This comforting name is a variant of Ursula. Quana has both an attractive meaning and sound- pronounced as koh-AH-naa. The provocative and empowering German and Greek origin name means bears courage.. Bruin the bear appears in the tales of Reynard the Fox, a collection of Dutch, French, English, and German fables. Muata paints quite a vivid image. The name is used in several different cultures around the globe, but mainly from Native American Kiowa heritage. Similarly, Nanook means polar bear in Inuit. Inspired by the name of the famous medieval queen, the Latin name Berengaria means bear spear., This English origin name, inspired by Bernadette, means bold as a bear., Taken from Arcadian mythology, the name Calissa refers to a strong she-bear.. Its a beautiful sentiment to set your son up with a name that wishes him continual preparedness for all the different things he will take on in life. Jacy is a slightly more popular Native American name in the United States, ranking at approximately #6,000. Sotsona is a Native American name meaning fox.. Bree: "Power and strength". Male: Native-American-Attakullakulla: Variant of Atagulkalu: Cherokee name meaning pitched trees. The motivational name means strong as a bear and has German, Dutch, and Scandinavian origins. All content found on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It could be quite a keeper among our Native American names for boys, especially if you love the solid masculine quality it emulates. Pick your favorite names that mean bear. The French and German name means brave as a bear. Saint Bernard of the Burgundian abbot was a well-known leader. It is often considered the less common variation on the boys name Julian. Here are some Native American names that follow suit. Yahto is mainly used in English-speaking countries, but it is still very rare to hear. Benate: Brave as a bear. Being the feminine version of the Celtic name Arthurmeaning bear, Arthurette has a medieval touch to it. . Chayton - Falcon (Sioux) Adsila - Blossom (Cherokee) Mona - Noble One. It also sounds quite similar to Dakota. 1. Nikan is a Native American Potawatomi boys name meaning my friend.. Joweese softly glides off the tongue, which could make it more tolerable to call out to a toddler a million times or more! Calysta -female bear. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in more. Fone is a Native American Santa Clara name for boys that means snow child.. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. It means divine bear or godly bear., It is of the English form Oberon, a name from the famous Shakespearan play A Midsummer Nights Dream. Auberone means royal bear., The name bear with a different touch has its origin in German. It is also easy to pronounce and offers an indescribable sense of style. These names are derived from the indigenous people inhabiting the North and South of America. This two-syllable name is pronounced exactly as it looks. Yuma is a Native American boys name that means son of the chief.. Arthur holds English, French, and Celtic origins and means bear. The meaning of Atohi translates to woods, but its also known to depict someone deep within a forest. Bears were mythical and "magical" creatures that existed. However, its an excellent option for parents who want a very unique name for their son. Garcia means bear., Constructed from the German words ger and bern, Gerban means spear bear., Bring the Ancient European feel into the life of your baby, as the name Hallbjorn of the Old Scandinavian origin and it means rock-bear., The name Humbert was popular during the idle ages and has started to gain attention recently. It has a pleasing but straightforward meaning, making it even more attractive as a name for your little one. It refers to fierceness or strength., Although a popular name of a TV dinosaur, the name Barney in Old English means strong like a bear., With its origin in German, Barrett means bear strength.. Utah is a Native American boy name meaning people of the mountain.. Ariel: "Lion of God" name of Hebrew origin. Armelle: Bear chief. Samoset is a Native American Algonquian name that means he walks over much.. It is pronounced as it sounds and also offers some fun nicknames, such as Wyn or No. This was the name of an early 19th-century Cree chief, Ahuitzotl was the eighth Aztec ruler, the Hueyi Tlatoani of the city of Tenochtitlan, Work with determination; excels in everything, Beginning of Dawn; an excellent human being, A man who is like a slow, small stream of water, The one who has cheerful and friendly personality, A patient, diplomat and gentle individuals; Like a Hawk, Blackbird, a species of birds found in Europe and Asia, Bird; the egg laying living thing that can fly, Dew drop; a product of transpiration by plants, Cheating; to use unfair or fraud means for one's own benefit, A speaker who is impossible to understand and comprehend, A star; an object of the space and universe, A type of wood; a well known warrior chief, A person who is studious,clever and of practical nature. These traditional Native American boy names embody uniqueness and depth. Cochise A powerful name for a little boy. Mato is a nature-inspired Native American boys name and a unique alternative to Matthew or Mateo. This name is the diminutive form of the Latin name Ursula. It also hits all the boxes for a powerful and fascinating Native American name, offering natural and masculine qualities. It has many alternative spellings, including Bidzill, Bidzil, and Bidiil. Read for more information. If you are considering naming your child after a relative named Andrew or Andreas, consider Anders as a unique alternative. Have you heard the tongue twister Fuzzy Wuzzy? 1. Meaning: Noble and bear-like Origin: German Gender: Boy. ANTINANCO : Native American Mapuche name meaning "eagle of the sun." APONIVI : Native American Hopi name meaning "where the wind blows down the gap." ASHKII : Native American Navajo name meaning "boy." ASKOOK : Native American Algonquin name meaning "snake." Aleshanee - She plays all the time. Brother Bear Legend: Menominee folktale about a lost man who took shelter with a bear. Napayshni is a Native American Sioux name meaning courageous.. Barrett means bear strength. The element ber or bar in many of these names refers to bears! Find your Native American first name from A to Z and learn about its meaning and origins. Fun fact- Dubi means teddy bear in Hebrew, This male Sioux name means roars bravely in the face of danger, Hania is a male Hopi name meaning bear., Holborn is an Ancient Scandinavian name meaning island bear. Gaagii is a Native American Navajo name meaning raven.. Mada, Madadh, Maddy, Madhu, Mahdi, Mahmood, Mahmoud, Mahmud, Mahomet, Maida, Maita, Maite, Maitho, Manda, Mandawuy, Mandy, Mata, Matat, Mateo, Mathieu, Matia, Matt, Mattea, Matteo, Matthew, Mattia, Mattie, Matty, Maud, Maude Stats for the Name Mato Mato is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts However, the name Eluwilussit still manages to be attractive. Its also associated with the Arctic and Antarctic, because of the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear, in the northern sky. 4. Takoda is a Native American Sioux name meaning friend to everyone.. This meaning implies the arrival of a bright new day, which is perfect for the arrival of a new baby boy into the world. This uncommon European name is of Old Norse origin and forms the name Osborn. The bear is a strong Native American symbol to the Cree who are powerfully connected with the bear. Nayavu is spoken as nah-YAH-voo and comes from the Hopi tribe. The pet version of the Spanish name Berengaria means bears spear. Here are 75 Native American names to consider for your little one: Native American Girl Names Aiyana- This means "eternal blossom." Aponi- This means "butterfly." Catori- This means "spirit." Dyani- This means "deer." Elu- This is a Zuni name which means "beautiful." Enola- This means "magnolia." Halona- This means "happy fortune." This could have derived from the Black Bear's physical characteristic. Shilah is a super cute name, ranked #14,309 in 2020. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood. Ojai is a Native American boys name meaning moon.. When she isnt writing, Sarah loves reading, running, camping, and fishing with her husband, and taking her fluffy, four-legged friend Chester for a stroll or two. The name Bear is a common name like John. Pronounced as izh-TAH-ka, this Hopi name sounds masculine and wild all at once. . Meaning: Little bear Origin: Italian Gender: Boy. This Celtic and French origin name, composed of the elements art means bear-chief. Animals are interwoven into so many aspects of Native American culture and life. A popular name among Native Americans that means "sweet." Iroquois Tribe Orenda A mystical Native American girl name that means "magic power." Omaha Tribe Mitena A common Native American girl name that means "new moon or coming moon." Donoma This girl name means "visible sun." Tadewi A girl name that means "wind." Urika Bridget: "Strength". If youre willing to branch out, consider these options. The boys name Karhu means bear in Finnish. This represents a jump in rank of 178 since the previous year. 5. Kuruk Kuruk is a masculine offering. Adira In Hebrew origin, Adira represents "strength" and "nobility." Trivia Indian actress Rani Mukherjee and her filmmaker husband Aditya Chopra named their first-born daughter 'Adira'. Adriel is a native American boy's name that means "beaver or symbol of skill." Bidziil While this name may sound different to some, it's a male Navajo name meaning "he is strong." Cochise A powerful name for a little boy. Its actually related to the names containing Urs below, which is the Latin root word for bear. Koi is a Native American Choctaw boys name that means panther.. Asaka is a female Japanese name meaning bear, Bernadette and Bernadetta mean brave as a bear.. There is a fullness and wisdom to this powerful Native American boys name. Less than 5 boys born in 2018 were given the name Hiamovi. There are several alternative spellings for Huritt, such as Huryt, Hurett, and Huret. Though the name Halian refers to youthfulness, a spark of wisdom comes with the title as well. Though it means little raven, it can also mean little crow., Huritt is a Native American Algonquian boy name that means handsome.. Bonkers is the black bear who portrayed Baloo and Gentle Ben in the movies. Youll be hard-pressed to find many boys with this free-spirited and beautiful name. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Here we present some names meaning bear in different languages, including a list of names representing the traits of a bear. Some tribes, such as the Sioux, had a complicated naming system with six classes of names which incorporated Birth Names, Nicknames, Honor Names, special deed Names, Secret and Spirit names.
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