Stick to obscure webcomic characters, literary characters, and so on. Seems like a huge flaw for a character guessing game. I shit breaks. The little mole-man that Mephisto had in the early seasons. Akinator - Can you stump the (most of the time) unstumpable? It may take a few tries to get him, but it will get you a Black award. EDIT: Also didn't get Joe Bauers (from Idiocracy). Akinator. One element of him may not be that weird anymore, which is the fact that Birdo is a guy that clearly wants to be a girl. Akinator is an astounding product, which is around since 2009 already. Paste as plain text instead, " /> He wasn't even on the list of possible characters. Not only is this guy a sentient banana, but he's also an alien sentient banana. What about you guys. To gu Continue Reading Sponsored by Beverly Hills MD Top plastic surgeon: How to improve your neck's appearance. Follow Akinator on: Facebook @officialakinator Twitter @akinator_team Instagram @akinatorgenieapp-----Genies tips:-Akinator requires an Internet connection to use his magic lamp. Cookie Notice Kind of unfair, though, since most the information was "probably/probably not" and "don't know", But the first guess was this creepy dream man so he was close at first. It even got the Other Mother from Coraline and Roxie Hart from Chicago, which I didn't expect, and even characters from obscure webcomics like Namesake and Always Raining Here. Blark-Barg (Alternate Universe Cave Johnson's Assistant) Terry (His head blew up, but jokes on the . Oct 21, 2014 #494 Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. .woocommerce .ribbons .ribbon.featured{background:#9b7cb8;} What are the Banana Fairy Queens origins? Big Boo, Orange is the New Black OITNB has a lot of characters for this list! .woocommerce div.product.product-type-variable form.cart .variations td.value:after{right:0px; Barry and I have been challenging Akinator on my IPAD for months now and we have continually been flabbergasted at his knowledge of some of the most obscure characters, particularly from 20th century Irish history. Go Orange. No. The game encourages you to try to think of obscure characters. I beat it with obscure characters though. But started by DrillaryClinton, May 21, 2014. It works really well for both real and imaginary characters. Akinator is a god, that's the only explanation. .unero-sliders ul:after,.unero-sliders ul:before, Still, I managed to think of four or five characters in a row before "he" managed to guess even one right. Whether its Back to the Future or Stand By Me, there are certain lines from films that I just love to repeat! ( Please select at least 2 keywords ). Tracy went easy with Captain America and sure enough, the Akinator prevailed. There are thousands of characters in the books, some in the background of a hall or a passerby in a canal, and for some reason they stick out to you or you just happen to remember them. Black Out Poetry: Personally, this is my favorite. is eric curry related to steph curry; fromage basque etorki; byron bernstein autopsy reddit; inner or outer forearm tattoo . Be highly creative in the way that you answer questions. Follow Akinator on: Facebook @officialakinator Twitter @akinator_team Instagram @akinatorgenieapp-----Genies tips:-Akinator requires an Internet connection to use his magic lamp. Log In Sign Up. Wow. And he got it the first time through. Hilarity ensues. Akinator knows some obscure characters from pop culture. star star_border star_border star_border star_border. I agree about the amount of characters. It's not undefeatable by any means, but it's definitely got better over time. and our there is some MAD CRAZY MAGIC going on with akinator i dont even know. But issue #95 (October-November 1965) took a new tack. He is the Younger brother of Sans the skeleton, royal guard in training, and a sentry in the town of Snowdin. But when Toadstool crashes into his tower, he decides that he wants to marry her, much to her dismay. Come one, come all! Tracy went easy with Captain America and sure enough, the Akinator prevailed. It's not too hard to stump it with obscure characters, but the amount of characters it does get is amazing. It's memorized all the characters/persons people fed it over the years, so nowadays it will even guess the most obscure character from a series you thought only you knew of. .comment-respond .comment-reply-title, I will win. height: 1em !important; Finally beat it with Marcel Petiot, serial killer of Nazi occupied Paris. /* latin */ It's all about the questions he asks. $.src='//';z.t=+new Date;$. Cookie Notice The Akinator can guess ANY character. src: url( format('woff'); Akinator knows some obscure characters from pop culture. .unero-taxs-list ul li a:hover,.unero-taxs-list ul li a.selected, players are awarded coins to use in the game and less popular characters are awarded more points. Privacy Policy. 8 people found this helpful 2018. I was playing with it recently and it was correctly guessing a lot of characters that it didn't before (even a semi-obscure guy from Persona 4). .woocommerce ul.products li.product .un-product-title, font-style: normal; .widget_layered_nav ul li.chosen a,.widget_layered_nav ul li.chosen .count, .blog-wapper .entry-footer .readmore:hover, This Akinator dude guesses characters you imagine based on a few questions he asks you. Finally a listener stumped him with Punky Brewster, but he asked five more questions and then he got that one too. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Whats weird about this guy is that even though hes incredibly powerful, he just likes to do stuff like racing. He can even guess what he calls "Something I Can't Talk About" whose accompanying picture is a man staring, fascinated, down his boxer shorts. What would be the first thing you did after conquering a planet? akinator was not able to get the penanggalan, but that seems cold comfort. It's amazing what inferences it is able to make from only a few questions. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I was thinking of the most obscure characters and he was still getting them right. I will try to guess who it is. By typing the character number followed by 'c' and then the clue number, you will be able to see that respective question that the Akinator asked my and my answer. Never fails to beat him. Once you have completed the game, you can access more advanced versions of the game for a small fee. It'd be different and probably easier if it were just video game characters, sports figures or ____________, but to Read more. The first time we meet Buzz Buzz, he was in a meteorite that crashed in Onett. Akinator is an online Twenty Questions game where you challenge the eponymous genie, Akinator, to guess a character or real-world person you've picked. I feel like Kilton is Tingles weird goth cousin or something. Like trying to outsmart a famous internet algorithm. The Web Genie That can guess ANY character your thinking about! Whether its Back to the Future or Stand By Me, there are certain lines from films that I just love to repeat! Get used to seeing this. This would be fine, but when the game doesnt recognize the characters, you dont get any points. Yeah, thats his main method of attack, and its pretty odd. The Akinator genie poses questions with answers ranging from the expected "yes" and "no" to include also "don't know", "probably" and "probably not". I was surprised I got him with that one. He also gets quite a lot of Touhou stuff quite quickly (though pulling out some of the more obscure characters takes multiple tries for him) Of course once I break out the real obscure stuff it just can't win. (Well, first it said the God-Emperor of Mankind, but it got Calgar on its second guess). Nuts! What type of mind reader? Step up to the plate with a character in mind and prepare to answer a volley of prying questions from Akinator himself that will allow him to reveal to the world the exact character you have in mindmost of the time! Although I wonder if the number of people in its database becomes so large it will be difficult to parse them with 20 questions. /* It is noted for having a very extensive database of characters and people from even the most niche and obscure worksthis is because the database is being constructed by the players; not only . Where did she come from? There is no such thing called a black award character. It varies time over time. Although I wonder if the number of people in its database becomes so large it will be difficult to parse them with 20 questions.
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He first shows up in Majoras Mask, and hes made various appearances in games after. Honestly, this one is really fun and I was surprised that Akinator was able to guess a couple of the obscure characters I was thinking about. Throughout the years, with millions of users playing the game, Akinator built its database of answers to different series of questions. "Do you think I'm too stupid to guess who it is?". Obscure, kind of, R-Type is not the biggest name in gaming . (Though the way he acts is also pretty weird. Choose obscure characters for your best chance at stumping the genie. Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2021 Dates, } No no no. Simply go to, enter a nickname for yourself, your age and gender, and think of a prominent person, celebrity, or even fictional character, and Akinator will ask you up to 20 questions . Akinator is an online Twenty Questions game where you challenge the eponymous genie, Akinator, to guess a character or real-world person you've picked.. Report abuse Jade Clark. Even if youre not an avid gamer, youve at least heard of Nintendo, or are familiar with some of its popular characters. .woocommerce div.product .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper:after,.woocommerce div.product .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper:before, Sometimes the logic is iffy, depending on whoever entered it or maybe common answers. If you go into the bathroom at the inn, a hand will pop up out of the toilet, asking for paper. Expect lots of different questions all pertaining to hair color. I kind of feel like that's cheating lol. By typing the character number followed by 'c' and then the clue number, you will be able to see that respective question that the Akinator asked my and my answer. line-height:1.5;} Homestuck is a webcomic written, illustrated, and animated by Andrew Hussie as part of MS Paint Adventures (MSPA).The webcomic centers on a group of teenagers who unwittingly bring about the end of the world through the installation of a beta copy of an upcoming computer game. Just say, "Hey Google, talk to Akinator. If it is unlikely they've heard of it before, choose something else. Ha. Christ the Redeemer 4. font-display: swap; Even when he was wrong on a couple of my characters he was so close it was eerie. Not only is Akinator included, but so is everything in his room, including the gold decorations on the pedestal. Once I pullled out some more obscure game/anime characters, however, it was defeated easily. Follow Akinator on: Facebook @officialakinator Twitter @akinator_team Instagram @akinatorgenieapp-----Genies tips:-Akinator requires an Internet connection to use his magic lamp. First, theres his look; he looks like a cross between the Incredible Hulk and some Yu Gi Oh character. This guy is a pretty chaotic villain, and his motivations are just weird. Just curious. We then tried the obscure route with Velma from Scooby Doo, but he got it! Trending pages Kenny Matthews Shannon Matthews Ashley Thompson Josh Carter Amy Brookes Stan Jones Mei Wang Leonard Friedman All items (35) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Alan Gardener Amy Brookes Category:Antagonists Ashley Thompson B Brutal Joe C Cassy Corey Wilde D Dan Ph: (714) 638 - 3640 I use "obscure" video game characters. Go. The Adventures of Bob Hope ran from 1950-1968, with comic stories about his life as a ladies' man. font-family: 'Cairo'; } In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, You can find Kilton in certain areas at night and trade monster parts with him. JavaScript is disabled. Members. June 16, 2022; Posted by ssga funds management inc aum . Read More Turn on Wifi or be sure to have a data plan.-Dont forget to scroll down the list to find and select your language. Akinator seems to have a specific well of characters that he can draw from which he guesses always on the first try and it makes guessing obscure characters nearly impossible. Akinator (Click the image above for the larger version.) Waikiki Restaurants On The Beach, Current score: 0. x The genie will ask you a series of question to guess the character youre thinking of.. so far the genie guessed all my characters correctly I've already tried this one before but the only thing the akinator did wrong is. It doesn't get into the really obscure characters. Akinator once again appears for battle. Akinator can read your mind and tell you what character you are thinking of! .blog-wapper .entry-header .entry-title, .un-video-banner .banner-content .link, Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Turn on Wifi or be sure to have a data plan.-Dont forget to scroll down the list to find and select your language. .unero-sliders .cs-content .link, The magical genie will turn into a vampire, a cowboy or a disco man. I've only managed to stump him 7 or 8 times :/ I used Piglet from winnie the pooh. 2. .woocommerce ul.products li.product.product-category:hover .woocommerce-loop-category__title,.woocommerce ul.products li.product.product-category:hover .count, Lots of people across the world have actually starred this original guessing online game, therefore the man-made intelligence formula has established a huge knowledge base of prominent and obscure figures, such as . The talented guessing machine seems too good to be true. works mainly through advertising. works mainly through advertising. Contact us. I think the next one is going to be full obscure. And one of those is the Banana Fairy Queen. Cortez is the main character from the Timesplitters series. 20 Weird Nintendo Characters We Cant Believe They Actually Made, I Think He And Groot Would Be Good Friends. But started by DrillaryClinton, May 21, 2014. font-display: swap; . It is noted for having a very extensive database of characters and people from even the most niche and obscure works - this is because the database is being constructed by the players; not only they can introduce new characters to Akinator, but. .search-modal .search-results ul li .search-item:hover .title, ~ The first character isn'y as easy as the last. I've tried relatively obscure characters that he gets first try and I've tried fairly well known characters that takes him more than one try. Top 10 TV Characters Who Never Reveal Their Face May 24, 2021 Creepy Top 10 Creepiest Things Found in Attics May 23, 2021 Crime Top 10 Failed Welfare Scams May 23, 2021 Weird Stuff Top 10 Weird Facts About Strippers May 22, 2021 Creepy Top 10 Cursed Videos May 21, 2021 Pop Culture Top 10 Historical Examples Of Cancel Culture May 21, 2021 Music Just say, Hey Google, talk to Akinator. At least he seems relatively harmless. "Someone who kept clicking on No to see what happens", "A smart guy who presses 'Yes' (that would be you). Just pick a REALLY obscure character from little known book or old video game. (window.gaDevIds=window.gaDevIds||[]).push('5CDcaG'); But he does prove to be helpful as he eventually tells Link how to get to the Island Palace. The first try I decide for the Red Comet of Zeon, since he is famous yet kind of obscure outside anime, but akinator guessed it in less than 15 questions then i put the Oni Leader of the Gurren Dan Kamina and again he guessed fast but I attribute at being famous and from a recent anime. It's also funny to make him guess himself. A lot of fun actually, managed to get the characters from Rule of Rose, which impressed me. Go Orange. Seriously, im still hooked on this moron. Looking at just the films in the Star Wars franchise, I have ranked my top 5 villains from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Finally a listener stumped him with Punky Brewster, but he asked five more questions and then he got that one too. Akinator got: We try to choose the most random and obscure characters and they guess it every time!!! And then theres his origins. Buzz cut for lovely African American women. . (a.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",n,!1),e.addEventListener("load",n,!1)):(e.attachEvent("onload",n),a.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===a.readyState&&t.readyCallback()})),(n=t.source||{}).concatemoji?c(n.concatemoji):n.wpemoji&&n.twemoji&&(c(n.twemoji),c(n.wpemoji)))}(window,document,window._wpemojiSettings); Oct 6, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Brooke D. Discover (and save!) Classic. Find out which were the most played characters in the last 7 days. Miyamoto from Mahou Daisakusen (guessed some FE character with wings) Bornnam from the same game (guessed some Starcraft character) Kusaregedo from Samurai Shodown (guessed some guy from Kingdom Hearts) Elokence's Akinator the Genie ($2) is a novelty app that I've been using on and off for several years effectively, a magic trick powered by a database in the cloud . ~ The first character isn'y as easy as the last. ObsCure is a survival horror game developed by Hydravision Entertainment and published by DreamCatcher Interactive for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox on October 1, 2004 in Europe, and April 6, 2005 in North America. src: url( format('woff'); It'd be different and probably easier if it were just video game characters, sports figures or ____________, but to Read more. Gissen alle personages Gene, het spelen van games Akinator. The Akinator. For all questions relating to advertising please leave us a message here ALL of your examples are from popular franchises. Find out which were the most played characters in the last 7 days. It is free to play with no purchase or registration required. A angry dude's Review of Akinator. YourTrueCaptain We are back once again in familiar waters. I decided to see if it could guess at some Warhammer characters, and settled on Marneus Calgar. It has gained prominence on the mobile app and web browser platform, and has This week, black hair. Read more. I'll play a few rounds sometimes if I'm bored. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Of course, there is less of a chance that obscure ones will be guessed correctly.
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