Use more recent known ancestors to uncover older ones. Orr :.nd Gill will also be in attendance at this clinic. Sophie Koxyra. Mar 3, 2023 Updated 38 min ago. tSS 41 39 39 V Avla Corp . Older Pottsville, Pennsylvania local newspaper obituaries typically contained valuable pieces of family history. 1 Russets and Green Mountains sold at 75-S5, with a few higher, while poorly graded stock was bringing- 60-70 and U. S. No. it de Paul s church ar ";-' o'clock. H IS Am Intl 42 ( H H H Am Pow Ll.. S3 S S H Am Ra1 . Anna A., w idow of t . Do you think tax breaks should be job specific? William Mullen. Spanish-American War veteran, took place from his late home in Lark water on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. At Minersville Pa 011 Mondav. of genealogical research. Ohio's Vote for i'rsaiaaat ta 1929 1 Hoover ..,. (Port Carbon, Pa.) 1831-1832, Pottsville: Anthracite Gazette and Schuylkill County Advocate. Pennsylvania Death Index, 1906-1964 MyHeritage . Miss We?t grabbed her t-ct by the neck. This type or work affords an excellent opportunity for citizenship training and leadership, and creates the art of self expression in a fluent and clear manner. E. T. Yost. The band members In a body visited the home on Monday evening' to view the remains The pallbearers were the following: C. P. Hoffman. who favored a rte of tbe four other a referendum p' ,K forms. i Auburn Auto. Victoria was born on May 13, 1928 in Pottsville, a daughter of the late Frank and Beatrice Yarosh. advocate, defeated ! HS BOYS' BASKETBALL: Pottsville ousts North Schuylkill from D11 Mrs. Thos. Its an excellent launching point for further research into those elusive relatives. (Ashland [Pa.]) 1857-1863, Mahanoy: Mahanoy Press. Penra. The state waa a cen ter of the popalts movement is the nineties, and was the home of WU- i.ST-roa.w VOTM 71 iiasi Jennings Bryan, to whom it are its vote in eack of his three campaigns, la 1912 aad 191 t he state rota for Wilson. x'ha club idea was stalled four years at,o by the Jackson St. Grammar School under the supervision of Timothy K. Brennan, the present principal. (Tamaqua, Pa.) 1870s-1900, Tamaqua: Tamaqua Daily Item. Factcheck found records by searching through multiple collections on GenealogyBank. Jerry Raymond Hottinger. (Pottsville, [Pa.]) 1844-1847, Pottsville: Pottsville Emporium, and Colliers' Democratic Register. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1840s-1848, Pottsville: Anthracite Gazette and Schuylkill County General Advocate. , Ida's former ,li; tr have pointed to ! Mrs. Sal!- TVnirler, daughter TheJ-ma. Economic ConaitieKBS were a saa-ior issue la the state elections of 1990 in which George White, dry ikiMMut won the ojvarmrshlt from Governor Meyers V. Cooper, dry Re publican, i. Schuylkill County, PA Obituaries (Pottsville, Pa.) 1830-1837, Pottsville: Miners' Journal. As the gas overcame him he toppled from the chair, his head falling against the still hot log which burned his jaw and lips. rm lU .ntorahin from Roscoe Mc- L'ulioch. Explore the Pottsville Republican online newspaper archive. This online archive is for access and use only by individuals for personal use. Schuylkill County PA USGenWeb Archives - Newspapers Jaunita Estelle Creasy Bewley. He also officiated at the grave. Cloudy skies. She leave to survire her btnbna nd the following children: itt-e. Kfve. Error! 14 'S " ' Westtngh El. "But don't get excited If he swallows it. Camden, K. f. O'lsH PhHadHsis Thursdo' iiniiiiiiiiimmiiimi, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month, Exclusive licensed content from premium publishers like the. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1855-1919, Pottsville: Miners' Journal, and Pottsville General Advertiser. Pottsville Republican (Pottsville, Pennsylvania) obituaries - Page 1 sack. The pall bearers were four girts. Mahal-Ritzel Funeral Home Inc., Minersville, is in charge of the arrangements. W. St N ftarrtee a rinhbaeh Chapel There win be no services held in St. John's rtiapeJ. Get started with GenealogyBank and start making connections today. Information regarding access and use for institutions is available by contacting NewsBank at 800-762-8182 or email (Pottsville, Pa.) 1859-1862, Pottsville: Mining Record, and Pottsville Emporium. James E. Humphrey Funeral Home Obituaries in Pottsville, PA The Seventh A class, knewn as the Push-on Club, with threw officers: Pres.. erlyn Jones : Vice Pres., Wm. He preached high mass of requiem was sung by the sermon and performed the rtte of absolution. Oct. a; -j 7. Drs. Also issued on microfilm from Microfilm Corp. of Pa. Also issued in a morning ed. In addition to her parents, she was preceded . They proceeded to the Immaculate Conception Church, St. Clair, where an angel mass was celebrated by Father Rav-nikar, who alo officiated at the grave in the parish cemetery. Southern Sun Digital Media All Rights Reserved. Tuesday night. The Downey Patriot. George's Cemetery, Shenandoah. Obituaries - Republican Herald Note: Affiliate links are used within the directory on this site and a small contribution goes to the website for some purchases made. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th ROUND Sstm TRIP 2.50 Bets Lea res r'OTTSVILJ.E Centre and Market Ms Bus arrives at "The Garden t. bus leaves "The Gardens sir Tew Tickets Keer te Reset-re Vur r T SCHUSTER'S BUS LINES PHOXE Vm CENTRE MAKKET HTB.. IWTM IM n 4t Excursion. Our online database enables you to perform searches without the hassle of performing manual searches through old records. STE 600 Naples, Florida 34108. Carl. from the family resiuence, lit Norwegian at.. Wednesday morn, : ? Republican Herald is proud to offer We Remember memorial pages. Davenport Sr., Earl J. . (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1966-1969, Shenandoah: Evening Herald. Economic issues have dominated the current campaign, with interest par ticularly keen in the farm rebel prq-erams of the two candidates. The funeral was largely attended and there were many floral tribute. Learn more about the stories of your immediate and extended family. Smith in the 1938 campaign had the endorsement of George W. Morris, insurgent Republican t whom the voters have given strong and consistent support. The names, logos, and other source identifying features of newspapers depicted in our database are the trademarks of their respective owners, and our use of newspaper content in the public domain or by private agreement does not imply any affiliation with, or endorsement from, the publishers of the newspaper titles that appear on our site. diamond dealer, came to show the "Diamond Lil" of Broadway fame a few gems. The foneral will be held on Fridav afternoon at his fate residence. . Republican Herald: Blogs. 30 16H 15V 1H CJoodyr T ri 48 14 13H 14 Goth Silk H 18 10H H 10'. In the Province of Szecbuan sp-prosimately 2-"00O soldiers are involved in the struggle for power among the mil its ry sroup. beneficiaries who died between the years 1850 and 2010 From the position of the body, the police said it was apparent" that Avery had turned out the one fire-log that had been burning; leaned forward in the lounge chair and turned the gas on in both logs. William Patrick Wade, 89, of Pottsville, passed away Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023, at his home. E. B. Moore, of Joliett. The funeral was very largely attended, with members of the Pottsviiie Third Brigade Band being represented as the pnllbearers. Schuylkill County, PA Obituaries at Schuylkill County, PA GenWeb Archives Schuykill County Biographies at Genealogy Trails Schuykill County Censuses at Schuylkill County, PA GenWeb . 1 4 j ! Mrs. Adam Berk-heiser, of 1016 W. Market stneet. They describe the person, their life, and who they are. Carmel; Sadie Azar, and the followinc: underwent operation: Mary Wyloni. Are you looking for a female relative? RelatiTe- and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his Lite residence, 355 W. unbury t.. on Thursday morning at ? (Pottsville, Pa.) 1942-Current, Pottsville: Pottsville Standard. Subscribe . St. Clair. Said he: . Kverv member of the club is n-se-d to attend the meeting. Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania Genealogy FamilySearch He managed the United States Gypsum Company, of which his father is president. 24 5H Vi Ills Cent 9 13H 12 Vi U i Interb Rap T. 22 3H JH 3H Int Harv .. 33t 22V JOH 21H lnt Nick t-an, 157 8 Si TS 8'k lnt TAT 282 S IV. was slight. Joseph Kramer, :n itli ar Keiatives and friends of t lie family "i-. Death notices are formalized reports that someone has died. : Stone a Weh 40 I 1 T Tex Corp . PHILA. (Schuylkill Haven, Pa.) 1900-1903, Schuylkill Haven: South Schuylkill News. makes these newspapers available for the purpose of historical research, and is not responsible for the content of any newspapers archived at our site. The interment was tn the Charles Baber Cemetery. Alfred . Connect other family members mentioned in the death notice to confirm whole sections of your family tree. of X. . There will be little lusines of important but a mass of routine matters await disposition. Using these search techniques can also help you fact-check your findings to ensure you have the right person. : affecting each rout.-.- The prohibition ! ENGLISH CLUBS FOR.MKD AT JACKSON ST. SCHOOL Farm Picket Slain eIs H sLtaUl BsasBsneM&mek I MEW TRIAL FOR SEVER SENTENCED TO DEATH The pupils of the Jackson St. School have organised them-iles into Ens-iish clubs, and have elected orticera to carry on the literary work In their respective classes for the present school year. Low 16F. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. F. M? Schuykill County Censuses at Schuylkill County, PA GenWeb For a successful Republican Herald obituary search, its good to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you get the correct relative. 50 per 5-8 basket. (Tremont, Pa.) 1868-1883, Tremont: West Schuylkill Press and Pine Grove Herald. A mix of clouds and sun. (Tremont, Pa.) 1867-1868, Tremont: Tremont News. CLOSING STOClM - Budd Wheel Kie- Bond A RhHrr Klec 8t"raif Ba tti General Asphalt Horn 4 Haroat ' "v !.hlg;h Navigation Cehlgh Vlle .Vati',nl Pwer A :.' K. F. Monahan was tbe foneral director. Nomination of officers were held and the candidates selected will he voted for at the meeting next Tuesday. Th relatives and friends of the lamilj", al-o Dames of Malta, Ladies x. of the P. O. of A., an.l the laughters of Kebekah are invited to ;.lte-.d the funeral on Wednesday at " : 3y o'clock, from 1 he residence of I r daughter. Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. During tbe present time of economic confusion the people need 4 place to go, where they can build up character and further their education. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, Shenandoah: Mining Herald. f-k HoMr ColBtnb folumbus Day was fittingly cele- rated hv the members of the Potts-vIHe" Elks' 1 'iub in their home on Ma-liantonro St. with a dinner Mondav r-.eninr. Obituaries | Pottsville Republican (Pottsville, Pa. : 1942) (DLC)sn 85055289 (OCoLC)12851117 Work backward. 'JZ'J. 2J 8 V - 7 8W Cerro De Pas. Rev. In Fnkien Province on t he sooth -east, the provincial military forces are engaired in a fitter struggle against Communist forces and the handitV. Relativts and friends are respect -f ;l!y invited to attend the funeral "Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. m. Ser-v ces at his home on Center avenue 3 .termcr.t In Union cemetery. 1891-05-23 to 1899-12-30 Pennsylvania Newspaper Archive, West Schuylkill Herald 1898-1977, West Schuylkill Press and Pine Grove Herald 1877-1968, Citizen-Standard 03/19/2003 to Current Genealogy Bank. At Brown's Church 00 Sunday, a special program of recitations and exercises was presented at one o'clock in observance of Rallv Day, and special musical numbers were jriven by tbe A. Williams, Ed. :, .. , Corn Prod 50 47 4 K Curtlss Wrght 48 2 ' 2 2 Pel I, A W 193 27H 23 Sgl Drug Inc 74 35 33 U 3 Dupont 5J1 3Z JJt4 mi, Eastman Kod. : . She worked and retired from the local garment industry and was a member of St. Patricks Church in Pottsville. 23. of ,igl5 Charles St.. Masneth. When looking for a female relative, search by their husbands name. Even s-, the Japanese authorities said, the rebels will have a most difficult time escaping because the whole Korean border is closed against them. and friends of t.lf deceased and there were numerous flowers. "S Sou Ry 3 " - St Brands lis 1 1 in, 1 st g a r. . Republican Herald Memorials and Obituaries | We Remember futler, of Pottsviiie, conducted the services at thf home and also at the grave tn tnr Charles Baber Cemetery, Pottsviiie The pallbearers were R. Klinger. of Phila.. who had also been abroad with Dr. Henson r.nd Dr. Witmer. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1875-1876, Shenandoah: Daily Shenandoah Herald. Henson. The Japanese plan was to drive these insurgents into the forests and mountains and stare titom out. i 01 1 i a 1 1 S E. 4 : I I 3 1 if i J i ; it il tr TV ' 'AGE TEN DEATHS r ' Mrs. Oscar Martin Mrs. Oscar Martin, a resident of St. Clair since she was eint years ot ae. past month, Boyer and Sim Florence H" Search by common misspellings. Rev , R. A. Bausch. 14 t. il Seabd oil 144 ' . DeLong, rt 440 Fain-lew street. Oct. 17th. Republican Herald Obituary Archives Search in Pottsville, Pennsylvania Friday-March 3, 2023. (Tower City, Pa.) 1890s-1910, Tower City: Valley Echo. TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. , i ("omwlth Sou S7 3 3 n Oas 1'22 34 T. 64 H Con Oil 108 i Cont csn 2b 80H 2S JO i 'ont Oil Del. (Schuylkill Haven, Pa.) 1903-1951, Schuylkill Haven: Call. Find marriage, birth, obituaries, local news, sports and more for people. 3i 16 Si Oil Cal 48 . ' Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Pottsville Obituaries Newspapers can be a treasure trove of information for your ancestors. Locuit Mountain Hospital These patients were admitted to the Locmt Mountain Hospital: Mrs. Mart- Vodis. (Tamaqua, Pa.) 1873-1876, Tamaqua: Tamaqua Paper. Schuylkill County PA USGenWeb Archives - Obituaries There is or will be a great change in our school system during the next 25 years, one that will be greater than took place during the last 25 years. It, -North. Pottsville Evening Republican (Pottsville, Pa.) 1923-1942 iaU: John Kramer. President Grootenboer suauioned Eric Sholer, banquet manager of tbe hotel, before the club and presented him with a framed testimonial bearing the signature of the president and secretary, setting out the wonderYul five years of service given the club by Sholer. A . Prohibition planks of the two parties also have been kept in" the foreground. , . Although some people use the terms interchangeably, theyre actually two different things. 142 10 V H 10 IVth Steel 100 17H 16 174 Borden 43 23 H 26 U Bripgs Mfg . 1 3 2V 2 2 H Gt Nor Rr pf. Gary D. Hoak, 63 - Mar 2020. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1831-1832, Pottsville: Wednesday Dollar Journal, and Pottsville General Advertiser. Browse or search for obituaries in the Pottsville Republican (Pottsville, Pennsylvania) on Ancestry. Pottsville, PA (17901) Today. We take the hassle out of looking through the Pottsville obituary archives. Port Carbon. :id plaved during the cour$" of the .vening." 224 1'a.iniew street, at the convenient the, family. "This action served to stay the execution of the men. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, Pottsville: Miners' Journal. Schuylkill County, PA Obituary Index at Obits Index (Tower City, Pa.) 1882-1890s, Tremont: Local News and Schuylkill Advertiser. i v SI P H C 1 44 J ,l JblUlps Pet . 2 7H i, 7 u C O 20 -0H 18 S 20 Che (V.rr 21 12T 10H 12v t'.ii X t W ,. Young Avery's mother was the former Hortense Wisner, of Pontiae, Mich. His father, besides heading the two big corporations, has become one of Chicago's foremost public leaders as head of Mayor Anton Cermak's civic advisory committee. left immediately alter the trajredy and State police were ordered to overtake it and brim; the drivers back to Albion. 3 4 .". ' a student nurse at the Allentown HospUal, returned to her duties afte- visiting- her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. It had eight in 1928. 5 n t , rhslp Ilar 1 S ' Phel-, Eodg. Genealogy research can be challenging as many records are incomplete or filled with mistakes. There was an error processing your request. Obituaries can be used to uncover information about other relatives or to confirm that you have the right person in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. two of them strong. . Obituary. The word "evening" appears above the ornament in smaller type. This kind of work also creates interest and motivates student activity aud inspires the appreciation of everything that is good in literature. Friends mav call on T hursday evening between 7 and clock. The Citizen Standard-Obituaries 1. Discover Schuylkill County's hidden gems: Three state parks boasting Explore the Pottsville Republican online newspaper archive. Schuylkill County and Pottsville, PA Obituaries (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1856, Pottsville: Emerald Vindicator. l's and 15-10 for No. Mary Mist yryn and Frances Kosyra. (Schuylkill Haven, Pa.) 1894-1895, Shenandoah: Daily Evening Herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1895-1907, Tamaqua: Anthracite Monitor. The struggle is between Han Fu-Cbu, the provincial chairman, and Lui Cben-Nien. Pottsville Republican (Pottsville, Pennsylvania) Obituaries
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