Section 40:66A-6 - Acquisition of facilities. Section 40:12-30 - County receiving funding required to create completely inclusive playground. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. Section 40:37A-55.4 - Prevailing wage rules, regulations, adoption by county improvement authority. Section 40:27-6.7 - Report of approval or disapproval to local authority; time limit; extension, Section 40:27-6.8 - Resolution vesting power to review and approve subdivisions and site plans with director, Section 40:27-6.9 - Appeal by aggrieved persons; hearing; decision, Section 40:27-6.10 - Filing copy of planning and zoning ordinances with boards; notice of proposed revision of ordinance, Section 40:27-6.11 - Application to board of adjustment involving land fronting county road, adjoins other county lands or is within 200 feet of municipal boundary; notice, Section 40:27-6.12 - Continuation of board's authority to review and approve land subdivision, Section 40:27-6.13 - Notice of hearing on granting variance or establishing or amending official municipal map; contents, Section 40:27-8 - Existing boards continued in conformity with this chapter, Section 40:28-1 - Lands and buildings for airport purposes; acquisition, Section 40:28-2 - Lease of airport to state, Section 40:28-3 - Power to construct, operate, lease and regulate airports, Section 40:28-4 - Bonds for airport purposes; maturity, Section 40:29-1 - Appropriation to assist federal government in building bulkheads, Section 40:29-10 - Beach protection; municipal co-operation, Section 40:29-11 - Approval of plans; county to control work, Section 40:32-2.1 - Acquisition and maintenance of lands and interests for park, recreation, welfare and hospital purposes, Section 40:32-2.2 - Resolution of board; title, Section 40:32-2.3 - Lands, buildings and structures, Section 40:32-2.4 - Budget; limitations on appropriation, Section 40:32-2.6 - Constabulary; establishment; members, Section 40:32-2.7 - Arrests without warrant, Section 40:32-6 - Acquisition and preservation of historical buildings and data, Section 40:32-7.6 - Counties not having park commission; acquisition of golf course and other recreational facilities, Section 40:32-7.7 - Maintenance, improvement and operation; buildings, structures and equipment, Section 40:32-7.9 - Supervision and control, Section 40:32-7.10 - Appropriation by board of chosen freeholders, Section 40:32-7.11 - Fees, rents and charges, Section 40:32-7.12 - Rules and regulations, Section 40:32-7.13 - Actions for violations; enforcement of rules, Section 40:32-7.14 - Fines and penalties; disposition, Section 40:32-7.15 - Lease of lands and buildings acquired for public golf course and other recreational purposes, Section 40:32-7.17 - Power conferred as additional, Section 40:32-14 - Veterans' housing projects; acquisition and use, Section 40:32-16 - Operation and use of veterans' housing projects, Section 40:32-18 - Disposition of property when no longer needed for housing purposes, Section 40:32-19 - Appropriation for operating, Section 40:33-1 - County library; establishment, Section 40:33-3 - Petition for submission, Section 40:33-4 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:33-5 - Results canvassed and returned; vote required for adoption, Section 40:33-5.1 - Establishment by resolution in counties under 150,000. Section 40:14A-5 - Powers of sewerage authority. Section 40:55D-25 - Powers of planning board. 27, 2021, 11:37 a.m. Section 40:48-8.18 - Exemptions from sales tax, Section 40:48-8.19 - Collection of sales tax; penalties, Section 40:48-8.20 - Ordinance; provisions required, Section 40:48-8.21 - Disposition of sales taxes, Section 40:48-8.21a - Convention hall facility; operating deficiency; payment from tax revenues; limitations; conditions, Section 40:48-8.22 - Territorial limits of sales tax, Section 40:48-8.23 - Sales originating or consummated outside city, Section 40:48-8.25a - Ordinance to adopt provisions of this amendatory and supplementary act; referendum not necessary, Section 40:48-8.25b - Ordinance and referendum adopting provisions of act; approval by voters, Section 40:48-8.26 - Ballots for referendum election, Section 40:48-8.27 - Duration of sales tax ordinance, Section 40:48-8.28 - Cost of referendum election, Section 40:48-8.29 - Ordinance operative without referendum; validity of ordinance to protect bondholders, Section 40:48-8.29a - Ordinances; adoption of supplementary act; operative without voter approval; covenant not to reduce or repeal tax, Section 40:48-8.30 - Fund for repository of moneys paid to state treasurer, Section 40:48-8.31 - Deposit of revenues; dedication and pledge, Section 40:48-8.32 - Deposit of revenues in fund; disposition, Section 40:48-8.33 - Issuance of notes or bonds for authorized facility in eligible municipality or revolving fund by county improvement authority; review and approval by local finance board; filing; conditions; report on tax revenues, Section 40:48-8.33a - Bonds, notes, or lease for convention hall facility; report after issuance; notice to director of division of local government services; certification; payment, Section 40:48-8.34 - Resolution of county improvement authority; certification by endorsement by director of division of local government services, Section 40:48-8.35 - Approval and resolution; submission to state treasurer, Section 40:48-8.36 - Application for change in maturity schedule of bonds, Section 40:48-8.37 - Recitals in bonds and notes; limitation on maturity, Section 40:48-8.38 - Issuance of notes in anticipation of issuance of permanent bonds, Section 40:48-8.39 - Certification of amounts for annual debt service and reserve fund and paying agent; conclusiveness; payment of deficiency, Section 40:48-8.40 - Payments from fund to paying agents; limitations on use, Section 40:48-8.42 - Bank or trust company as paying agent, Section 40:48-8.43 - Pledge or dedication of revenues, moneys or funds held by state treasurer; validity; lien, Section 40:48-8.44 - Eligible municipality defined, Section 40:48-8.47 - Proceeds from promotional fees. Section 40:48-2.59 - Municipal powers to abate graffiti. Civil Service Commission Revives and Extends Public Safety Promotional Lists TRENTON - The New Jersey Civil Service Commission revived and extended certain expired public safety promotional titles during a meeting on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. . Section 40:12-1.1 - Appointment of alternate members to local boards of recreation commissioners, Section 40:12-2 - Additional commissioners in certain municipalities, Section 40:12-3 - Acquisition of property; costs estimated and determined, Section 40:12-4 - Acquisition of property; authorization; condemnation, Section 40:12-5 - Games and exhibitions; admission fee; no charge for children. Section 40:56-2 - Connecting streets with streets in adjoining municipality; considered a local improvement, Section 40:56-3 - Improvement at request and expense of petitioners; improvement by owners; cash deposit, Section 40:56-4 - Rejection of ordinance; new ordinance, Section 40:56-5 - Single ordinance for several improvements; advertisement, Section 40:56-6 - Further proceedings by resolution, Section 40:56-7 - Acquisition of lands; condemnation; engineers, officers and employees, Section 40:56-8 - Acquisition of private works and property; condemnation; assessment for benefits, Section 40:56-9 - Condemnation; ordinance and map; abandonment of improvement; payment into Superior Court, Section 40:56-10 - Copy of award filed; title vested; right of entry, Section 40:56-11 - Work done by municipality or by contract, Section 40:56-12 - Part of cost paid by municipality; ordinance, Section 40:56-13 - Appropriations for local improvements; amount; bonds and notes; fund. Section 40:11A-6.3 - Senior Citizen Priority Parking Program created by municipal parking authority. Section 40:69A-30 - Power of local self-government conferred; construction of grants of power, Section 40:69A-33 - Mayor; election; term, Section 40:69A-34 - Council members; number; term, Section 40:69A-34.1 - Mayor-council plan; election of mayor and council; regular municipal or general election, Section 40:69A-34.2 - Council members; election at large or by ward, Section 40:69A-34.3 - First council members; terms of office, Section 40:69A-37 - Investigative, removal powers, Section 40:69A-37.1 - Mayoral control of administration, Section 40:69A-38 - Municipal clerk; duties, Section 40:69A-41 - Approval or veto of ordinances; attending meetings. Section 40:14B-22.4 - Credit provided by utilities authority for damage caused by catastrophic event. Section 40:12-6 - Powers of board of recreation commissioners. Section 40:67-16.5a - Fines for violation of certain truck route ordinances; required signage. Section 40:14B-21.1 - Hydroelectric power; sale at wholesale; authority to charge and collect rents, rates, fees or other charges. Section 40:66A-7.1 - Audit of accounts annually; filing. Section 40:37-95.41 - Powers of park police. Section 40:56-1.4 - Clean energy special assessment, financing by municipality. Section 40:23-8.11 - Appropriations for services for certain persons. Section 40:23-6.43 - Appropriations and payments of State aid. Section 40:55D-53a - Standardized form for performance guarantee, maintenance guarantee, letter of credit, Section 40:55D-53b - Acceptance of standardized form. Evening sessions are held from 5:30pm - 9:30pm. The Police Promotional class meets TWICE per week. Section 40:46-39 - Optional Municipal Key Positions Law; short title, Section 40:46-42 - Certificate of qualification, Section 40:46-43 - Committee on Certification of Local Officers, Section 40:46-44 - Duties; standards of proficiency; certificates of qualification; training programs, Section 40:46-45 - Examination of applicants; certificates of qualification, Section 40:46-47 - Delegation of powers and duties; information and assistance; examination fees, Section 40:46-50 - Exemption of positions from provisions of act, Section 40:46-51 - Retirement at 70 or for disability, Section 40:46-53 - Act operative on favorable vote, Section 40:47-4.7 - Temporary appointment; maximum period; qualifications, Section 40:47-4.8 - Nature of act; limitation on appointments, Section 40:47-11.1 - Reappointment of former member, Section 40:47-11.2 - Reinstatement into pension system, Section 40:47-12 - Effect of annexation in certain cases on tenure, Section 40:47-20.9 - Validation of appointment of policemen appointed when less than 21 years of age, Section 40:47-20.10 - Validation of appointment of policemen exceeding maximum age, Section 40:47-20.11 - Eligibility of appointee, after confirmation of appointment, to police and firemen's retirement system, Section 40:47-20.12 - Appointment of chief of police exceeding maximum age and lacking residence qualifications, Section 40:47-51 - Paid fire departments in certain municipalities; fire commissioners, Section 40:47A-1.1 - Emergency; definition, Section 40:47A-5.1 - Reimbursement; amount. authorized; period of leases, Section 40:61-38 - Lease voided upon violation of terms, Section 40:61-39 - Letting to highest bidder, Section 40:61-40 - Advertisement for bids, Section 40:61-41 - Power deemed additional, Section 40:62-1 - Accounts; supervision by board of public utility commissioners, Section 40:62-2 - Records pertaining to utilities; report to public utility commissioners; standards of operation and service. Arrest: Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority. Section 40:54-29.6 - Notification of governing bodies after adoption of ordinance; submission of question to voters, Section 40:54-29.8 - Approval of resolution. Section 40:85-11 - Nomination, election of officers for new government. Section 40:14A-38 - Findings, declarations relative to utility improvements for sewers, Section 40:14A-39 - Definitions relative to utility improvements for sewers, Section 40:14A-40 - Conditions of final site plan approval, Section 40:14A-41 - Payments to professionals for services rendered to sewerage authority, Section 40:14A-42 - Maintenance, performance guarantee; cash requirement, Section 40:14A-43 - Disputes by applicant of charges made by professional; appeal, Section 40:14A-44 - Estimate of cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:14A-45 - Acceptance of performance, maintenance guarantee which is irrevocable letter of credit, Section 40:14B-4.1 - Name change to water reclamation authority, permitted, Section 40:14B-5 - Membership of joint municipal utilities authorities; staggered terms; vacancies, Section 40:14B-6 - Reorganization of sewerage authority, Section 40:14B-7 - Filing of recognition ordinance or resolution, Section 40:14B-8 - Filing of resolution appointing authority member, Section 40:14B-11 - Election of municipalities within county to become part of county district, Section 40:14B-12 - Separations from districts, Section 40:14B-13 - Dissolution of authority, Section 40:14B-13.1 - New sewerage system authorized. Section 40:55D-30 - Adoption of capital improvement program. Section 40:84-2.1 - Adoption of other form of government by municipality with manager form of government, Section 40:84-6.1 - Order of names of candidates on ballot; draw of lots to determine, Section 40:84-9 - Councilmen may be elected for terms of three years in certain cases, Section 40:84-10 - Terms of councilmen first elected. shooting in linden, nj last night; June 22, 2022. columbia association hoa rules. ; census: means the latest Federal census effective within this State.See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2; local unit: means a county or municipality.See New Jersey Statutes 40A:1-1; person: includes corporations, companies, associations, societies, firms, partnerships and joint stock . Section 40:48-2.49 - Regulation of operators engaged in removal of motor vehicles. ; ordinance authorized, Section 40:48-2.13a - Municipal ordinance requiring solid waste removal, Section 40:48-2.14 - Cost for removal; lien. Section 40:69A-60.6 - Powers and duties of aides, Section 40:69A-60.7 - City of first class under Mayor-Council Plan C; police chief; appointment; term of office; removal, Section 40:69A-67.1 - Municipality with Mayor-Council Plan D; housing counsellor; duties, Section 40:69A-67.2 - Appointment; removal; salary, Section 40:69A-82 - Government by elected council and appointed manager and other officers and employees, Section 40:69A-83.1 - Council-manager plan; charter provision; regular municipal or general election; term of office, Section 40:69A-83.2 - Election at large or by wards, Section 40:69A-83.3 - Terms of first council members, Section 40:69A-86 - Mayor; election by council or by voters; charter provision, Section 40:69A-88 - Powers of municipality vested in council; exceptions, Section 40:69A-89 - Appointment of municipal manager and clerk and others, Section 40:69A-90 - Departments, boards and offices; deputy manager, Section 40:69A-91 - Municipal council to act as a body; administrative service to be performed through manager; committees or commissions, Section 40:69A-92 - Qualifications of municipal manager, Section 40:69A-93 - Term of municipal manager; removal; suspension, Section 40:69A-94 - Absence or disability of manager, Section 40:69A-95 - Powers and duties of manager, Section 40:69A-96 - Budget; preparation by manager, Section 40:69A-97 - Submission of budget to council, Section 40:69A-97.1 - Council-manager plan deadline, Section 40:69A-98 - Laws conferring powers upon mayor or other executive head construed as meaning municipal manager, Section 40:69A-115 - Adoption by municipalities under 12,000; applicable laws, Section 40:69A-116 - Government by elected council and mayor and appointed officers, Section 40:69A-117 - Composition of council, Section 40:69A-117.1 - Small municipality plan; members of council; election at regular municipal or general election, Section 40:69A-117.2 - First members of council; terms of office, Section 40:69A-117.3 - Mayor; election by council or by voters; charter provision, Section 40:69A-120 - Legislative power; quorum; mayor's duties; president of council, Section 40:69A-121 - Executive power; mayor's duties, Section 40:69A-122 - Assessor; tax collector; attorney; clerk; treasurer; other officers; appointment, Section 40:69A-123 - Finance committee and other committees of council, Section 40:69A-124 - Appointment of officers and employees by mayor, Section 40:69A-125 - Residence in municipality not required, Section 40:69A-127 - Duties of municipal clerk, Section 40:69A-130 - Disbursement of municipal funds, Section 40:69A-131 - Tax collector; duties, Section 40:69A-132 - Bond of treasurer and collector, Section 40:69A-149.1 - Adoption by voters; applicable laws, Section 40:69A-149.2 - Government by elected mayor and council, and appointed municipal administrator and other officers and employees, Section 40:69A-149.3 - Council; composition; mayor and councilmen; election; terms of office, Section 40:69A-149.4 - Election at large; terms of office of first elected, Section 40:69A-149.5 - Council; legislative power; status of mayor; quorum; president; special meetings, Section 40:69A-149.6 - Mayor; powers and duties, Section 40:69A-149.7 - Ordinances; approval by mayor, Section 40:69A-149.8 - Mayoral appointments; municipal departments, Section 40:69A-149.8a - Ordinances validated, Section 40:69A-149.9 - Municipal administrator, Section 40:69A-149.10 - Officers and employees; appointment and recruitment by mayor, Section 40:69A-149.12 - Annual budget; preparation, Section 40:69A-149.14 - Municipal funds; disbursement, Section 40:69A-149.16 - Bond; treasurer and collector. N.J. cops can't be fired or promoted based on how many arrests they Section 40:55D-23 - Planning board membership. Section 40:54D-27 - Report filed with Local Finance Board. Section 40:48-1.1 - Removal or demolition of hazardous buildings; recovery of costs. Section 40:55D-8.8 - Applicability of section. Section 40:24-1 - Ordinances in effect in 1918 to continue until altered, Section 40:24-1.1 - Members of board in military service; vote required for adoption, Section 40:24-2 - Penalties for violation of resolutions, Section 40:24-3 - Resolutions providing penalty; publication, Section 40:24-4 - Proceedings against persons violating resolutions, Section 40:24-5 - Who may serve warrant or other process, Section 40:24-7 - Conviction; penalty; imprisonment on default of fine, Section 40:24-8 - Fines paid to county treasurer, Section 40:24-9 - Court defined; jurisdiction, Section 40:27-1 - Planning board; members; appointment and term; expenses. New Jersey Statutes Title 40A. Municipalities and Counties John Giovanetti has been promoted from lieutenant to captain. Section 40:52-17 - Refusal to grant, renew license; appeal, Section 40:52-18 - Licensing authority, establishment of rooming and boarding house site licensing board, Section 40:53-1 - Official newspaper designated, Section 40:53-2 - Public notices generally; publication, Section 40:54-1 - Establishment; chapter applicable to libraries established under other laws, Section 40:54-4 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:54-6 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:54-7 - Rejection of proposition; second election. Section 40:55D-66.11 - Wind and solar facilities permitted in industrial zones. Section 40:48H-9 - Bonds, notes, obligations presumed fully authorized. Promotions Lead to New Deputy Chief, Captains and Sergeants - TAPinto Key Dates for the Promotional Exams Application Opening: July 1, 2020 Application Deadline: July 22, 2020 Notice to Appear for Exam: September 4, 2020 Examination Date: September 19, 2020 (Saturday) Section 40:56-84 - Annual budget; public hearing; amendment; adoption by municipal governing body, Section 40:56-85 - Annual licenses for business within special improvement district; fees; special account, Section 40:56-86 - Delegation of work by municipality; approval of work, Section 40:56-87 - Inclusion of pedestrian mall or special improvement district in other improvement or rehabilitation district. Section 40:50-16 - Host community benefit agreements. Police Chief, and Police Chief expired in 2020 and 2021 after their three-year duration. Section 40:37-203 - Powers of park police. Law Enforcement Officers Training and Equipment Fund Rules (LEOTEF RULES) The Section 40:37-95.13a - County park commissions, Section 40:37-95.14 - Right to acquire real estate and other property; grants by franchise, lease or contract, Section 40:37-95.15 - Power of eminent domain, Section 40:37-95.17 - Real estate owned by municipality; conveyance to county, Section 40:37-95.18 - Roadways; parkways; grade; alteration, Section 40:37-95.19 - Sale of land not required for park purposes; auction, Section 40:37-95.20 - Vacation of roadways and other ways, Section 40:37-95.21 - Rules and regulations; protection of parks; penalties, Section 40:37-95.22 - Adoption of act; referendum; notice, Section 40:37-95.24 - Adoption by majority vote; commissioners appointed within 90 days, Section 40:37-95.25 - Existing laws relating to county park systems, etc., not repealed, Section 40:37-95.26 - Office and expenses of commission, Section 40:37-95.28 - Submission of adoption of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.30 - Adopted law immediately operative, Section 40:37-95.31 - Funds for land and improvements; limitation upon obligations, Section 40:37-95.33 - Submission of adoption of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.35 - Adopted act immediately operative, Section 40:37-95.36 - Disposition of lands by county park commission; resolution, Section 40:37-95.37 - Certification of resolution. The president of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police says police departments will become more diverse only if the New Jersey Civil. The Facts of the Case In Williams v. Section 40:5-2.10c - Nonprofit hospital for health related community services; voluntary contributions. Section 40:45-8 - Petitions of nomination. New Jersey Statutes Title 40. Municipalities and Counties Section 40:20-10 - Superior Court judge to resolve doubt on right to vote, Section 40:20-11 - Method of voting; results returned, Section 40:20-12 - Ballots; form and content; sample ballots, Section 40:20-13 - Nonpartisan poll book; ballots numbered, Section 40:20-14 - Submission at general election, Section 40:20-15 - Ballot; form and content; counting. Section 40:69A-25 - Reversion to prior law. officer in a law enforcement unit as prescribed by Title 11A of the New Jersey Statutes, Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations, or of any other law of this State, municipal . N.J. Admin. Code 4A:8-2.4 - Casetext Section 40:14A-36 - Jurisdiction, rights of State agencies unaffected. Section 40:11A-7 - Right of eminent domain, Section 40:11A-7.1 - Relocation or removal of public utility facilities. Section 40:41A-35 - County executive, filling of vacancy in office; procedure. Sparta Police Promotes Four Officers | Hopatcong, NJ Patch Police Training ACT. Section 40:69A-29 - Powers of municipality. Section 40:52-13 - Conditions for licensure. Section 40:5-18 - Service charge for NSF checks; collection, Section 40:5-19 - Service charge on checks returned for insufficient funds; county imposition, fee, collection, Section 40:6A-1 - Costs of assignment of counsel or other related costs for defense of indigent person; notice; filing; duration of lien; service on defendant, Section 40:6A-3 - Remedies and collection of moneys due, Section 40:6A-4 - Compromise and settlement of claim, Section 40:7-1 - Liability of county or municipality; negligence of driver, Section 40:8-1 - Acquisition and use of lands for airports; lease to others. Section 40:41A-37 - Powers of county executive, Section 40:41A-38 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-39 - Chairman and vice-chairman; selection, Section 40:41A-40 - County executive at meetings, Section 40:41A-47 - Qualifications, appointment, term, Section 40:41A-52 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-53 - Chairman and vice-chairman; election; duties, Section 40:41A-54 - County manager; rights at meetings, Section 40:41A-60 - Elected officers; governing body; definition; exercise of administrative or executive functions by county supervisor, Section 40:41A-61 - Qualifications, election, term, Section 40:41A-66 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-74 - Qualifications, election, term, Section 40:41A-79 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-80 - President and vice-president; election, Section 40:41A-87 - Appointments and dismissal; suspension procedure, Section 40:41A-88 - Elective officers; removal by recall petition and vote, Section 40:41A-90 - Signatures to recall petition, Section 40:41A-91 - Notice to officer; recall election; notice of filing of petition, Section 40:41A-93 - Removal of more than one officer, Section 40:41A-94 - Election of successor; use of recall ballot, Section 40:41A-95 - Laws governing recall elections; selection of candidate for successor of recalled incumbent, Section 40:41A-96 - Publication of notices of arrangements for recall elections; conduct, Section 40:41A-98 - Successor where incumbent resigns or is recalled, Section 40:41A-99 - Meetings of board; journal, Section 40:41A-100 - Rules of procedure; quorum; resolutions; compensation, Section 40:41A-102 - Recording of ordinances and resolutions, Section 40:41A-103 - Rules and regulations; filing; publication, Section 40:41A-104 - Petition; percentage of registered voters required, Section 40:41A-105 - Power of referendum; time for filing petition, Section 40:41A-106 - Petition papers; affidavits, Section 40:41A-107 - Filing of petition papers; examination; certification of result, Section 40:41A-108 - Amendment of initiative or referendum petition, Section 40:41A-109 - Suspension of ordinance, Section 40:41A-110 - Submission to board of freeholders, Section 40:41A-111 - Submission of ordinance to voters; withdrawal of petition, Section 40:41A-113 - Number of proposed ordinances voted upon; time between special elections, Section 40:41A-114 - Publication of ordinance, Section 40:41A-116 - Results of election; conflicting measures, Section 40:41A-117 - Division of county adopting a district representation system under section 40:41A-14c into districts, Section 40:41A-118 - District commissioners; certification of boundaries, Section 40:41A-119 - Meeting of district commissioners; division into districts, Section 40:41A-120 - Boundaries of districts; population difference. Section 40:56-44 - Benefits exceeding award and vice versa; excess a lien. Section 40:76-26 - Proposition not adopted, resubmission to voters. Section 40:55D-53.1 - Interest on deposits with municipalities, Section 40:55D-53.2 - Municipal payments to professionals for services rendered; determination, Section 40:55D-53.2a - Applicant notification to dispute charges; appeals; rules, regulations, Section 40:55D-53.3 - Maintenance, performance guarantees, Section 40:55D-53.4 - Municipal engineer to estimate cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:55D-53.5 - Performance of maintenance guarantee, acceptance, Section 40:55D-53.6 - Municipality to assume payment of cost of street lighting, Section 40:55D-54 - Recording of final approval of major subdivision; filing of all subdivision plats, Section 40:55D-54.1 - Notification to tax assessor of municipality, Section 40:55D-55 - Selling before approval; penalty; suits by municipalities, Section 40:55D-56 - Certificates showing approval; contents, Section 40:55D-57 - Right of owner of land covered by certificate, Section 40:55D-58 - Condominiums and cooperative structures and uses, Section 40:55D-60 - Planning board review in lieu of board of adjustment.
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