However, this greatly depends upon the quality and reputation of the breeder, availability of puppies, and the parents' working history. The Karakachan is well-known for its independence, diligence, and hard-working tendencies. All come litter trained and well socialized with AKC papers. The expression worth their weight in gold is spot on for these dogs. So looking for a karakachan puppy for sale then look at our KC Registered karakachan breeders at VIP Pups online karakachan dog auctions. Rescue Livestock Guardian Dogs - Should You Get One? Luckily, they do not need a bath very often doing so will actually strip their fur of natural, protective oils. USA For more on livestock guardian dog genders (and which gender you should run), see my article, Male or Female Livestock Guardian Dogs: Which Is Better for Your Needs? I always say, Boris and Petra are the most important part of our farm! Born on November 22nd and 26th. Get the best of both breeds! These dogs having a large and massive stature are characterized by a well-muscled body, deep chest, V-shaped ears, small, deep eyes and a broad muzzle. As fierce as they can be with predators they love their farmers, and little farmers too. The breed flourished for centuries until, inthe 1940s, the Bulgarian CommunistGovernment nationalized the farming industry. Both parents working on site. The Karakachan dog is a typical livestock guardian dog, created for guarding its owner's flock and property; it does not hesitate to fight wolves or bears to defend its owner and his family in case of danger. Find Karakachan|Canaan Dog|Tosa Inu Dogs & Puppies for sale in Mpumalanga. These dogs also have been known to mark their territory this is a strong signal to other canines (like wolves) that their area is not to be trifled with. The Karakachan dog protects his family and flock. Livestock Dogs - Ronan Country Fibers . Breeding large, healthy, as well as well balanced and experienced livestock guardians dogs for your livestock, family and pets is our top priority and our passion. Urbigkit, Cat. Karakachans have many qualities that make them good livestock guardian dogs, property guardians, or family companions. The Karakachan has primarily been used as a livestock guardian dog and a companion animal. They are so intelligent & bond so with their goats it's amazing to me & each day is a new learning . We are currently taking deposits on these puppies for mid-December, early January pick up dates. We believe the Karakachan LGDs are happiest when they are used for their true purpose, guarding livestock. This user's identity has not been verified. Our children love all the animals and the outdoors as we do. Traditionally, one of the dogs ears was cropped to help them hear better. Izgrev had 6 puppies, 5 females & 1 male. For help with obedience training using positive methods, I highly recommend the online program, Brain Training for Dogs (affiliate link). However, these dogs dedication to their families and their ability to protect is increasing their popularity daily. The Karakachan is a double-coated breed and will need to be brushed multiple times per week. We have had Boris and Petra for over 4 years now, without predator loses or harmed wildlife. Their quick reflexes and fearless nature have made them popular for hunting aggressive game like bear, moose, and wild boar. internet. I require in Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behaviour or unique IDs on this site. With the proper training and socialization, any dog can become a loyal and well-behaved family companion, including a Karakachan dog. For this reason, we only sell to working farms. All of our puppies come with AKC in Our mature male Bucky will lie beside a ewe after she gives birth to protect her baby. Through the dedicated efforts of a few special people in Bulgaria and around the world, the population of the Karakachan dog has grown steadily and there are 700 worldwide. See the table below for more specific estimates: For any dog, it is important to feed a balanced diet. LOS ANGELES, CA, US. Karakachan Dogs - Tanglewood Farm Miniatures For more on determining how many livestock guardian dogs you need to run, see my article, How Many Livestock Guardian Dogs You Need. The dog is named after the Karakachans nomadic shepherds of Thracianorigin and the oldest inhabitants of the Balkans. They are socialized from birth to when they go home to you and their forever homes and employment. It is related to the livestock guardian dogs of the surrounding countries. Crane Creek Karakachan Livestock Guardian dogs originated from Bulgaria. They are natural guardians and predator deterrents. Karakachan dog Puppies for Sale | Puppies | VIP Pups | Dog Auction Puppies will be available after they are 8 weeks old. Members who own, breed, and register Karakachan Livestock Guardian Dogs Active Membership Alabama Darya Baeva 531 Hytop Rd. This beautiful breed is excellent for guarding any type of livestock. Raising Karakachans as Family Pets: Too Much Dog for Your Household or Just Right? Purebred Karakachan Puppies ready for the week of April 25 delivery! is secure, simple It is better if they have a well-fenced yard to play and roam around in, in addition to long, daily walks or runs. in They take any threat seriously. Train Your Karakachan to Stop Barking: When You Dont Want Fido to Speak, How to Keep Your Karakachan in the Yard or Pasture. He is very friendly with people and dogs of all ages. BEAR LAKE, MI, US. I have two Cocker Spaniel pups 12 weeks old. Karakachan Dog ornament - 1997 postage stamp of a karakachan dog with a wooden easel, base & gift wrap included. MORENO VALLEY, CA, US. You are one click away from saving a life! For more information on livestock guardian dog lifespans, what to expect from puppies, and how to care for older dogs, see my article, What is the Lifespan of a Livestock Guardian Dog. This truly is helpful as bathing a mammoth sized dog is quite the undertaking! CARLOTTA, CA, US. For this reason, we only sell to working farms. Her instincts are amazing, shes beautiful, smart and shes growing so fast! HAZELWOOD, MO, US. The Karakachan dog Association of America describes the dogs in this way: The Karakachan Dog is one of Europes oldest breeds. We've heard the same reports from people that bought our puppies. Being raised with chickens and goats. delivery available Great Pyrenees and Karakachan puppies. But there are not many of these dogs in the U.S. Other names are Bulgarian Shepherd and Thracian Mollos. Community. They are registerable. We have had Boris and Petra for over 4 years now, without predator loses or harmed wildlife. (males), 88-125 lbs. Wellspring Dairy Goats and LGD: Karakachan Dogs - Blogger American Karakachan Guardian Dog Breeders | Blacksburg VA Karakachan LGD's - Youmans Acres Traveling Ponies Its ancestors started forming as early as the third millennium BC. Karelian Bear Dogs - Rockin' JC Ranch, Gunnison CO Originally bred to work in the mountains of Bulgaria, the Karakachan requires exercise, stimulation, and socialization. One is blind and they need to stay together . Our predators include coyotes, foxes, raccoons, opossums, and hawks. No current ads. Our. If you have a Karakachan as a family companion, it is incredibly important to watch their diet as large breed dogs are prone to obesity if overfed and under exercised. Dogs are kept in our home, as part of our family. They will feel the need to protect against anything or anyone who is unfamiliar. Karakachan: Livestock Guardian Dog Breed - For Love of Livestock This breed also varies in their reactivity some will bark at anything that passes and will chase off any predator while others stay closer to their charges and use less aggressive techniques to keep their livestock safe. $300 adoption fee. An LGD is a dog bred for the purpose of protecting livestock from predators. In fact, they have become so cherished that George W. Bush was actually gifted a Karakachan puppy when he visited the country in 2003! Crane Creek Karakachans | Sumner IA - Facebook Small show and companion breeder of quality AKC registered French Bulldogs. 5 boys, left ear marks and 3 girls, right ear marks. Female Karakachan (Crane Creek Auntie Abbey) and half Maremma (Merlin). We have at least two dogs in each livestock group. We currently do not have any pups for sale. Our 100 acre farm is in a very rural part of So. Karakachans are large dogs, often weighing 100 pounds or more. Karakachans are a tall dog with broad backs and strong, wide chests. The Karakachan dog is one of Europe's oldest breeds,created for guarding its owner's flock and property; it does not hesitate to fight wolves or bears to defend its owner and his family in case of danger. GALT, CA, US. We are are family just trying to spread the Doodle love one litter at a time! Parents raised with goats and chickens. well known and respected breeders in the USA. BLOOMFIELD, IN, US, All breeders listed on are ID Verified. and efficient way to find a puppy, sell We added Volo to our farm last July. For this reason, we only sell to working farms. Yes, Karakachans can make wonderful family companions if properly trained, exercised, and socialized. Puppies grow up and are exposed to cattle, chickens, cats, and children. Dohner, Janet Vorwald. This all white female has a lovely personality. And for information on how to train livestock guardian dog breeds with positive methods, check out a review on my favorite training program here. Bobo is no exception, and will need owners knowledgeable about Guardian breeds and the responsibilities that go along with owning them. This breed tends to wander and bark less than some LGD breeds. no longer supports your browser. White boxer puppy for adoption- tail docked and dewclaws removed. If you do need to clip their nails, either have a professional do it or make sure you have industrial strength nail clippers to ensure you do not damage their nails. These dogs are ideal if you need to protect your farm from wolves or bears. However, because of their size, they should be monitored during playtime with children simply because they are so big. However, if wed had a Karakachan in the house, my uncle might have suffered some damage. The coloration is mainly spotted (big contrast spots on white base or white spots on dark base). We are a family run ranch that raises cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, as well as have a couple donkeys and horses. What sealed the deal was meeting the dogs and seeing them in action. The Karakachan dog, is a breed that originated from Bulgaria. ANIMALS FOR SALE Learn About Karakachan Dogs The Karakachan is one of the oldest dog breeds. ******Please call or text Katrina at 586-540-7851 to set up an appointment to meet this adorable liter of 3 boys and 2 girls. This Premium Listing has a high priority placement,appearing above all basic verified and non-verified ads. It is also important to take your Karakachan in for a yearly professional tooth cleaning to prevent decay and buildup. The Karakachan is one of the oldest dog breeds. To its credit, the Karakachan dog has been both historically and traditionally the only effective and most suitable protection against flock predators. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The Best Livestock Guardian Dog Treats and Chews: Top Recommendations from DOZENS of Great Pyrenees Owners! New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2016. Karakachan dogs have been said to share common ancestors with both Caucasian Ovcharkas and Central Asian Shepherds. Just as important was the fact that the dogs remained with their flock in any weather. Karakachan|Canaan Dog|Tosa Inu Dogs & Puppies for sale in Mpumalanga The caloric needs of Karakachan dogs will vary depending on their size and their level of activity. The Karakachan is a large dog with males standing at anything between 26 and 30 inches at the shoulder. These beautiful creatures are raised with love and actively participate in our life. For a thorough review of what the program includes, the things I love about it, and the things I dislike about it, see my review article here. The Karakachan is a breed of dog that originated in Bulgaria as a mountain livestock guardian dog. Does the Karakachan make a good pet? Therefore the word Karakahan has the meaning: the black one that got away. Most do seem to require some brushing in warmer months, but nothing like a Great Pyrenees. Syncope Fallsour farm, located in the Appalachian mountains of . For advice on how to properly feed your Karakachan, check out these resources: Karakachans and Food: What to Feed, When, and Problems to Avoid. Even as a working dog, they will need extensive socialization so they are not overly aggressive towards family pets, children, and visitors. CROSS TIMBERS, MO, US. The breed flourished for centuries until, in the 1940s, the Bulgarian Communist Government nationalized the farming industry. We have fallen in love with Karakachans and value their enormous and boundless loyalty and protection for our herd of Miniature Jersey cows and their calves and family including our poultry and children. Karakachan|Keeshond|English Setter|Schipperke|Bichon Frise Dogs The Karakachan people were highly victimized, and their nomadic ways of life forcibly ceased. Their bodies are well-muscled and athletic in appearance. That way, older dogs can stay back with the flock while younger, more agile dogs can go after predators and patrol the perimeter. Pups are already docked with dew claws removed. Copyright. Our Karakachan Puppies will be a mix of short/bob tail and long tail. PIKEVILLE, TN, USA, Tags: Karakachan Dog Breeder near PIKEVILLE, TN, USA. Bulgaria now has one of the highest populations (per capita) of wolves and bears in Europe! Females: 66-99 pounds. They adopt their charges as part of their pack and are highly territorial. He is currently a little over a year and has shown excellent temperment with the livestock. From the day the puppies are born, we have them and their mother in the pasture with select goats. Their skull should be large, ending in an immense muzzle. Reading Time: 5 minutes By Cindy Kolb - The Karakachan livestock guardian dog is an LGD breed that has been used for centuries as an integral part of the life of the nomadic shepherds of Bulgaria, where the breed originated.It is one of Europe's oldest breeds of dogs, created for guarding its owner's flocks and property. The Karakachan is a rare livestock protection breed. Int shipping at cost. All livestock were placedin communal farmsand the Communist regime ordered extermination of theKarakachan dogs, whose services were deemed unnecessary on the collectivefarms. We also recommend if you have other dogs you have time to properly USA Karakachan dog - Wikipedia Karakachan - Etsy Moon Station Goats and The Tucker Farm Soap Co. One of the biggest challengeswe found living on our farm, were the predator issues. WesternOutlawz Health tested and DNA tested Dogs. Most do seem to require some brushing in warmer months, but nothing like a Great Pyrenees. Our Karakachan puppies are vaccinated, dewormed, micro chipped and registered for you when you take your puppy home. They typically are black, brown, brindle (described as having a slight tiger-striped appearance), sable (black-tipped hairs), or pied (white patched) colors. During their seasonal sheds, they will need to be brushed daily to assist in ridding their coat of all their excess fur. Up to date on all vaccinations and fully vet checked in Karakachans are expected to live between 12 and 14 years. Karakachans are a smart, unadulterated, old world breed. We were new to any LGD's on our farm before we got Izgrev & Grigor & I won't pretend getting 2 pups at once was easy but we fell in Love with this breed & these 2 dogs! During the winter season, they assisted in guarding the sheep while they moved to the lowlands. This Featured Listing has the highest priority placementon all search result and high-traffic pages of the site. Brave and Loyal: An Illustrated Celebration of Livestock Guardian Dogs. Continue reading to find specific pigs and piglets who are available to purchase now. Our 1st litter of puppies arrived December 12, 2014. Pups are all crate trained, children in Please feel free to call me with any questions. , located in North Central Florida, right outside of Gainesville. If you are interested in adopting a Karakachan from a rescue, check out my article, Rescue Livestock Guardian Dogs Should You Get One? Karakachan dogs are independent, brave, and very intelligent. You might end up feeling like you're searching for a needle in a haystack. If you are not able to get your puppy preference, you will be credited towards the next litter. Since 2010, we are the first and only American member to have our farm listed with the International Karakachan Dog Association (IKDA) located in Bulgaria. VIP Pups online dog auctions is UKs leading online dog auctions for finding quality pups for sale online from recommended licensed dog breeders in the UK. 3 were here. We will do our best to match you with your puppy but is based on first come/first serve. We are a registered kennel in BRFC/FCI.Our breeding program includes Pomeranians breed. Some Karakachans have been known to do well on a raw food diet. Please use application to indicate your puppy preference (Gender, tail, or color). Search For Dogs and Puppies Available for Sale Karakachan Dog No Ads Found. Rare breed in USA Coat color varies Long or short hair Full and bobbed tails Benefits of LGDs Very loyal and protective But do you have the time to sift through everything to get the information you need? While Karakachans can be more high maintenance than other breeds, they also can make the best of pets. True to their purpose, these dogs are devoted to their owner and selfless on the job. Tks mountain ridge farm - KARAKACHAN LGDs They kept their traditions and remained rather isolated until the early 20th century when the communist government took over. If you are thinking of getting Karakachans for livestock guardian purposes, you may also be interested in: Male or Female Livestock Guardian Dogs: Which Is Better for Your Needs, How Many Livestock Guardian Dogs You Need, Training Livestock Guardian Dogs: The Ultimate Guide, Training Livestock Guardian Dogs to Chickens: A Step-by-Step Guide, Livestock Guardian Dogs Vs. Jersey Cow Farms - Karakachan Puppies Your puppy will be micro chipped, vaccinated, dewormed, and registered when he/she goes home with you. Again, these variabilities are due to their lack of human-inference in their breeding. Large boned puppies with either Long tails or bob tails. Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing one of ourMiniatures orRare Breeds. Karakachan - farm & garden - by owner - sale Call me (406-369-1145) or message me ( or find us on Facebook (Farmstead Hollow). We have carefully gathered in sows from a variety of Kunekune pedigrees, including Rona, Wilsons Gina, Kereopa, Mahia Love and Andrew. MARION, SC, US, Lithuania However, this greatly depends upon the quality and reputation of the breeder, availability of puppies, and the parents working history. Karakachan LGD Livestock Protection Guardian Dogs He was born on USA For more on LGD breed sizes, check out my article, Livestock Guardian Dog Sizes. At this point, flocks and farms in their entirety were nationalized. These dogs were also used by the people of their namesake Karakachans a nomadic people who traveled all over Bulgaria. Raising True Karakachan Livestock Guardian Dogs.
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