You can replace @a with @por {Insert Player's Name Here}, You can also replace leather_chestplate with leather_leggings, leather_ boots or leather_helmet, Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. If you know how to make what im after, please let me know the command or if im being an . Privacy Policy. The command for 1.13 and 1.14 looks like this: /give @p leather_helmet {display: {color:16711680},Enchantments: [ {id:protection,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1} What you need to do is move everything that's in brackets directly to the item ID, and remove the count and damage. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I used commands to give armor with protection 1000 and I know that the maximum level of an enchament using only commands, no mods is about 32767 after that, the level starts to decrement, I remember that if you give a sword with 65534 (32767*2) sharpness level you will have a sharpness zero sword. /give @a leather_chestplate{display:{color:11546150},Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1},{id:unbreaking,lvl:3}]} 1. GOD Armor Commands Minecraft Java/Bedrock/PE :-1. That's a lot of Rangers and a lot of options. The overall width range Listed by Trail Armor. Equation alignment in aligned environment not working properly. How to get protection 10000 armor in Minecraft! How to get a 1000 Looting enchantment in Minecraft - Sportskeeda Laura Brehm (Instrumental) Illusivemc Survival is Hiring a Developer. Please leave me video suggestions down below.Thank you all for 10k subscribers! /give @p diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:looting,lvl:32767}]} 1, Power Level 32767 Bow These commands will create: 2 Diamond Pickaxes, both with Unbreaking CCLV (255) and Efficiency CCLV. Of course, you can replace leather_helment by any other leather armor part. How to get protection 10000 armor in Minecraft! - YouTube How To Get Protection 1000 Armor in Minecraft 1.18 - YouTube Minecraft how to get protection 10000 - United States Guid Working Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? MSI GeForce GTX 1070 GAMING X 8 GB 75" 2" For Polaris Rzr 800s 1000s 900s Xp 1000 Turbo Da. I can't find out how to make protection 1000 armor but also make it unbreakable. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Music : The Chosen - Sirius Beat Epic Intro Music Royaltee Free - Orbital Music Hyperion - Mark Petrie Radium - The hit house Art of Survival - Ryan Taubert Omega Point - Mark Petrie ABBA's "Gimme ! /give @p diamond_chestplate{Enchantments:[{id:thorns,lvl:32767}]} 1 Use the enchantments on the 'book' tab. It fixed just about every flaw in BoF3, but I did not really enjoy this game any more so. I will truly appreciate if you will help me. Epic Diamond Armor Hi it's LuckySteve1 and this is how to make diamond armor with super high level enchantments. MGNetwork MMORPG Survival Server contact_support. /give @p bow{Enchantments:[{id:power,lvl:32767}]} 1, Punch Level 32767 Bow So, how do you get unbreakable armour, easy, type in a command. How to get MAX LEVEL (32767) Fortune and Looting in Minecraft Tutorial. How To Get Protection 1000 Armor in Minecraft 1.16!Learn how to generate protection level 1000 armour using commands in Minecraft 1.16! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Epic Diamond Armor!!!!!!!!!! - Planet Minecraft Udisen Games show you how To Get A Protection 1000 Armors In Minecraft or how to get an enchanted diamond armors with Protection 1000 in Minecraft! /give @p diamond_helmet{Enchantments:[{id:thorns,lvl:32767}]} 1 How To Get PROTECTION 1000 NETHERITE OP ARMOR in Minecraft (1 - YouTube The following factors are considered by me for picking this. As always, if you have any comments questions or overall concerns, leave me a comment down below! I personally do not know how to make it unbreakable, so I replaced it with Unbreaking 3. :D Protection 1000 Helmet/give @p diamond_helmet{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1000}]}Protection 1000 Chestplate/give @p diamond_chestplate{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1000}]}Protection 1000 Leggings/give @p diamond_leggings{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1000}]}Protection 1000 Boots/give @p diamond_boots{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1000}]}Multiple Enchantments:Helmet/give @p diamond_helmet{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1000},{id:fire_protection,lvl:1000},{id:blast_protection,lvl:1000},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:1000},{id:unbreaking,lvl:1000}]} Chestplate/give @p diamond_chestplate{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1000},{id:fire_protection,lvl:1000},{id:blast_protection,lvl:1000},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:1000},{id:unbreaking,lvl:1000}]}Leggings/give @p diamond_leggings{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1000},{id:fire_protection,lvl:1000},{id:blast_protection,lvl:1000},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:1000},{id:unbreaking,lvl:1000}]}Boots/give @p diamond_boots{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:1000},{id:fire_protection,lvl:1000},{id:blast_protection,lvl:1000},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:1000},{id:unbreaking,lvl:1000}]}Looking for videos similar to this? Play on my Minecraft Server! Give Armor Generator (Java Edition 1.19) This Give Armor Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.19 command you can use to give a player custom armor such as dyed leather armor, helmets, chestplates, leggings, boots, shields or horse armor with enchantments, names and lore. All Max Level Enchantments - Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. minecraft java edition minecraft commands - How can you make an armor First you will need a command. Leave a Like and Sub :)Id: Protection = 0, Unbreaking = 34Command: /give @p diamond_chestplate {[{id:0,lvl:1000},{id:34,lvl:1000}]} You have entered an incorrect email address! wainscoting for ceilings MEET THE CREW XP 1000 NORTHSTAR LINEUP: Available in Premium and Ultimate trims, upgrade to the Ultimate for the optional Ride Command package, 29" 8-ply Pro Armor X-Terrain tires, power windows, a tip out windshield, and more for even greater comfort, convenience, and capability.Find vehicle weight and dimensions . You can use 1.12 online command generators for this, one can be found on GOD commands for Minecraft fun! Just copy-paste each command - reddit Used 2015 Keystone Sprinter 343FWBHS $29,900. The 'enchantments' tab is applied to the object (don't use that one unless you know what you are doing). Trail Armor RZR XP 4 1000, RZR XP 4 Turbo, RZR XP 4 Turbo S and RZR XP 4 . Unbreakable gear command. - Planet Minecraft If the total protection enchantment levels on said armor adds up to 10, they would provide 40% damage reduction. Minecraft God Armor Commandi need a mental health advocate; do spigot Join Planet Minecraft! This command can also be used to create a weapon or tool with powerful enchantments of many varieties including Unbreaking, Sharpness, and more. Minecraft is an epic and awesome virtual playground and workshop, where kids and adult of all ages can create epic stuff, have fun, and learn different things. /give @p minecraft:diamond_helmet{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:4},{id:fire_protection,lvl:4},{id:blast_protection,lvl:4},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:4},{id:unbreaking,lvl:3},{id:mending,lvl:1},{id:aqua_affinity,lvl:1},{id:respiration,lvl:3}]}, /give @p minecraft:diamond_chestplate{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:4},{id:fire_protection,lvl:4},{id:blast_protection,lvl:4},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:4},{id:unbreaking,lvl:3},{id:mending,lvl:1}]}, /give @p minecraft:diamond_leggings{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:4},{id:fire_protection,lvl:4},{id:blast_protection,lvl:4},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:4},{id:unbreaking,lvl:3},{id:mending,lvl:1}]}, /give @p minecraft:diamond_boots{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:4},{id:fire_protection,lvl:4},{id:blast_protection,lvl:4},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:4},{id:unbreaking,lvl:3},{id:mending,lvl:1},{id:depth_strider,lvl:3},{id:feather_falling,lvl:4}]}. Shaders download: Even if you don't post your own creations, we always appreciate feedback on ours. I want it to be red, with protection 1, and unbreakable. It only takes a minute to sign up. sharpness 1000 sword command Code Example - Kingston HyperX Savage HX318C9SRK2/16 16 GB (8 GB allocated to Minecraft) OptiFine download: pickaxe go break any thing you want, , Its not the max enchant if you want to know more go to pheonix sc infinite enchsntments i think its 217456716095 the lvl you can go to decription at pheonix scs infinite enchantments and you go try out it has link that says pastebin, kkkkk I managed to increase more I got up to 99999 but I can't pass the mileage because minecraft crashes and it goes to 0, Fortune Level 32767 Diamond Pickaxe Why is this sentence from The Great Gatsby grammatical. I can't find out how to make protection 1000 armor but also make it unbreakable. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. (The 1.9 command is at the bottom of the page) Enjoy ! 1. - the incident has nothing to do with me; can I use this this way? I'm trying to enchant leather armor using a command block. Is that okay? Its airframe was designed for durability, with measures such as 1,200 pounds (540 kg) of titanium armor to protect the cockpit and aircraft systems, enabling it to absorb damage and continue flying. After that, instead of ench type Enchantments, and replace the number ID of the enchantment with the name ID. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. and our /give @p diamond_boots{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:32767},{id:fire_protection,lvl:32767},{id:blast_protection,lvl:32767},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:32767}]} 1, Thorns Level 32767 Diamond Armor I edited the post and showed how to convert the command to 1.13+. Armor+ (1.8 / 1.9) - Night Fang this cheats of minecraft /give @p diamond_pickaxe{Enchantments:[{id:fortune,lvl:32767}]} 1, I dare you to put.32k thorns on a diamond sword cause I put thorns 3 on diamond sword, You use toolbox for this?because toolbox max level enchanment is same as your max level enchanment.

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