Our direct conscious connectivity to the cosmos might be found at these levels, transcending dualistic separation. There is no inherent value in the incredibly complex patterns of light that fall onto our eyes, and yet we see coherent forms and motions that enable us to survive. I have felt so nurtured and connected, also healed - this life journey! Gullibleeasily deceived. This is known in specialist communities, but hasnt yet been openly communicated, in an accessible manner, to the culture at large. .Its totally paradoxicalthis is nothing appearing as anything. I must say the conference was well organized. Below [Read more] Formulated in detail in many academic papers and books, his ideas have been featured on Scientific American, the Institute of Art and Ideas, the Blog of the American Philosophical Association, and Big Think, among others. Congratulations on this so needed and amazing film! Gabor Mate is a Jedi. He is also the author of Einstein and Buddha: The Parallel Sayings (Ulysses Press, 2000), a collection of parallel quotes from mystics and physicists. Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce Warren B. Smiths new book, Evangullible. At Science and Nonduality, preeminent scientists, philosophers, mystics and artists gather to explore and advance the new paradigm emerging in spirituality. Save Golf Sports Psychology. Join us to explore what it means to commit to a spiritual path and to live with an awakened heart.Hameed Ali (A. H. Almaas), Founder of the Diamond Approach, was born in the Middle East, but at age 18 he moved to the USA to study at the University of California in Berkeley. The post Lent and Contemplative A Likely Match appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. She has visited more than 30 countries; living in Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Native American, and Yoruba communities, embracing aspects from each culture for personal evolution. SAND is a journey, an exploration on the nature of awareness. He is a regular presenter at the Science and Nonduality Conference. Conference Programme. Donald Hoffman describes his mathematical theory that ties in with consciousness touching into neuroscience, computer science, perception, and how we construct reality. We would like to extend our deepest gratitude and love for you guys for sharing this wisdom. SAND brings together preeminent scientists, philosophers, spiritual teachers, and mystics for an exploration of the new paradigm emerging in spirituality that is grounded in cutting-edge science and consistent with the ancient wisdom of nondualitythe deep understanding of the interconnectedness of life. explore psychedelics and their therapeutic uses in two entertaining and informative talks from SAND 18 and 19. Join the movement towards a trauma-informed society. Tom McFarlane is a teacher and board member at the Center for Sacred Sciences, a non-profit spiritual organization whose mission is to support spiritual practitioners following the teachings of the mystics of the worlds major religious traditions and to help foster the creation of a new worldview in which spiritual and scientific truths can be seen as complementary views of the same underlying reality. At Science and Nonduality, preeminent scientists, philosophers, mystics and artists gather to explore and advance the new paradigm emerging in spiritu See more 636,929 people like this 645,799 people follow this 705 people checked in here (848) 590-6981 Community Organization Thank you. Dr Peter Fenner, PhD has a multifaceted practice as a writer, author, spiritual coach, and trainer in teachings of deep Buddhist philosophy. Earn a CPD certificate and demonstrate your commitment to ongoing professional development. Psychology isnt applied biology. Warren is a former New Age follower and a Lighthouse Trails author who has written numerous books and booklets including his autobiography, The Light That Was Dark. Save The psychology behind successful groups to your collection. The brain, to create meaning where there is possibly none, processes perception from the unperceived and thought from the unthinkable. We offer a full refund if you cancel within 7 days of the event date. But is it true? We hosted an intimate group screening last night for around 20 medical students and physicians who work with individuals experiencing homelessness. In this beautiful conversation, two impassioned trauma specialists and authors, Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone and Dr. Gabor Mat, shared personal experiences and professional challenges working with the burgeoning field of trauma healing across generations. If the force is not random, it could reflect Platonic information embedded in the universe and guiding our choices and perceptions, as Penrose suggests, ensues from Planck scale geometry. New Booklet: How to Strengthen the Faith of Our Children & Grandchildren With 5-Minute Conversations Final Round of Abstract Submission Closes on: 2022, USG United Scientific Group All Right Reserved. Elderly gentlemen in neatly clipped beards interpret the symbolism of Vedantic gods and exchange stories about horrific diseases they barely survived in India; young men trade harrowing tales of ayahuasca and someone asks me, Do you remember the name of that woman hanging with R.U. Film Premiere and Q&A The Story of Everything: An Oral Narrative, Part I. Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe: Manifesting A Natural Economy, Superpower: Ignite Your Intuitive Intelligence, Straight Talk Live Beyond the Numbers: Corporations, Climate, and Compassion, GEN Ecovillage Summit Living Solutions for a Regenerative World, Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe, An Online Evening with Environmentalist Charles Eisenstein, Climate: A New Story A Talk with Author Charles Eisenstein, Serving A More Beautiful World & Death Faire, Institute of Noetic Sciences 2019 International Conference, Restoring Humanity: Exploring Our Connections to Earth & Each Other, Spirituality in the 21st Century: The Grace of Decomposition (Pre-SP21C Retreat), Bayard & John Cobb Peace Lecture: Rebuilding a Peace Narrative, Spirituality in the 21st Century: Living in the Mangle, Envisioning a Sacred Blockchain: Toward Shared Values and Distributed Ownership, Charles Eisenstein: Flipping the Script on Climate Change, Flipping the Script on Climate Change: Talk and Book Launch Gathering, The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible: Esalen (March 2019), First Annual Earth Love Festival Water is Life: A Celebration of the Susquehanna, Slow Living Summit: The Future of Food Entrepreneurship, Space Between Stories Esalen (November 2018), Esalen: Space Between Stories (March 2018). Use code GGSC for a 10% discount! Jeff Foster was refreshing, and so was that wry critic of excessively guru-centric spirituality, Jody Radzik: Many people rely on the folk theory of nondual enlightenment to help them understand what theyre going for. Great film. A leading thinker on consciousness and contemporary spirituality, he coined the term "global brain" with his 1980s bestseller of the same name in which he predicted the Internet and the impact it would have on humanity. Science and Nonduality Youth Sages (2018/19) Science and Nonduality A two-time recipient of the Young Sages scholarship and attendee at SAND's annual international conference (October 2018 . I could feeeeel a connection to their hearts, to their suffering. Science and spirituality; contrasts and convergences. . Share Golf Sports Psychology. Science Center Science And Nonduality Conference Company Jobs and Salaries. Bernardo's most recent book is Science Ideated: The fall of matter and the contours of the next mainstream scientific worldview. He is the author of the book, Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds, which outlines his methodology called the Collective Trauma Integration Process as a safe framework for guiding groups through collective and Save Pocketsized psychology: Cognitive psychology in the classroom to your collection. Simply put, this paradigm holds that what we are on the inside (i.e., mind, consciousness) is fundamentally separate from the world we experience on the outside (matter).

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