Conceivably, they could be wrong. The cast of characters -- two behind bars, one the victim of a mysterious bomb explosion, and one unaccounted for -- all have connections to a trans-Atlantic network of shell companies and secret bank accounts. No one has been charged. He kept newspaper clippings about unsolved murders in his house. Andreu wrote a report: DeCora "stated he had information from a source who was in federal custody in Oklahoma and provided them the name of Robert Young as the shooter in their investigation of millionaire boat builder Aronau, " spelling the name wrong. He sold his pricey, high tech vessels to the political world: King Hussein of Jordan, the state of Israel, the Sultan of Oman, Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier's Haiti -- and George Bush and the United States. Panzavecchia ran guns. He refused to identify his employer. On the course, Aronow horses -- Mike began training horses after his accident -- were the top winners at Gulfstream Park during the 1985 season. You can arrest me now if you want to. Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. My Prince Charming had a shot at the Kentucky Derby . This story was originally published April 1, 2009, 10:21 AM. Aronow drove his Mercedes less than a block, over to Bob Saccenti's boat place. Robert Samuel Young, 41, the suspected hit man, is a "soldier of fortune type, " says Fred Haddad, one of his multiple lawyers. A couple of weeks ago, a federal jury found Kessler guilty of a drug conspiracy charge. We act in a management and/or Agent capacity in any and all aspects of the industry.. Not to worry, he explained. Panzavecchia took a shot at Young's car. Publicly, the Metro-Dade Police Department, the Dade State Attorney's Office and the FBI refuse to comment on the Aronow investigation -- except to cite substantial progress. And he may or may not be the same Jerry Jacoby who once strayed into Cuban waters during a scuba-diving trip out of Miami. He and two pals agreed to cooperate and testified against Young in the federal drug case, according to attorney Anita Sanders in Oklahoma City. He designed, built and raced the famous Magnum Marine, Cary, Cigarette, Donzi and Formula speedboats. His widow, Lillian Aronow, has not spoken publicly about her husband's murder. He seemed "agitated, " says Jerry Engelman, Aronow's manager. And Benjamin Barry Kramer, the world champion fast-boat millionaire, could have ordered the daytime ambush after he and Aronow squabbled over a shady business deal, some investigators surmise. The chauffeur is 39 years old and 6 foot 2 -- about the same age and height of the stranger who walked into Aronow's office on the afternoon of the murder. A day or two after the murder, Kramer told police how troubled he was to lose his "friend" Aronow. Cuban authorities said they found almost 300 pounds of marijuana aboard. The next day, Young, using the name Bobby Scott, took some shots at Panzavecchia -- four .25-caliber bullets through the skull. Jesse Jackson, running for president, engineered the release of Young and 21 other Americans, as well as 26 Cuban political prisoners, in June 1984. An old Bell chopper plucked him from the prison's athletic field -- only to snag on a barbed wire fence and crash. In the 1970s, police said, he ran a "floating prostitution" enterprise in St. Louis; Columbia, S.C.; Wheeling, W.Va.; and Las Vegas. "But Kramer took a big loss. He was bested businesswise very badly.". UM women play immature first quarter, bounced by Virginia Tech in ACC tournament, Mysterious creature seen hopping along rainforest river for first time in 24 years, 11 sharks wash up on South African beach, researchers say. It could have been international. Prosecutors said the lawyer helped cycle Kramer's dirty profits through secret bank accounts and phony companies stretching from Colombia and Los Angeles to Miami, London and Lichtenstein. Once a Boca Raton officer stopped Young's Mercury Marquis and spotted one of the dogs in the back seat. With him on the ill-fated scuba trip was Robert Young, also jailed. Through the lawyer, Mary Catherine Bonner, Kramer denies involvement in the murder. A child of the Depression, Aronow, 59, founded several of the world's hottest speed-boat manufacturing companies. Ben Kramer, the fast-life desperado, is also adjusting to life in prison. And in the end, he wound up as nothing more than a target for an assassin's bullet. "He just stopped by to see how I was doing, to find out what was going on in the neighborhood, " he says. Another possible government witness is William George Walton, also serving time. Marshall lived. A double-dealing mob tale, it might out-Godfather The Godfather -- if, of course, it's not fiction. Maybe they never will. Aronow knew a Jerry Jacoby, a racing champion and former partner. But this Jerry Jacoby wasn't that Jerry Jacoby. They threatened to cancel the Blue Thunder contract if Aronow didn't buy the company back. He boasted to a cop of running guns "south" and bumping off three Cuban military men. Donald Aronow, a bored millionaire at 28 and a dead man 26 days before his 60th birthday, used to move briskly through Miami's shadowy world where dopers, government spies and mobsters commingle. Even before police crack the case, though, mystery writers and prime-time TV producers have penned scripts for the gangland-style killing on Feb. 3, 1987. . Jacoby never looked for a boat. But Aronow's son explains: In 1984, his dad sold his USA Racing Team firm to Kramer's Apache company. Don Aronow was a dead set legend. a perplexed Aronow asked. About two weeks later, Palm Beach SWAT officers coaxed Young out of a five-acre estate. The drug deal went bad. Bush named a Cigarette Fidelity. They never found the other one. Although cons have implicated Young in the Aronow murder, some investigators speculate that more than one man pulled off the crime. Saccenti says they didn't talk about Kramer or bad business blood. He was holed up with his green- eyed companion, three Rottweilers and a .22-caliber semi- automatic rifle. In 1985, Kramer and a car-racing pal paid $50,000 to have a 36-year-old Fort Lauderdale man killed, witnesses told federal agents. It hasn't been easy. An Aronow family lawyer, Murray Weil, won't discuss the racers' financial dealings. Both were hot-tempered. The murder of Aronow, shot to death three years ago, seems to be unraveling as one of the most sensational chapters in the nation's drug story. Jesse Jackson has a bit part -- as the innocent humanitarian who got Young out of a Cuban prison in 1984. "I'd even kill for him.". The racers, Aronow and Kramer, had much in common. In his spare time, he built speedboats for the Shah of Iran and American presidents George Bush Sr and Lyndon Johnson, among others and he hung out with the Beatles. . But when the Feds found out they were buying the boats from Kramer, a drug suspect himself, they cringed. Young, already serving time for the "Dixie Mafia" murder, didn't respond to a telegrammed request for an interview. But he was the wrong one. One of their horses--named Don Aronow--won more than $200,000 in prize money. But Aronow may have possessed a darker side that even he could not outrun. "They were having trouble with a deal.". A Lincoln Continental with tinted windows was parked nearby, waiting. His technique was to establish a company's reputation by winning races (the world. He was a hero and a genius, a ballbuster and a bully. It exploded, injuring his legs. Just last Friday, he was sentenced in a daredevil escape from Metropolitan Correctional Center April 17, 1989. This time the dispute was over a 40-foot custom-made sailboat, Cat Dancer, named for Young's green-eyed girlfriend, a one-time topless dancer. Detectives looked for the watch. Aronow, afraid of nothing, also moved in corporate circles. Kramer turned over land, assets and a Bell helicopter. He announced that he worked for a rich man who wanted Aronow to build him a 60-foot boat. Then he counted the rings, Mysterious ball seen beside road was 14-foot invasive snake, New York officials say, Elite gathering of financial titans returns to Miami for annual event, UM, Pitt battle for first place in ACC Saturday in front of sold-out Watsco Center, Philly phenom Carranza back at DRV PNK Stadium to face former Inter Miami teammates, Fourth-quarter burst by LaShae Dwyer propels UM women to ACC tournament quarterfinals, Heat falls to 0-2 on important homestand with painful loss to Knicks. He got himself into Cuba -- for smuggling. The Aronow stables at Ocala, Fla., house about 40 2-year-olds in various. "What they did personally amongst themselves, I have no idea, " says Robert Saccenti, a former pal of both men. At least one he had committed. Others raced in the Kentucky Derby. He is in jail in Oklahoma City, awaiting sentencing on the federal drug charge. "I'd do anything for him, " an Aronow employee, Patty Lezaca, quoted Jacoby. The street talk is a bit different: Aronow returned the land, the equipment and the chopper to Kramer -- and kept the under-the-table money. Investigators don't have the proof. What's more, Young's description -- blue eyes, dark-blond hair -- does not match a composite drawing of the Lincoln's driver made from eyewitness accounts: a white man with a tanned complexion, a day or two's growth of whiskers and wavy brown hair. He sold boats to Christina Onassis and Victor Posner and allegedly was a pal of Meyer Lansky, the financial brains of organized crime. He might or might not be the Jerry Jacoby who has a chauffeur's license from Seminole County. A fisherman found his body in a canal in Broward County. "And I'll let the dog chew on him. "They've been following leads, " says Gary Rosenberg, assistant state attorney. His co-defendant: Ben Kramer, the racer-turned-drug lord, also guilty. . "They didn't like each other in the end, " says Dr. Bob Magoon, an eye surgeon, racer and friend to both. They were Communists. Abruptly, he left the office, just as Aronow announced he had to be on his way. According to the Nashville newspapers, Silverman is a federal informant. By the 1980s, the two men were in the boat business together. Panzavecchia still had on his underwear with the words "Be My Baby, " and his gold panther ring. . They found the Jerry Jacoby the murdered man knew. "And Don did buy it back, " Michael Aronow says. Another lawyer, now disbarred, could be a player in the Aronow investigation, too. About 2 p.m. the day of the murder, Don Aronow arrived on Thunder Boat Row. And they looked for Jerry Jacoby. They threw him in jail. ", To another officer, Fort Lauderdale Organized Crime Detective Stephen Robitaille, Young said: "I'm a mercenary.". Someone put a small pipe bomb underneath the seat of his maroon Jeep last September. Takeaways and reaction, Miamis falling murder rates show the fallacy of Republicans anti-immigration stance | Opinion. Aronow drove a white Mercedes, Kramer a white Porsche. With a .45, the killer opened fire. Young skipped out on his $120,000 bond. Says Michael Aronow, the slain racer's son: "The way my father lived, it (the murder) could have been as casual as a handshake. Or it could have had something to do with Ben Kramer, he says. Their livers were missing, Little dragon found on uninhabited Australian island is a new species. Supposedly, he kept a squad of Rottweilers trained to attack on hand command. For years, Young used different dates and places of birth, different names and occupations.

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