(LogOut/ Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings trilogy is one example. Their stories are as different as the people themselves, yet, through different paths, they all arrived at the same place: they all came to believe that . Order by Phone at 866-388-7003 or online at https://www.herbanomic.com M - F 9am to 5pm EST. Without a doubt, these passages should cause one to stop and think. The concept of messianism originated in Judaism, [1] [2] and in the Hebrew Bible a messiah is a king or High Priest of Israel traditionally . And He will speak peace to the nations; Later, however, Zechariah gives another description of the coming king, a picture quite different from that of chapter 9. In our world today, peaceful people may win prizes, but they dont necessarily command authority. Is the person Christians call Jizkiahu Ben David the long awaited Jewish Messiah or not? Yes, the king will return. According to Zechariah, it will be a day of judgment but also a day of deliverance for those who honor the king: Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty. nine canis major value in Gematria is 998 Meaning of nine canis major In online Gematria Calculator Decoder Cipher with same phrases values search and words. Sometimes imagination hints at the greater reality. This view actually predates the other two mentioned. Slide 1. I have given you a wise and discerning heart (mind), so that no one before you was your equal, nor shall anyone equal to you arise after you. Jailed for betraying secrets, David Shayler's back - claiming to be the crucified son of God, Socrates,Leonardo da Vinci and, oh yes, the man who got his favourite team to a cup final. 1. Matthew 7:15 Amplified Bible (AMP) A Tree and Its Fruit. And so this passage has been interpreted as messianic; that is, it is often supposed that the king in this passage is none other than the Messiah, the savior of Israel. Here is some of the footage of his visit to the Western Wall during Passover, being passed as proof he was anointed as messiah. Just as Jonathan fought the Amalekites before David, in the end-of-days it will be the function of, , or the reincarnation of Jonathan, to battle Amalek before, , Rabbi Sudri said. And if he were THE Antichrist then, they would not announce this out worldly until AFTER the rapture but, they may announce it within their ranks and wait later for worldly announcement. Like channeled water is the mind of the king in Hashems hand; He directs it to whatever He wishes. ISRAEL: A man is coming who will deceive you. The Jewish idea of mashiach is a great human leader like King David, not a savior. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. And they say: Kiss the son (ibid.,12)Kiss the son, meaning clinging on to the Son [Jesus] . Sinai [RHC Bakersfield Prophecy Update] a Must See! January 2, 2023 April 6, 2021 by Cynthia. The books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles attest to this history. This is the picture Zechariah paints of the king who has come, the one who will come again. Seed of the Woman. 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are Gods. But rather to the Nazarene [Jesus] 66. . I am happy to write about him because I see his existence in this world as a gift and a miracle from Hashem. Aragorn, the ranger-turned-ruler in J.R.R. LOOK UP for our redemption is near and for those who are not saved yet. Is it necessary to believe in two Messiahs? 25 Oct 2022. The Bible presents us with a mysterious king as well. -. You were the anointed cherub who covers; There is still another Jewish view concerning the two pictures of the Messiah-king that accurately fulfills the portrait we see in Zechariah and elsewhere in the Hebrew Scriptures. Browse more videos. The prophet tells the people of Israel to be joyful, to get excited, because the promised one, the one sent from God, the long awaited king, is coming. The writers of the New Testament were Jewish people, living in the first century, who believed that the prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures described one Messiah, a great king who was to come twice, first as a servant, then as conqueror. t. e. The Messiah in Judaism ( Hebrew: , romanized : ma) is a savior and liberator figure in Jewish eschatology, who is believed to be the future redeemer of the Jewish people. At that time, he will fulfill his promise to serve as Davids second in command., Even within Moshiach ben Yosef, there are two divisions, Rabbi Sudri said. The 30 year old rabbi in the name of Jiziahu Ben David was hailed by the Jewish Kabbalah sect as their long awaited messiah, whom they waited for 2000 years. The Messianic Redemption will be ushered in by a person, a human leader, a descendant of Kings David and Solomon, who will reinstate the Davidic royal dynasty. You will think that he is the long awaited Messiah, but he will be indwelled by Satan. Humble, and mounted on a donkey, As mentioned above, the zoharic Yanuka gure is tightly entwined with the concept of the son of God, personied in the character of a young child (and youth).55 Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Again, very interesting. And He will speak peace to the nations; Near the close of Yeshuas life on earth, he called to his disciples to get a donkey with its colt. In response to these two seemingly opposite pictures of Messiah, some rabbis decided that there must be two messiahs, the Messiah ben Joseph, who would come and suffer, and the Messiah ben David, who would come as a conquering king. 2 Answers. March 23 2021 Revelation 12 second half 3.5 yrs Hell on Earth 3 DAYS of (In fact, the Hebrew word for messiah Moshiach means anointed one.)1. It was a hard claim to believe, and yet many witnessed Jesus resurrection and were willing to die proclaiming the truth of his life. Jew-haters far and wide have seized on to this story, mainly in the comments sections of these videos, speaking about him as the anti-Christ. Some, like antisemite and Messianic Steve Ben-Nun, have uploaded their own videos parroting the story. This was particularly shocking because Ultra Orthodox Jews don't believe . He is a Holy Tzadik. URGENT ISRAELS MESSIAH??? It was a hard claim to believe, and yet many witnessed Jesus resurrection and were willing to die proclaiming the truth of his life. 'Jiziahu' is Hebrew for "taxation". Here are a few snips out of the paper I found addressing the Yanuka and Jewish mysticism and it shows how much they mix up Christianity. In Judaism, who is the Messiah?, aish.com, November 3, 2002, http://www.aish.com/jl/li/m/48924282.html. There has now been a fourth time and Israel is moving into a 5th election. Rav Shlomo Busso grandson of Baba Sali -story of his daughters miracle. In chapter 9, the king is humble, but in chapter 14, he is a force to be reckoned with. Till iniquity was found in you. The Jews are expecting two Messiahs, Mashiach ben David and Mashiach ben Yossef. Therefore I cast you as a profane thing Israel certainly had her share of disappointing kings. And the people shouted and rejoiced: Hosha-na to the Son of David; Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; Hosha-na in the highest! (Matthew 21:9), The people were shouting, Save us! They understood that their king had come and that he was offering powerful, life-changing salvation to those who would welcome him. Therefore I brought fire from your midst; Then, in verses 8 and 9 we read: And in that day living waters will flow out of Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea and the other half toward the western sea; it will be in summer as well as in winter. With the United States in the throes of an election year, cynicism, skepticism, and disillusionment are the reigning forces. According to Zechariah, this future for Israel includes eventual total restoration of the Jewish people to her former glory. Over the centuries, various attempts have been made to explain this kingly figure. Later, however, Zechariah gives another description of the coming king, a picture quite different from that of chapter 9. Please see the other relevant links below for my past Noahide law posts and others for reference. I have read he recently came from South America and is somehow involved in the medical field but I'm having a hard time finding much else. It usually refers to a person initiated into G-d's service by being anointed with oil. So what can we take from all this because you should know that the freemasons idolise the number 33 as the highest degree you can obtain, and they worship Solomon as Solomon was the first master builder because he built the 1st Temple!! Or is it possible that he came to live among us 2,000 ago and that hell come again to be enthroned as the victorious, reigning king? WE FLY SOON!!! The "Punto Breslev" channel had posted a video suggesting that the Corona crisis could be leading to the revelation of the . Proverbs 21:1. Jonathan never served as Davids second. Many Jewish people do not give much thought to the coming of a Messiah anymore, and those who do often picture him as a mighty conqueror, even a superhero-type figure. Crowds have gathered around him because he is well known and respected. One thing is for sure it is All very Biblical and very interesting to say the least!! One day, hell come again to take by force what is rightfully his. In response to these two seemingly opposite pictures of Messiah, some rabbis decided that there must be two messiahs, the Messiah ben Joseph, who would come and suffer, and the Messiah ben David, who would come as a conquering king. 12:10ff is for Moshiach ben Yosef's death; it further identifies the "four smiths" (ibid. Watch Later. Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. You defiled your sanctuaries And for Israel, this hope is inextricably linked to a king who was yet to come. ..HEAVEN OR HELL IS A CHOICE.WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE?ROMANS 13:11-14..THEN ROMANS 10:9-13BECAUSE JOHN 3:3-21..1ST JOHN 1:9.REPENT & LIVEJesus Christ is our GOD It is great merit to have such a great soul in our generation. I know your suffering and your poverty (but you are rich), and how you are blasphemed and slandered by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan [they are Jews only by blood, and do not believe and truly honor the God whom they claim to worship]. Why did this ancient Jewish prophet obsess over this kingly character? ! I thought you were dead! Playing next. In conclusion, the Jewish messiah was already named and hailed by the Jewish Kabbalah group. And for Israel, this hope is inextricably linked to a king who was yet to come. So if Jonathan said he would serve as Davids second, it must be something that is destined to happen in the future.. Rabb Levi Sudri, an award-winning Bible expert, makes the case that Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is the reincarnation of the biblical figure Jonathan, the son of King Saul, who has returned in order to fulfill his promise of helping David bring in the Messiah. know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? But then I thought I was dead myself. I confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins. Thank you!!! And yet, deep down, most of us could admit we wish there were someone who had our best interests at heart, a leader who truly desired to improve our lot and could actually make things better. Do something to hasten his coming., Rabbi Schneerson told Netanyahu that he would give the scepter to the. There is more at the article link. If that still isnt making sense feel free to read my post Is it a sin. The Old Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters and the ancient Greek alphabet 27 letters. The TRUE peace that ONLY Jesus can and WILL bring! Since that person has been promised to us, its well worth considering the details of that promise so that we can recognize this king when and if he comes. (Zechariah 14:2-4). This isnt just any king. (LogOut/ The word " Messiah " is an English rendering of the Hebrew word " Mashiach ", whose translation is " Anointed ". I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Zechariah chooses to focus much of his writing describing this coming king. /videos/2199850388393-breaking-the-messiah-has-been-revealed-claims-in-israel-that-jiziahu-ben-david-is-moschiach Ben David Messianic Jewish Congregation. Please pray that more and more will awake from deception and have their hearts and minds open to seeing the truth. Another Jewish tradition explains the two contrasting portraits of Messiah like this: "If the people of Israel . Jiziahu Ben David - Yanuka - Rav Shlomo Yehuda - (HD) Original Video, New Jewish (Antichrist) Messiah Jizkiahu Ben David Revealed 27 March 2021 Will He Build 3Rd Temple? Still others say he is the carpenter from Nazareth about whom the whole world wonders. 04:25. Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Hezekiah b. David became exilarch after Azariah b. Solomon, a descendant of David b. Zakkai's brother Josiah. Among his many accomplishments, Rabbi Sudri was crowned Chatan Hatanach (the Torahs bridegroom), winning first place in the Israeli National Bible Quiz for adults in 2015. Zechariah is trying to preserve hope. Lets go look in the Bible for the answers. You will sign an enforcement of a seven year treaty with this devil. 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are Gods. - ISRAELS MESSIAH IS HERE! Jiziahu Ben David SHOWED UP ON MARCH 27TH! Also pray for the 144,000 Jews who will be sharing the Gospel of Jesus during the Tribulation. The Bible identifies several tasks that the mashiach will accomplish. Jiziahu Ben David SHOWED UP ON MARCH 27TH! What will that return look like? 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 King James Version (KJV) Jizkiahu (Jezekiel) Ben David Messiah of Israel Revealed on 27 March 2021His real name is Rav Schlomo Yehuda Schilta. He is a man of peace for all peoples. 24 All the earth was seeking the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom which God had put in his mind. You became filled with violence within, Published on Apr 6, 2021. willing heart. Another Jewish tradition explains the two contrasting portraits of Messiah like this: If the people of Israel will be righteous, the Messiah will come in the clouds of Heaven. Yitzhak Kaduri (born 07.09.1898 in Baghdad as Yitzchak Diba; died 28.01.2006 [29 Tevet 5766] in Jerusalem) was an orthodox rabbi in Israel. Watch Later. First, they are expecting 2 messiahs (Jesus fulfills this but they ignore Gods full word and turn to traditions of men and man made ideas and thoughts via Talmud and Kabbalah etc.) Salvation Prayer Because of what he did in his first coming, we can be assured that he will return. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. So there you have it: another example of how Jew-haters latch on to fake news in order to spread vicious lies about us. (LogOut/ The second stage is a miraculous process which includes the reestablishment of the Davidic Dynasty and the completion of the Third Temple. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Here is what they said at this Zohar site but, anyone who goes to the link, use caution with things of Zohar and Kabbalah! Traditional Judaism teaches that the messiah is a G-d fearing, pious Jew, who is both a Torah scholar and a great leader. Is Zechariah contradicting himself? But this is not the only place in the Scriptures where we find seemingly divergent pictures of Messiah. Yes, the king will return. To paraphrase The Mandalorian, this is the way of Orthodox Jews. Rabbi Schneerson told Netanyahu that he would give the scepter to the Melech HaMoshiach (Messianic king, i.e. He has great humility, and many well-known rabbis in Israel come to his lectures. Jews in Israel performing their traditional rituals (Reference image). Dangerous Things, Will Robinson! ! I am by no means a scholar and I have no desire to debate, fight or argue about these issues I bring here for sharing. 4.8K views 625 days ago. What could his kingship mean to us today? For who is able to judge and rule this great people of Yours?. Neo, wake up! Israel certainly had her share of disappointing kings. Yeshua was a man of peace, but he was also a man of strength. I can only touch on all of this here but, as stated above, if they do actually call this man messiah, then you can obviously see the tie to antichrist characteristics. Rabbi Sudri explained that as the reincarnation of Jonathan and the manifestation of Moshiach ben Yosef, Netanyahu is paving the way for the more . Is everything sad going to come untrue? who are the parents of chaunte wayans. 15 So it is no great surprise if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, but their end will correspond with their deeds. Whats happened to the world? A great Shadow has departed, said Gandalf, and then he laughed, and the sound was like music, or like water in a parched land. In fact, the name Yeshua means God saves.. . At the Wailing wall in Jerusalem. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in you that all this is possible. According to Zechariah, this future for Israel includes eventual total restoration of the Jewish people to her former glory. The Shem MShmuel discusses the Jewish tradition of a two-stage process for Messiah. Lastly, the videos claiming this Jizkiahu Ben David was announced as messiah are showing footage of a well-known Rabbi called R Shlomo Yehuda. Behold, your king is coming to you; His role in the process is definitely worth considering but it still remains to be seen if he will fulfill this potential, Rabbi Sudri said. He is just and endowed with salvation, Just when the mark of the beast vaccine jab and the Ultra-Orthodox Chabad Kabbalistic Jewish messiah have come on the scene in . Break on Through To the Other SideCERN and its Opera, 2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th Week of Daniel Revealed). Others say we cant know anything about him for sure. He is called The Yenuka because he is young (about 32) and shows amazing knowledge of all aspects of the Torah. According to Zechariah, it will be a day of judgment but also a day of deliverance for those who honor the king: Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty. Just before Passover, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt of a donkey, fulfilling the prophecy Zechariah gave more than 500 years earlier. The Old Hebrew and Old Greek languages had no special numbers. He was a man of gentleness and peace. There is a leader in the material world. Its the position presented in the New Testament. And I could go on all day with this but you should get the picture by now!! 39K subscribers in the ConspiracyII community. Shalom. Though he was to die, he knew that he would rise again. Yeshua was a man of peace, but he was also a man of strength. David says his partial identity as a woman gives the Messiah . I cast you to the ground, The first stage, referred to as, , is a practical, mundane process that includes the, and building up of the Land of Israel. Near the close of Yeshuas life on earth, he called to his disciples to get a donkey with its colt. In the latter picture, the king is a conqueror; he comes in wrath, meting out judgment to the enemies of Israel. And you sinned; Is this Anti - Christ? The book of Zechariah does not explicitly state that Messiah will come twice, yet we do see two pictures of the king, coming once as a man of peace and again as a conquering king. 75. Chapters 9 and 14 are the central passages in Zechariah telling of this king who will reign over all the earth. You to can know the eternal peace and joy that the Messiah can bring to every. He came [back] to Jerusalem and stood before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; he offered burnt offerings and peace offerings, and he prepared a feast for all his servants. DispensationalismDid Scofield or Darby Invent It? Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. (John 14:27), For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which is lost. (Luke 19:10). If they will not be righteous, he will come as a poor man riding upon an ass (Sanhedrin 98a). Get new monthly articles and special invitations in your inbox! And so this passage has been interpreted as messianic; that is, it is often supposed that the king in this passage is none other than the Messiah, the savior of Israel. Rabbi Levi Sudri (Photo courtesy of Rabbi Sudri) Among his many . He would be the priestly half (a or the false prophet, Pope aside). At the Wailing wall in Jerusalem. It is written in the Shem MShmuel that in the future, Jonathan will come in the reincarnation of Moshiach ben Yosef (Messiah from the house of Joseph), and it is in the end-of-days that he will serve as the second to the Moshiach Ben David (Messiah from the house of David), which will be the reincarnation of David. And I destroyed you, O covering cherub, Embed. Christians, in their view point, are considered as heretics and idol worshipers. Also, he would be one of two messiahs they are waiting on. Is it possible to understand this seemingly inscrutable figure? Ben-David (also Ben David, Bendavid; Hebrew: ) is a Hebrew patronymic surname.In Hebrew it means "son of David". He is 33 old.Jizkiahu Ben David Messias. So clearly, there can be no messiah today. God Bless! (Zechariah 14:8-9). If they will not be righteous, he will come as a poor man riding upon an ass (Sanhedrin 98a). For example, Micah 5 tells us he is born in Bethlehem, the city of David. Amen! The books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles attest to this history. This specific event as described in the bible signals the start of the end times. : r/Christianity - Reddit; 4.yanuka tha gaon rav Shlomo yehuda ben davidTikTok Search; 5.the yanuka rav shlomo yehuda messiahTikTok Search; 6.Who is Yanuka rav Shlomo Yehuda ben David? Read this, God and His Son: Christian Affinities in the Shaping of the Sava and Yanuka Figures in the Zohar; By: J. M. Benarroch (Published 2017), SNIPS FROM PAGES 52, 55 and 56: Just as Jonathan fought the Amalekites before David, in the end-of-days it will be the function of Moshiach ben Yosef, or the reincarnation of Jonathan, to battle Amalek before Moshiach ben David, Rabbi Sudri said. The book of his teachings was published posthumously. As an example, Rabbi Sudri pointed out that Jonathan was already acknowledged that he would not inherit the kingship and that David would be king. Shocker, It Pushes Global Government, Coming chaos by those who would have the New World OrderTime to make your choice. In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south. {amount} donation plus {fee_amount} to help cover fees. His real name is Rav Shlomo Yehuda Schilta. The initial letters of the six words put together spelt the Hebrew name of Jesus, Yehoshua! Netanyahu is clearly fulfilling this function. In Judaism, who is the Messiah?, aish.com, November 3, 2002, http://www.aish.com/jl/li/m/48924282.html. A clear example is found in the Arabic polemic work Qissat Mujadalat al-Usquf (ninthtenth century), which was translated to Hebrew as Sefer Nestor ha-Komer in circa the eleventh century. In the sight of all who saw you. As soon as they become leaders, they personify the relationship between the nation and God and are fulfilling a high function.. Especially in Israel and the Middle East, it is difficult to fathom that someone could come to such power on peaceful terms. Lets take a look. Some of the most seemingly enigmatic, yet detailed, descriptions of this king occur in the prophetic book of Zechariah, written over 2,500 years ago. Throughout history, human imagination has been captivated by such figures, and for good reason. The date of his appointment is uncertain but in 1021 he is mentioned as exilarch in one of his letters. wallytron101. Calling this man Yanuka (an Aramaic word meaning child prodigy, often used to describe very young and very bright Talmudic scholars) is interesting in that Jewish mysticism views it this way as written about in this paper mentioned right below. We expect them to do what they have to do to maintain order. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 King James Version (KJV) But, you can see how confusing this would be and how deceived the followers of Zohar and Kabbalah are. 10 Now it pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this thing. A strange statement causes alarm among believers, as one rabbi claimed that the Messiah they are waiting for is the "antichrist". As a former commando, Netanyahu personifies the Biblical Jonathan as well. For much of the series, his true identity is cloaked in mystery. For Christian Truthers and or Replacement Theologists A mere nutshell response, If Jesus Wasnt God Then He Deserved An Oscar, False Prophet Makes A New Encyclical. In any case, it is necessary to honor leaders as the embodiment of the nation, Rabbi Sudri said. And His dominion will be from sea to sea, Here is the wedding video which is also called a miracle that he caused. According to tradition, Moshiach will be wiser than Solomon, and a prophet around the level of Moses. Crowds of people wanting to touch him and speak with him. (Having oil poured on his head. Though Yeshua did not usher in an age of peace on earth as many hoped then and many wish for today, he did offer peace with God to everyone willing to trust in him and the atonement for sin he offered through his death and resurrection. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes This picture is very much like an epic battle scene from a movie full of bloodshed and tragedy and triumph. I noticed last week how a number of Christian fundamentalist YouTube channels had uploaded videos claiming the Jews proclaimed a guy called Jizkiahu Ben David as the messiah. So King Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth in wealth and in wisdom. Though Zechariah was born during the exile of Israel to Babylon, his writing occurred once the Jewish people were back in the Land. About Avril. Update to this post here a message straight from Our Father through His Spirit!!! Or am I seeking to please someone? The Four Horses of The Apocalypse Can Be Heard Galloping In The Distance. 2. 2 Thessalonians 2:4 King James Version (KJV). As a former commando, Netanyahu personifies the Biblical Jonathan as well. Why I am not a Jehovahs Witness or Mormon, Dispensationalism Before Darby by William C. Watson (Tim Chaffey, Alf Cengia and Dr. David Reagan). He is 33 old. 1. Satan has been connected to musical instruments in his creation for the worshiping of God. Some have concluded that he is the long-awaited Messiah. Wash me as white as snow. Where Scriptures are taught from a Jewish perspective. He uses his deep understanding of the Bible to understand current events. I propose that the verses that appear in these mythopoeic homilies are connected to tradi- tions found in medieval anti-Christian polemical works.The Yanukas mythopoeic homilies, and their importance in his por- trayal as the son of God, were discussed at length above; my focus here will be on those verses that allude to medieval polemical traditions(page 52), Both the Yanukas homily and its parallel in the Gospel emphasize the identication of the Yanuka/Jesus with the divine son in Ps 2.7the rstborn of Godand both even claim that this son should be worshiped.