But before that, were going to get another main quest appearing in Outbreak. It is the first cabin from the right side. You have some time to loot the chests here, and complete some sidequests. If youre struggling with the Black Ops Cold War Zombies Outbreak main quest Easter egg, heres a guide to help you find all the new collectibles. There's a soldier slumped against the blue door down the corridor marked 'C'. Head this way, and then once youre in the D silo, make your way all the way up the steps until you reach the top. That said, you only have nine minutes to defeat Legion and finish the Main Quest. Make your way to the ground floor in Silo A. This signal is weak. Unfortunately you're . From World at War to Black Ops 1, 2, 3, and even 4. Radio locations, maps and more for the new Call of Duty Outbreak Easter Egg. The amplifier is next to some crates in a net cover. In each Outbreak region, there are four fixed Monkey locations. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). The enemies in this mode move in thick and fast, and you can die at any moment. As an edit, I also found the portal on Armada. Find Hassan. Exit the elevator and bear right, then run up the stairs, continuing all the way up to the top floor. As in every other Outbreak game, the goal is to make the most of the first few rounds to make sure you pack-a-punch your weapons, get wonder weapons, and acquire perks. The spawn order is random, and the rate of spawn is very rare. Start the run by playing normally, completing the objectives shown on your map to initiate the anomaly. However, that doesn't mean it's easy. Zombies content creator mrdalekjd has provided some handy images revealing the locations of the signal amplifiers. This triumvirate, representing a potential new majority as well as a new democratic ethos, was checked and thrown back by the cataclysmic and catastrophic outbreak of a continental war. There will be a small destroyed building where you will find the amplifier. We suggest completing every possible location in every map you visit to get ready for whats to come. It's funny you say this.. New games for 2023 and beyond to add to your wishlist, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty review: "Builds on the core quality of the Nioh games", Destiny 2 Lightfall review-in-progress: "There is no redeeming this campaign", Dungeons & Dragons: Onslaught review - "Novel enough to tempt even jaded skirmish gamers", Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen review - "Evocative and well-realized", Dragonlance: Warriors of Krynn review - "Kernel of a great idea", Luther: The Fallen Sun review: "Will appeal to die-hards and newbies alike", Creed 3 review: "Michael B. 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Once you're ready to fight the boss, head upstairs to the Exit Door and leave the facility. You can find Joseph's work at GamesRadar, Digital Trends, Inverse, and PLAY Magazine. The second radio signal is by the main road north of the Fire Aid Station. The base radio is found in the middle attraction surrounded by the Cottages in the northeastern section of the region. You can jump up on the roof via the elevations located in front of the house. You can start this Easter egg as early as round three, and you'll be able to finish it by round five. Black Ops Cold War Zombies Outbreak: All Red Phase Rift Locations on Every Map. Kerbal Space Program 2's early access launch is only for seasoned astronauts, The best gaming monitors in Australia for 2023, Subscribe to the world's #1 PC gaming mag, Try a single issue or save on a subscription, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. What you want to do is listen for the sound of an animal, which indicates the location of a vent that contains a monkey. The amplifier will be inside the main bedroom on the second floor. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox . Unfortunately, I'm on playstation so I can't really give you an image. Currently everything is now on collateral for the main Easter egg. Once youre ready, warp to Ruka via the beacon. Whats more, Treyarch promises that Outbreak mode is just getting started, with another Easter Egg coming next season! The third amplifier is found on the roof of the building that houses an ammo cache and the arsenal (armor stand). Hello, I have been trying to look all over the new collateral region for the maxis radio to start that mission at round 3. To complete the notoriously-difficult Black Ops Cold War Zombies Outbreak Easter Egg, bring a squad of 4 and follow these steps: First, get to Round 3 in Outbreak mode simply by playing as normal. He graduated with a degree in engineering from the National University Science & Technology (formerly known as Caledonian College of Engineering). The first base radio can be found on the desk inside the administration office at the Granary. Shooting the correct monkey statue drops a projector microfilm slide. If you can get your hands on a Wonder Weapon, that's even better. These have various locations around the A silo, so keep your ears open for the correct sound. Youre looking for the large launch console that sits under the map of the world on the top floor of each silo. Players can get two per game. Step 1: Finding And Using The Portal. You need 20 in total. These can be found along the walls, so shoot them and collect the crystals that drop. The first amplifier is found on the balcony of the blue house located next to the base radio. The first amplifier can be found at the Lower Deck of the central ship. It'll be in the kitchen area on the ground in the corner. Also, my gun glitches. You need to defeat this creature to grab the Launch Key. In unserem Vergleich haben wir die unterschiedlichsten 70413 lego am Markt unter die Lupe genommen und die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, die Kostenstruktur und die Bewertungen der Kunden abgewogen. New York, The boss has electrical attacks, so keep your distance as much as possible. Avoid standing too close to the monkey as you'll scare it and it'll run away. And, in case you hadnt noticed, theres a secret Nuke Scorestreak in Black Ops Cold War Season 3 Reloaded! Can't you just go to round 4 and do it on the next map? All you need to do is shoot it with your gun. Turn to face the jellyfish and use the Aetherium Field Upgrade (the canister you just charged). On each map, there's a Radio and three Signal Amplifiers when you're near the radio, you'll hear a voice. And I know how flimsy of a statement "Trust me, it's there" is. This is where you use the static sound effect to find the amplifiers. Go around the back of the cabin, and you will find it on the table. With the release of Black Ops Cold War Zombies, I'll continue making high-quality videos for Treyarch's Zombies mode. The first amplifier is found directly to the north of the base radio in the Oasis. Gaming has been a part of Hassans life for as long as he can remember. If youre on Ruka, youll need to warp to a different map. Drop down through the gap in the floor here to arrive on floor 'A-2'. Finally, we highly advise attempting this with at least one other player. It's on the Cliffs West nearby the ammo crate. Has anyone found it or did they probably forget to add it? What you need to do is shoot the boss in the chest, as indicated by a circular glow. This will set up the story for the next round-based map for Black Ops Cold War. Looking for the CoD Cold War Outbreak Easter egg? Make your way through the corridor beyond the computers, and just to the right of the pink archway ahead is a concrete pillar with 'A' painted on it. We advise upgrading your weapons as much as you can via the Pack-a-Punch machine. The second amplifier can be found in the Wadi, located northwest of the base radio. This will take you directly to round 3. Run to Silo D and you'll notice that a big jellyfish with heavy Dark Aether vibes is lurking here. I might be wrong though. The last amplifier is on a building west of the base radio. Once youve got 20, deposit them in the canister and wait for the short sequence to finish. How To Complete Unknown Signal Easter Egg. You can skip round 2 by shooting the orb above the machine while warping. Be sure to head to the Maxis Signal/Amps first, then the maps Monkey Statues, and finally the Projector. This signal is . The last amplifier is inside the main building but on the basement floor. Ok. That makes sense. For #1 main quest? Once you've warped to the next region, you should be on Round 4 now. She loves competitive first-person shooters like CS:GO and Call of Duty, but she always has time for a few rounds of Hearthstone. There's a long journey to completion ahead of you and really don't want to fumble the whole thing an hour or two in. Follow this guide for the spawn locations of the red rifts, orbs and broken mystery boxes. r/CODZombies is a developer-recognized community focused on the franchise. Step 2: Monkey Step. Amplifier 1 The first amplifier is just outside the administration office behind the large tanks by the wooden planks. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Unfortunately, the order seems to be random, so if you try a key in one of the consoles and it gives you an error, try another one. Then, quickly, detonate the trap to suck in the monkey to acquire the first key. Collect Three Launch Keys. With that in might, make sure you read the walkthrough through first before trying anything as there are fairly complex things to do and you don't want to be working stuff out while you're also fighting an undead hordes at the same times. Lets go through how it works so you know what to do. To begin the Easter egg, you need to find the radio. This is an every locations guide video for Outbreak Main Quest 1 \u0026 2.Hope this was helpful to you, but if you have any questions, leave them down below in the comments! The final amplifier is found inside the northernmost small hut by the frozen lake. Keep an eye out for more zombies, and head to each one to tune them to match the radio static. You can access these songs using the Music Player feature in Black Ops Cold War. After youve activated all three additional radios (four if you count the first one), then head back to the original radio and interact with it to reach the next step. You now need three keys to launch the missiles found throughout the area. This means you can use that as a distraction to safely damage the boss. You can find these in any order. When he's not writing about video games he can usually be found petting his cats and listening to some Progressive Metal. NY 10036. Step 2: Locate the radio. The base radio is found on the Upper Deck of the central ship. Listen to the radio and tune the signal amplifiers. From the main area in the center that leads to all the silos, look for a small hallway that dead ends with a downed soldier. Treyarch is no stranger to continuing their Zombies' story through the maps of the game, with the excitement of an "Easter Egg Hunt" bringing the community together to find the sequence of events to help progress the story of Zombies. This is it. Here, youll see a new option that allows you to Respond, so select that to talk with Maxis. These locations were not added until Season 5 Reloaded.This video shows you all the monkey locations, maxis radio and amplifier locations, projector locations, and the red rift location on the Collateral outbreak region.Check out our complete solo easter egg guide: https://bit.ly/35PjEqLSong: Truth PoliceMusic by Karl Casey @White Bat AudioLink: https://youtu.be/ISzMKKsbJ600:00 - Intro0:10 - Monkey Locations0:13 - Monkey Location10:27 - Monkey Location 20:41 - Monkey Location 30:56 - Monkey Location 41:15 - Maxis Radio \u0026 Amplifier Locations1:18 - Base Radio1:41 - Amplifier 11:59 - Amplifier 22:23 - Amplifier 33:01 - Projector Location3:20 - Red Rift Location#cod #collateral #easteregg #outbreak #part1 #part2 #operatsiyainversiya #operationexcision Legion is a huge entity that'll float above you in the arena. I have been running around Collateral for about 45 minutes trying to find the monkey locations on rounds 4. Fixed: Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed.The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Once you reach the end of the Cold War Zombies Outbreak main quest, youve got an incredibly difficult boss fight to complete. There are none: it's not in the Ural mountains. Documents: There are four new documents to collect in Season 6, and they are dropped from mini bosses like Manglers and Mimics or a Golden Chest. What makes the latest challenge even trickier is that it can spread across all the Outbreak maps. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The third amplifier is inside the southern cottage right in front of the base radio. Save you some time, really i can do that? Here's how to solve the Outbreak Easter egg. The best way to do this is to first head over to the central . They can still get up to you, but it will take them a little longer, so you can use that extra time to your advantage. Call of Duty Zombies is a first-person shooter survival mode developed by Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, and Raven Software and published by Activision. In keeping with previous Easter eggs on Firebase Z (opens in new tab) and Die Maschine (opens in new tab), you'll be fighting to survive against waves of zombies while completing intricate missions to reach the end of this Main Quest. The vents have a blue glow to them. PC Gamer is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Scour the Silo walls for a vent that's glowing blue and toss the trap so it lands near it. Then, youll want to run around silo B while collecting purple crystals. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, After a while, the boss will move to another corner of the map and it'll look as though it's tethered to three electrical orbs. To start the second Easter Egg, players have to find a Red Phase Rift in Round 3 of Outbreak, but each map is so big, it's very difficult to find them. The third amplifier is found slightly west of the hillside cabins in a small shack. This means you can get duplicates when interacting with the radios. This is the Cold War Outbreak Easter Egg launch key you can see in the image up there. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/741749808473047063/891736469666930748/unknown.png. Be sure to subscribe for no-nonsense guides about all things zombies-related.You can expect Solo Easter Eggs Guides, Trophy Guides, Strategies, and many other things on this channel.Thanks for watching When these appear, concentrate on shooting them instead. The base radio is found on a Patrol Boat. And I know how flimsy of a statement "Trust me, it's there" is. The amplifier is on the ground by the shelf. In fact, four monkeys will spawn on each map, but the one youre looking for has the letter M next to it. Look for a red canister called Aetherium Harvesting Unit and interact with it. 70413 lego - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. There are three amplifiers nearby that you'll now need to tune to the same frequency. Access the terminal and select the icon with the phone on it. The radio is on a ledge on a small cliff leading up to the warehouse. Before jumping in, there are a few things you should be aware of with the Outbreak Easter Egg. The base radio is found on a container in the Solar Panels area near the eastern section of the region. Unfortunately, the radio location isn't marked on your map, so you'll need to hunt around for it. The third amplifier is inside the long storage room at the Granary. Frenzied Guard will essentially cause all the zombies to be attracted to the player who activates the ability. Shortly following the addition of the first Easter egg main quest in Outbreak on Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, developer Treyarch announced that the new giant Zombies experience would receive . Look for the corridor with the star on the wall above it, and run through it, then go past the green computer terminals. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. The first amplifier is on the Sinking Ship directly west of the Patrol Boat. The base radio is found in the middle of the Industrial Complex at the base of the statue. Head up the stairs behind it and pause on the platform that's covered in blue grass. Only four of the five maps have a projector Ruka does not have one. In this guide, we show you the locations of all the radios and the amplifiers in all the regions. After you do, youll want to warp to the next area, which will take you to World Tier 4. It'll be next to the wardrobe. Unfortunately, the radio location isn't marked on your map, so you'll need to hunt around . The first amplifier is located in the Zoo Facilities' parking lot. The first amplifier is in the southern building of the Industrial Complex. Once Legion has been defeated, though, players have finished the easter egg and watch the final cutscene. Timestamps:0:00 Collateral Radio Location0:30 Collateral 3 Amplifier Locations1:00 Collateral Stone Monkey Locations2:09 Collateral Projector Location2:36 Collateral Red Rift (Red Portal) LocationARMADA LOCATIONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOagGaR3-G0ZOO LOCATIONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqO7yRcgFTwOTHER REGIONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFyfeuIHELP ME REACH 30.000 Subscribers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaYsIKqNnajT0qi5tLujfSg?view_as=subscriberOPERATOR GUIDES PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0IhUZlv-d8\u0026list=PLGmxPM0Kyl3n_UWSq1eIw4ygc5T3Ik1uu#callofduty #blackopscoldwar #coldwarzombies #mauerdertoten _____________________________________________I've been making guides for Call of Duty zombies since 2017. The first amplifier is in the Ruins directly in front of the base radio. Maxis radio in Collateral region- Outbreak. Once you've found the main emitter, listen to the full signal to begin the . Cold War Zombies Outbreak easter egg. Find Hassan. Collect 20 Aetherium Crystal Chunks, then return to the harvesting unit to deposit them. When activated, the radio will ring attracking a horde of zombies. Before players can activate the Operation Excision mission in Outbreak, the easter egg must be triggered in the first place. After starting round four, you'll need to find four monkeys (like the one above). Its totally doable Solo, but is immensely challenging. There's a red capsized boat over by the East side of the map. Once loaded into one of the four Outbreak maps in Cold War, the first step is to find the signal amplifiers. Not only does he game well, but he also keeps his eyes open for gaming-related content to make in-depth guides and is always keen to share his game experiences. Try to complete every side mission and loot up, as you'll need to be strong to complete the Easter Egg. I always get this map either on round 3 or 4. The radio amplifier is inside the room located underground. Technically, yes, but it looks like we're still waiting for fully fleshed-out side quests and Easter eggs. Walk up to it and grab the final Launch Key. In this video Im going to be showing you All Collateral monkey locations, the easter egg radio \u0026 amplifier locations, the projector location and th ered rift location for the Main Easter Eggs in Outbreak Collateral. Treyarch Hiring for New Call of Duty Zombies Projects, The Archon: How to Get the Decimator Shield Wonder Weapon, How to Complete The Archon Main Quest Easter Egg & Kortifex Boss Guide, Shi No Numa: How to Find & Use the Pack-a-Punch Guide, Treyarch Hiring for New Call of Duty Zombies Projects, Mauer Der Toten: Bunny Disco Easter Egg Guide - All Locations, Mauer Der Toten: How to Upgrade Klaus Guide - All Floppy Disk Loc, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Collector's Edition Pre-Order, Content, Where to Find All Demiguise Statues & Moons in Hogwarts Legacy, DMZ: All Faction Missions & Rewards in Warzone 2 (Season 2 Update, All Masterwork Research Wish Granted Tasks & Rewards in Pokemon G, complete guide to the Cold War Zombies Outbreak Easter Egg , Main Quest, & Boss Fight. https://www.pcgamer.com/cod-cold-war-outbreak-easter-egg/. The research and technical writing skills he earned throughout his time in the university have allowed him to contribute to the gaming community by creating in-depth guides for gamers all over the world. With subtitles on, you can tell what the frequency is. COLLATERAL RADIO SIGNAL TO OBTAIN BEACON FOR SEASON 3 EASTER EGG ON OUTBREAK COLD WAR ZOMBIES HEAD TO EXFIL BEACON AND SELECT PHONE ICON AFTER OBTAINING BEAC. The Legion boss is an upscaled version of the Tempest elite zombies. The first amplifier is just outside the administration office behind the large tanks by the wooden planks. As long as players work together, unlike some Call of Duty jokers, the easter egg can be completed relatively quickly.Once players have gotten to level 3, there will be a red portal that spawns in different locations, depending on the map. The trap should now be glowing purple instead. this isn't the radio for the outbreak main Easter egg for n. Or, you can jump on the container using the cliff to the north. The main radio location is in Facility region on the truck between the cab and the trailer. The correct monkey can be any one of the four . According to popular Zombies content creator, MrRoflWaffles, this second Outbreak easter egg is "much more straightforward" than the first and "doesn't end in a boss fight," so let's get into the steps. From here, run laps in the central area, using any means necessary to take them all out. He graduated with a degree in engineering from the National University Science & Technology (formerly known as Caledonian College of Engineering). This huge new region (codenamed "Collateral") has become an incredibly unstable area, making it a prime spot to harvest Aetherium Crystals and further investigate the Dark Aether. To actually damage the boss, you need to destroy these floating orbs. The second amplifier is found on the ground resting by the bordering wall south of the base radio. Keep switching between the frequencies to get to the desired number. Here, youll see the Legion boss appear in the air and itll begin attacking you. The final boss for the Easter Egg. If not that sucks and will need to start all over because doing the main quest even 1 round later makes it trickier to accomplish especially if I'm trying to level up a weapon which means no extra attachments which means hell no, u/typervader2 its right here lolhttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/741749808473047063/891736469666930748/unknown.png. the outbreak easter egg 2 is here, known as operation excision . After listening to the dialogue, the Beacon will display a white 'M' on the screen. The static sound gets louder as you get closer to the amplifiers. They're holding an ICBM Launch Key but as soon as you try to take it, the soldier will turn into a Mimic called 'Ruzarkon the Twisted'. But that's all I have at this time. The first amplifier is located inside the cottage located to the right of the base radio. Tempest zombies are weak to Brain Rot as well. Then make your way back to the central area and go into the A silo. Stand next to the creature where you see Aetherium grass and use the canisters burst feature by pressing the triggers (on console). I am so very glad this has not been archived yet. When you're ready, head to the Missile Silos and walk through the hole in the wall to access the elevator. Alternatively, you can watch MrDalekJD's detailed walkthrough video (opens in new tab), which shows the radio and amplifier locations on every Outbreak map, as well as other helpful locations throughout the Main Quest. For the campaign mission from Call of Duty: WWII, see Collateral Damage (mission). Cold War Outbreak Zoo Easter Egg - All Monkey Locations To start the main easter egg that was added in the outbreak zombies mode in black ops cold war you . Same with Maxis Transmission step? However, some eagle-eyed . When you interact with the base radio, it spawns several zombies that you must eliminate in order for the base radio to emit a unique signal with a distinct sound. You do this by interacting with the radio multiple times. Much like the steps with the radios, the next Cold War Outbreak Easter Egg objective is to find and shoot a monkey that has four possible spawns across the five maps. In case you havent heard, Treyarch is confirming the next round-based Zombies maps release date already. The second amplifier can be found on a Capsized ship west of the central ship. A set of ladders at the back of the building takes you directly up to the roof. The hard part is that youll constantly be chased by mimics and other special zombies while you attempt this, making it extremely tough if youre by yourself. There's a red capsized boat over by the East side of the map. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hey, its me GavinIRL and this is really cool to see me on a website. After you open the door, youll be taken outside to a large open area with a ton of enemies.
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