Copyright 2019 Exopolitics Institute News Service. These creatures cohabit today deep below the surface of the moon. Perched on the edge of a relatively pristine crater, this object [Fig. Alien 2015 Ancient Human UFO disclosure?Moon Alien Anomalies? Lear also argued that the moon was towed into its current orbit by a huge electromagnetic vehicle, and that vehicle can be seen in a photo taken of the moon crater Tsiolkovsky. -He had worked with a piece of mining equipment that was going to the Moon, he told him, "John, we built this in Alabama, it was so big that when we finished . Element 116 has no uses as only about three atoms of this element have ever been made. By All content copyright 2023, These are some of the data that he contributes in an interview he gave on the Coast to Coast radio program: In 1953, an ET ship crashes, and they capture the ET (called EBE 3 Joe Road, also confirmed by Dan Burisch) who helps the US Governments air forces. John Lear (1942-2022) was a US Air Force captain, also a CIA pilot. -He had worked with a part of the mining equipment that was to go to the Moon, he told him: "John, we built this in Alabama, it was so big . This has been the situation for the last 40 years. It also suggests that the fact that there are many habitable planets in the universe such as Earth has been hidden. The task was very simple: find out from people who have the ability to delve into a state where the answers to the questions asked are revealed if there is a civilization on the Moon. Former CIA agent John Lear and four of his associates organized a recruitment of people with advanced extrasensory perception. This Alien Mothership Was Spotted Near The Moon With 2 Smaller UFOs. Given that flights into space are carried out only within the same galaxy in which planet Earth is located, and even then at very short distances, therefore, it is not worth completely rejecting the information provided by John, because the government always has something to hide. There is access to mining, a nuclear reactor, and electricity. The Godfather Of Conspiracies And Former CIA Pilot John Lear Comes On The Show To Discuss Many Controversial And Conspiracy Related Topics That Will Leave Some In Shock! In an interview with the famous mystery programCoast to coast, John Lear, a retired CIA pilot, revealed such amazing things as having secretly gone to the Moon since 1962, which have been on Mars since 1966 and that NASA uses technology from alien spacecraft crashed on Earth in 1953 (the EBE-3). Thanks for the clarification of the images. Did you know the space pioneer and the sixth man who stepped foot on the lunar surface, Edgar Mitchell strongly believed in the existence of extra-terrestrial life and according to him, NASA has been working with them for a long time. Take for example Timothy Good, one of the worlds leading UFO researchers, who has lectured at universities, schools, and many organizations, including the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences, the Royal Canadian Military Institute, the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Naval Air Reserve Branch, the House of Lords All-Party UFO Study Group, and the Oxford and Cambridge Union societies. Emission interrupted interference control calling Apollo II., Armstrong and Aldrin: We saw some visitors. ufo's need info. -The population of Mars is around 600 million and they are exactly like us. Enormous solar super-storm could knock out the internet Electronic E.T. Inspiration comes not just from UFO rumors but from conspiracy theories associated with the far right end of the political spectrum. Armstrong also confirmed the CIA was behind the coverup. It must have been the latter: the former has about much chance of happening as Osama Bin Cavin' appearing on tomorrow's edition of Loose Women. as i believe the original moonlanding shots didn't? YouTube conspiracy theorists argued that Planet Nibiru has now appeared in the skies and is now on a collision course towards the earth. Timothy Good, one of the worlds leading UFO researchers, says that a former member of MI6 revealed her conversation with Neil Armstrong at a NASA conference, when Armstrong confirmed there were other spacecraft on the Moon when Apollo 11 landed in 1969. Mission Control, Houston: Whatwhatwhat? QFSWALLETS!! In 1962 we had vehicles that couldnt travel faster than the speed of light, like alien vehicles, but were fast enough to reach the Moon in 60 minutes and Mars in a few hours. For more, view material he sent us in tandem with this discussion. UFO researcher John Lear goes 'On the Record' on aliens At that time, Lear said: In 1953, an alien ship crashed and captured an extraterrestrial we called EBE 3, which helped the US government. Scott Jones - psychotronics, Navy Intel, DIA, OWL - Dr Harold Puthoff Parapsychologist, Ex NSA, PENGUIN - John Alexander - Former Army Intel on the board of Psi-tech, 18 World Speed Records;A worked for 28 different aviation companies;A won most of the distinctions awarded by the Federal Aviation Administration: airplane transport rating, flight instructor, ground instructor, flight navigator, engineer, aircraft dispatcher, airframe powerplant mechanic, parachute rigger, and tower operator;During the 80s and 90s he began to speak revealing confidential information. Build a site and generate income from purchases, subscriptions, and courses. Douglas CaddyMay 20, 2008 in The Apollo Moon Landings. I might have it wrong here, but I seem to recall a connection between Lear and Timothy McVeigh's trip to the Philippines to transact a gold deal. Most frequent forms of information literacy programme delivery are library workshops with voluntary participation, conducted by librarians, either independently or through informal cooperation with academic staff on various courses. It has been known and reported for some time that it was the Iranians' threat to release to the American people the 14 hours of videotape of his confessions under torture which prompted Oliver North and Bud McFarlane to jet over to Teheran with the Bible, the cake and the missiles. Mission Control: Whats there? John Lear's Photo of Moon from NASA?John Lear Hoax? Out of 2,800 people, only two made it. (Video), Iredble! As far back as 1970, two well-respected members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, created a hypothesis suggesting that the Moon is a spaceship created by unknown beings. I cannot be absolutely certain that it is the same 106 mt of Black Eagle/Marcos gold referenced in Jan's above posted article about Lear's gold dealing, but I do recall a flight that took off from Guam that crashed at the end of the runway because the aircraft was heavily overloaded with bars of gold that it couldn't get properly airborne. (John Lear reveals about aliens on . Yeah, he says the Moon has an atmosphere, and is covered in green (or was it blue) grass. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldnt be there. To complete the overall effect, the Shrine includes a large fireplace, his electric piano (which he plays masterfully), an impressive audio system, an extensive library of aeronautical, espionage/intelligence, and UFO-related books, and ammo boxes and belts which are seemingly carelessly strewn in the corner while his match-grade stainless-steel .45 automatic hangs in a holster from the audio rack behind his desk. In the 6:63 video below, Lear talks about the breakaway civilization on the Moon that was already in existence in the 1950s, and is far more developed today with a quarter of a million people up there living in towns on the Lunar surface and breathing the Moons atmosphere. Are you on your way? My research conclusions alsoappear in Judge for Yourself as "UFO's: Unrecognized FascistObservatories". s s s s? According to the Torbitt Document (Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal) the FBI's Division Five (Domestic Counterintelligence) maintained a triangular-fire training base at Oaxaca, Mexico, under the cover of a missionary school. He made discoveries of top-secret knowledge about extraterrestrial activity in the 1980s and 1990s. They are not simple madmen, they are key figures in space research. The one coin to contain them all! Online records show another John Lear died in 2018 while his S.O.B. 10] Moon Glider It later turned out to be an innocent animal ID implant (or similar). John Lear recounts: "In 1953, the alien spacecraft EBE 3 landed on Earth. container: 'taboola-mid-article-thumbnails', No Information? I started my search asa believer in alien spacecraft at age 12 in thePentagon library, but was soon disabused of the notion by seeing that thecraft came routinely in and out of military bases. It turns out John Lear has worked closely with this fellow: Collins is the member of a notorious non-lethal weapons/UFO/psyop group known as the Aviary, and the Captain is the Condor: CHICKADEE - Cmdr. Little creatures lived there. Harvard scientist wants to launch an investigation Anunnaki Are Here Now! This is the stunning moment locals stood in awe as a purplp-colored alien-style aircraft was seen hovering above them., pub-6205477701819908, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Mission Control: Repeatrepeat!, Armstrong and Aldrin: Let us sound this orbita .. It is impossible to find material evidence in the words of John Lear, as he himself says that if he managed to get them, he would be immediately destroyed. For those who want more information I suggest that they pay the small cost to listen to a rebroadcast of the show. Out of 2,800 people, only two managed to do it. In an interview, former CIA pilot John Lear surprised the world by revealing appearances, names and details about the location of millions of humanoid aliens residing on the moon. (John Lear) John Lear has been captain of the US Air Force, retired Pilot of the CIA; Son of . But I might be misremembering this partly or wholly, and would need to check my old hard drive for the records I have stashed on there about this. Surely, yours truly ruminated, UFO's can't bealien intrusions if the US planned to manufacture a UFO flap to cloak a plannedfirst strike against Russia Re: UFOs are Unrecognized Fascist Observatories. A former CIA pilot John Lear gave part of his life to serve as a US Air Force pilot and then worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). About 25 of the pilots are American they constitute less than 1/24,000 of the 610,000 licensed pilots in the US. I cant prove it, or Id already be dead. The Above Top Secret Web site is a wholly owned social content community of, FOIA Request Looks Into Biden Administration Using 3rd Party Grants To Push Online Censorship, Jeremy Boreing Launches New Chocolate Company In Response To Hershey's Woke Trans stunt, Ford wants cars to lock out drivers who are late on car payments, Ukraine is running low on ammo. Here is what the medium said:The moon was inhabited more than 100,000 years ago. Others say it is an alien [], Cada vez son ms los que creen en la existencia de otras realidades y dimensiones, adems de la nuestra, comunicndose e incluso, Una de las principales razones del porque no vemos ovnis claramente a pleno luz del da se debe a que se camuflan entre las nubes. I started my search asa believer in alien spacecraft at age 12 in, library, but was soon disabused of the notion by seeing that thecraft came routinely in and out of military bases. In the mid-1950s, John's father was involved in antigravity technology programs, still a top-secret technology today. Lear passed away on 29 March 2022 at the ripe old age of 79. ifo----identified flying objects. According to John Lears father was no ordinary American either, but was involved in antigravity technology programs in the mid-1950s that are now completely classified technology. He had more FOIA applications on the boil in the US at any one time than anyone I have ever known before or since -- either mind control or UFO's, his earlier subject of interest. At that time, Lear said: "In 1953, an alien ship crashed and captured an extraterrestrial we called EBE 3, which helped the US government. ufo cartoons. What could they be mining on the moon that they couldnt mine on earth for 1/1000 the Peter,I think the John Judge description of UFO's is significant, not only becausethis stealth technology derived from WWII advanced Nazi aeronauticalachievements kept under secret wraps by the US and UK, but because there is areal continuing "fascist" component to this technology. Thanks. He was the son of the inventor of the Lear Jet (a type of engine), and flew more than 150 test planes. A Well Known CIA Pilot Claims That the Moon Has 250 Million Citizens, Overview of the Current Revelation and/or Confirmation of the UFO Presence (as of September 9th, 2021), Growing Up and Waking Up to Adopt Adaptive Worldviews, Three-Finger Nazca Mummies Update 26 August 2021, Former Canadian Defense Minister and UFO Truth Proponent Paul Hellyer Has Passed Away at Age 98, Moon Mining Is Gaining Traction, But is Still Far Off, UFO Report is Vindication for Folks Who Witnessed the Lake Michigan UFOs in 1994, Former CIA Agent Admits to Collection of Alien Devices Found Inside Abduction Victims, Pentagon is Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict the Future and Provide Days of Advanced Warning of an Attack. The RUSSIAN AREA 51 Have TOP SECRET UFO TECHNOLOGY! Would love your thoughts, please comment. : New Footage Of Alien Walking Inside UFO (Video), The Idiocy, Fabrications and Lies of Ancient Aliens, Scientists Say There May Be Humans All Over the Universe. He was 79 years old. Mr. John Lear, a former pilot for the US intelligence agency, has gained fame in circles related to conspiracy . The former CIA pilot, John Lear, gave an interview that has completely surprised the world. PARANOIA Media. There are 4,000 astronauts in a secret corps, which is part of the US Strategic Command, and they first landed on the moon in 1962 and Mars in 1966, he suggested. A mine needs to have trackways along the sides for mechanical devices to go into the dug-outs to scoop out home; largest ufo photo website; kens mars discoveries; important links; menu. They were there for a while, observing the instruments. This has been done for the last 40 years. But whoever made those space ships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. it was cleared up some time ago, Apollo 8 IIRC, when a returning astronaut was asked if the Moon was made of green cheese. If there is mining that is taking place there, it could be for the "retro-engineering of ancient technology," said Hoagland, who added that he does not think the photographic evidence supports the notion that the moon has an atmosphere. Admiral Byrd was hounded by fast flying discs and disabledreconnaissance planes during his military mission to the. Admiral Byrd was hounded by fast flying discs and disabledreconnaissance planes during his military mission to the Antarctic in 1946, looking forthe secret Nazi submarine base at New Schwabenland, an area marked off by theNazis in 1936 inside Queen Maude's Land. (John Lear) In recent years new and even wilder strains of paranoia have sprouted along ufology's fringes. 1970s: Before NASA began erasing without a trace the photos taken by Apollo 8, 10 and 11 and published in 1971 in the NASA book SB2-46, you can see: a city, a space base, tubes, roads, vegetation, air, an atmosphere, gravity 66% relative to Earth, there is light, mining operations, a nuclear reactor. According to a John Lear source within the US Government, he could say 3 things: We have been going to the Moon since 1962. He was let go from his piloting job in the 1990s or 80s due to emotional problems and later claimed this was due to a conspiracy by the FAA, NTSB, his employer and his union against him. We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously, @2017 - PenciDesign. They could make regular trips to Mars, we made regular trips to Mars in 1966. In 1966 they landed on Mars, and since then they have already explored most of the planets in our Solar System. This incredible eBook offers every Shakespearean play, poem, apocryphal work and much, much more! One out of only 28 or so pilots on this list: Originally posted by SkepticOverlord. Is the uproar with the U.F.O.s. Film it? Expert says Humans are Aliensand we were Brought to Earth Hundreds of Disclosure of classified X documents and archaeological Aztec origin objects found in NASA news: Apollo 11 astronaut sparks alien frenzy with tweet No Im a super soldier fighting in space war after being abducted by Russian scientists decipher extraterrestrial messages and discover a warning to humanity! In one of his interviews, John made a sensational announcement that Earth is a space prison and unlocked several moon mysteries. Former CIA officer John Lear and four of his associates organized a recruitment of people with advanced extrasensory perception. Time traveller warns alien named the Champion will Kim Kardashian fans suggest shes behind UFO sightings Moons Major Secret Revealed by China Alien High-altitude object shot down off Alaska, US says. The only thing that jumped out at me was in the last image, it seems like tiny water spots on the image but then it seems like they're casting Now, Lear is gaining notoriety as a result of revealing classified information about NASA and space exploration from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s. Moon Rocks? Real Information? copyright photos; send your photos; proper investigation; He said that mining operations for such substances as helium-3 have been going on for years, and that antigravity ships, secretly launched from Antarctica, arrive at the moon in only one hour's time. I kept stumbling over Lear during my black eagle gold investigations. No need to rely on luck here as the objects were very specific a malachite pyramid, a dog figurine, a bird of paradise feather, a handful of pumpkin seeds and a tuft of coyote wool. On the last day of March news began to spread around online UFO circles that John Lear, one of the most controversial figures in the field in the last 35 years, passed away during his sleep on March 29 th at his home. We were making regular trips to Mars in 1966.. John Lear (1942-2022) was a US Air Force captain, also a CIA pilot. John Lear's Raw Moon Image - Alien Structures Towers Mining & Lunar Bases Skin Walker 11.3K subscribers Subscribe 218 179K views 7 years ago Alien 2015 Ancient Human UFO disclosure? Could humans be the dominant species in the Universe, and we just Is an unknown space object a message in a bottle? Overview Market your business Communicate internally Collaborate on video Monetize your videos User type Enterprise Small business The day a UFO exploded over the Congo and was recovered by the US, Area 51 Ucesored: Leak! ken's discoveries and info. One look through a telescope should tell you what a loon this guy is. target_type: 'mix' In one of his interviews, John made a sensational announcement that Earth is a space prison and unlocked several moon mysteries. It is corroborated in the recent book on, by Jacobson. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. Armstrong also confirmed the CIA was behind the coverup. According to Lear everything we know about the Moon is a lie invented by the government with the specific purpose of hiding its extraterrestrial activities and programs. The officer claimed that in those days, NASA had no technology that could cross that Van Allen belt safely. Were they expanding them? Thanks, Spring John's right - you can get these elsewhere (even form NASA), but it's nice of you to post 'em here for us to re-peruse. Joe McBride / Getty Images. He flew both commercially and in missions worldwide for the CIA. I cannot rule out the existence ofintelligent life in outer space, since there is so little of it here. Man From Wyoming Travelled 163,000 Light Years From Earth With Alien Named Who Built the Egyptian Pyramids & How Did They Do It? Over and out.. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. Amelia Leeds was no less aware of the mysterious civilizations of the moon: About 110 thousand years BC, a catastrophe occurred on the moon that destroyed the atmosphere and actually made the surface of the Earths satellite uninhabitable. He also got 18 World Speed Records. s s , s: xss s s ss s . John Lear, a former CIA pilot, revealed such amazing things as that they have secretly gone to the Moon since 1962, that they have been to Mars and that NASA uses alien technology. mode: 'thumbnails-rr', Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Armstrong and Aldrin: I didnt have any film at hand. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. Just curious and hoping someone could answer this question. I am the Past State Director for MUFON in Vermont and Rhode Island plus I am the Assistant State Director for MUFON New Jersey with over 1,200 case files investigated. Lear became interested in the subject of UFOs 13 months after talking with United States Air Force Personnel who had witnessed a UFO landing at Bentwaters AFB, near London, England, and three small aliens walking up to the Wing Commander. As per her, Lear passed away in his sleep at his Las Vegas home on the Tuesday night. One quote in the piece did strike me, "John Judge has referred to UFOs as "Unrecognized Fascist Observatories" John Judge is a researcher I trust deeply and his take on UFOs comes close to my inifomation..basicly that they are not extra-terrestial, but stealth spy craft, hidden under the rubric of extraterrestial when they crash or are noticed. (John Lear) (Version 6) * concise introductions to the plays and other works * images of how . Upon closer examination, we find other suspicious objects (a, b) supporting the story that something more is going on here.
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