These black-powder guns should not be fired with smokeless powder loads. Box 502795, San Diego, CA 92150-1377. The same load in a Jim Stroh custom 5-1/2 Bisley has the same accuracy with more . It is often associated with its vital role in settling the western frontier, where it found favor with lawmen, outlaws and anyone that needed a potent sixgun. Quality 300-grain jacketed bullets are also offered by all three of these manufacturers. On paper, the 357 Magnum was the first cartridge to exceed the 45 Colts muzzle energy, but many knowledgeable sixgunners, Elmer Keith included, believed the 45 Colt actually offered more practical power than the First Magnum. Today, it remains one of our most popular sixgun cartridges. Pyrodex P is the equivalent of Triple-F or FFFg black powder. John makes up dummy loads using available cast bullets to make Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winners. Reloader 7 for 45-70? | Glock Talk - 9.4 grains Unique Lyman 452460 , 200 gr. If reliable expansion is desired, consider 230-grain JHP bullets designed for the .45 ACP or the Hornady 225-grain FTX, which can be pushed close to 1,000 fps while staying within pressure guidelines. Colt191145. Moving up to 22.0 grains increases the muzzle velocity to 1,300 fps and then 24.0 grains is right at 1,400 fps with both putting three shots in at 45 yards. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. My most used powders for these loads are #2400, #9, #4227 and H110. The vast majority of my 45 Colt handloads over the last 60 years, however, has been put together with cast bullets. A check of Hodgdons loading manuals shows these two powders using the same charge weight produce the same velocities and pressures. My powders of choice are Clays, HP-38, HS-6, Universal, Trail Boss, H110, IMR 4227, W296, and W231. Nonetheless, the 30-grain charge with a 250-grain bullet reached around 850 fps from a 7.5-inch barrel. (NOTE: Sections marked Ruger Only are not for the New Model Blackhawk Flat-Tops or the New Vaquero!) These figures correspond with the many other pre-World War II guns that I have slugged. Clays, Universal, HP38, HS6, HS7 and H4895 are products of Hodgdon Powders. Before I discuss handloads for the 45 Colt, we have to acknowledge there exists such a wide range of revolvers accepting the 45 Colt that great care must be used in assembling loads and choosing which guns will safely accept them. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, State Agency: References: Accurate Arms Co. 1996 Reloading booklet Alliant Powder Co. Reloaders Guide (1995) Hodgdons Basic Reloaders Manual (1996) Speer Reloading Manual, #12 Winchester Reloading Components Manual, 14th edition Lyman Piston & Revolver Reloading Handbook, 2nd edition. After all the work and expense, it turned out to be a somewhat mediocre performer. The vast majority of my 45 Colt handloads over the last 60 years, however, has been put together with cast bullets. By the standards of the day when it arrived in 1873, and even to this day, the 45 Colt was and is a powerful cartridge. Most are either .451 (jacketed) or .452 (lead) and Sierra even makes jacketed bullets for the Colt SAA that are .4515 splitting the difference. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. However, due to their heavier weights and increased barrel time, many fixed-sighted sixguns may group high. Lyman has been an important name for shooters for well over 100 years. His #452490GC was originally made for the 45 Auto Rim cartridge for use in the Smith & Wesson 1950 Target revolver, but I also use the Thompson design, which weighs around 255 grains, for heavy-duty loads approaching the energy of the 44 Magnum in the Ruger Blackhawk. Loading the .45 Colt It's vital to understand today's loading manuals typically include .45 Colt loads at two different power levels: under 14,000 CUP and under 29,000 PSI. Broc NES Member Rating - 100% 15 0 0 Joined Sep 18, 2010 (IV) Winners must undergo a background check (when required) and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. In my opinion, throats that measure .452 inch are generally ideal with a variety of bullets. Addeddate 2019-02-26 16:21:01 Identifier Everyone who has a Ruger Blackhawk or Freedom Arms single-action revolver realizes the roots of these modern guns go back to the Colt Single Action Army. Then something dramatic happened in 1869: Smith & Wesson brought forth the 44 American sixgun that used fixed ammunition. In preparation for this article, I pulled from my personal collection a Colt SAA with serial number 16xxx (1875) that slugged an average groove diameter of .450 inch. Lyman 49 says reloader 7 has been a long time favorite for .45-70. Note: Powder Mfgs. Marlin and Winchester 1894s will both handle heavier-than-standard .45 Colt loads but 1860, 1866 and 1873 replicas are for standard loads only! We are blessed to have many excellent cartridges and sixguns available to us, but it would be hard to find any cartridge that is as versatile as the old 45 Colt. ew eginnings - Mark 7 is now part of the Lyman family! I use WLP primers. Shooter's Reference Load Data for .45 Colt (NOTE: Sections marked Ruger Only are not for the New Model Blackhawk Flat-Tops or the New Vaquero!) Cast bullets can be sized to .455 inch (assuming the mould casts bullets large enough), which again helps to reduce bullet tilting in the throat. This one is from Lyman 48th addition Reloading book. The original loading was a bullet of approximately 255 grains with a muzzle velocity of somewhere around 850 to 900 fps. The accompanying data was developed using Starline cases that are strong, offer long life and are available factory direct. My brass of choice is Starlines excellent 45 Colt brass with CCI 300 Large Pistol primers for all powders, except I switch to CCI 350 Magnum Pistol primers with IMR 4227, H110, W296, and all black powder and black powder substitutes. Pyrodex is cleaner burning than black powder and results in less fouling of the barrel. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. North Dakota Game & Fish Department, State Agency: The more powerful loads are only suitable for strong handguns like the Ruger Blackhawk and the Thompson Center Contender. SWC - 9.6 grains Unique Lyman # 454190 , 250 gr. Your load at 6.0 gr Unique is dangerously unsafe. Actually, we can divide 45 Colt sixguns into several reloading levels, and I have moderated these somewhat over the past several years, with the first two levels being very close together. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. However, the first known commercial listing is found in the 1880 UMC catalog. These Lyman loads are conservative made for older guns. Camp Guns: Sometimes Perfect, Other Times Not But Often Essential! This brings us to powders, and I use a lot of Hodgdon powders. It has never failed me. Mike, who used to live in Newport News, but now resides in Poquoson VA. (I) Giveaway ends December 31, 2022. When he died in 1862, the company was dedicated to producing the same percussion revolvers. When using bullets designed for the .45 ACP that dont have a crimp cannelure, a taper crimp applied after bullets are seated to the correct overall length is the best option. Contest open to U.S. residents only. That is, if the loading table calls for 40 grains of black powder, then one uses a 40-grain volume powder measure for the same amount by volume of Pyrodex. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Box 488, Escondido, CA 92033. My brass of choice is Starlines excellent 45 Colt brass with CCI 300 Large Pistol primers for all powders, except I switch to CCI 350 Magnum Pistol primers with IMR 4227, H110, W296, and all black powder and black powder substitutes. Taffin Test the .45 Colt I especially like the 260-grain Keith gas-check bullet which shoots exceptionally well using #4227, 20.0 grains is 1,115 fps for 5/8 and then it gets even better! Incidentally, many jacketed bullet loads will produce higher velocities in revolvers with shorter barrels. (I) Giveaway ends September 30, 2021. Cartridge Type: Pistol/Revolver. I use my Winchester and Marlin Trappers for relatively close-range shooting. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: youd need for most critters in the lower 48. Box 488, Escondido, CA 92033. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, State Agency: A check of Hodgdons loading manuals shows these two powders using the same charge weight produce the same velocities and pressures. You can certainly use the Jacketed bullets fine, but dont look for incredible speeds. Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources, State Agency: Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. S.A.A.M.I. Most of these are custom, tuned and have accounted for several head of big game. and how they grouped at ther yrds. The larger diameter ring that sizes the lower half of the case provides longer case life and eliminates the typical swaged bulge just ahead of the solid head. However, it cannot be approached the same as smokeless. Weights in parenthesis are as-cast from wheelweights. I have been pleasantly surprised by the Marlin Trapper. While there were multiple experiments with different cartridges, the .45 Colt was a joint development between Colts Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company and Union Metallic Cartridge Company. I have found 5.0 grains of Clays under a 250-grain bullet delivers a very pleasant-shooting load at 725 fps and will group all its shots in 0.63 inch at 20 yards. Cast bullet loads in the Marlin .45 Colt all the power and accuracy Not only do the Hodgdon folks offer excellent powders, but also they are simply some of the nicest folks in the industry. The proud tradition and history of Lyman Products began simply in the late 1800?s when William Lyman, an avid outdoorsman and inventor, created a product that resolved problems with gun sights of his day. (I) Giveaway ends April 30, 2023. The new rifle is built on an aluminum billet chassis with carbon-fiber forend and cheek riser featuring V-block bedding. Discussion: The old Western Style COLT normally uses big, heavy and slow lead bullets. (II) Limit one (1) entry per household; multiple entries will disqualify entrants. The day of the percussion revolver would soon be over, and even Colt could see the future and began converting 1860 cap-and-ball sixguns to fire cartridges. (I) Giveaway ends May 31, 2023. Blue dot and 45 colt | Graybeard Outdoors Rim Rocks 255-grain SWC with gas check is accurate and alleviates leading issues with revolvers (or barrels) that are prone to that. It is an excellent compromise between the 250- and 300-grain cast bullets. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, State Agency: This is probably when it became so common to use cast bullets sized to .454 inch with pre-World War II guns but was largely confused with groove diameter. [See page on powder location in case affecting FPS elsewhere on pages] The .45 Colt is rapidly approaching 150 years in existence, and it remains one of our finest, most useful, versatile and handloaded sixgun cartridges. The powder that has the lowest velocities are produced by Trailboss which also has the advantage of filling up the 45LC case. When the Marlin and Winchester Trappers first arrived in the early '80s, the #1 45 Colt bullet was still Elmer Keith's #454424 weighing about 260 grains from my alloy. I can not find any reliable load data for Blue Dot with cast bullets. Hodgdon's Clays And Your .45 - GUNS Magazine Sam Colt became a millionaire producing percussion revolvers. I would think that the load you are using would be safe. Nitro 100, No.2, No. When using a revolver with large throats, there are solutions to improve accuracy. To protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not be made public. Lyman Devastator Hollow Point Bullets, load data, range - Illinois Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: Two other powders for standard loads include W231 and HP-38. This revolver and cartridge proved to be a great teacher as I learned how to shoot a big-bore single-action sixgun accurately. They are my choice for everyday use and also for hunting larger, tougher game. ), RCBS #45-270SWC (284 gr.). Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, State Agency: RNFP), 1007 MAX+ (Actual in 7 1/2 bbl 255 gr. Load up some Low Recoil handloads. Elmer Keith was way ahead of his time in developing everyday working and hunting loads. As always there are occasional exceptions, including two guns manufactured in 1900 and 1902 that slugged .458 and .453 inch, respectively, but they seemed to be more out-of-spec than the normal. However, it cannot be approached the same as smokeless. My maine load is the Lyman 454190 cast of ww + 2% tin. But keep in mind, both Lyman and Alliant publish only standard pressure loads for the 45 Colt. State Agency: It is becoming more popular with the Cowboy Action Shooting since it is a mild load and can be shot in the guns chambered for the .45 Colt. Load data for the 45 colt rifle | The Firearms Forum Alas, the days of gun departments in grocery stores, department stores and drugstores are long gone. The weight would more properly be closer to 32 grains. About 1200+ fps in the 7.5 SBH, 1150fps out of the 4" Redhawk. I found both of these on the shelf of a little gun store, actually a small gun department, in a local grocery store. Keiths #454424 was an excellent bullet, but it has been improved by Dave Scovill and is offered by RCBS as #45-270SAA. All Guns and Ammo subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. With these bullets sized .452" and cast of 16 parts lead to 1 part tin, try this loading with 19.0 grains of WW-296 or 19.5 grains of H-110 in Star-line cases with Fed 155 primers and Bubba lube, or Javelina or NEI pistol lube. Missouri Deptartment of Conservation, State Agency: Not only do the Hodgdon folks offer excellent powders, but also they are simply some of the nicest folks in the industry. Quality 300-grain jacketed bullets are also offered by all three of these manufacturers. My loading dies are from Lee, Lyman, and RCBS, and all of them give excellent service. When loaded in the Colt Single Action Army at around 850 fps, it is a most powerful everyday working load. These two bullets in a custom five-shot Blackhawk or Freedom Arms Model 83 five-shooter can be driven to 1,450 fps with W296 or H110. More than 45 years of shooting and slugging the barrels of hundreds of Colt SAAs suggests differently. Failure to do so could result in severe personal injury (or death) and/or property damage. This brings us to powders, and I use a lot of Hodgdon powders. At 1,400 fps it is an excellent hunting bullet. West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, State Agency: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, State Agency: Note that the Ruger New Vaquero uses a smaller frame and cylinder Join over1 million subscribers and get the latest deals from HunterHub, Winchester USA Ready Large Pistol Primers Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100), Remington Small Pistol Primers #1-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100), Federal Premium Gold Medal AR Match Grade Small Rifle Primers #GM205MAR Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100), Winchester Small Rifle Primers #6-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100), Federal Premium Gold Medal Small Rifle Match Primers #205M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100), CCI Primers #209M Shotshell Magnum Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100), Federal Premium Terminal Ascent Great Accuracy and Performance, Large Pistol Primers Or Small Pistol Primers- Things To Know Before You Buy, Enlighten yourself with Vital Information about the top tactical medicine in USA. The original Winchesters, whether chambered in .44 Rimfire or .44-40, all used cast bullets as jacketed bullets did not start appearing until the early part of the 20th century. Generally, when revolvers with such grossly oversized throats are fired with modern cast and jacketed bullets accuracy is poor. I have measured Colt revolvers with throats that run from. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM February 2023, P.O. I'll be a nice to you as you'll let me be, or as mean as you make me be.

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