"Go away, Lame-O." And Soon The team spends a night in a skiing lodge Where Ginrai Lincoln, and the now-human Unicorn were inside Ginari and Lincoln Gave Her a NameLady Amalthea it was time For Bed Ginrai was inHis pajamas Lincoln was in His pajamas andLady Amalthea was Givin a white shirt from Lincoln and Soon The trio went to sleep In the cabin asLady Amalthea quietly sobs In Her Sleep, Back at Royal Woods Everyone was Feeling so Remorse For Calling Lincoln an Outcast Boy But Then Pop-Pop Arrived at the Loud He was disapointed In Rita, Lynn Sr and the Loud Children For Driving Lincoln Away He Told Them To Get Lincoln Back Home Or Else He will call the Police on Them They Agreed to find Lincoln, Back In the Cabin Everything Seem To Be Quiet Until Then Galvatron and The Decepticons Along with The Red Bull Ariived at the wall The Trio manages to Escape as Ginrai transforms Into His Robot Form And Drove Off in a Hurray at the Beach GinraiLady Amalthea and Lincoln Were Safe But Not For Long when the villans Arrived At The Beach Ginrai Manages To Fight The Decepticons and Red Bull AsLady Amalthea and Lincoln hid in a Cave As Lincoln ExplainedLady Amalthea about his problem andLady Amalthea explain their Problem too She Ran into the Cave, Meanwhile The Loud Family Looked for Lincoln They looked Until They Saw Something at the beach Starscream was Orderd by Galvatron to"kick in the afterburners"overtaking the Trio Before Ginrai Draws Out God Bomberand knocking them out with toxic fumes anddeliver a brutal blow that sends them hurtling into the street below, seemingly defeating them once and for all, A blinding flash confirms their downfall before the Red Bull, and Galvatron andhis Decepticons fled off. Rita: So while we head to the mall, you can head to your little convention. (Bobby slowly steps to the side. ", Luna: "Yeah, bro. I mean, what if it will go wrong or somethin'? Lincoln stomped upstairs to his room and slammed the door shut, making it echo throughout the house. That wasn't very nice! But seriously, Lily is in good hands. Lola: Especially his underwear on the outside! is the 9th episode of the 8th season and its a two part episode and it's a crossover with Transformers Master force After Lincoln ends up feeling heartbroken and mistreated over a few mistakes he never meant to do to make his friends and family get so mad at him, he decides to run away from home, feeling like he was a bad person from the start he Teams Up . Lily loves the park. He looks at his sisters with a small glare, as all of the sisters suddenly get tears in their eyes), (All of the sisters run up to Lincoln, and hug him, tighter than they had ever done before). (to the viewer) This happened last year as well, and I thought I wouldn't be bothered again, but considering that they were being so smug to me, I feel very annoyed. Ronnie Anne started to feel it from all the humping. However, a shadowy villain is b. . They arrive at said house and walk inside. (The girls are heard snickering in the background). You may be wondering why I'm packing up my stuff like this. LORI: No! Ronnie Anne and Lincoln both arrived at Clyde's home at relatively the same time. Lana: Ohhh. Lincoln and Ronne Anne are angered by this. (All the girls laugh, as it cuts back to Lincoln in his room, putting on his normal clothes and throwing his Ace Savvy costume into the trash. Lincoln notices that Lily fell asleep in Ronnie Anne's arms. "Well Ronnie", Lincoln said to Ronnie Anne, "We can't come back now. The pants went down first, then they stopped kissing to take off their shirts. We've been so worried about you! I am so honored to be your loyal sidekick in the next comic book! Lincoln: "Okay. Ace Savvy: Aha! Then, he pulls out a bag, and puts most of his things inside, including Bun-Bun, his clothes, and his bed gear. Ronnie Anne: You sure miss your brother and sisters don't you. Lincoln, the boy without a family, couldn't believe it; Ronnie Anne Santiago, someone close to him back in his old life back in Royal Woods, was somehow in the city that he had run away to. That was even better than I thought! Suddenly, Lincoln's phone rings. Mitchel just crossed his arms with an angry look on his face. But where woul Sonic, a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog, goes to Royal Woods to escape the roboticist tyrant Dr. Eggman, who destroyed the island where he lived. Ronnie Anne smirked. #nickelodeon Well, I've decided that I've finally had enough. You're probably wondering why I'm upset. Please ADD. Lincoln: Come on! The door opens, revealing Pop-Pop). Lincoln: (to the viewer) You know what? Ronnie Anne had got up a little and looked at the carnage on the screen, shedding a tear or two. Lana: Hey Pop-Pop, we're lookin' for Lincoln. That was The Final Straw For Lynn Sr And Rita They Can't Take It anymore with Lincoln But He Ran Fast As He could But Lynn Got Him at The Last Second they dragged Him Into Vanzilla As they were doing so Lincoln Yells At Them to stop and went Ballistic about They Should apologize to Him And Threatens to Break Up With Ronnie Anne That Makes Lori Upset And Burst Into Tears, Finally That was Enough for Lynn Sr he Grabbed Lincoln By The arm and Closed the door withLincoln's sisters They chew him out Of His actions But Lincoln Explains That He and Ginrai were Trying to Help Lady Amalthea But They Didn't Care About it They Yelled at Him about what He said And Made Lori Cry. There was your pen pal. Would you like that, Lily? "Ugh, fine. Lori knocks on the door, and Bobby answers). Rita: "Hello, Ronnie Anne. Mayor Davis, who looked like Lillie Brinket (Effie Trinket), with her black hair with white streaks. Hopefully it fills you up. ", Ronnie Anne: "Listen. However, a shadowy villain is b #2016 Lincoln: "That little boy over there has it! Lincoln gets so tired of his sisters that he decides to run away towards Los Angeles with his friends. She's a sassy girl who isn't afraid of a good fight and is "I'll start I guess." Luna: *Smiles and grabs Luan's hand to stand up* I do! Lincoln looks at his sisters nervously. [By now, Lana has fallen asleep. Lynn Sr.: "Come on girls, leave Lincoln alone.". Bobby: Sorry babe, but I haven't seen him. And we even made Lincoln cry! We realized we blamed you for no reason. (The sisters continue to cry, when Lori tries to snap out of it). Lisa: I believe there's a 90% chance that Lincoln will mess up at the convention. Lincoln: Let me tell you girls something. He brings the thread and needle to Ronnie Anne. "I think we definitely need to talk." sisters, reo, loudhouse. Lori doesn't like anyone beside her and Leni going in their room, but since this is for Lily, I'll make an exception. I'm not talking to them unless I find out that they really do miss me. Lincoln & Ronnie Anne Vlog #15: Unboxing Special! I know it may sound like I'm just whining, but lately it feels like I'm the black sheep of this family. Without hesitation, he took the photo and threw it to the floor in rage, causing it to break. It wasn't me! Hold on there, Lily. After a few seconds of tug of war, the little boy wins and pushes Lily back, causing her to fall. "Alright, Truth or Dare, Ronnie?" He stuffs Bun-Bun in and looks towards the audience.]. She turned over to his alarm clock and saw that it was almost 10:00 in the morning. Ronnie Anne rose from her spot on the floor. If you are under the age of 13, skip this chapter now. Lincoln knew he had to do the dare or else he'd seem like a chicken to the rest of his classmates. He asked, patting her on the back. "Ronnie Anne?" ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO NICKELODEON AND VIACOM. Lincoln looks at Lily. Lincoln: (to the viewer) This may take a while, but I know it'll all be worth it! "The Louds of Oz" - Leni and Charles get caught up in a tornado and end up in the Land of Oz and they try desperately to get back home, on their journey, they meet the Lincrow (Lincoln), who wants a brain, the Tin Girl (Lana), who wants a heart, and the Cowardly Chaz-lion (Chaz), who wants courage. Besides, with me gone, there'll be no one to interfere with the Sister Fight Protocol, and I know they'll appreciate that. Now that he is stranded in the Southern part of Chicago, with barely anyone to turn to, and the poli. Lincoln: Oh come on! The girls being laughing with Lincoln still blushing in embarassment. He ruined his dad's lasagna recipe by putting his recipe on the lasagna when he was cooking with him and messed up his mom's makeover for her date with her husband by spraying water with the hose on her when he never meant to. Follow as Lincoln, Luna and the crew of I.M.P go on with their lives in this story and face old family members and some enemies. Comic Book Manager: What the heck?! You have moved to another city- Royal Woods. Ronnie Anne is Lincoln's best female friend, and former classmate, who moved to Great Lakes City to live with her extended family, the Casagrandes. ", Luan: "Oh come on. But seriously, don't think like that. Luna: *Knocks at the door and waits formally* hmm Ronnie Anne opens the door carelessly and looks up to the newly found but familiar face that she just discovered Ronnie: *Thinks deeply* How May I help--- Wait, are you the rocker in one of Lincoln's sisters? Luna: Yeah! Rita: Okay girls, I'm gonna go get the van started, can you get Lincoln? Lincoln and Ronnie Anne kissed hard as they had started to strip each other of their clothes. This lasts for a few seconds. (A few of the kids giggle at his costume). They are 11 siblings in the Louds, here is the prediction of the future of the Loud family tree. We hurt Lincoln so much that he ran away! The girls don't even have pr-. Remember when I did all of those humiliating videos to make you all forgive me for what I did? Lincoln and Ronnie Anne walk towards him. Can you get them down for me, please? Ronnie Anne take another spoon of it and brings it to Lily, who just turns her head away. Luna opened their door and went out and shut it quickly. Lincoln: Uh, this is Ronnie Anne, my girlfriend. She mumbled and walked to the bathroom, slamming the door in behind her and sighing softly. The two have finally got the chance to do the moment of what I can described as lovely. Rita: Remember girls, we'll be back on Sunday, so make sure everything goes smoothly. Lynn Sr. walks towards them. Tell, your mom and brother I said 'hi'.". Are you okay?" She then moves move to Ronnie Anne and hugs her. At the last moment before her capture, Ginrai uses his unpredictable magic and transforms her into a human woman with white knee-length hair. Guess who's gonna spend time with us. "Huh?" Ronnie Anne asked. Leni: Did you use an invisible thingy on Lincoln?! It looks nice. We were just-", Leni: "Oh, Lincoln. Lincoln: [Sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose] Lemme look it up. Lincoln: (to the viewer) Okay, so far this morning hasn't started well. ", Lincoln: "Leni would've fixed Lily's blanket herself if she were here. Let's get started.". Be-because of them?! ", Lincoln: "So what do you want to do next, Lily?". Lincoln and Ronnie Anne kissed hard as they had started to strip each other of their clothes. She could feel the smirk on her face growing and a chorus of "Ooo's" could be heard. Lana: Oh man! SUMMARY:Lincoln finally gets fed up with his family and runs away from home. Ita true. Lincoln: They probably would've by now. Just then, Lily's stomach growls. Its my free time today and then I remembered wattpad and I was like, Oh my gosh I haven't updated yet my stories! Ronnie Anne: "So, what should we do next? Wake up and smell the guilt! Luna: No no no! What's wrong?" ", Lincoln: "Oh, it's fine. And what's a "graham", anyway? Lincoln: "It wasn't what it looked like, I swear! Lynn: Guess he wasn't much of a 'superhero' today wasn't he? Lincoln: (whispers) "Shhh. LINKY!!! Looks like she's all tuckered out.". ", Lincoln: "Check out what Lily and I made. I hate seeing you like this. That's me. (When Lincoln walks outside his room, he is greeted by his sisters laughing at him). "Thank you for the compliment", He replied and hugged her tightly. That Blanket means everything to her.". Boredom has taken over me and I was just reading a Loud House fanfiction so why not XD That's the nicest thing you've said to me yet. ", Rita: "I'm glad you had fun. Lincoln: Well, what about animal crackers? +7 more. I know you and Ronnie Anne were gonna hang out today. ", Lincoln: "We should build sand castles at the sand box. He then gets an idea. lincoln. Of course, that prize will belong to me. Truth or Dare?" (Lincoln proceeds to eat his bacon and eggs, as Ronnie Anne smiles at him). He mistakenly gave Clyde carrot pie, causing him to get allergic. Lincoln puts Lily in the carriage and the three head back to the Loud House together. Lynn: I think she's trying to say that she was the one who broke the TV remote! We've looked literally everywhere for Lincoln! He eventually finished and turned to Ronnie Anne. (Lincoln groans in frustration, as he walks downstairs while his sisters snicker at him. If you don't, please read with discretion. Hope you all enjoy it! It's banana flavored. And when we do, we have to repay him back for what we did! He says "Hi" to the mailman. Ronnie Anne: "Yeah, my mom taught me not too long ago. Ronnie Anne, are you sure you can handle this? Can his sisters find a way to get him back? #ronnieanne The news anchor continued, "In probably the biggest shock since the death of Robin Williams, our new elect president has been blown up by an unknown individual, who has took control of every inch of here and ironically a little bit of Japan. (Lincoln gasps and runs to Lily to make sure she okay, but the girls, except Leni and Luna, attacked him viciously) LINCOLN: (he escapes the carnage) What wrong with you guys? "Ronnie! Boredom has taken over me and I was just reading a Loud House fanfiction so why not XD The closest Lucy did was shed tears down her cheeks. This tastes good and is good for you. "Ready for this?" ", Ronnie Anne: "What about Leni? *Sits on the couch face to face with Luna* I have a question for you, why is lame-o absent? Ronnie Anne: "Thanks. I'll go get the sewing equipment right now.". I had fun watching her with Lincoln. Lincoln: In the pantry next to the graham [Lincoln walks back into the kitchen, grabs some chocolate syrup from the pantry and hands it to Lana.]. Ronnie Anne: Its one of Lincoln's Stupid . Ronnie Anne: Oops, guess the movie was too boring for us. Events from previous episodes, previous fan fictions, and idea episodes mentioned from Lincoln's message such asMaking the Grade,Study Muffin,Making the Case,Heavy Meddle,Brawl in the Family,Cereal Offender,No Such Luck,Sleuth or Consequences,The Sweet Spot(an episode I'm fine with),Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru,In Tents Debate, Trustworthy from YoshiPlayer13, There's an Impostor on The Loose at The Loud House,It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud House(an episode that does have a situation of finding the money from the original owner of the house), and A Plan Gone Bad are mentioned on Lincoln's letter as why he had to run away after years of being treated as a neglected, abused, assaulted outcast. They knock at the door), (Clyde nosebleeds at the sight of Lori, then faints on the ground), (Eventually, Clyde's parents come to the front door), (Harold and Howard both look in horror, and they close the door in front of them), (It shows the girls knocking on another door. They're cookies. After looking for a bit, Leni has a nervous look on her face, then goes outside Lincoln's bedroom. Lincoln hands Lily to Ronnie Anne, who has a smile on her face. Rita (through the phone): Hi, sweetie. Luna: *Tries to catch up with the accent Luan is wearing* Aye mate! ", Lincoln and Lily made a better looking castle, Ronnie Anne: "Whoa. He ruined Leni's birthday cake for Chaz's birthday party. See ya, Lame-o. Ronnie Anne walks into the dining room. Fanfiction. One guy had slipped and fell to the floor. (Ronnie Anne comes up behind Bobby to see what's going on). He slowly stood up and went to the front door, swallowing the remains of his pride and he began running down the sidewalk. "T-thanksthat's nice of you to say." ", Rita: "Alright." Pop-Pop: Hmm, for a minute I thought I was going blind. The Loud House (Lincoln Loud x Ronnie Anne Santiago) Fanfiction Boredom has taken over me and I was just reading a Loud House fanfiction so why not XD Ronnie Anne Santiago. Lincoln: "Hey, little guy. She shrugged and waited for the question. I'm impressed.". Luna: Dudes, we did do some pretty harsh things to him yesterday. Lori: (sighs) Alright Leni, what's wrong? Inside the house, it shows Bobby and Ronnie Anne watching a movie on the sofa. I was defenseless. The two walk to the Loud House together. Bobby: "Lori told me, that you were helping Lincoln babysit Lily. You're grounded young man! | The Loud House Nickelodeon 10.1M subscribers 563K views 2 years ago #Casagrandes #LoudHouse #Vlog On Lincoln and Ronnie Anne. (voice breaks) And we blamed him, with no proof?! Lincoln: There. The Planet Eater had absorbed the last Cosmic Stone of Power. (On a side note, I was actually going to make Lincoln run away to Pop-Pop's instead, but changed it to where he runs way to the Santiago house because it wouldn't be so obvious to the sisters. "It feels so good." A plan where he would be happy. Sorry for the long wait, school is stopping me and many drawing purposes because of my new Deviantart "Reomatic". Lily takes the baby food in her mouth. Lincoln: Bobby, I need to ask you a favor. They resumed and off went the underpants on the floor. "Outbreaks of people who call themselves mavericks have been revolting all around the nation!" Furthermore, he saw her enter an apartment building that the bodega store owned by that nice older man Hector Casagrande is a part of. ", Lincoln: "Alright then. They can be easily fixed, and replaced. The little boy appears from behind a bush. Lynn Sr.: (appears behind the girls) Lincoln?! Hugging me and apologizing to me, won't make the pain in my heart and the thoughts you put into my head go away. Lincoln Loud and Ronnie Anne Santiago get their relationship completed, as mavericks attack their homes and take over the others. Just because I did it once, doesn't mean I'll do it again! Ronnie Anne: "Come on, Lily. Ronnie Anne: "Sleep well, you cute little angel.". *Chuckles at her last awfully written statement* Do you agree with me? Ronnie Anne: "Awww. They arrive at the park. Lincoln: "Hey, Ronnie Anne. Luan: Luna! This was a soothing moment for both of them "Yeah", said Lincoln. Lincoln: "Mmm, this taste good, right Ronnie Anne? What's wrong?" Lily is now all cleaned up. ", Lincoln: (whispers) "Come on. Did Lily give you a hard time? LINCOLN: Lori, back me up! ", Lincoln: "Really? Lincoln: (as his voice breaks) Come on guys! Lincoln and Ronnie Anne stop and turn their heads to see the nine sisters with wide smiles on their faces. See ya, Ronnie Anne.". Ronnie Anne returned the glance silently and the two walked in without saying a word to each other. Lincoln and his 10 sisters goes into the future Rita leaves the house. Seeing you two with Lily when we came in? They head to the kitchen. Lincoln picks up Lily, who's holding her favorite blanket. Plus, I want to get to know Lily a little more. We'll come pick you up when we're done, okay sweetie? She was not, as some might suspect, made of stone, and she did not reject the emotions she felt, she simply kept them to herself. He destroyed Lisa's chemistry set when changing Lily's diaper on accident. (Lincoln runs off-screen. The Unicorn returns to say goodbye to Lincoln and Ginrai , who laments he has done her wrong by burdening her with regret and the taint of mortality, which could make her unable to properly rejoin her kind in the forest. Lily notices the damage on it and begins to cry once again. [Lincoln walks Lana upstairs, leaving his bindle on the kitchen floor. I had to make it to school on foot, and Mrs. Johnson chewed me out for being late. Rita: "Alright, You're father and I will be back with your sisters at 5:00. Ronnie Anne, the girl who bullied him in school actually had a crush on him. The Next Day Lincoln was Walking to the living room where the loud sisters were in they turned their heads to see Lincoln The Loud family were so happy to have Him back and Apologizing for not Believing him about what happened They Hugged Him at School Clyde and Ronnie Anne Apologized Too for calling Lincoln and Outcast Boy Lincoln Said " Don't Thank Me It's Ginrai " and Closed The Door For Good In the school, As The Camera Pans To Ginrai In His Robot Mode He Turns to The Viewers and Smiles As the Sunsets behind Him as the words " The End? " Carried on the white surf of incoming tides, the other unicorns emerge en masse from the water, causing The Burp and Burger to collapse into the Rubble as they rush past, with The Decepticons Fought Ginrai But Becomes More Bigger with Godbomber into it he Blasts The Decepticons falling to Their death while laughing. Lincoln takes the rag and rinses to food of and wipes Lily himself. Lincoln: oh. But I'll still get my chance at the convention! Lincoln sees that Darcy has noticed Ronnie Anne on his computer. Today is the next big Ace Savvy Comic Convention! Ronnie Anne: "Well, we're here. It's mashed peas. I just need to break it to her.". Lincoln turns his attention to Ronnie Anne. After this, Lincoln sits on his bed and begins to cry into his hands). Lori: Or, when he clogged the toilet, with a Princess Pony book! I JUST WANT MY LITTLE BROTHER BACK!!! Bobby: Hey, it was no problem bro. So I rushed into my tablet and wrote this chapter. Happy? #maybelemon Ronniecoln's great night, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Ronniecoln's great night By: DanialJan2001 After Lincoln and Ronnie Anne got married, they started to make love. Can't you tell them what happened? She wears a purple zipper hoodie, jean shorts, a white tank top (in "City . Loud. [Lincoln walks Lana upstairs, leaving his bindle on the kitchen floor. The animatronic wasn't supposed to do that! (Meanwhile, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne are on the sofa watching TV). Later that Night Lincoln Teary eyed Over this set But His Crying was Getting so Bad That To Which Everyone To Tell him Be quiet Lincoln Yells at Them To say " SHUT UP!" ", Ronnie Anne: "Yeah, it's not bad actually. She babble at him, and then starts pulling her blanket, but he stars pulling too. When she opens the door, she sees Bobby with a wide smile on his face. So I'm out. Lincoln: "Sorry, Ronnie Anne. Lynn: Well, look who's going to the Ace Savvy convention! They resumed and off went the underpants on the floor. Ronnie Anne: Urggg! Page 2 Read Lincoln and Ronnie Anne finally meet from the story A Loud's Return by Cmdragon95 with 5,259 reads. Ronnie Anne Santiago. They go inside Lisa and Lily's room. Ronnie panted, "I'm glad you're enjoying it." The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Ronnie Anne: We need a plan to get them back together. He winched and rubbed it as the group of students headed inside and grabbed some snacks to satisfy their hunger. Takes place after no such luck. Is he here? By: heavy5commando. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Just then she hears giggling from the nearest tree. But I had to warn the mascot suit to protect them from my bad luck." Lincoln said to the readers. lincolnloud loudhouse venom +1 more # 3 Genderbent Loud House X Reader by Taylor Markus 489 13 4 So, we're still going to Gus' Games and Grub today? Just then, a women in a green dress appears. (walks towards the bathroom) But maybe things will turn out fine in the end. Lana: I mean, they're not crackers. He departs to start anew. Luna: I would love to see what Lincoln does to mess up! You have to go to bed early, without dessert! It had been 5 days ever since Lincoln's dear good friend, Kathy Garrison passed away in an airplane accident in the summer time on her way back from Los Angeles, they had a super.This is a list of episodes in the fifth season of The Loud House, which was renewed by Nickelodeon on May 7, 2019 and consists . ], [Lincoln walks down the stairs with his bindle over his shoulder. Bro left us? In fact, don't tell ANY of them that I'm here. Lincoln pushed and Ronnie Anne stood up. Lincoln was in his room and he sighs. Would I lie to you?". I miss my siblings very much. What should we do? And if they do well, I'll figure something out. (to Lily) "I love you my little angel.". Luan: *Brings out a pirate hook from nowhere and places it in her hands* Yar! ", Lincoln: "Alright, mom. Whaddye say ye walk the plank matey? Family comes first. Bobby: Hey babe? Lincoln is pushing Lily in her carriage, and Ronnie Anne walks beside him. Ronnie Anne: "Alright you two. Then Carol Pingrey came up and who supports him, until her father firmly tells her to never have any more contact with a "Outcast Boy". Only time will tell! tlh by Wolfzero1 150 34 4 "D-dare". *Determined* I know we can find our brother someday! Then, his sisters start laughing hysterically at him). Leni: That was like, the best day at the Mall ever! (Leni goes to Lincoln's bedroom and knocks on his door), (Leni opens the door, and looks inside for Lincoln. I definitely can't beat that. Lincoln: (to the viewer, with a broken voice) I know I've said before that my sisters making fun of me wasn't bothering, but this was the final straw! Lynn: Yeah! Lana: Why do they call them graham crackers? Lincoln give Ronnie Anne the baby food and a spoon. Can you invite your other sisters too? Ronnie Anne wasn't the type of person who was open with her emotions: She had been hurt in the past, and she had learned early on that baring your heart and soul makes you look weak. I think Lincoln is gone (quietly) because of us! *he cries as he hugs Ronnie Anne* Ronnie Anne: *hugs Ian back* There, there Ian. You got guts." ], [Lincoln starts walking towards the front again, and just when he reaches for the doorknob]. ", Ronnie Anne: "It was no problem. He sat down at his desk and grabbed some paper to work on his next plan. Lincoln: Phew! Lori: (groans) He probably went to his creep friend's house. When we get home, you are in for a time out!". I'm defenseless without you." How's my favorite baby? All I'm trying to say here is, I will forgive you all eventually, but I don't see that happening for quite a while. He muttered and could feel his fsce getting redder. Ronnie Anne walks downstairs, leaving Lincoln with his nine sisters. I can't wait to beat you at Dance Battle again.". Glad that's finally over. The reason why he took the blame was so I wouldn't be made fun of by all of you. Now he was worried about the person who knocked being outside with what was happening right now, so he zoomed down stairs to get the door opened. Lana: Nuh-uh! The two stare at each other for a few seconds. #theloudhouse.

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