Related: Everything You Need to Know About Labiaplasty. The wedge method involves shorter incisions across the width of the labia. However, you should refrain from sex and using tampons for at least 4-6 weeks after surgery. Average costs vary, but you can expect to pay between $1,300 and $4,000 for a series of sessions. Dr. Larsen established Buckhead Plastic Surgery as a boutique practice to offer world-class, personalized service to women and men throughout the Southeast. Labiaplasty price is one of the first subjects patients broach at their consultation appointment. Labiaplasty call for pricing At Buckhead Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, we want to help you attain the improvements you desire without delay. The surgery is done to improve the appearance of your labia, to reduce physical discomfort or as part However, if you have either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with IV sedation (aka twilight sedation), your anesthesia will need to be administered by an anesthesiologist (an MD) or certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), who will also monitor your vials throughout your procedure. Mommy Makeover Payment methods include bank transfer or cash you can also pay with VISA Credit Card but The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) estimates that an average labiaplasty will cost approximately $3,053 in the United States today. Otoplasty Ear Surgery It involves reducing the size of the labia minora which results in less projection and bulk of the inner lips of the vagina. Body Lift Excess skin around the clitoris can be removed at the same time. Breast Augmentation with Saline Implants $6,100, Breast Augmentation with Silicone Implants $7,100, Breast Augmentation, Remove & Replace Implants $6,700-$8,500, Breast Augmentation Revision, Remove & Replace with Capsulectomy $10,000-$11,500, Breast Augmentation with Lift $12,000-$14,000, Gynecomastia Treatment with Surgical Excision $8,000-$9,000, Gynecomastia Treatment with Liposuction $5,500-$7,000, Brow Lift (Forehead Lift) $7,500-$8,800, Eyelids, Both Upper and Lower $7,000-$8,000, Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping) $9,500-$10,000, Rhinoplasty with Septoplasty $9,500-$10,000, Feminine Rejuvenation (Labiaplasty) $3,000-$4,200. We give you the power to decide when its the right time for you. If your insurance company does not cover Labiaplasty, other options are available to help you pay for the procedure. Some of the medical procedures they cover include Labiaplasty and surgery to reduce the size of the labia. Women with large inner lips may find it difficult to clean the area properly, leading to irritation or infection. Book a Consultation. Related: Botched Labiaplasty Is Common. Whether you select a revolving or installment loan financing platform, a customized lending program from GreenSky Patient Solutions is a better choice for patients. Please call our practice if you have any other questions about the cost of labiaplasty. Once youve decided to move forward with surgery, the next step is to get pre-authorization from your insurance company. WebLabiaplasty surgery is performed by precisely excising the excess skin of the labia minora (the inner lips) so that the two sets of lips appear sculpted and even. files: 3. Dr Rebecca Wyten may be available to discuss this procedure with patients who are suitable candidates for this surgery and in good general health. For most patients, their surgical facility will be a local hospital. However, there are some cases in which insurance will cover the cost of Labiaplasty. Because of this, insurance companies will generally not pay for labiaplasty surgeries. @cocorubyplasticsurgery, Male Excess Skin Reduction After Weight Loss, Useful Links For Your Plastic Surgery Journey, American Society of Plastic Surgeon- What is a labiaplasty? Members of ASAPS have agreed to adhere to a code of ethics and have met specific educational and training requirements. Any claims made on this website are intended to provide information about procedures provided here. This procedure is usually performed for cosmetic reasons, but it can also be done for medical reasons such as to relieve pain or discomfort during intercourse. Yes. Many reviewers who were happy with their results say that the self-consciousness they previously felt while wearing bathing suits or leggings disappeared. Contact / Body / Labiaplasty; Labiaplasty Charlotte, NC. Once your treatment plan is created during the initial consultation, a member of our staff will produce an estimate that factors in all associated costs of the procedure and go over it with you. These reactions generally peak around two to three days after surgery and resolve as the healing process progresses. The cost of the surgery varies from one patient to the other, usually depending on the scope of the procedure. Are you emotionally distressed about the appearance of your vagina lips? Speak with a patient coordinator for more information. This is the most common method for reducing the length of the labia. Visit GreenSky Fiancingfor more information. Alan N. Larsen, MD.Double Board-Certified Atlanta Plastic SurgeonDr. Every surgical procedure has risks, but diligently selecting a well-trained board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your labiaplasty is the best way to minimize the likelihood of potential complications. Stock model images are used throughout this website and are for illustrative purposes only. In that case, they can usually be reimbursed by Medicare or Medicaid for out-of-pocket surgery and recovery costs. They refer to a cosmetic genital procedure that focuses on changing the appearance of the labia minora. WebContact us today and learn about Labiaplasty surgery. Greater than $4000 finance for 6 months with no interest. Some of the benefits of choosing United Medical Credit to finance your care: Apply now for United Medical Credit. According to a White House estimate, roughly 20 million people could have their debt entirely cleared under the president's plan. Apply nowfor financing through Prosper HealthCare Lending. WebWe also provide information on Private Health Insurance, a Labiaplasty payment plan plus other different ways to pay for Labiaplasty surgery. This can also cause pain and discomfort during exercise, sex, and other activities. If you feel that you also need to improve your breasts or another part of your body, let Dr. LaBarbera know so he can create an effective treatment plan. All incisions are sutured with dissolvable stitches. Third, inquire about the surgeons experience performing labiaplasty procedures. Read below for more detailed information about our financing options! Finally, youll receive important instructions to prepare for treatment, including cautions about taking certain medications or drinking alcohol, and protocols for shaving and using antibacterial soap. For your safety and well-being, labiaplasty should only be performed by a qualified plastic surgeon with intimate knowledge of how to recontour enlarged or stretched labia. Getting pre-authorization from your insurance company may seem daunting, but its pretty simple. Step 4: Schedule Your Surgery and Provide Documentation. The cost of this surgery varies depending on the surgeon and the location, but it typically ranges from $3,000 to $5,000. All Your Problem Solved, What Insurance Does Mayo Clinic Accept? You can undergo Labiaplasty surgery either under local anaesthetic with sedation, or general anaesthetic. Labiaplasty focuses only on the shape and length of the labia minora, but its also common for the procedure to be combined with other genital procedures such as clitoral hood reduction, majoraplasty (to minimize the size of the labia majora, the outer vaginal lips), monsplasty, pubic liposuction, or vaginoplasty. These are payments for your surgeons work reviewing your medical history, performing medical exams, assisting you with surgical planning, preparing you for surgery, and more. Dr. LaBarbera undertakes comprehensive, private and informative consultation with each one of his patients. In very few cases, an insurance plan may cover a partial amount of your labiaplasty cost. All funders are independent, external companies. There is a necessary step to get insurance to cover Labiaplasty. If your surgeon is able to submit documentation that vulva surgery is medically necessary, rather than being a strictly cosmetic procedure, it may be approved for coverage. Labiaplasty is a cosmetic procedure that is not intended to enhance sexual pleasure; however, it can help you become more comfortable with intimacy by improving your self-image. Its also important to ask how these might be managed by your surgeon, Levels of post-operative pain and how this can be treated, The general amount ofrecovery time needed post-surgery. 100% Woking Tips. Breast Reduction, Tummy Tuck Understand Before You Regret, How Much Is Invisalign Without Insurance? Step two, you will need to decide how drastic or minor you would like your labia reduced. Furthermore, your surgeon will use dissolvable stitches. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. under local anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on the patients comfort level. Ask your surgeon about any concerns or questions you have about the recovery process. From your very first consultation appointment until the last pre-op appointment before your surgery, youll be expected to pay a fee every time you visit your surgeon. Labiaplasty has a 94% Worth It Rating from RealSelf members, so a solid majority think it was worth the price they paid. Second, check to see if the surgeon is a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). At Highland Park Plastic Surgery Center, you will be given a specific, individual fee quote at your consultation with Dr. Toledo. Follow-up appointments for up to 6 However, some say they paid as much as $10,000. Should you choose to move forward with this procedure after the initial consultation, hell help you understand what you can expect, and prepare for the surgery. You can also ask if your provider offers payment plans, to help lessen the burden of your overall bill. Copyright 2020 South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery. Chin Augmentation When you visit for your initial consultation, Dr. Jude LaBarbera will get to learn more about your concerns and expectations. Berwick, VIC. Hawthorn East There are many reasons why women might opt for Labia Reduction Surgery and this will always vary among patients. This method can also help toreduce anyexcess tissue in those areas as well. We offer flexible payment plans with options both through our office and on CareCredit. Breast Lift Copyright 2023 David Bottger, MD. Our fee quotes are good for six months, which allows you time to think and plan ahead. Registered Address: 759 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn East 3123, Melbourne, Australia. Medicare might offer you a rebate on Labiaplasty, if you meet the specific criteria below in this post. Coco Ruby Plastic Surgeons in Melbourne Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery 2023 Website by BSO Digital This is for the use of their property during the procedure (and directly before and after). Breast Reconstruction Some women have one labia that is longer than the other or maybe uneven in shape. Request My Consultation MODEL (S) Surgeons fees Anesthesia fees Operating facility fees The risks, of the surgery and recovery process, will be explained to you in great detail, and a cost estimate provided. Consult with a doctor virtually or in person, Prescription medications and any major supplies that youll need post-op, San Francisco, California plastic surgeon, Expect labiaplasty costs in New York City to be among the highest in the U.S. NYC plastic surgeon. Find out how many labiaplasty procedures the surgeon has performed and if they are board certified in plastic surgery. After surgery, patients are able to go home the same day, from where they can continue the recovery process. Others develop stretching and elongation of the labia as a result of childbirth, aging, or weight changes. During your consultation, your providers staff should be able to share information on the financing options they accept. Visitwww.unitedmedicalcredit.comfor more information. In inexperienced hands, it can leave damage (including nerve pain and separation of sutured edges) that can be extremely difficult to fix. If you need a complex procedure or combination of several vaginal rejuvenation procedures, you can expect to pay more than the average patient. Ph: 1300 264 811 The three vaginal rejuvenation surgeries are labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, and vaginoplasty. WebBecause labiaplasty is considered cosmetic surgery, your health insurance company will probably not cover it. Dr Rebecca Wyten may be available to discuss this procedure with patients who are suitable candidates for this surgery. How to Get Insurance To Pay for Labiaplasty? As an experienced Philadelphia plastic surgeon, Dr. David Bottger understands the importance of looking and feeling your best in every situation. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Dr. Jude LaBarbera aims to address discomfort that many patients experience in the vulva area, while at the same time enhancing the cosmetics of this area. As long as the patient chooses a skilled womens rejuvenation surgeon, the Phoenix labia reduction patient can expect advanced reshaping techniques to reduce the size of the labia and preserving the nerves, all while crafting a cosmetically appealing outcome. This could be one reason why the procedure had a 39% increase in 2016. Theyll then use this information to determine whether they want to move forward with the surgery. If you are undergoing a major procedure, you want to be as comfortable as possible during and after Labiaplasty. So even though private. Knowing your insurance companys policy is important before you schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), labiaplasty maintains a satisfaction rate of 90 percent. If in the case a patient decides to move forward with the procedure and does not have the funds, Dr. LaBarbera offers reasonable labiaplasty payment plans with CareCredit. CareCredit has no up-front costs, no fees and no pre-payment penalties. After all, if the cost of labiaplasty is too high, patients usually feel theres not much use in discussing the matter further with their surgeon, and we understand that. Our board certified plastic surgeons understand that every woman is different. Published June 28, 2021 | Updated January 27, 2023. The cost depends on several factors, including the complexity of the procedure and the specific And finally, ask about the surgeons credentials. These are the biggest factors that will determine the total cost of your labiaplasty procedure. Serving Gilbert, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, and other surrounding cities in Arizona, including Paradise Valley, Chandler, and Mesa AZ. WebLabia reduction, also known as labiaplasty or labioplasty, is a procedure that has become increasingly popular among women of all ages. This will include not only your Melbourne Plastic Surgeons fee but also the Anaesthetist fee, Surgical Assistant fee and the hospital fees. WebLabiaplasty surgery starts at $1,499, not including anesthesia and surgeon fees. You will need to provide your insurance company with documentation confirming that you have been cleared for surgery by your doctor. In rare cases, patients can even experience nerve damage that can lead to lasting pain, which is why its so important to find an experienced surgeon. We also provide information on PrivateHealth Insurance, a Labiaplasty payment plan plus other different ways to pay for Labiaplasty surgery. Aside from financing, we also maintain a network of experienced physicians and vendors to ensure we find a payment plan that suits your lifestyle. Looking to improve the symmetry of the inner vaginal lips (labia minora), Wish to reduct the the size of the mons pubis (mons pubis liposuction), or achieve a sleeker and more refined labial contour, Self-conscious about the appearance in a swim suit. Most patients can return to work and normal activities after 2-3 weeks. Tips and Tricks, How To Talk To Insurance Claims Adjusters? New Patient: 1300 264 811 How To Cancel Kaiser Insurance? Apply now for PatientFi. Once a patient understands the overall labiaplasty price, we like to break down the individual costs so that patients actually understand what theyre paying for. If youre considering Labiaplasty, the first step is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience performing the procedure. WebPlastic Surgery Pricing & Cost in Ann Arbor | Center for Plastic Surgery Ann Arbor Discover A New You Devoted to patients. PrivacyPolicy | BeautiFill Fat Transfer Also, find out what type of payment methods are accepted. However, the price may vary depending on where you live in the country. Dr. Kathleen Waldorf has been in Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reducing the size of the labia minora, the inner vaginal lips. file size: 20 MB, Max. Ultimately, only you and an experienced surgeon will be able to determine if you're a good candidate for labiaplasty. Some women desire a sizable reduction in the tissue of the labia minora, but over-resection can often lead to dryness, pain, or scarring near the vaginal opening. Disproportionately large and deformed labia may cause embarrassment or physical discomfort to women. CareCredit works just like a credit card, but is exclusive for healthcare services. If your labia are not causing you any pain or discomfort, but you still want to have the surgery for cosmetic reasons, you will likely have to pay for it yourself. Labiaplasty may be performed individually or combined with other plastic or cosmetic surgery procedures such as liposuction, breast augmentation, and/or abdominoplasty. The quick answer is maybe. PatientFi offers personalized packages catered to each budget, promising higher approval rates & greater savings to patients. WebLabia Reduction Surgery (called Labiaplasty or Labioplasty) refers to a cosmetic genital procedure designed to change appearance of the labia minora. By entering your email address and/or phone number, you agree to receive emails and/or text messages (including promotional communication) and agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. These are fee range estimates only and are subject to change. Please dont hesitate to call Dr. Bottgers plastic surgery office at 610-227-6114 to schedule a consultation with our board-certified cosmetic surgeon. For more questions or to schedule a consultation, call us today at (480) 770-4455. Depending on your body and amount of labia excision you choose, Dr. LaBarbera will choose the best labiaplasty method to achieve your womens rejuvenation goals. This will help ensure a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Plastic surgery financing plans through CareCredit may be an option for patients who would rather pay for their surgery in low monthly installments rather than a lump sumqualified individuals can simply select from a variety of flexible, low- to no-interest payment plans for the most ideal arrangement. South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, Tracheal Shave Adams Apple Reduction Surgery, Absorbable Thread Lift / Non-Surgical Facelift, AcuPulse Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing, The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery. Review this page to learn more. 915 Middle River Dr. #213Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304Phone: (954) 565-7575. WebFunding your Labiaplasty Surgery. The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery is committed to finding the most convenient payment method for each patient. We accept a variety of payment methods and offer several financing options. A Labia Reduction should always be performed by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at either an accredited out patient surgery centre or a Hospital. The majority of patients are able to recover in just 4-6 weeks post-surgery. Also ask your provider how they handle the cost of revision surgery, just in case you're not happy with your results or have a complication. Finally, Dr. LaBarbera then uses dissolvable sutures to seal the incisions. And no one treatment will suit every patient. Female Genital Procedures, Aesthetic Surgery Journal- Motivations, Expectations, and Experiences of Labiaplasty: A Qualitative Study. He will go over your medical history, conduct thorough examinations of your vulva region, and help you understand what can be realistically achieved with labiaplasty. Ask if they cover the procedure and, if so, how much theyre willing to reimburse. Luckily the vaginal area heals very quickly, meaning recovery for a Labiaplasty procedure is relatively minimal. WebTo determine if a labiaplasty is right for your needs, schedule an in-person consultation with Dr. Ravi by calling 281.242.1061 or fill out our Contact Us form. In order to get insurance to pay for your Labiaplasty, you will need a letter from your doctor stating that the surgery is medically necessary. Skin Removal Post Weight Loss This certification ensures that the surgeon has completed accredited training and exams in plastic surgery. For example, the location of the surgery, the surgeon you choose, and the exact improvements you aim to make through surgery will all influence your labiaplasty cost. Since there are several techniques that can be employed to achieve a patients goals during vaginal rejuvenation surgery, the factors that ultimately inform the price of labiaplasty include the complexity of your procedure and your unique needs. Visitwwww.prosperhealthcare.comfor more information or contact their office at 888.602.6066. There are two main surgical techniques when it comes to Labiaplasty surgery, the trim method and the wedge method. Procedures in upscale neighborhoods of major cities, with higher rents and other costs of living, tend to charge more than what you'd pay in an outlying area or a smaller city. Most patients will need blood work prior to surgery. 3) Another common reason for Labiaplasty is to improve hygiene. Will insurance companies pay for labiaplasty? However, some say they paid as much as $10,000. The before-and-after photos of Dr. Larsens actual patients showcase the kind of results he consistently achieves. Prosper HealthCare Lending (formerly American HealthCare Lending) is the premier financing company in the cosmetic surgery industry. Labiaplasty can help to alleviate these symptoms by reducing the size of the labia. With ALPHAEON CREDIT, you receive the widest array of monthly payment options to help you reach your wellness, beauty, and performance goals; special financing that is not always readily available with traditional credit cards; the ability to use your card again for yourself or family members with no need to reapply, and no annual fee. Furthermore, she is FRACS qualified and has had extensive experience and training in New South Wales, Victoria, and France. Your surgeon will remove a small, V-shaped wedge of tissue, and the remaining tissue is stitched together. During your initial consultation, Dr. LaBarbera will determine whether the procedure is right for you, and let you know what to expect. Get Started Quick! Depending on the patient, the surgery takes 1-3 hours to complete, and patients are able to go home shortly after the procedure. Some patients want nearly no labia, while other patients want some. Do you find yourself feelingself conscious about the appearance of your vagina lips? There are a variety of medical reasons that may necessitate Labiaplasty. Any swelling will be substantially reduced approximately one month after your surgery. While in your consultation, one may consider other vaginal rejuvenational procedures such as Mons Pubis Reduction (mons pubis liposuction) and Clitoral Hood Reduction (clitoroplexy). Home/Body Contouring/Labiaplasty (Vaginal Rejuvenation). This surgery is often performed for aesthetic reasons but can also be done for functional purposes. Most patients can make a full return to their normal routines two to four weeks following their procedure, although individuals should refrain from sexual intercourse until their labiaplasty scars are fully healedgenerally, after six to eight weeks. Their experience at performing Female Genital Surgery, What is their particular technique? Were pleased to offer our patients the CareCredit card, North Americas leading patient financing program. Patients who have had too much tissue removed from the vaginal opening may even require labia minora reconstruction surgery, at more pain and expense. CareCredit is a company that provides patients with credit for their elective procedures, offering short-term, 0% interest payment plans and low-interest, extended payment plans. Once the excess tissue has been removed, your surgeon will close the incisions using dissolvable stitches for a smooth recovery. The plastic surgeon then reconstructs the vaginal lips to meet the patients cosmetic goals and ensure that the natural color and contouring of the pubic area is preserved. One exception to this rule might be if you have an injury that requires surgery, but even then, the procedure would likely need to be scheduled during your maternity leave. Labiaplasty removes excess tissue from the inner labia (the labia minora), so they appear tucked in between the outer labia (labia majora).

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