xc```b`` ,@QC )U{rmIj-J3W^;;{>[`@\]-o48lv`;5IJls! Below is a list of civil complaint examples we have filed in specific types of claims. You can sue anunknown personby using aJohn Doe defendantin a personal injury lawsuit. We have filed suit in virtually every possible type of personal injury claim. COMPLAINT AMENDED COMPLAINT (Number) : CROSS-COMPLAINT AMENDED CROSS-COMPLAINT (Number) : Jurisdiction (check all that apply) : CASE NUMBER: ACTION IS A LIMITED CIVIL CASE Amount demanded does not . 4 0 obj HT;0CHcp$`hrX%gZu@]Ilb x\@Y:rPyg9/,'vk h H2P* PDF Law Corp. 11777 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 702 Los Angeles, California 90049 We do not handle any of the following cases: And we do not handle any cases outside of California. H2P* endstream endobj 127 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Under California's premises liability laws, a person who owns, leases, occupies, or controls a premise is negligent if they fail to do either of the following 2 things: Use reasonable care to keep the property in a reasonably safe condition. endstream endobj 677 0 obj <>/Metadata 674 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[678 0 R 679 0 R]>>/Outlines 75 0 R/Pages 673 0 R/StructTreeRoot 98 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 678 0 obj <. Search by Keyword or Citation. Use reasonable care to discover any unsafe conditions and repair, replace, or . << /Type /ObjStm /Length 5282 /Filter /FlateDecode /N 100 /First 860 >> She does not know who pushed her. The name John Doestands in for the unknown defendant. PDF PI/PD - ANSWER SAMPLE - California This is why there are John Doe defendants. endstream endobj 128 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream They were so pleasant and knowledgeable when I contacted them. E&HS. 24/7 Help: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee endstream endobj PDF PLD-PI-002 Cross-Complaint Personal Injury, Property - California xUjA;3]U}yT`@ hDA=5;;;&$]tW{ezl}pCGW|f} ,9Tw3~34Ek"9{N&>RSH VlYVoYs=) u:2q8gTAq8rhgV=P8NI4#y2'5z^ 2 0 obj c$x80AXV&UGYXpTuG]NP([8U+ +Ee1U%kQxZBC d5GSz- /7UCQ 4JWE*QQT.PF Service of process tells them that they are being sued. i%*, RNR*CcEQt Satisfied (485) Note that the author is NOT an attorney and no guarantee or warranty is provided. Complaint regarding Negligence - Negligence | US Legal Forms [ %Tl.Fe+O'hLN@m*3Igd endstream endobj 132 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream vv%p\=,#Ut* 1 P >u3WJ76tf0?vtI,26v9Bq8\ B*D%-m;TQ>OXxxmJ5h0}jk]%Tygd&CCR; < x;@@ EfhBc6XX5xNrWtl+^{w_. 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SZqb>@z)<8M![(s Bd%\)P,+%8p ]4'N&GZA[.EZaV Sample Negligence complaint where driver 1 sues driver 2 after auto accident. Qi9 XIR?AM_&(NT#OE* endstream endobj 121 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Page 1 of 3 CROSS-COMPLAINTPersonal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death Form Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California PLD-PI-002 [Rev. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our personal injury attorneys bring decades of experiencefighting for the rightsof injury victims. It notifies the identified defendant of the lawsuit. In this article, we'll look at the . Complaint regarding Auto Accident for Negligence - Injury Lawyer | US 0 Case No.37-2012-00095108-CU-PO-CTL SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES (DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF $25,000) PDF File a Written Response with the Court Answering Your Summons and Complaint 11 Year Winner in all Categories: Forms, Features, Customer Service and Ease of Use. Hd; CACI No. 1300. Battery - Essential Factual Elements :: California Civil %PDF-1.6 % This creates a problem for victims who have not identified a key person in their claim. endstream endobj 130 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Each state has its own procedure for John Doe defendants. stream Sample Negligence Complaint Below is a sample civil complaint for negligence which should give you a good idea of how to draft your own lawsuit alleging negligence. This sample answer to personal injury complaint in California is used by a defendant to answer an unverified personal injury complaint. k/ba#17Kg,:XH'1L:l>(YE@.#U ]c Response to Personal Injury Complaint | Nolo The complaint is a document that identifies the parties involved, sets out the legal basis for the court's jurisdiction over the controversy, states the plaintiff's legal claims, and relates . endstream endobj 117 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream BEST Legal Forms Company. 676 0 obj <> endobj << /AcroForm 5 0 R /Metadata 105 0 R /Names 6 0 R /Pages 107 0 R /Perms << /UR3 << /ByteRange [ 0 2881 14771 394765 ] /Contents (n5\210\2148\212f\234\2355\031E\004o.j\232G\0300%\211+c\235MvG\230`d\034\2262*`\036SO\177.CN\222@[`\232'GM,, K\017dF\227Ol \210\0307\216 \022iASTMf\024\223\f\016;@"*6U\201`\217Sc88\)\020o\177fE\235\217i,u8Z\001g\030]hk_\(\202:\232x\025\036\016a>{\031>I\(\n-}.\013XzXP]\0364!3P/"Hk\n:k\2375\225\r\234c\200YC@,@\006EO+\236y\201\234\013CE\r \r\215#/\217G\211\020ka^\233\232\031i2,dN\004lT*\016\031\235W\004\021\006l\225'i/\003\226\000\213r\177\017\226\033\0221\026\023\035v\2047\202S\031\037\210/\006LLg_sI\021}\0332pD-"\031\215lr\213h\231\037\213G\202-1m.J\227Kt=\013[vf\201\206Z@~\215\\\236.L\234\006rt\013^4I\000z:\037'\217HqLqlsH\217-.\201Xxc\223\0079\000\233"\037\027q\007\2304f\214\\K1\r\214euH8'\020R3KD\024cN\017\021@\016\n\202kVBOG^\036Z\230\0223\001dc\n\032q[i\006\236\206\013\205e\030Ad|.\237\000\200WnUB\233\021H\)6SD\227F\036\207|\223Q\216\232D\r\004\224&>\016X=@\201\224-[\024~.Y'\210jUd\206\036\232Q'\227}p\201^\001\021\023\023\205\230[7\t\233J;=!m"=sU>B\237\230\2219Q^\032=Ny\(\200,{k8"\033\227\200:\236?\016\206\212\036\020\n2\0059\205J\226\023Muq6\006\236dR\r\030NE\035S\027/&\0337Wd\223\(C\205\024\236\032Zd\024Ut\217\230'\021\003\233{'Y\025g!@2R]E7Ek\000W_\235\220\200\002A;\036n^QhMUJ\2166XC>fs\031\214t\225\022I-\226\231:x//4\233w{\234\216_q\023\215\210\016\204s\214Q'X\237'\030\225SDIY\0326\b\033|oL\022\007\207\022\)e4+\205/\036\0226\205\033\213ak\003tP\004&\001\\\215\002\227\034mzJ\0314F\036b#\230\205Os^\230-i|\220\r\026\023>4\2349\013\215\022\226\005k\024c\237a\217\210}j\222!Ss]\225\tpkFX\231M\221L\013PA[\037\021\037\210,]LQk/i6\006\237Rl'&l#\235L\013L"\205\fr'nlyZ\)o$L\032dr$@\207e\2377iYQ\215\177%$,\032yN\236BV\bxDTx\022s[yA\000k=9\024un\035wIMF9\b\037h\226\021\020S~y0\216d\233\022m@\035\204[i\026\036IUrkl@\0334n\bx\232W,\005@\035~0\201\233\005*0\036|1\027[,\017\236iqb\\x&*YHwPF\b\227\\\200z\016\tJ\221e\rl\)\fs/\023\020\232}5^O\037M1\f\177`y\033\211G\211.f\230Bt\)d\004\030\226\021\001'\200\234[C\017\035\006,0|8r\236bjL+Y\226@\205G\235g,\000{\211\225\220WdWK\\B\0134t\210KiZ\006xn\2275\030\032\204|\226\237\214\037\204\036\211XYl\216\003\b\036Yds\0373\224Oeo\007w"\205!K!vI2\234ouXV\2140|\216}X\000\230d6\021d#m\\`\003x4F\210\\J\211o\f1#\(?,|\230[_\003L\b\f\212;X\n\020Yl\001e\201\235\fz1o\200\fA\203\236i\036M\200W0\)!\215p\036=\230iB\036\212\221ko[s\204\035[+\001\227\201\0204sO\237\032\177n=\231Dg\003==OXg\225MLn|~\006\210\234|M\202l\237\023E\035\)wY$\237\236h$\2046\204\b\220W\223\206?Y\001*\(\001x\212O\216%\217M\233\177\r\035\222\003\r\223\036]-\026h;}>7! PDF CIVIL COMPLAINT SAMPLE - California SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF . H2P* Beverly Hills, California 90212. 0000002164 00000 n endstream endobj 129 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream PDF FILING A NEW CIVIL LAWSUIT Starting a Case in Superior Court - saclaw.org The company refuses to reveal the driver. PDF How to File an Answer to A Civil Complaint for Personal Injury 2020-05-24T13:39:36-07:00 Call Us Now January 1, 2007] (NAME AND ADDRESS): (NAME): (name): www.courtinfo.ca.gov Page 1 of 2 Your Phone# Your Name Your Street Address Your City, State, Zip Code IN PRO PER Superior Court of California CIVIL DIVISION CHECK WITH STAFF Person . Naming one in your lawsuit lets you file before the statute expires. January 1, 2007] Code of Civil Procedure, 425.12 www.courtinfo.ca.gov Property Damage Personal Injury does not exceed $10,000 exceeds $10,000, but does not exceed $25,000 ACTION IS AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000) ACTION IS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint from limited to unlimited He does not know which nurse did it. xU[OAdM{Lvl;5A &I`Bs !3k37=3>T[;{@pk?C^ppTm{"WJvB5R]3 (L*~5=hK%+e#99) 0000001032 00000 n $pqOU1t,\YK/X1DD0] b "{lHl N@"7#% QbsGB? %%EOF Adobe Acrobat 11.0.12 alleges that the Complaint, and each and every cause of action contained therein, is barred by the applicable statutes of limitation, including, but not limited to, California Code of Civil Procedure sections 337, 337.1, 337.15, 338(a-k), 338.1, 339, 340(1-5), 343, 346, 347, and 430.10. You would just list them as John Doe. If there are multiple John Doe defendants, they can be named as: By naming John Doe as a defendant, you can start your lawsuit without knowing a defendants true identity. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_4" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A John Doe defendant is a stand-in for a real person you are suing. Sample Answer to Personal Injury Complaint in California Share what you know and love through presentations, infographics, documents and more. 0 2020-05-24T13:39:36-07:00 California Guide to Premises Liability Laws & Complaints - Enjuris . 0000005690 00000 n HT;0CHcp$`hrX%gZu@]Ilb x\@Y:rPyg9/,'vk h 0000000616 00000 n Sponsor Documents Page 1 of 3 CROSS-COMPLAINTPersonal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death Form Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California PLD-PI-002 [Rev. This case also involved wrongful death and a survival action so you can see how that language is drafted as well. See California Code of Civil Procedure 472. Let us fight to get you justice and financial compensation. stream PDF Complaint Personal Injury Sample - Selarz Law Corp. General Denial . 0 COMPLAINTPersonal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death | California Sample Complaints Example Civil Complaints Our law firm handles exclusively tort claims. STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF: DEFENDANT: DOES 1 TO. John Doe defendants are important when you were hurt by anumber of people. -Et!M3} VRC#Y+ =f cs:nNxw=1[,T7npUw~,zTwwit'gUQ;^W{r*Oe>!;vsG-dKA}!xQTEh Z%*h -[J@5LTQg3UP gBAK{4hAA xx. o7@)Pc RqKz h5 Z0>3KO}endstream )UQxu!j Ow ;\+4r%vxPTVRGQU\+UAKRQU4rvxPyBROjAK}U/!CQVxROjAKROF\;TVHk.*J=r%vxPZ'#UbFzR#< j[o,:s)z. 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Please enter your email address. 691 0 obj <>stream %%EOF endstream endobj 131 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream the Defendant must file an Answer to the original complaint within 10 days (California Rules of Court (CRC), Rules 3.1320(g), and (j)). Answer-Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death (PLD-PI-003) . -Et!M3} VRC#Y+ =f cs:nNxw=1[,T7npUw~,zTwwit'gUQ;^W{r*Oe>!;vsG-dKA}!xQTEh Z%*h -[J@5LTQg3UP gBAK{4hAA xx. The car is owned by a rental company. uuid:218970e3-b28a-4223-8e3b-0240b1622e51 Plaintiff (name): [CLIENT'S NAME], an individual alleges that defendant (name): [DEFENDANT'S NAME], an individual, and Does to (description of reasons for liability): CAUSE OF ACTIONGeneral Negligence Code of Civil Procedure 425.12 H2P* 232 0 obj<>stream H2P* uU;xH]94#mRe/. If you do not know the persons name or identity, you can still list them as a defendant. 1 0 obj <> endobj 5 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Fields[]>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 129 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream 0 Example: John is under general anesthesia during surgery. By contrast, negligence as defined by most jurisdictions in the United States including California, is the lack of ordinary care or skill in the. The sample includes several affirmative defenses, brie, 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Sample Answer to Personal Injury Complaint in Cali For Later, SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, To subscribe to my FREE weekly le!l "ewsletter #isit, Defendant, _____________________ for t$e%#e"e# and no ot$er Defendant, den!e# and, Do not sell or share my personal information, $tt%&''www(le!l)ocs%ro("et'"ewsletter($tm. 2019-07-05T13:36:08-07:00 A|N'hld #"aPB#O`A$2xgTG*3krHg )s}bR$ids&=guR0\z{{0 7 When an unnamed defendant is identified, the complaint is amended. STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF: DEFENDANT: DOES 1 TO. PDF ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address hb```b``g`a` Bl@qAL",:=p` Adding a new defendant to the case requires an amended summons. startxref John Doe defendants, however, are not new. When you find the unknown defendant, you canamend your complaintand change the name. trailer The sample includes several affirmative defenses, brief instructions and a proof of service by mail.The author is a freelance paralegal who has worked in California and Federal litigation since 1995 and has used this sample for many years. Personal Injury Attorney Other Form Names. [M\025\204\000\205f'$\026\226\217\004\022\035Y"\237v :\002Q\2348x\211#5\224[\202R\220nK\212\214/\237\214\210+P\217\230\\t\201X\177\007\207u*\214BH\007,7X %}Y=\215w\200\f!+n&-\2332lI\003\204\021\033\025B\b0\034\225\003T\235Y}a\220\232\)\230Tqf\222lhCb\021q\(\225v\226b\211?X\004\033hd&C\rq!U\f\035\nk\2109Y\026z\0028\220YO\226\216\032;\206%\020@+ \002@\023\016\226q\034%\213R\033\223YL^s\232l\213\013h\202Y\206X\0135Os{\224\020UOTS;j_\035o19\202\031V\020\234JO'\024v7d\223\027>\)0~Q\224\226\034A\234L\233\037*\027\007\226\2041MM#\231\235=QY\025\200\(=;e.KI^t\036\0056p7g\217p,\0079\tj\215zJ=.$\232@Q\213q0q\001.\235Bhp,\235\237{6n\030Tn\217\024rk/XJ\23702Z{\)!kt\026\226U2J\(l\023/w6\000t\023D/YbL\200\024uP\)\225\\PGu\027\237W'bi\(\017\222Y\033~Q\220\205.\206iEK0\023\016\215\217E\220>e\022'f>FU\016r.\206e\215\177\f\005H\020vr\234\023.^\f\fQH\t@\236eC\2007\232`\031%R\023m\003I\227N{\231S\013\2220\206O\214\005\227v\226\216#\)l#\(\006\021.%\211\034=\021`Ks\)\235\t;u\226f|!f8?\234DS\2202'\033\205Y\013CL4N+~!\032\027q]\210\232GSU0CLTh\032*~\203Y\232pa\024fT0*\230|\013D\032\233\025[\032u\177\215/u#}t\232R'\217\203\214=\027@\234\235Pu&Z@\001F\200%\226^'\023\2333\020\022\006f\0356Zq\213\210\013;\207\f\(0 W3\216\037\177i\032\017H\203\202\027\207p\037eG^\204b\226R\r\220\210u$`Db\210\f\177\235\231C\232=\003ObA\030{5G*\177\021\030k\032\035{\0320\177\033vkS\013\211M\020\2020\223#-\036vN}\204\r\213z\024,! Battery - Essential Factual Elements - Free Legal Information - Laws, Blogs, Legal Services and More Very helpful with any questions and concerns and I can't thank them enough for the experience I had. endobj 7031 Koll Center Pkwy, Pleasanton, CA 94566. Sample Answer To Personal Injury Complaint in California endstream endobj 119 0 obj <>>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj After that, they may need the courts permission to amend the complaint.1. 0 1 0 obj <<7783BCD1ADAAED489EFA785080FE9607>]/Prev 357260>> x @@E0f}XiV"Q(H H\j0~ In California, it is outlined inCode of Civil Procedure Section 474. ATTACHMENT TO Complaint Cross - Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) PDF John Doe v. Ogletree Complaint for Filing - Law.com 0 0000006145 00000 n Usually, the first document filed in a lawsuit is the complaint (or petition ), which provides an outline of the plaintiff's case against the defendant. %PDF-1.7 % endstream endobj 111 0 obj <> endobj 112 0 obj <> endobj 42 0 obj <> endobj 113 0 obj <> endobj 114 0 obj <> endobj 115 0 obj <> endobj 138 0 obj <> endobj 137 0 obj <> endobj 136 0 obj <> endobj 134 0 obj [139 0 R] endobj 135 0 obj <>stream COMPLAINT AMENDED COMPLAINT (Number) : CROSS-COMPLAINT AMENDED CROSS-COMPLAINT (Number) : Jurisdiction (check all that apply) : CASE NUMBER: ACTION IS A LIMITED CIVIL CASE Amount demanded does not . %PDF-1.3 The complaint is the first document filed in civil court in a personal injury lawsuit. c\205\020VKDb\232\b\216S\210\0078\027B\0056\004?\220\222\036\223\).x\215M\\\032_\003\237t\005~+\222HR\233V]\217\2245bB^J\027\213\230xg\003\232"}"[\)L\236X\230i=d\206R\013,p\201;4e\223T%\)hRc\212T\2052/\r\227pS\226pqh7C\000\034P\022_[\(kFK\217C4\020B\222*\2314@-\233w3ESaGY1\003'\211\013Z\202}\030aPm\213\223x\\Q\223ce\0041\203o\232\000\235\204M\f\231\200\013\n\(*"1l\024\237W0\013\006Qy\002>\203\037\034I+\207\004*m\\{\201T\236\210\025\214\)\023o+7=Gb;\001v?\)2F\016-"z-\b;\)\233B\2034\2064i\214 \177>|C\201>%\002\005\b*w\231IA$&G\032a\212\\lcS\(\025\216/6\017E}\216\211\233\001\037\01618\215f\003c\206K\004\217{4Xn\005\001|;p\023=d\033+N%\222\r\017X4ecBsE:R\223a*\032F;.\036\001Y\007[R\032\2049Z\223\037c\210h\210m\216#\231\205,j) /Filter /Adobe.PPKLite /M (D:20120523164809-07'00') /Name (ARE Acrobat Product v8.0 P23 0002337) /Prop_Build << /App << /Name /Exchange-Pro /OS [ /Win ] /R 655363 /REx (10.0.3) /TrustedMode true >> /Filter << /Date (Jan 30 2011 15:45:26) /Name /Adobe.PPKLite /R 131104 /V 2 >> /PubSec << /Date (Jan 30 2011 15:45:26) /NonEFontNoWarn true /R 131104 >> >> /Reference [ << /Data 1 0 R /TransformMethod /UR3 /TransformParams << /Document [ /FullSave ] /Form [ /Add /FillIn /Delete /SubmitStandalone ] /Signature [ /Modify ] /Type /TransformParams /V /2.2 >> /Type /SigRef >> ] /SubFilter /adbe.pkcs7.detached /Type /Sig >> >> /Type /Catalog >> A|N'hld #"aPB#O`A$2xgTG*3krHg )s}bR$ids&=guR0\z{{0 7 T|)dLN/|6N[E. endobj Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date with the latest updates and documents! These complaints make hornbook tort allegations that are largely the same in every jurisdiction. Thestatute of limitationsforces you to file a lawsuit within a set amount of time after an injury. Serving an identified John Doe defendant only requires theoriginal summons.3This is different from serving a new defendant. %PDF-1.5 % Free Preview Complaint Personal Injury Form. application/pdf 1f0D Under and pursuant to the provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure, specifically, Section 431.30 thereof, these answering Defendants generally denies each and every allegation of said unverified Complaint, and the whole thereof, and each and every allegation of each and every cause of action alleged therein, and further expressly deny Example Pretrial Documents for Plaintiff's Lawyers Example Pleadings in Personal Injury Cases Example Pleadings in Personal Injury Cases Tort Lawsuits - examples of a variety of personal injury lawsuits filed by our lawyers Answers to Complaint - examples of defendants' answer our lawsuits Sample Expert Designations Civil Motions More Information %PDF-1.7 % H2P* January 1, 2007] Code of Civil Procedure, 425.12 other (specify): a public entity (desciribe): an unincorporated entity (describe): Other (specify): SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO JORGE DAVID A., a minor, by and through his Guardian Ad Litem Jorge A.; Plaintiffs, v. SOUTH BAY UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT; and DOES 1-50, Defendants. Cross-ComplaintAttachment 3. RYzu)b8C{Y;hz @%V)J7JR_#8?HHRl[+:?3_ . 0 % Your lawsuit would state that the names will be added when the people are identified. 2019-07-05T13:36:07-07:00 ATTACHMENT TO Complaint Cross - Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) endstream endobj When you need Regarding Negligence, don't accept anything less than the USlegal brand. We represent people injured from auto accidents, dog bites, slips and falls, wrongful death and other types injuries caused by the wrongdoing of others. %PDF-1.6 % 624 0 obj<>>>/Fields[]>>>> endobj 626 0 obj<>/Font<>>>/Contents 627 0 R/CropBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 618 0 R>> endobj 627 0 obj<>stream They were in the original lawsuit. endstream endobj It lets the courtand soon after, the "defendant" who is being suedknow that the injured person (now the "plaintiff") intends to seek a legal remedy for his or her losses. This gives you more time to find them. n$ 431 0 obj <>/Encrypt 354 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<89EA4E6BF72106B81B8EBC2067147B23>]/Index[353 245]/Info 352 0 R/Length 142/Prev 183518/Root 355 0 R/Size 598/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); California Personal Injury Attorney Suing John Doe Defendants in California. This can help if you still do not know the defendants identity.

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