Mexico Citys murder rate is 8 per 100,000, despite being the second-largest city on the planet. Mexican rays are intense and can lead to severe burns or sun poisoning, especially during the warmer spring and summer months. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Well I get trouble from customs bringing Regulated drugs prescriptions after landing at customs. I would be careful and make sure you are aware of your surrounding. Mexico is generally safe for American tourists if you take proper precautions, research the city you are traveling to, and use common sense. And when it comes to crime in Mexico, cities often have more crime than rural areas simply because they have larger populations (and thus more opportunities). Also who is responsible for the very existence of those disgusting abhorrent criminal cartels in Mexico? sending out Travel Alerts, calling Mexico A Failed State, and saying that ALL parts of the country (including popular tourist resorts like Puerto Vallarta and Cancun) are now unsafe for travel? And Puerto Vallarta is gazillions times safer than any large city in the United States. Safety remains a concern for many international tourists visiting Mexico. why are you traveling and your documents are expired. San Blas If you arent on guard all the time you will be a victim. Although Cancun is far from what I'd consider a completely safe city, it's far from overly dangerous. No more Mexico for me and my family. You very well know why, because chopped up tourists stuffed in car trunks are splashed across the evening news. Instead, theyll bash Mexico from the sidelines waiting for the wall and will continue on with their angry lives and penny bank accounts mad at every Mexican with a nickle. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; OK, we love Arizona. Motor insurance is an essential part of owning a car, as it offers protection against . Remember that there are over 120 million Mexicans. amzn_assoc_linkid = "1922b091cefd993aea3cde9d64fef6a5"; The U.S. State Department recently updated Mexicos travel warning for U.S. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; Level 1:The State Department advises normal precautions when traveling to Campeche or Yucatn, shown in green. Like all Americans, I am a little hesitant. I walked around in the city, I ate with locals, I shopped and I had a great time. DO NOT VISIT ENSENADA in 2022, Crime is out of control. Its just that, eventually, you end up in the middle of a shooting or someone robs you in the street. I wrote the article I felt very unsafe in Rome and was frightened for my life but while I was in Mexico I felt completely safe and at ease. Your life is cheaper in Mexico than many places in the world and the people there are opportunists. {2021 Cancun Travel Advisory & Safety Guide, What To Pack For Mexico - 50+ Essentials For Mexico [Updated Feb 2021], MUST READ: 10 Safest Cities In Mexico [Updated February 2021], Best Country for Plastic Surgery | Eleven Countries for U.S. Travelers, 11 Luxury Father's Day Gift Ideas [Updated Feburary 2021], MUST READ: Where To Stay In Belize - Best Luxury Resorts & Beaches, READ NOW: Is Mexico City Safe For Tourists? amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Of course. Yes, Guadalajara is safe for tourists. Very concerned. The more recent map is here. You are educating, enlightening, and on-purpose. Other than that enjoy your trip and follow all of the safety precautions in the post like not wearing flashy jewelry or clothes and dont get drunk. Part of the problem is the enormous market for illegal drugs here in the States. I got robbed by the POLICE in Roma Norte in Mexico City. On another important note you complain about the border, illegal immigration and so called unwanted immigrants from Mexico? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If youre worried about visiting a specific location, it pays to research that area before you book your travel. I totally agree with this person about losing your readership. Tijuana, located in the northern part of Mexico, is a city. To put things in perspective, Level 2 is the same tier given to many other tourist hotspots that have an uptake in criminal activity including the following countries: I have been to Belizeand Italy, and I have never wondered if it is safe to travel to those countries. You have to be careful and try your best not to look like a tourist. Cancun isnt located on the U.S. State Department do not travel list I suggest travelers continue to be on high alert. I just skimmed through the preachy bits in Jane Eyre and little women or I would have still been reading the latter. And how do you secure them in your motel room? I am so sorry for your loss and I know how that feels because I lost my brother 5 years ago next week. Here are the annual numbers of MURDERS, given by MSA (or Metropolitan Statistical Area). After reading my article, you should no longer be asking is Mexico safe?. The common advice that youll be fine if you dont do drugs or go out at night is a myth, more murders are happening in the day and drugs are not found at the scene. While these are isolated incidents I believe for the most part Mexico is safe but you must also use common sense when traveling not only to Mexico but to any foreign country. Your site implies they will be fine if they keep their noses clean. It is no different than you being in your own hometown and crime is restricted to certain areas. President Trump and the American media wants you, and everyone else to believe that Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti and other countries where the majority of the population are black and brown people are the most dangerous places to visit and its simply not true.. Is Mexico City Safe to Visit Right Now? Crime rates in Baja California - Numbeo. I have a review on the resort and also their the little blue hole that the kids can actually jump in. I am trying to plan a trip to Cancun in September 2019. I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did Mexico. I have traveled to Mexico and just returned from traveling to Cancun solo in March. The media would like for you to believe there are kidnappings everyday and that is just not the case. The State Department says it may be best to only use toll roads and avoid driving alone or at night. Keep spouting the political brainwash. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Kristi- you are exactly right. This has nothing to do with Mexico because any country will check your documents but more about you deciding it would take too long or you didnt feel like renewing your documents and mad because you got into trouble. Permits are enforced when driving approximately 20 kilometers into Mexico. Join Facebook groups such as Cancun Mexico Travel, Tours, Tips, and Ideas that are dedicated to traveling to Mexico and understanding what Mexico travel warnings really mean. I am also going to Nayarit, is that safe?? They keep asking for Bribes / extortion of cash from us at traffic violation stops and they fail to post the fines; they can charge us whatever they want. Italy has the same level 3 warning so why is Mexico considered more violent? Although a travel advisory is in effect, its important to remember that tourists flock to Mexico every year without incident. New Orleans is still an amazing place to visit and the Media is right to champion this inspirational city. If you would like to donate toPassports and Grub click here! Tourists traveling to Mexico due to crime in several Mexican states popular with American tourists. Its ok for black men to be treated this way in the states yet you get up and go to work everyday and dont think twice about it but when you are on the other end of the mistreatment you take issue with it. I have never been robbed, kidnapped or raped or even pickpocketed why visiting Mexico but the media will have you believe its more dangerous than the US. If you know you are going to Mexico or any country for that matter you need to have your documents in order. You lost me too as soon as you put your untruthful, ignorant opinions in this article. Personally if Im gonna be slaughtered, Id be pissed no matter what color someone happened to be, maybe you are different. The level of risk is higher in Mexico, period. The cartels and politicians cash in while the regular people barely survive. The State Department cant issue a Travel Warning, because it is not a foreign country. Be cautious if you are driving alone at night- while Tulum is extremely safe there has been the occasional robbery. As long as you keep an eye out for crime hotspots (like large swaths of deserted roads) it will help prevent you from getting lost in translation with Mexican law enforcement. In fact the police chief in Cancun area was recently beheaded by one cartel for taking sides with another. There is a criminal element no matter the destination and take the same precautions you would at home. This Author is so uninformed its astonishing! Cancun is viewed as Mexico's tourist capital, but Riviera Maya is an alternative for the adventurous when it comes to the natural world. You are absolutely correct and those who state that Mexico is safe are in denial! I dont think our little minute amounts of meds concern them. Everything else you here is pure BS ! you cant trust the American press. as I stated in the article I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did in Mexico. Ask Tyler Meyers family what they think of Mexico. The short answer is yes, it is safe to visit Mexico City. FILE - Supplies for drug users are seen at an overdose prevention center, OnPoint NYC, in New York, Feb. 18, 2022. Drug violence remains a serious problem in the country, and it's best to stay up to date on local news. Hi-Webare traveling to Cancun to stay at GR SOLARIS for and all inclusive visit . Whether it is the cab or bus driver giving you incorrect change, A cab cartel that fixes prices so high that a 10 minute cab ride is $40 to $70US, as they try to block Uber, overpriced food that is sold as high quality but what you get is inferior (advertised USDA Prime steak but get a tough dry low quality cut of meat most likely from a backyard butcher) and before you ask why are you eating steak in Mexico the answer is because all of the tourist destinations only have Italian, American, and Japanese restaurants or horrible fancy Mexican restaurants- you have to take the risk and go into town for authentic mexican to eat the authentic mystery meat tacos which are usually inferior to Mexican in Los Angeles because of the inferior ingredients. Drive carefully to avoid. We dont need your disgusting stupid opinion on whether or not it is safe or not safe here when you are the ones responsible for making it them safe regarding drug trafficking and you are the ones who stole more than half of our territory to place an illegal border and then you call us Invaders? You can enjoy the clear and peaceful waters of the bay. you sound as if you have been watching too Fox News and the shit hole country theme. I wonder why only black and brown countries are considered dangerous. I have lived 11 years in Asia and NEVER a problem there ! Mexico is by far one of the top destinations for many U.S. travelers, but violent crime is soaring in certain areas which causes many tourists to second-guess their spring break vacation plans to Mexico. I will suggest not driving at night. I am not the least bit concerned but they are. So happy I stumble upon this useful site! The longer we were in Baja the more and more we liked it and really enjoyed all of the people and the beautiful scenery that they have here. So basically if you want to go, proceed as if you were headed to war. Killings are daily by local Meth users, which is widely distributed to people in Baja. Use first-class bus companies these bus companies take toll roads that have security checks on passengers as they board. If you really look at most of the problems involving tourists alcohol or very bad decision making is involved. It's important to be cautious when you travel, especially if you are alone, and to know which areas are safe to travel to and which are to avoid. I read through the article and then the comments. This would be our first trip to Mexico. Cancun is safe to visit right now. All by ADO Bus Travel while staying at only AirBnB for each town/city. You never answer your, I assume, rhetorical question. Tourist areas such as Cancun are perfectly safe. Just do the math of chances. FYI theres no fine for not wearing a mask and even though it wasnt terribly expensive the experience of being shaken down by the POLICE will keep me from returning to CDMX. I took a tour of the Arch, went sightseeing, Camel, and Safari excursion and I felt completely safe exploring Mexico solo. Hello Tomiko, my first question is are you staying at an all-inclusive resort? I lied and said I was feeling ill and to take me to hospital, that my friends were would be worried as they were in a nearby city. I was traveling but I will be home for the next few weeks to help you. Firstly, is it safe to travel via ADO buses across the Yucatan? For years I wouldnt travel to Mexico because the U.S. media painted this horrific picture of Mexico and I was so afraid of traveling to Mexico. Plus I dont want my money to benefit the corrupt people down there. Should I be worried and encourage them to go elsewhere? I got extremely sick in the Czech Republic last year and that was the one time I decided to forego travel insurance I racked up thousands of dollars in medical bills and they wanted their money before I would even be seen by the ER Doctors. Here you will enjoy a traditional atmosphere and peaceful environment that several beaches offer you in order to relax, or find activities such as sport fishing or bird watching and as a great closure for these activities, trying a fish that cannot be fresher. Is Oaxaca Safe? I was told that the original bottle is sufficient with clear labeling. The current U.S. political climate toward Mexico has caused both warranted and unwarranted safety and security concerns from U.S. tourists after the dismantling of the National Mexican tourism board in May 2019. There is no fee for driving here as a tourist, either. Ive done some research and I am not finding anything credible that states so. Use that same energy to condemn traveling to the U.S. Murders are up and robberies of tourists and their vehicles. How do you feel about this area? Turn off MSNBS. Is this a frequent occurrence? Keep a cool head, be . I would dare you to hitchhike across Mexico to prove your point, but you would be dead. My name is Pamela and I am of Mexican Canadian descent. My friend wasnt wearing a mask so they demanded a fine from both of us. Staying at the Marriott Cancun Resort, not AI, so we will be going around for food etc, even getting groceries for breakfast. I stay out of areas that are dangerous. There are dangerous areas in Mexico, as in any country. As I stated in the article I felt more afraid in Rome than Mexico. Use common sense and obey the traffic rules. Firstly, This is the one of the best blogs on Mexico that I have found that provides useful info on places to visit, to-dos and not-to-dos as well as objective and unbiased commentaries even in the face of challenging feedback. Thank you very much!!! Mexico is completely safe so need to worry. The collective IQ of which is reported to be quite low, uneducated and generally very unhappy. Just as no one should be afraid to visit the States because of our mass shootings, you should not be afraid to visit Mexico, providing you stay in the recommended areas and do no look for trouble. The answer to Q1 would be yes, I would be concerned about traveling to certain parts of Italy. This Mexico safety guide and travel advisory for Mexico will answer all of the following questions so you will plan your vacation accordingly and click on the link for specific Mexico travel warning: Again, for the latest travel warnings and alerts make sure you are receiving accurate information by going directly to the U.S. Department of State website to find the latest and up-to-date information regarding Mexico Travel Warnings. Some areas have increased risk of crime and kidnapping. During an emergency, the U.S. government may have very limited ability to provide assistance. They need tourism dollars and I have never had an issue in my travels to Mexico. I solo traveled to Cancun earlier this year for 7 days. the American man on a group trip in PDC who was robbed and murdered last year was falsely reported by the Mexican press to be a drug addict having public sex with a transsexual, all lies to make tourist think well that would never happen to me it can definitely happen to you, and the chances are going up every day. Mexico is completely safe and I went last year and everything was fine. I honestly believe they wanted to sell me to human traffickers. Where should the border be placed actually? When deciding whether or not to visit Mexico as a tourist its important to consider safety. I will be traveling to Acapulco in July with my husband and four kids ages 12,10,3,2. Buses do occasionally get held up and robbed. I would like to publicly challenge this author to any debate in regard to the dangers of mexico and how insane it is to travel there. We did not live in a gated neighborhood. Give me a few days to research this resort. You have now aligned yourself right there with him. I was actually scared to death in Rome but thats another story. I am traveling to RIU Palace Peninsula all-inclusive in September 2019. My kids are normal in the sense they sometimes wander a few yards away from us. Get it? There is no doubt that there has been horrible violence in Mexico due to drug wars between warring factions but that violence has, for the most part, been in isolated areas. I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did Mexico and Rome has the same level 2 warning that Mexico has but Rome doesnt have the same stigma associated with crime. Unfortunately, my grandmother who lived there passed away and I made the trip down. Trust me they want to keep those tourism dollars rolling in and keep touristy areas free of crime. We really want to go but have been warned that it may not be completely safe. BUY YOUR OWN COCKTAILS! Will be renting a van and will be driving an hour. Safety and Travel Restrictions for Mexico (November 2021), 2022 Costa Rica Packing List - Costa Rica Travel Guide, Is Puerto Vallarta Safe? ?Please advice. Read the entire Travel Advisory. I am worried because i have 2 kids and one is 7 months old baby with me. we are a group of seniors. The main area tourist is worried about is Mexicos Quintana Roo state, which includes Cancun, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and Riviera Maya. I have been to Mexico multiple times and while some areas can be beautiful, we have found that almost everyone there is trying to cheat you somehow. When the taxi arrives, make sure that the driver has a driving license and that it looks safe (taxi drivers will usually display their license on the window or seat and will usually wear a uniform). Travelers should have common sense when traveling to Tulum, especially in the downtown area: Dont walk alone at night, lock your doors, and dont walk alone on the beach at night. We love the small town ambiance to be found in Barra de Navidad, Melaque, La Manzanilla and Cuestocomate. It was wrong. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe in Mexico as a solo traveler and take the Mexico Travel Warning seriously: Beaware of the travel warnings but dont let the media scare you into thinking Mexico is this scary place and you will be killed if you travel alone. This infuriated taxi drivers, who face higher costs because they are considered public transportation. I went on an excursion through a cruise line in the Dominican Republic, which the cruise line strongly suggests using their excursions for safety. Mexican politicians and officials are like the Sopranos! After a long time I am going to visit North America and my first plan to visit Mexico.For this awesome place, I already discussed and contact with Oscar Cancun Shuttle for transportation from Airport to travel places. It is really sad that probably half of the people commenting have not even been to Mexico but yet they are reguratating Fox news talking points. My 19 year old son and 2 friends are planning to go to Cozumel and stay at an air bnb by the cruise ship pier. After considering Chapala, Ajijic and Puerto Vallarta, we opted to purchase a home about an hour north of Manzanillo. I am in Tennessee and if you go looking for trouble you will find trouble. Mexico is no different than any other city or country. Thousands of tourists travel to this part of Mexico every year and it's become one of the safest regions in Central America because of it. If you are staying at all-inclusive resort all if not most of the activities should be included. Dont cancel! DO NOT GO TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!! Are you regurgitating what the media wants you to believe or have you had first hand experience with crime in Mexico. you lost all credibility as well for not doing your research and listening to one side. Use your common sense and you will be fine. In the U.S., crashes accounted for 42,915 fatalities in 2021. I am going back in April myself. Could there be a correlation? Tijuana's metro area population increased by 20.22% in 2021 to 2,181,000 people.
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