Paul was a foundation Primary teacher at LJBC, and has been the PK-12 College Principal since 2020. Dean of Studies (Secondary): Mrs Kimberly Eyre Our campus is well presented and our building programs consider green space, functionality, and the aesthetics of modern design. 100%. It has 1361 students enrolled and 132 teachers. THE LAKE JOONDALUP BAPTIST COLLEGE INC Company Profile | JOONDALUP If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Matt has been on the College Board since 2012 and has extensive experience as a banker in South Africa and served as a Fellow of the Institute of Bankers In SA. Lake Joondalup Baptist College | LinkedIn Thank you for your interest in Lake Joondalup Baptist College. Lake Joondalup Baptist College WACE. If you know this school, please rate your opinion about it from 1 to 5.You can also express your opinion about this school in Joondalup (Major Cities) in the opinions, comments and reviews section. opportunity | community | connection | quality | innovate The Lake Joondalup Baptist College Inc - a ministry of the Lake Joondalup Baptist Church An information package for applicants Grow with confidence. Avg. They care for one another and they aspire to their highest standards. Joanne Haynes Email & Phone Number - The Univer.. | ZoomInfo Sport: Mr Kim Clift Year 12 Ball Terms & Conditions - The number of employees ranges from 250 to 500. List of Lake Joondalup Baptist College employees The annual revenue of Lake Joondalup Baptist College varies . . He is currently serving as Chair of the Principal Search Committee. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Avg. This could be a sign that this school is not supporting its students compared to other schools with similar students. This gallery hosted by SmugMug; your photos look better here. Lake Joondalup Baptist College . Emergency and Critical Incident Policy - Lake Joondalup Baptist - YUMPU if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'infoschools_net-leader-3','ezslot_19',195,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-infoschools_net-leader-3-0');ICSEA : 1112The Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage score for the Lake Joondalup Baptist College, Bottom Socio-Educational Advantage : 4The percentage of students positioned in the lowest socio-educational advantage quarter in Lake Joondalup Baptist College, Lower Middle Socio-Educational Advantage : 16The percentage of students positioned in the lower middle socio-educational advantage quarter in Lake Joondalup Baptist College, Upper Middle Socio-Educational Advantage : 31The percentage of students positioned in the higher middle socio-educational advantage quarter in Lake Joondalup Baptist College, Top Socio-Educational Advantage: 49The percentage of students positioned in the highest socio-educational advantage quarter in Lake Joondalup Baptist College. Secondary Swimming Carnival . Sorrento Primary School (Sorrento, WA) is a very highly rated primary school in Sorrento, Joondalup WA. These are our values. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Staff - Trinity Theological College Are there positive effects of posting students grades publicly? The College has a dedicated leadership team who work collaboratively to provide for the educational and pastoral needs of all students. Board of directors chairman Stephen Nosworthy said the school had gone from strength to strength under her leadership and was an educational flagship in the northern corridor. Fees: AUD 4,195, 1 Review You can allow or reject their use and change their settings from the cookie policy page. No school is perfect and while we dont claim to be perfect we do claim to love this place! Public Holiday - Western Australia Day. The work of our school embraces our Christian faith and our declaration is that Christ is central to our identity with ultimate ownership and sovereignty over our school. San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley), Operating Status of Organization e.g. Primary Leader Systems/Primary Curriculum Coordinator: Kennedya Drive, Joondalup 6027 Western Australia. Lake Joondalup Baptist College - Crunchbase College Principal: Greater Perth Area Mark Downsborough: Dean of Administration: Greater Perth Area . Many of our students have achieved well in subjects that prepare them for careers in industry. As a learning community, we are dedicated to bringing hope and purpose Read More Leadership: Daryl Pollard (Principal) Curriculum: Australian Annual Fees: AUD 1,100 - 8,945 - See all fees Gender: Mixed (Co-education) Active, Closed, Whether an Organization is for profit or non-profit, General contact email for the organization. Dean of Primary: Mrs Carol Harris The service was also for the school community to ask God to bless Mr Pollard in his work. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Gillian attends St Matthew's Anglican Church in Shenton Park. The public school has 422 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 14. Boys Enrolments : 742The total number of male students. School Name : Lake Joondalup Baptist CollegeThe official name of the school. By choosing Lake Joondalup Baptist College you will be providing your child with many opportunities from which to choose for a good start in life. College Principal Lake Joondalup Baptist College Apr 2018 - Present5 years Perth, Australia Lake Joondalup Baptist College is a Pre Kindergarten to Year 12 school community in. Mrs Clements has been the principal since 2012 and leaves to take up the top job at Melbournes Presbyterian Ladies College. Teaching staff: 132The number of full-time and part-time Lake Joondalup Baptist College teaching staff members. Alta-1 College Girls Campus Joondalup, Concordia Lutheran College Concordia Primary Campus. At Lake Joondalup Baptist College, we actively work to ensure that every member of our College belongs rather than merely attends, becoming at home, and part of a learning community where they are respected, cared for and where they can flourish. 100% employees recommend this employer to friends. Start free trial. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Lake Joondalup Baptist College is a private company. We have made the commitment to prepare our students to embrace the exciting challenges of our century and provide them with the knowledge and skills to make a difference. AGE ID: 13592. We have a professional team of support and administrative staff and we have a strong and large College Leadership Team. LJBC students are the new generation and each has the opportunity to influence the world around them. Oliver Lawson is passionately invested in the success of the College, with one graduating student and one remaining in the Secondary school. Fantastic Principal at the time, however that has changed sadly, Working at Lake Joondalup Baptist College, Your trust is our main concern so these ratings for Lake Joondalup Baptist College are shared 'as is' from employees in line with our. Great experience with great students and management. Connect to CRM . Our motto derived from Micah 6:8 is Seek Wisdom, act Justly and love Mercy. We are a Christian school. 100% rate salary as high or average. About. I invite you to read our Strategic Plan, accessed through this website, to see our vision and direction. Uh-oh - your browser isn't supported. LAKE Joondalup Baptist College (LJBC) held a special assembly to farewell principal Dawn Clements this month. Your email address will not be published. When she was in her third year, her passion led her to the United States to study at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music with a scholarship . Activities and Societies: Volunteer Work: Operation Christmas Child (6x), 40-Hour Famine (3x), Open Night Assitance (5x), Orientation Evening (2x) Music Clubs: Guitar Ensemble, Advanced Music Club, Intermediate Rock Band, Concert Band, Swing Band Music Performances: Graduation Evening (2x . To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The company is headquartered in Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia. Choosing a schooling environment for a young person is one of the biggest decisions that a family can make. Many of our students have achieved the states top results in examination subjects as they prepare for University. We seek to foster a commitment to Jesus Christ and a passion to live life in such a way as to bring honour and glory to God. Children benefit when they know that they can grow with confidence in a place that allows them to easily connect to achieve their dreams and hopes for the future. Wildcats Basketball Camp . Lake Joondalup Baptist College Profile and History . There is no recent news or activity for this profile. Lake Joondalup Baptist College farewells principal Dawn Clements Our youth events are exceptionally well attended and appreciated by our students. Mr Pollard came to the school from Portside Christian College in Adelaide. EN. Our motto derived from Micah 6:8 is 'Seek Wisdom, act Justly and love Mercy'. The College also offers a balanced experience of exceptional co-curricular programs inclusive of Sports, Creative and Performing Arts, Cultural and Academic tours to overseas countries and opportunities for community service contributions both locally and internationally. Drama: Mrs Madeline Jones. Doing Business As: LAKE JOONDALUP BAPTIST COLLEGE Company Description: Key Principal: DAWN CLEMENTS See more contacts Industry: Elementary and secondary schools Printer Friendly View Address: 8 KENNEDYA DR JOONDALUP, WESTERN AUSTRALIA, 6027 Australia Phone: Website: Employees (this site): Estimated Revenue: Modelled We are a Christian school. Lake Joondalup Baptist College Company Profile | Management and AGE ID: 13592The Australian Government Department of Education ID. Lee is the Executive Business Manager of Lake Joondalup Baptist College and a member of the College Management Team. We encourage parents to discuss each child's hopes and dreams, then visit us to see how we can journey with you and your child. Lake Joondalup Baptist College - YouTube Our School provides opportunities for young people to connect in a values rich environment. You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. posts reviews for what they are worth and for information purposes only to assist candidates to find employment. Cumberland: Mr Matthew Potts At Lake Joondalup Baptist College, we partner with families in an educational journey that equips students for life. Lake Joondalup Baptist College @lakejoondalupbaptistcolleg3110 110 subscribers Home Videos Shorts Playlists Community Channels About Recently uploaded Popular 4:32 Lake Joondalup. Lake Joondalup Baptist College | LinkedIn Mid-term break - all staff and students. Arcadia: Mrs Santie Brink, The Arts: Ms Tracy Pender; Head of Christian Education: Mr Matthew Harris; Health & Physical Education: Mr Ben Allsop; English: Mrs Amanda Collier; Humanities: Mrs Telma Keen; Languages: Mrs Meagan Maassen; Head of Mathematics: Mr Glen Tyrie; Science: Mrs Vanessa Budas; Head of Technologies: Mr Tom Dudek; Library: Mr Stephen Sampson; Head of Student Diversity K-12: Mrs Sarah Ferreira; Career Education: Mr Lynton Smith; Secondary Curriculum Manager: Mrs Sonja van Aswegen; Secondary Learning Technologies Manager: Mr Limpie van Aswegen; ICT Manager: Mr Stephen Knight; College Accountant: Ms Kerry Petera; Promotions & Publications Manager: Mr Tony Fisher; Secondary Manager Staff Development: Mrs Diana Kelly; Secondary Chaplains: Mr Steven Wayman, Mrs Catherine da Silva; College Registrar: Mrs Sally Yeomans; Primary Chaplains: Mr Jeremy Chappell, Mrs Claire Vermeulen; Primary Leader Systems/Primary Curriculum Coordinator: Mrs Amber Thornhill; Primary Student Engagement Leader: Mr Michael Gaudin; Primary Coordinator of Wellbeing: Mrs Claire Vermeulen, Music: Mrs Tammy van der Nest 15 Things to Do in Egypt with Kids (2023), Kuwait Parliament approves academic staff bonuses and student grants, Aerospace & Airline Executive Resume (Template), 6 Things to Consider when Searching for a Masters Degree Program, Education Policy Reform in the UAE: Building Teacher Capacity. Lake Joondalup Baptist College | Info, opinions and reviews Our students are our greatest ambassadors. As you look through our website, I trust that you will not just see the facilities and activities, but that you will also get a glimpse as to the essence of who we are.