Successful West Texas Mule Deer Hunts Included in all West Texas Mule Deer Hunts: 5 days/4 nights 1 Mule Deer Buck Guide Meals Lodging Transportation around the ranch Field care of your trophy Waterfowl, hogs, squirrels, rabbits, and a drawn hunt for. Its not as easy as plopping down in a tree stand or deer blind next to a corn feeder and waiting for a half-tame buck to waltz into your line of sight. Pronghorn hunts are managed by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and can be hard to come by. 575-743-0448. E-Newsletter Archive. The main lodge includes 32-foot ceilings with black walnut walls covered with trophies from around the world. We will either hunt from a blind, perfrom a spot and stalk method, or use the utv to glass and try safari style. Forrest Wilder writes about politics and the outdoors. Nilgai are one such game, and are one reason why big game hunters come from all over the country to our ranch. A smattering of state and federal lands, centered around two reservoirs on the Neches and Angelina rivers, offer plenty of room for public hunts in Deep East Texas, about 130 miles northeast of the Bayou City. My average axis buck harvested on this ranch will score 160 +, which is well into the Gold Medal category for SCI. Email subscriber privacy policy Welcome to Desert Safaris, LLC. Offering numerous self sustaining herds roaming our First Class Habitat. Snake boots are preferable to avoid thorns or cactus grazing your legs. C. W. Ramsey,Texotics(Austin: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 1969). Most Texas hunters will have long ago figured out their plans for deer season. Desert Safaris is fortunate to have 4 properties secured in central Texas that encompass over 29,000 acres of the most prime free-range Axis Deer hunting habitat to be found anywhere. (254)289-5503 Hunters are responsible for driving to their compartment. Uno Mas Ranch is one of Texas' premiere game ranches. Register Log In Texas Hunting Forum Forums Exotic Hunting Axis Hunting: Forums Calendar Active Threads Forum Help: Main Menu Forum; Guidelines/Rules; Photo Contest; Contact/Advertising; . CWD has been found in Whitetail deer in Kimble Co. Texas. Not required in the Angelina National Forest; Anybody can hunt the nearby Davy Crockett and Sabine national forests without a permit; hunting in the Sam Houston National Forest, which is more popular with people driving up from Houston, requires an annual public hunting permit from TPWD. We only allow archery, and we dont let them bait with corn or anything, Garetz says, so they have to do the old Daniel Boone technique of reading deer signs and getting up ahead, and waiting for deer to walk up to them.. Texas Red Stag Hunting Season: There are no seasonal restrictions on hunting red stag in Texas. Book your hunt today by calling us at (830) 285-8753 or sending us an email at, (830) 285-8753 Too bad the application deadlines have all passed for this years drawn hunts. Name:* [ En Espaol] Annual Public Hunting Permit Mature Axis bucks will live weigh in at 175-200 lbs and have antler beams from 30"-36" with heavy antlers, long brow tines and big secondary points. Physical Address: 563 Bobby Shelton Ranch Rd Mountain Home, Texas 78058, Mailing Address: 6400 Hwy 39 Hunt, Texas 78024, p. 830.640.3200 e., 2022 All Rights Reserved. We are a fully licensed and insured hunting outfitter specializing in low fence guided Texas archery and rifle hunting for whitetail deer, axis deer, sika deer, blackbuck antelope, fallow deer, Rio Grande turkey, and several sheep species. Axis Deer have become one of the most desired of hunted species in Texas. We focused heavily on offering luxury hunts and custom tailored to fit your group's needs. $1,500 - $3,000 $300-$400 (Guide) $100 - $150 (Cook) . miles. Originally from India, these large deer have a reddish hide with white spots with long, gently curved, three-pronged antler tines averaging up to 35. hunting out here is awesome. Axis deer can be found in over 45 counties in Texas, but the majority of my axis deer hunting occurs in the Hill Country. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. , where the two rivers come together north of B.A. The peak of the rut is usually June and July. Mike Hanback Airport transportation and shipment of meat can be arranged. Typically go back out and scout for animals have lunch and go back out for the evening hunt, followed by cocktails, fire, appetizers, and a full dinner. Mar 9, 2020 #4 O. Guide Fee - $495 Included: 1 Day guide Fee Field Dressing Included 100% Opportunity Guarante Firearm and Ammunition Provided, if Needed for a fee It has varying terrains that make hunting more exciting and challenging. Axis deer are amazing animals and a great hunt, whether you are a beginner or an experienced hunter. H-E-Bs True Texas BBQ Restaurant Is Slipping, Jimmy Carters Peanut-and-Egg Taco Made Quite the Impression on San Antonians, How Florence ButtNot Her SonLaunched the H-E-B Empire, The Top 50 Texas BBQ Joints: 2021 Edition. It includes coastal marshes, South Texas brush country, Big Bend mountains, Pineywoods forests and Panhandle plains. There are 4 casitas, each with two rooms which has three queen sized beds and an on-suite bathroom. Please pm for more . Males with hard antlers are dominant. is_confirmation;var mt = parseInt(jQuery('html').css('margin-top'), 10) + parseInt(jQuery('body').css('margin-top'), 10) + 100;if(is_form){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_3').html(form_content.html());if(form_content.hasClass('gform_validation_error')){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_3').addClass('gform_validation_error');} else {jQuery('#gform_wrapper_3').removeClass('gform_validation_error');}setTimeout( function() { /* delay the scroll by 50 milliseconds to fix a bug in chrome */ jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gform_wrapper_3').offset().top - mt); }, 50 );if(window['gformInitDatepicker']) {gformInitDatepicker();}if(window['gformInitPriceFields']) {gformInitPriceFields();}var current_page = jQuery('#gform_source_page_number_3').val();gformInitSpinner( 3, '', true );jQuery(document).trigger('gform_page_loaded', [3, current_page]);window['gf_submitting_3'] = false;}else if(!is_redirect){var confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('.GF_AJAX_POSTBACK').html();if(!confirmation_content){confirmation_content = contents;}setTimeout(function(){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_3').replaceWith(confirmation_content);jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gf_3').offset().top - mt);jQuery(document).trigger('gform_confirmation_loaded', [3]);window['gf_submitting_3'] = false;wp.a11y.speak(jQuery('#gform_confirmation_message_3').text());}, 50);}else{jQuery('#gform_3').append(contents);if(window['gformRedirect']) {gformRedirect();}}jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [3, current_page]);} );} ); Texas Hunting Website Design and SEO Services provided by Walker Media Company, LLC. Our herd was started with very selective genes. The National Park Service also offers hunting at, in the Panhandle and provides free hunting permits for some areas of the, Near Lufkin and the small town of Woodville, hunters have their pick from the 153,00-acre, , on both sides of massive Sam Rayburn Reservoir, and the state-run, Angelina-Neches/Dam B Wildlife Management Area. Gold $4,450 30"+. The winter gives you a better opportunity at harvesting a trophy axis buck over bait while the summer months give you a better opportunity at harvesting a trophy axis buck who has let his guard down while chasing doe. While spot and stalk is a great way to go, much of the country they live in is better suited for still-hunting and ambush tactics. Continental Breakfast, morning hunt, and then Departure. The back porch overlooks a water hole where it is not uncommon to see Sable Antelope, Kudu, Axis Deer, and Whitetail Deer drinking water. of the lakes floodplain, where Big Cypress Bayou feeds into the reservoir to form a maze of hardwood lowlands and upland pine forests. Tall Pines Exotics - Centerville, Texas hunting ranch offers hog, ram, axis and blackbuck hunts at affordable rates. Website Development and Optimization by R\nd, High Fence Trophy Axis Deer Rocksprings, Texas - $2750 fee after harvest, High Fence Trophy Axis Deer Carta Valley, Texas - $2500 fee after harvest, High Fence Trophy Axis Deer Fredericksburg, Texas - $3000 fee after harvest, High Fence Trophy Axis Deer Bandera, Texas - $3000 fee after harvest, High Fence Trophy Axis Deer Breckenridge, Texas - $4500 total hunt package with lodging and meals included, Free Range Trophy Axis Deer - $3500 fee after harvest - *Limited Availability*. Tired of eating the same old whitetail? 1994-2023 Desert Safaris I Professional Big Game Hunting I Texas I Old Mexico I New Mexico. Because of our management and breeding success, Star S Ranch has record class trophy hunting. Lazy Ck Ranch, This Website is Powered by Reborn Digital Marketing, Texas Whitetail Deer and Exotic Hunting Ranch. Furthermore, the meat is touted as the best-tasting venison youll ever get your hands on. 2. HJ ranch has some of the best axis deer and blackbuck antelope herds in edwards county. 1 Aoudad Ram and 1 Aoudad Ewe. We also offer many other exotic hunts to complete your Texas year round hunting adventure. Near San Antonio, and just a short drive from Austin or Houston, you'll find Rancho Madroo, an exotic hunting ranch offering Texas Exotic Hunts for Scimitar Horned Oryx, Blackbuck Antelopes, Axis Deer , and Mouflon Rams on our sprawling ranch. Jan 15, 2019 #5 P PrairieHunter Mule Deer Hunts. Axis meat is fantastic table fare and as well offers a great trophy of a lifetime. All-inclusive (meals, guides, lodging etc.) Most of my axis deer hunting in Texas is done by spot and stalk. The Axis Deer will retain a rich chestnut colored coat with vibrant white spots. This ranch has the biggest axis deer Ive ever seen and with 400-500 axis deer on the ranch, you will see numerous giant bucks to choose from while axis deer hunting. Our long-standing reputation since 1994 capitalizes on producing trophy class animals with world class genetics on large 100% private ranches. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. After the afternoon and morning hunts we will always return to the lodge for a home cooked meal and fellowship around the table or campfire. $250 per person per day provides your lodging, meals, guide, transportation on the ranch and game care. Originally from India, these large deer have a reddish hide with white spots with long, gently curved, three-pronged antler tines averaging up to 35, hide and antlers, exotic game cooks continually seek unique ways to enjoy this delicious venison. (832) 375-4409 "I want to thank all of you for making our hunt the success that it was. Origin: Europe. Firearms hunters looking for certain access should head to east Texas, where ample public land is open to all who purchase the state's $48 . Axis Hunts will take place over a food plot, feeder, water hole, safari style or stalking in the surrounding hills. But many exotic game birds and animals can also be found on public lands throughout America. The appearance of the coat is, can weigh in excess of 250 lbs. Normally one fawn is birthed at a time, on rare occasions two. The axis deer is exceptionally agile and can run with speed of up to 40 miles an hour, a challenge that any experienced hunter can appreciate. I hunt axis deer on several different ranches, but my ranch with the best axis deer hunting is 3600 acres in Real County. Regular permits are issued at the hunt area on a first-come first-served basis. Our axis hunting packages include a stay in one of our high-end lodges, three meals daily, professional guide, and field dressing and cold storage of game. . The males,can weigh in excess of 250 lbs. Since the country is so open, you have to be very careful, Atkinson warns. Hunt will start Friday evening and end Sunday. Adult males weigh up to 200 pounds and females 35 percent less. We primarily hunt safari style, glassing hill sides and valleys. Whether spot and stalk, safari style, or with a feeder and blind, the choice is up to you. Axis deer hunting is not an easy task however, no matter if you are going for trophy bucks or even the does. Since Axis deer are not indigenous to Texas, they do not have a season and may be hunted year-round. Axis Deer Control Warranted Gillespie County AgriLife Extension and Hill Country Alliance have launched the Axis Deer Control Project and are encouraging landowners and hunters to participate. Males are larger standing at 29 to 39 inches tall and weighing from 150 to 250 pounds. Buy App. All rights reserved. Axis are most commonly in herds of 10 to 50 of both sexes. 5 were here. For bow hunters, it is usually a matter of sitting in our world class blinds and patience. The quality of axis meat isoutstandingand hides can be manufactured intovarious ways such as pillows, seat covers and small rugs. Axis deer are primarily grazers, but they can easily exist on forbs and woody browse. You have to get out to work the vegetation, the topography, the wind, the landscape, knowing what the animals eat and where and what time of the year theyre going to frequent areas. 100% draw for archery. Package Information. A whitetail doe at Lake o the Pines, where does and antlerless bucks can be hunted with bows or guns through mid-January. Possession of an exotic or of their carcass on private property is also illegal unless you have the landowner's consent." The majority of Axis deer hunts are guided on private land and many are free-range hunts. Even though you can find hunting regions anywhere in the 45 counties in the state, giving an advantage when axis deer are drawn in from other ranches by the fertile lands in ours. No other fees included, a guide will be with you, lodging is provided and you provide your own meals. 3 days and 2 nights. Texas Land Ownership Coverage. J . Axis Deer have become one of the most desired of hunted species in Texas. Also, the antlers are magnificent to display, and are sought after for uses in furniture coverings and beautiful home accessories. Exotic Hunts. Most of these hunts are done out of a blind, but occasionally well spot and stalk hunt depending on the situation. Axis deer will gather in herds unlike whitetail deer and during the rut, you will nearly always find a dominate buck with them. Your guide will come up with the best plan possible for harvesting a trophy buck. plus and horn length between 28-39. The main determining factor when booking your Texas Axis deer hunt with BWGS is; Do you want to hunt in the cold or the heat? Dont wait too long, my Axis hunts fill up quickly and you should reserve your spot as soon as possible. They are considered livestock along with cattle, sheep, goats, and the dozens of other exotic species brought into the State. Axis meat is fantastic table fare and as well offers a great trophy of a lifetime. Permit: None, except for the annual drawn hunt for pronghorn sheep. 3 Day Hunt. Having very few natural predators and natural resistance to disease has allowed the axis deer to flourish in Texas. Rock Creek Ranch takes pride in offering a great value for your Texas Axis Deer Hunt. Other Hunts . In Texas the major predators of the axis are coyotes and bobcats, but predation does not seem to be serious. Every year we also harvest several axis bucks that break the 170 mark, which is an axis of a lifetime, as well as the occasional non-typical buck. Additionally, you can fly your plane into our 5,000-foot paved Star S Airport which is located in the middle of the ranch. The hunts take days, and a considerable amount of animals within the target range are guaranteed. Copyright Rock Creek Ranch. After a quick break and snack the real hunting will begin. These herds have been strictly managed to help produce mature bucks for harvest. During the peak times of the rut (June-August) clients can reasonably expect to see 25-50 different Axis bucks daily on these ranches with extremely good trophy potential. One of the state WMAs even has warthogs running around that they would love to get rid of. Prairie dogs, believe it or not, and to a lesser extent mule deer, ring-necked pheasants, and scaled and bobwhite quail. 575-743-0448. trophy Axis deer with the following methods bow or crossbow, spot and stalk, rifle, safari style (from a vehicle) or from a ground blind. Axis hunts in Texas are by far the most sought after adventures in the exotic hunting industry and nobody has more success than BWGS. It is home to more than 30,000 axis deer and some of the biggest bucks weighing up to 175-250 lbs. The only real way is for us to show you. Public Hunting in Texas Find a place to hunt on over 1 million acres of publicly accessible land located throughout Texas. Manage My Subscriptions, archive You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Texas Mule Deer Hunts Price: $7500 Deposit: $3750 Make sure to read my FAQs before you book. Menard: Deer, Hog, Turkey, and More Menard County is located on the Edwards Plateau in Texas. If you are looking for a true trophy hunting experience with quality animals, privacy, tremendous facilities, an experienced friendly staff, and among the simplest, fairest pricing in the industry, the 14,000-acre Star S Ranch should be on your short list! Whitetail hunters around the world come to experience Texas deer hunting with Prone Outfitters every year. We spend a lot of time walking/stalking through tall grass and with Sawyer Permethrin I dont have to worry about getting chiggers or ticks on me. Our pricing differences are solely based on landowner charges and quality of lodging facilities. This can be a high starting point for greenhorns who are just learning to hunt. The basic social unit is a family group that consists of an older female and her offspring. hunting habitat to be found anywhere. Jos R. Ralat is Texas Monthlys taco editor, writing about tacos and Mexican food. The whitetails graze in relative peace among the rugged canyons and limestone cliffs where the Devils, Pecos, and Rio Grande feed into Amistad Reservoir on the Texas-Mexico border north of Del Rio. We offer Texas Exotic Hunting Trips for (but are not limited to): Addax, Axis Deer, Black Buck Antelope, Fallow Deer, Red Stag, Rhea, and Scimitar Horned Oryx. Near Lufkin and the small town of Woodville, hunters have their pick from the 153,00-acre Angelina National Forest, on both sides of massive Sam Rayburn Reservoir, and the state-run Angelina-Neches/Dam B Wildlife Management Area, where the two rivers come together north of B.A. I typically just wear jeans, snake boots (to keep the cactus and thorns/brush off my legs), and a long sleeve, lightweight camo shirt. During the breeding period males bellow loudly and wander in search of receptive females. For this reason, males do not cycle, their antlers at the same time and females are fertile. For my hunts in the late spring, summer, and early fall (Axis, Blackbuck, late-season Turkey, early-season Elk, etc) one of the products Ive found to be extremely important isSawyer Products Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent. You can always hunt a plethora of exotic species, like mouflon sheep, aoudads, blackbuck, and axis, year round. Size: 161,508 acres. I also have management axis buck hunts available on this ranch which are huge body size, but dont quite have the tine length to make them super trophy axis. Desert Safaris is fortunate to have 4 properties secured in central Texas that encompass over 29,000 acres of the most prime free-range Axis Deer As soon as we finish breakfast, we load up in my Jeep and we are hunting immediately upon leaving the lodge. Vocalizations are important in axis deer society and one of the most noticeable characteristics of this animal. However, hunting dates, method and type of game taken, and permits vary from lake to lake, so check ahead. "In Texas, exotics cannot be hunted without a valid hunting license or without the permission of the landowner. Texas Guided Exotic Hunts . Click here for a list of exotic prices. Our ranch boasts some of the biggest axis deer you can find, and with the best tasting meat among all deer species, this will be the hunt of a lifetime. It should be noted weights can vary from each ranch depending on the land and animal management,Typical lifespan is up to 14 years. This keeps the axis deer calm and gives us time to go swimming or fishing or just take a nap and relax around camp. The antlers, which it sheds annually, are usually three-pronged but there some may have more points. Finding a place to hunt can be difficult for many Texas hunters. Hunt will be near Freer, TX. Axis deer hunts were introduced to Texas in the 1930's and are now the most numerous and widespread introduced deer in Texas. Axis Deer Package $3400. Steinhagen Lake. With a strong number of animals on over 8,000 acres of land, many of the Axis on the ranch measure around the 30 in height. Axis Doe: $750. Axis deer become popular in hunting because of many reasons. We have created the ultimate Texas hunting experience within a couple of hours of Dallas and Fort Worth, in Graham, Texas. You can simply call 833-469-4868 or click here to contact us. Here are four public places that welcome hunters. Steinhagen. Doe Hunts $800. Maybe you were lucky enough to score a permit from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Departments Drawn Hunt lottery. New Mexico Hunts. Black Bear Hunts. Even though this specific region of Texas is not normally known for an abundance of free-range exotics, this unique ranch and immediate surrounding areas have several significant herds of Axis Deer. We are only booking a limited number of hunts. Leave them blank to get signed up. Nestled among rolling hills in the Piney Woodsyou know, O the Pinesthis forest-rimmed reservoir two and a half hours east of Dallas allows rifle hunting for deer across 4,500 acres. However, this U.S. Forest Service-managed prairie,which sprawls across 230,000 acres of grassland where the state boundaries of Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico meet, is wide open for whitetail deer enthusiasts during the hunting season. Axis deer are also remarkably resistant to disease, a fact that may help explain their success as introduced animals. By all accounts, it looks like a pretty good year, says Robert Henderson, a natural resource specialist for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which manages the lake. Mature Axis bucks will live weigh in at 175-200 lbs and have antler beams from 30-36 with heavy antlers, long brow tines and big secondary points. Saw hundreds of free-range deer, and dozens of rutting bucks, each day. Weve got way too many deer out here, and hunters are not particularly successful, says Greg Garetz, chief of interpretation and resource management for Amistad, which is part of the National Park Service. From rocky hills to cedar thickets and open plains, the ranch spans over 2,000 acres filled with axis deer. In May, before they run their fat off, my super trophy axis will be 250 lbs +! A herd consists of two or more family groups. On it I've hunted squirrels, rabbits, ducks, white-tailed deer, mule deer, geese, feral hogs, Rio . Prized for its hog and ram hunting opportunities, 4 Amigos Ranch is one of the most popular places to hunt in South Texas. Ranch house has a full kitchen and bbq pit you can use. To reach the most adventurous hunting areas, trek to the remote. Besides the beautifulhide and antlers, exotic game cooks continually seek unique ways to enjoy this delicious venison. If you are looking for a true trophy hunting experience with quality animals, privacy, tremendous facilities, an experienced friendly staff, and among the simplest, fairest pricing in the industry, the 14,000-acre Star S Ranch should be on your short list! Shot an absolute giant buck and had a great time with great people." Can College Sports Get More Absurd Than SMU Joining the Pac-12? If unsure what types of clothes to bring, please contact us so we can make suggestions depending on the weather at the ranch. $500 per doe at least two hunters to book. Well known for their Axis Hunts in Texas, the Lazy CK Ranch has plenty of opportunities for hunters looking for their next exotic trophy. The E-Postcard Selection Hunts offered through the state, which includes hunts for white-tailed deer on both state and federal lands, requires that applicants possess a valid Annual .

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