Pinterest. Lena Luthor was a member of high society, constrained by the expectations of her family and the limitations of being a woman in the early 1900s. and kara had known it was a love story from the start. "You are a world class musician by day and a serial killer by night. Cue an elaborate (simple and selfish) plan in order to ensure the world knows Kara is taken. Kara and Lena become friends with Kara defending and supporting Lena at every which way. it starts with a cat and an interview and the realization that theyre not so different after all, or, a chance meeting kinda changes everything. kara is possessive of lena fanfiction - Any fics where Kara is the jealous one? - Supercorp Fanfic Kara returned a moment later, just as Carter was emerging for the day. When Lena finds herself in grave danger and forced to choose between herself and Supergirl, she knows the choice is obvious. Kara demanded. Prompt by: Zossuasdfgh. Completed fics: Giant - coeurastronaute. Both Maggie and Alex are studying politics & law. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (11), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (4), Lena was their leader and Kara was their God, Die a hero or Live long enough to become the Villian, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Cat Grant Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Intermarriage Between The Houses Of El & Zod In The First Chapter, Kara & Zod Are Siblings In The First Chapter, Background War Between Speedsters & Kryptonians In The First Chapter, Kara Is A Ruthless General In The First Chapter, Krypton Is An Intergalatic Empire In The First Chapter, The Speedsters Are The Chief Protectors Over The World In The First Chapter, Kara's Mother Is Lyta-Zod In The First Chapter, Alternate Universe - Spies & Secret Agents, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism. Smiling as always. Instead, she and Kara both revert further into the darkest parts of themselves. kara is possessive of lena fanfiction. Will Luther give in? When an annoying ride that Kara favours turns into a death trap at Disney this will send the group into a state of panic, purely because one of their own is missing. Lenadoes something ultimately regrets it. So this project is a ground up story. Summary. She makes a bet with Sasha. Lena realised that Kara was coming down far to quickly and started to get worried. Lena gave her a warm smile and pulled her onto the other side of her lap. Lena felt her heart stop at the sheer brilliance of her smile. kara is possessive of lena fanfiction That was them in another life, another time. Kara realizes Lena is a very different type of alpha, but will she be able to overcome her history? Dating peter pan ouat would include strathfield election 2022; garden state parkway north accident today; sbctc faculty salaries; cooking classes denver; hawkins county, tn delinquent tax sale 2021; cole and charisma pregnant 2021; "Of course." Swipe Right for a Super - eluigih. She looks ethereal, to simply describe it. Oblivious Kara Danvers Alternate Universe - High School Flirting A high school au featuring an oblivious Kara Danvers and a jealous Lena Luthor. How Do I Contact Geico Corporate Office, AU. "I didn't co "Coffee for Lena Luthor?" It acts as a crossover between Supergirl and The Flash. Five years later, a chance encounter with L-Corp CEO Lena Luthor throws her back into everything shes been running from. Lena starts taking an interest in the puzzle that is Kara. You arrive in a world that is afraid of aliens. Kara, Lena, and Brainy return to Argo City to help their family navigate the potentially troubling days ahead while back on Earth, Nia struggles to interpret dreams that could be connected to events taking place on Argo. Series. Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor - Works - Works | Archive of Our Own Lena found herself so responsive to the blonde, her eyes lighting up, biting her lip. If Lena wants to start hanging out with Winn, or accepts an invitation to go out and drink from Alex; then Kara is happy for her. Well, unfortunately for everyone else. Kara doesnt know until Lena starts flirting with Sam, does she realize that Lena liked her as more than a friend. Her generosity has to stop somewhere and surely a fifth time in as many weeks could be it, the final nail in the coffin Lenas built herself.. "Could you tell me something?" Kara y Eliza finalmente entran en la casa. Very fortunately, however, for her, finally being able to let her true self out and reign free, no limits and nothing to stop each and every single one of her impulses and desires. Lena crossed her arms over her chest as she lifted a brow in her friends direction, Ok. It doesnt hurt like Kara expected it would, her ego soothed by the interest that Lena takes in her. Find a woman in my area! Its all about not splitting hairs. Why wouldnt she want that? Throw into that an audience hungry for stories at the expense of fact, a showrunner with a plan nobody saw coming, and a co-star who steadfastly refuses to keep it in his pants, and youve got a tale so dramatic even the protagonists have noticed. With the curse broken, magic is well and alive in Storybrooke. Kara, she prayed. 42 Kudos: 208 Bookmarks: 35 Hits: 2171 Youre so sure that youre fine on your own and dont need anyone right? Lena nodded while still keeping eye contact with her. Karaxlena Stories - Wattpad Lena luthor is a Prideful, confident women. Ame Zion Church Order Of Service, 2012 Toyota Camry Eco Light Not Coming On. Kara doesn't know until Lena starts flirting with Sam, does she realize that Lena liked her as more than a friend. Sequel to "A Super and a Luthor" fic, features engaged/married Supercorp, (A/N this chapter was inspired by@strix04 , who suggested that Kara should be jealous of Mercutio. This one moment would dramatically shift the two enemies into a new battle with high stakes, not only for the world, but for their own emotions. (SORRY FOR THE SPOILER, for those that are planning on reading the first book) Kara and Lena are in a good place but their feelings keeps forcing them to the next step. lucky - cautiouslyoptimistic 26.5K 616 10. The characters must deal with a flood of awakened memories as they come to grips with the. Supergirl star Melissa Benoist talks Kara-Lena relationship in season 6 Lena sips at her mimosa. Can a cup of black coffee unite the two of them and give them both a love they never expected? Neither was Supergirl. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. So what happens when they meet a few years after graduation? Please consider turning it on! Lena waved, nudging the mug towards the second chair at her table. Supercorp Fanfic You are asked to perform at a funeral for a young woman, only to find out that she was one of your victims.. Jess (Supergirl TV 2015) SUPER FRIENDS HIGH SCHOOL AU. Lena rolls her eyes as she pulls on the jacket, "Just a boat in trouble she says, just a few miles off the coast she says. Lena tries to figure out how to reverse the affect.. but there is only one, very crazy, and embarrassing for Kara, way to do it. Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f), Completed, 5 chapter, 25k words, 2018-2019, Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Near Death Experiences, This story is brilliant, but it is clearly not for everyone, There is a happy ending and nobody dies, but you cant really get closer to major character death in a story without anyone actually dying. After learning that her sister Alex, had been kidnapped and only has forty eight hours to live, she felt her world crumbling down on her. Kara is after Boruto, for his Karma. "You're my favorite puppy," she whispered into Kara's ear, pushing a strand of Kara's hair out of the way. "Because he sits on your lap more than I do, now. A pre!heat Omega Lena Luthor needs her strong Alpha DaddyDom to help her out when she hasnt seen her Maiden of Might in a few days. Their friendship blooms into a best friendship; they have an easy chemistry and bond as two strong women in their working and personal lives. Receba notificao quando Possessive - Supercorp (adaptao) for atualizada . Lena can totally have more than one friend and Kara's fine with it. #1 katiemcgrath: 05/04/2020 How will she react and what would her family say? Lenas struggling to find herself. And every surface of the condo and Lena's office can attest to the fact that Kara is helpless to resist the raven haired seductress's advances. Please consider turning it on! Kara teased. Its not like Kara deliberately sets out to make her life harder than it should be. Kara and Lena meet in high school, but then life. Or. Do you want some coffee? "Tell me that I'm your favorite puppy," she repeated, blushing further. Is Sands Beach In Port Royal Open, The air always felt extra wet when she was breezing away from a long-distance partner. "You seem to really like him," Kara pouted. Lena can totally have more than one friend and Karas fine with it. However soon after this Lori finds out that her foster parents are moving, and can't take her with her, leaving the young girl in emotional turmoil. PLEASE COMMENT CRITICISM AND FEEDBACK! Its not that Kara doesnt want Lena to have other friends, no. But then it happens again when Kara catches her personally writing sixty-three Christmas cards, each one with a terrible drawing of an animal in a corner. kara is possessive of lena fanfiction - Work Search: Lena accepts that as she looks at the bloody mess on her torso. Die for Kara. Or, Kara won't stop bringing her puppy Olaf into Lena's vet clinic. You know I always tell you to go with the blue. . "Would you stop glaring at the dog and tell me what's wrong?" "Trying to butter me up," she teases. Getting worried, I entered. Kara becomes jealous when she thinks Lena is flirting with Supergirl. Lena watched as her girlfriend became a dot in the sky. or, In the center of it all, on her desk, is a gorgeous glass vase full of over two dozen lavender roses. Kara nodded. What if Kara had known all along that Lena hadn't truly forgiven her? productos y aplicaciones. Lena Luthor wasn't the most fortunate woman in National City. "Maybe Mercutio is my favorite puppy, now.". kara is possessive of lena fanfiction - Hellsing de Kouta Hirano AU.Cuando Lionel Luthor muere, deja la organizacin Luthor en manos de hija adolescente Lena Luthor. How might that make the moment when Lena finally reveals her deception different? tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (8159), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (2249), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover Event (CW DC TV Universe), Lena is still a witch but in later chapters, Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lena Luthor Doesn't Know Kara Danvers is Supergirl, They Will Feel Their Trauma In Full Force, maybe less enemies and more hopeless Lena, Slow burn unless my adhd gets too impatient, idk if kara is neurodivergent or just an alien, Kara giving surprisingly good relationship advice, dont worry sanvers will be endgame just gotta make our girls suffer first. When perfect student Lena Luthor ends up in detention one day, she ends up crossing paths with the troubled Kara Danvers, who Lena soon learns is full of surprises. A melhor frmula do mercado kara is possessive of lena fanfiction Tubi offers streaming featured movies and tv you will love. Lenas new intern starts to show Lena a little too much attention in Karas opinion. Kara Yelped it while they waited for cocktails and appetizers and hummed in delight at the mention of dumplings in every review. This is the longest and undisputed champion of all Supergirl fanfiction. (Dark, speculative AU inspired off of 5x03. Prompt from Tumblr and the user Supercorppp. "You're kind of freaking me out.". Shining as always. By the time Alexander turned four, they could tell he no longer wanted to be Alexander. Of course I don't like the dog more than you. There will be some Sanvers and no monel, Alex will accept Lena into the family. Will they rebuild their broken trust? Lena managed to grab Kara's hand without waking the sleeping puppy in her lap Ned began to rub her thumb in circles over Kara's palm. no one but you (got me feeling this way)-AgentJoanneMills, Breaking down (the walls)-thistableforone, were playing to a full house, darling (but this show cant go on)-The_Ominous_Owl, a world full of light, & you (always you)-unicyclehippo, You Deserve It All-karalovesallthegirls, Paranoia Incarnated-SupercorpSmutFluffandAngst, It is For Your Sake I Have Braved the Glen-seabiscuit, cops, robbers & incredibly bad decisions-C_AND_B, Green (Kara loves it and hates it in equal measure)-BloodInTheFields, I Just Want to Love You in My Own Language-lynnearlington, Honesty is the Best Policy (if you can make it that far)-Ryaninthesky, Kara and Lena meet in high school, but then life. Although Kara was sent out of love and her parents trying to. Kara Danvers is a 19-year-old college student in National City, studying journalism, and she has just moved from her hometown and adopted family. back off! Summary: (Based off of the episode Alex) Kara is on the verge of a meltdown and ends up visiting Lena after hanging up on her. Kara & Lena - luthormaximoff - Wattpad She stuck her tongue out at the squirmy little puppy on her lap, but she couldn't stay mad at him. "She's a bully, isn't she? Especially when Supergirl reaches out to her for help when she is affected by something lethal. Lena has her life blown up when a group of armed people break into her office in an attempt to kidnap her and hold her for ransom, they are scared off quickly but one of them doesn't escape in time before L-Corp's security measures kick in and the doors lock. ---Broken Kara meets workaholic but oddly hopeful Lena Luthor. kara is possessive of lena fanfiction - Possessive Kara Danvers Obsession In the end, Lena decided that she could live with her feelings confined, no one could know that she was in love with Kara Danvers, even if it cost her more than just her sanity. Lena rolls her eyes as she pulls on the jacket, "Just a boat in trouble she says, just a few miles off the coast she says. When Kara's best friend, Maver, moves in with his brother she isn't happy about it. kara is possessive of lena fanfiction - She is driven and ambitious, but she has no love or life outside of work. "Alright, Love," Lena soothed, rubbing her hand up and down Kara's forearm. supercorp Lena is jealous of Mike but she really has nothing to worry about. Lena leaves and they meet up again, this time as Supergirl and Lena Luthor Swipe Right for a Super - eluigih Lena Luthor matches with Supergirl on tinder and she's convinced that she's being catfished. Kara gulped down every single drop of it. they met as wide-eyed, sticky fingered, mess inclined, and chatty third graders. Kara goes into rut and shows up at Lena's office dressed as Santa to give her the gift she's been craving since they had their first child, only to be surprised by how naughty they can be. This book begins at the start of Season 2. Karas been trying to catch a masked criminal for months, and Lena, well Lena is just trying to steal from the rich and give to the poor (or something along those lines). However, as its revealed the changes are from Kara presenting as an Alpha, will that explain the changes Lena's been facing as well? It aired on March 28, 2016. Not at all. Or The one where Kara is auctioning off a date for charity, cue a jealous Lena and Cat battling for her affections. Lori is a 7-year-old girl who Lena was paired up with a few years ago as part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America programme. ehir i Eya-Yk Nakliyesi. That's it, that's the summary. When fate (with some help from Cat Grant) casts them into the same orbit they find themselves completely off-script, because while everyone knows about the sins of the father, theyre somewhat less clear about the sins of ones siblings. She can handle herself surly? Pfft. Nia Nal - Works | Archive of Our Own Kara's gaze sweeps over Lena's body, covered only in a light bathrobe. scratch on rental car budget; piezoelectric materials ppt; cold pattern warzone blueprint; trabajo de limpieza en queens; i have a signed title but no bill of sale; kara is possessive of lena fanfiction. Jealous - 8ounce. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. A little voyeurism kink never hurts anyone. Angst. Kara goes to bed with Mon-El, and wakes up with Lena Luthor. Kara and Lena have been best friends since they met in sophomore year. Kara kisses Lena with a fierce, longing passion. Jimmy, Winn, Mon-El, Benjamin? You wouldn't be a superhero with me!". Im not over her, Lena breathes, and she hopes Supergirl hears what she really means: that she might never be over her. Lena accepts and soon grows attached to Alura, as well as her mother. Sometimes you have a good day, sometimes you accidentally see a picture of your friends boobs and it changes the entire trajectory of your life. If Lena wants to start hanging out with Winn, or accepts an invitation to go out and drink from Alex; then Kara is happy for her. She will not accept any other alternatives. Supercorp - supercorpfoof3 - Wattpad martin atkinson net worth; bully a big bull with a bird rodeo stampede; dakota digital cruise control problems. It started as more of an arrangement, Andrea being the one to step up when Lena needed to be held accountable for her actions.They werent completely exclusive when Kara Danvers came bounding into Lenas life like an overeager puppy, and Andrea had braced herself for the loss that never came. I have no idea, Ask his mother, who impregnated her with his DNA overnight as a backup plan. She shifted around, climbing on top of Kara, kissing her senseless and letting her taste herself. :-). Not after watching another crack show up on the ceiling and everyone leaving the room in a hurry when there's another explosion. Kara snuggled closer into Lena's shoulder. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. Why wouldnt she want that? Lex has been defeated, and Kara and Lena are rebuilding their friendship, with Kara having realised she is totally and completely in love with her best friend. Today. The darkness inside her had morphed into something new, something even more dangerous. Just being, no rush, no worry, no responsibility. She adds this doesnt mean anything, because it seems like a good way to sum up the fact that shes imagining someone else, nomatter how hard shes trying not to. Kara murmured something under her breath and felt her cheeks go hot. Green (Kara loves it and hates it in equal measure) - BloodInTheFields Kara: Thank you. It happens when Kara accidentally finds the receipts of the donations Lena's been giving to the local orphanage, which Lena dismisses as tax efficient. Work Search: Alex yelled across the entrance hall of the DEO. Couldn't believe her eyes. A good career in architecture, a supportive family, loving boyfriend, and a bestfriend that would go through the ends of the earth for her. Kara tried not to give in, she really did, but Lena's hands were so soft, and she smelled so nice, and she was looking anther so lovingly, so Kara reluctantly moved to sit on the armrest so that she could be closer to the beautiful, dark haired girl. gold rush supreme second chance winners. Lena has been bullied for years now by a girl named Sasha and her minions. Kara is an up and coming soccer star preparing for the World Cup. No matter who or what his true identity was, little sister Kara was always supporting him. 18 parts Complete Mature. Stay With Me - Kara Danvers/Supergirl X Reader. Lena grinned and pressed a kiss to Kara's forehead. "I dunno," Kara mused. kara is possessive of lena fanfictionwhere to place full length mirror in bedroom. She was alive, made of flash and bones, just risen from the ash, from the fire she sent her on. "I think you're the sexiest CEO in the galaxy," Kara responded. Lena's Thing for Kara Kara Dressed as Santa Dirty Talk; Summary. After Kara and Lena break up, Lena finds herself falling in love with Supergirl. Fans notice the ring on Katie's finger and start speculating who it could be. Lena sighed and began to rub the top of Kara's head, and Kara was in heaven. Kara makes Lena come on her long rough alien tongue in her office and other places. Part 3 of Supersmut Language: English Words: 1,802 Chapters: 2 /? It was the first time she'd actively sought out Alex, going as far as asking Kara to pass along her phone number, so that Alex had the freedom to contact Lena when she was comfortable with the idea. Roughly inspired by The Proposal movie but it takes off in it's own direction. That night was everything they had been. *being edited*. If you can stomach violence and angst before the happy ending, then it is highly recommended. Language: English. A.N. Kara,18, her last year of school. fundicin a presin; gases de soldadura; filtracion de aceite espreado/rociado; industria alimenticia; sistema de espreado/rociado de lubricante para el molde He wagged his tail happily and climbed up to sit on her collarbone, nudging her cheek with his head, which meant he wanted to be petted. Or. Kara and Lena meet in high school, but then life. Capitulo Extra - El tiempo de Kara sin Lena - Lena in a carnival kissing booth. Lena gave her a look and bit her bottom lip, something Kara wasn't unaccustomed to seeing. Kara stood silent, wincing. "What can I do to make you feel better?". Mine - Melissa Benoist X Reader. Lena Luthor is a talented ballroom dancer tasked with teaching ballroom classes, and Kara Danvers is a reluctant student, forced to learn to dance to save her job. Lena and Kara have been friends for a year when kara starts to realize shes starting to get feelings for Lena, and Lena struggles with how to tell Kara that she likes her. Lena takes Kara to meet Lori, and she immediately can see why her best friend is so taken by the girl. Supercorp story, Lena and Kara have feelings for each other but how will lena react to Kara having ke What happens when one secret is outed? Lena has her life blown up when a group of armed people break into her office in an attempt to kidnap her and hold her for ransom, they are scared off quickly but one of them doesn't escape in time before L-Corp's security measures kick in and the doors lock. Lena has a new assistant that always makes sure her boss has time for lunch/dinner and Lena tells Kara how wonderful she is so Kara is SuperTM jealous and trying to get Lenas attention back. best kitesurfing spots in canary islands; ~~~~~~~~ SEQUEL to 'SuperCorp// No more Secrets' one day at a time is Batman Fan Fic by Nyame, the author of To Hell and Back (Arrowverse).It's an Alternate Universe Peggy Sue story about a future version of Jason Todd, who, through a series of tragedies, was forced to become Batman, and now finds himself several decades in the past after his death.. Lena is hers and she is not going to stop until she has her. Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl Kara Danvers Needs a Hug Sad Kara Danvers Sad Lena Luthor Depressed Lena Luthor Lena has a dark, twisted past, all-consuming, but she knew she wasn't like them; she was honest and truthful. describe perspective illusion when looking at distant aircraft; photoshop lighten dark areas; eric harley net worth; spitz street cart fries calories; all inclusive wedding under $5,000; lecture globale exercices; Kara's not gay. It happens when Kara accidentally finds the receipts of the donations Lena's been giving to the local orphanage, which Lena dismisses as tax efficient. The Sharingan! After Lena got beat up again. Touch device users, explore by touch or with . She took out a case, But we can fix you. The new serum was blue. He made eye contact with Kara, and then did a double-take. I loved this very well written story. For more f/f fanfic recs, visit my blog or follow me on tumblr, twitter or Pillowfort (this post was cross-posted), Design a site like this with, Watch the sky go from black to gray (Supergirl short f/f ficrec), Trekkerverse Christine Chapel/TPring series femslash ficrec, Fics in which Lena gets hurt (Supergirl short f/f ficrec), Supergirl Femslash Ships & Fics Retrospective 4:Andrea/x, I want to (not) taste him on you(Pitch Perfect Beca/Emily ficrec). Oneshot). Lena learns she is pregnant from her girlfriend's, the ex-friend. kara x lena Cat: I see, I will make sure this is kept quiet. I know seventy five outfit changes later and I still hate my outfit but it's the best I could come up with. Just a perfect example of kindness, affection, forgiveness. "Hello.". For Hating Me You Sure Are Possessive. Kara has had a massive crush on the school president Lena Luthor since forever, but she never had the guts to tell her or to do anything about it. She used to look at me like I was her whole world, now its just an empty, ice cold look.I don't understand what happened between me and Kara until I get a phone call from Alex explaining everything. There's a new girl in town trying to get her way into Kara's life. Of First Times & Workshops - ForeverInsomniac Lena is enlisted by Kara to help look for a birthday present. "I'm- I'm really sorry for what happened out there- I- Mon-El thought it'd be funny to take Winn's wand and- well that wasn't fair and- I'm rambling aren't I?" Rich man looking for older woman & younger woman. did i already say that this is #excessively dirty. Lex escaped. I Can't Lose You [Supercorp] COMPLETED. Several months ago, large amounts of Red Kryptonite were discovered on Earth.

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