Ineffective reply to our email within a week might be regarded as giving up the testing opportunity. 19. I got a Intellicharger i2 today and a Fenix 18650 battery. The NITECORE TM12K is a compact and intelligent sharp light that utilizes 6 x CREE XHP50 LEDs and the built-in 4,800mAh high discharge rate 21700 Li-ion battery to produce a max output of 12,000 lumens. Privacy Policy. Beacon Mode Beacon Mode is a flashing light that continuously blinks. The Former Yugoslav Republic of, Korea Democratic People's Republic Of (North Korea), TIPS: filling the online survey will increase your chance of being accepted. ug Wt1 "viL4czCS:SfI^b}Zsp This product is globally insured by Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. Nitecore shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss, damage or claim of any kind incurred as a result of the failure to obey the instructions provided in this user manual. No complicated menus to use as the charger does all of the work for you. Nach dem Einlegen eines 0V IMR-Akkus blinken alle vier LEDs des NEW i2, um anzuzeigen, dass er nicht zum Laden bereit ist. You do not need extra voltage, 4.35V Li-ion batteries are comparatively rare. For batteries without protective circuit (such as IMR batteries), please stay alert for over-discharge and. since I got it, it hasn't been charging my 26650 only on the right side. Four LEDs on the screen blink to notify the user of an error. The NEW i2 is capable of activating depleted Li-ion batteries with protective circuit. Fits 20700 batteries as well. Never use the charger with other types of batteries as this could result in battery explosion, cracking, or leaking, causing property damage, and/or personal injury. Der NEW i2 kann den Ladestrom auf Basis der Erkennung der Akkutypen und Kapazitten auswhlen. 3 Color LED displays charging progress for each battery. Wenn, der Ladevorgang im linken Schacht abgeschlossen ist, erfolgt automatische. I have 3 Samsung 18650's that are also new. entsprechend den Polarittsmarkierungen auf dem Ladegert - in den Ladeschacht. Kabel von Drittanbietern knnen zu Fehlfunktionen fhren, berhitzen und sogar einen Brand am Ladegert verursachen. and our Do not operate. Charging Li-ion batteries with electric voltage beyond safety standard can lead to battery, 4.2V Li-ion batteries are the most common rechargeable Lithium batteries. Utilizing 2 x Luminus SST40 LEDs and a total reflective optic lens for uniform and soft light, it has a max output of 3,000 lumens and a max throw of 220m while providing a max runtime of 37 hours powered by the built-in 1700mAh Li-ion Battery. If our chargers, judge that an inserted battery is a Li-ion battery, the battery will be automatically charged in 4.2V standard charging mode. Avapecloud said: I got mine from a friend and it was working just fine. The P20iX is the Xtreme Performance i-Generation 21700 Tactical Flashlight with a max output of 4,000 lumens and a max throw of 221 meters. immer am Stecker und nicht am Kabel. 18. Required fields are marked *. Shop the Nitecore i2 Intellicharge Charger, features 2 charging slot that considered as microcomputer-controlled, can independently charge and monitor the batteries. 4. The rechargeable batteries or the device may become hot at full load or high power charging/discharging. Der gesamte max. It is all weather applicable as IP66 rated. 1. Install the batteries into the NEW i2, and press the button over the battery's slot after automatic detection to enter Manual Settings mode. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. rechte Schacht ldt mit 500mA Ladestrom Akkus kleinerer Kapazitt. Verwenden Sie den S NEW i2-Lader nur zum vorgesehenen Zweck in seiner Funktion! For more information, please see our For LiFePO4 batteries, a manual setting is required. bentigen keine zustzlichen Spannungseinstellungen fr diesen Akkutyp. Automatically identifies Li-ion, Ni-MH and Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries. WARNUNG: Versuchen Sie KEINE Akkureaktivierung durchfhren, wenn der Akku mit vertauschter Polaritt eingelegt wurde! The cardboard box lists lot of specifications, battery types and features. During charging, the three indicator LEDs indicate the batteries' status and charging percentages. NITECORE is an innovative manufacturer of LED flashlights, headlamps, batteries, chargers, and other accessories. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. While they got very hot both i2's survived this test with no failures and there were no signs of heat damage on the circuit boards or components. 13. Never charge or discharge any battery having evidence of leakage, expansion/swelling, damaged outer wrapper or case, color-change or distortion. Um Ihre Auswahl zu treffen, lassen Sie die Taste C los, wenn Ihre Auswahl mit der. The i2 will individually monitor the elapsed charging time for each battery slot and if a particular slot exceeds 20 hours, the i2 will automatically power off the slot and three yellow power indicators will stop blinking and illuminate steadily to indicate completion of the charging process. Inspired by the notion to "Keep Innovating" as a global leader of LED flashlights and chargers with over 100 patents and a grand-slam award winner of the American International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA), German iF Design Award, Red Dot Design Award and the Japanese G-Mark (Good Design), NITECORE creates innovative products in a wide variety of fields and leads the industry in new standards of portability, aesthetic, output and functionality. There are many other features and protections that make this . to enter Current Selection to manually select 1A or 500mA charging current when a large capacity battery (>1200mAh). Ineffective reply to our email within a week might be regarded as giving up the testing opportunity. Manuelle Ladestromauswahl ist ebenfalls verfgbar. Press and hold the V button to enter Voltage Selection. McGizmos Making The Trip From Georgia to Maine By Way Of The Appalachian Trail? Zum Beispiel ist 1C bei einem 2600mAh Lithium-Akku 2,6A. Der Ladevorgang beginnt in zwei Sekunden. NEW i4 Intellicharger: an upgraded edition of the i4, with enhanced compatibility, efficiency and intelligence. The NITECORE P23i i-Generation Long Range 21700 Tactical Flashlight Is Launched Now. JavaScript is disabled. Press and hold the C button. reserve polarity installation, installation of non-rechargeable batteries), or 3. damaged by batteries leakage. Garantie-Bedingungen kontaktieren Sie bitte einen regionalen Vertrieb/Hndler oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an, Hinweis: Die offizielle Website von NITECORE, gilt im Falle von genderten Produktdaten als magebend. After verification, Nitecore will send you a, warranty service email. The updated i2 has a new charging screen and can charge at up to 1000mA in one slot, which is two times faster than the older Nitecore i2. Please don't buy your batteries at Amazon, not a good idea. 9. NITECORE NU43 the World's Lightest 18650 Rechargeable Headlamp Is Out Now. Inhalt dieses Dokumentes jederzeit und ohne Vorankndigung zu ndern und zu interpretieren. 1. The status led also has a secondary function, they . i2 Amazon USA - UK - USA - UK - take a look at the newest . Bad charger. kann, da diese Ladespannung fr diesen Akkutyp zu hoch ist. Cookie Notice Before using this charger, please find your verification code on the package box, and go to (or scan the QR code beside the verification code to visit on your mobile phone). The unit also includes two USB output ports to charge devices like smartphones and . Never charge or discharge any battery having evidence of leakage, expansion/swelling, damaged outer wrapper or case, color-change or distortion. Schlieen Sie den Ladeschacht oder andere Teile des Gertes nicht kurz. Laden Sie entladene Akkus so bald wie mglich wieder auf. rechte Schacht ldt mit 500mA, bis der Ladevorgang links beendet ist. 20. We provide both expert advice and warranty service. After battery installation, the NEW i2 will test and activate the battery before. 6gB+{1N.@a\8S v(S)QRM9A4T6uUzo\~y-}LBN +RE! 5. Nichtbeachtung kann zum Kurzschluss am Ladegert oder sogar zur Explosion fhren. Smart charging: The NEW i2 can choose to charge currents based on intelligent detection about battery types and capacities. Schden, die auf Grund. Der. After verification, Nitecore will send you a warranty service email. Charger Nitecore Intellicharger new i2 2016, updated version The i2 charger gets an update once in a while, this time with support for multiple chemistries, higher charge current and larger cells. Zwei untere LEDs leuchten ber dem Ladeschacht, in dem. Children under this age must be supervised by an adult when using the charger. Lithium-Ionen (Li-Ionen) Akkus unterliegen strengen Anforderungen an die Spannungsregelung. Never use the NEW i2 with other types of batteries as this could result in battery explosion, cracking or leaking, causing property damage, and/or personal injury. I have one of those chargers and mine does not do that. Altbatterien gehren nicht in den Hausmll. SYSMAX Innovations Co., Ltd. behlt sich das Recht vor, den. The i2 is equipped with an advanced 'overtime' safety function. NITECORE NU25 / NU25 UL Dual Beam USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp Is Out Now. 12650, 13650. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Home Nitecore NITECORE Intellicharger New i2 User Manual. Fr alle wiederaufladbare Lithium-Akkus (einschlielich Li-Ionen, IMR und LiFePO4-Akkus) empfehlen wir einen Ladestrom von nicht grer als 1C*. You are using an out of date browser. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. When the appropriate current setting is. Betreiben oder lagern Sie es nicht in feuchter Umgebung. Last modified on July, 2022 by Chinhua. Without manual setting, our chargers will charge this, type of batteries with 4.2V voltage, and will damage or even explode the battery with excessive charging voltage. berladen oder Tiefentladen Sie die Akkus nicht. Charging begins in two seconds.Other features: The New i2 has reverse polarity protection and anti-short circuiting protection incorporated. Gear High CRI Model Hunting Law Enforcement Military Outdoor/Camping Search, NITECORE NU40 High Performance Lightweight USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp Is Released Now. If its not charging on the right side and that's the side with the blinking light than maybe . Drcken und halten Sie die Taste V, um die Spannung auszuwhlen. products purchased from an authorized source. A battery detected as damaged cannot be activated, and the three LEDs above its slot will go on to notify the user.Lithium Battery RecoveryUpon insertion of a 0V IMR battery, all four LEDs over its slot will blink to indicate that it is not ready for charging. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Holds while Left is charging; Charges at 500mA while Left is close to completion; Charges at 500mA for the small capacity battery while Left is complete; Charges at lA for the large-capacity battery while Left is complete. Never attempt to charge primary cells such as Alkaline, Zinc-Carbon, Lithium, CR123A, CR2, or any other unsupported chemistry due to risk of explosion and fire. the slot will flicker, and i2 terminates its charging. NITECORE HA11 Ultra Lightweight Dual Beam AA Headlamp Is Released Now. Voltage too low or too high can damage your battery during storage. #4. Der NEW i2 ist kompatibel mit: Whrend des Ladevorgangs zeigen drei Ladestromanzeige-LEDs den Akkustatus sowie den Ladefortschritt in Prozent an. Um die Gefahr einer Beschdigung des Netzkabels zu verringern, ziehen Sie. It may not display this or other websites correctly. is an innovative manufacturer of LED flashlights, headlamps, batteries, chargers, and other accessories. In stock. I tried looking through the manual (the online one because I was a dummy and tossed the one that came with it) and I couldn't find anything about what that's about. I got a Intellicharger i2 today and a Fenix 18650 battery. desired setting is highlighted, release the V button, and press the button over the slot again to exit Manual Settings mode and begin charging. Utilizing dual primary lights Spotlight and Floodlight, it can produce a max output of 400 lumens with a light transmission of over 94%. Fr kleine. Remove all batteries and unplug the charging unit from the power source when not in use. Drcken und halten Sie beide Tasten, bis die. Utilizing dual primary lights Spotlight and Floodlight, it can produce a max output of 400 lumens with a light transmission of over 94%. Thread starter redryder; Start date Jun 14, 2014; Jun 14, 2014 . Sie sind als Verbraucher zur Rckgabe. Sie haben in der Regel eine 3,7V Markierung auf ihrer Auenseite. For small capacity batteries (<1200mAh, such as 10440, 16340), 500mAh charging current is automatically selected. In the future, we will help and support them with our excellent products, taking them to the next level. The Nitecore I4 is a great device for reconditioning 18650 batteries. The NITECORE NU25 Dual Beam USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp is available with 3 light sources. groer Ladestrom wird zu groen Wrmemengen fhren und damit zu Akkuschden und ggf. Vermeiden Sie mechanische Vibrationen oder Erschtterungen, da diese zu Schden am Gert fhren knnen. The Nitecore Intellicharger i2 is compatible with IMR, Li-ion, LiFePO4, Ni-MH, and Ni-Cd batteries. Install batteries: Put one or two batteries in each independently-controlled slot according to the polar mark on the charger. Laden Sie keine Batterien mit dem Ladegert. Designed for outdoor sports, law enforcement, military, everyday carry, emergency preparation and survivalists, these flashlights are built to perform in any condition. Wenn Sie diesen Akkutyp aufladen, stellen Sie bitte die Ladespannung manuell auf 4,35V. The indicator lights show one solid one on the bottom and the center one is flashing. This 2016 version has a 100% charging acceleration with up a 1000 mA charging current in a single slot, your batteries will charge faster than ever and automatic current selection means the charger adapts to your battery's needs.With the new current active distribution technology, the i2 will adapt to the needs . products can be repaired free of charge for a period of 12 months (1 year) from the date of purchase. Jun 27, 2016. 2. Equipped with 2-stage tail buttons and a tactical U-shaped tail cap, it is powered by a 5,000mAh NL2150HPi rechargeable Li-ion battery and USB-C rechargeable. Akkukapazitten sollte der Ladestrom kleiner als 1C sein. 19. Then, discharge the battery completely. 2. How accurate does the voltage reading have to be? Other features:The New i2 has reverse polarity protection and anti-short circuiting protection incorporated. Connect to power source: Connect the NEW i2 to an external power source (such as car adaptor, power socket) via its charging cable. Halten Sie es fern von allen brennbaren oder. and display a fully charged status. Ships from and sold by techaroundyou. 7. Kapazitt (z.B. $29.99. Zu hohe oder zu niedrige Spannung knnen den Akku whrend der Lagerung. I loaded said new batteries into said new charger, red light comes on indicating charging. They know their products, and how each of them compliment each other. 1. Anzeige blinkt, um in den Recovery-Modus zu schalten. The NITECORE P23i i-Generation Long Range 21700 Tactical Flashlight utilizes a Luminus SFT-70 LED to produce a max output of 3,000 lumens and a max throw of 470 meters. 12. endstream endobj 15 0 obj <>stream Produkte genieen einen umfassenden Garantieschutz. This applies to all NITECORE products. Fr einige lange Akkus mit geringer. reserve polarity installation, installation of non-rechargeable batteries), or, products and services, please contact a local NITECORE, All images, text and statements specified herein this user manual are for reference purpose only. Should any discrepancy occurs between this manual and information specified on, information on our official website shall prevail. 13. Press and hold both buttons until its power indicator. Ladestrom fr beide Schchte betrgt 1500mA. Featuring TrueVision+ Technology to reflect a uniform and soft light, it is with a weight of 116g (4.09 oz) only. SUMMIT Series. Featuring TrueVision+ Technology to reflect uniform and soft light, it is constructed from stamped aluminum alloy front housing and special PC plastic rear housing with a weight of 116g . The Nitecore Intellicharger i2 is compatible with IMR, Li-ion, LiFePO4, Ni-MH, and Ni-Cd batteries. Der NEW i2 ist beschrnkt auf das Laden von Li-Ionen, IMR-, 3,7V LiFePO4-, Ni-MH/Ni-Cd-Akkus. Doing so may. Observe polarity diagrams located on the charger. Do not charge a battery pack with the charger. One cell indicates 30%, two shows 80%, and 3 shows 100%.

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