License plate sticker discount available for seniors | AP News 0000283482 00000 n Ombudsman work is directed by the resident. License plate discount available for senior citizens Currents February 2020 If you are 65 years of age or older, or 16 years of age and totally disabled, you may be eligible for an income-based license plate discount through the Benefit Access Program of the Illinois Department on Aging. . Cloudy skies this morning will become partly cloudy this afternoon. 213 State Capitol Springfield, IL 62756 800-252-8980 (toll free in Illinois) 217-785-3000 (outside Illinois) Contact Forms person will not be tolerated. Coalition of Limited-English Speaking Elderly. First time applicants may require additional documentation and approval time can take up to 12 weeks. What if I share my home with someone other than my spouse or a Qualified Additional Resident? PDF Illinois Department on Aging (IDOA) Benefit Access Program Benefits 0000185184 00000 n The discount is available for one vehicle per household. To apply for the Benefit Access Program online, please visit Do I qualify for the Benefit Access Program? ***If your application was denied using your 2021 income, you may re-apply online using your 2022 income on or after April 19, 2023. endstream <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[6 139]/Length 27/Size 145/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream, New John Deere facility coming to Mattoon, One person killed in Springfield car crash, Akorn fallout: Local businesses impacted by unexpected closure, Judge in Macon County finds assault weapons ban unconstitutional, Authorities issue alert in locating 44-year-old man, Springfield police respond to report of "suspicious item" at Sangamon Towers, Champaign man found guilty in 2017 murder of two Danville men, Mystic Greenz breaks ground for new recreational cannabis dispensary in Macon County, IEA: Retirement age forcing teachers out of Illinois. License Plate Discount - **Applications submitted on January 1, 2023 through April 18, 2023 must use 2021 income to file. 0000200312 00000 n The Illinois Department on Aging's Circuit Breaker program provides grants to senior citizens and persons with disabilities to help them reduce the impact of taxes and prescription medications on their lives. For information about the Departments programs and services for older adults and persons with disabilities, visit or contact the Senior HelpLine toll-free at 1-800-252-8966, Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. The helpline can answer questions on Medicare, Medicaid, enrollment, drug plan information, and more. Illinois Country Living Magazine Site by Energized Graphics. 0000065514 00000 n Note: Have your Social Security number ready when you call. 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PDF Signature: Printed Name: Address: Date of Birth - Illinois PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. 0000193667 00000 n Be Proactive. An in-home assessment will be completed for each client and a certified pharmacist will conduct comprehensive medication reconciliation and review. If you are a surviving spouse as of December 31 of last year, then you should file as single using only your income from last year. Is There A Senior Discount For Illinois License Plates provided through an award from Age Options under the Title III of the Older Americans Act as administered through the Illinois Department on Aging and Federal Administration on Aging . For a household containing one person, the annual income cap is $33,562. These benefits are now available for TWO years once you have been approved. Visit - see Online Services. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, 0000284097 00000 n During this time of high inflation, many older adults are finding it increasingly difficult to cover everyday expenses, said Illinois Department on Aging Director Paula Basta. What if I want more information about the license plate discount? License plate discount available for senior citizens - Illinois Country The cost of license plate stickers will cut down over half the cost of license plate stickers from $24 to $10 for Illinoisans on the Illinois Department of Aging's Benefit Access Program starting in 2023. Springfield, IL - Eligible older adults and persons with disabilities will see their annual license plate renewal fee reduced by more than half in the new year, the Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) announced Wednesday, Dec 28, 2022. 0000004237 00000 n *Click here for a list of what is considered income. Those who qualify also can. ** License Plates Renewal site with designated PIN and registration i.d. The program includes discounts on license plates, the Seniors Ride Free Benefit and the Persons with Disability Free Transit Ride Benefit. Illinois license plate fees dropping for older drivers, those with NOTE: "Person with a disability" means a person unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months. Click on Seniors then select Benefit Access Online Application on the top right side of the site and go from there. This income-based discount on license plate renewals is welcome news for older drivers, helping them save money and keep their vehicle registration current., The lower annual license plate renewal fee for qualifying seniors will help them keep more of their hard-earned money in their bank accounts to spend on other things, such as prescription medicine, said Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White. The regular plate renewal fee is $101. Low 31F. SOS. 147 0 obj REDUCED-FEE LICENSE PLATES Eligibility For eligibility requirements for reduced-fee license plates, please visit the Illinois Department of Aging's. License Plate Discount Internet filing for the above benefits is quick and easy. Eligibility and Frequently Asked Questions. %%EOF 0000210078 00000 n The cost of license plate stickers will cut down over half the cost of license plate stickers from $24 to $10 for Illinoisans on the Illinois Department of Agings Benefit Access Program starting in 2023. xref NOTE:Use a separate Attachment A for each person who is not yet age 65 and does not have one of the other proofs of disability. ** These benefits are Income Limit Eligibility for the License Plate . Services - The Official Website for the Illinois Secretary of State Those with specific questions about the price reduction, or about their vehicles registration status, are encouraged to contact the Illinois Secretary of States office at 800-252-8980. Dec 29, 2022. License Plate Purchasing (Pick a Plate) Purchase Vanity and Personalized License Plates. SOS. Welcome to the Benefit Access Application Internet Filing Form - Illinois 0000169079 00000 n Check the Website for the status of your application. 0000045369 00000 n General Resources General Resources Coalition of Limited-English Speaking Elderly <<7B8BFC43E1B4B2110A008056433EFD7F>]/Prev 464140/XRefStm 1892>> 0000003206 00000 n Biden surveys Ida cleanup in, Newsfeed Now: UPS driver spreads joy with TikTok, Newsfeed Now: Hurricane Ida death toll rises after, Newsfeed Now: Supreme Court allows Texas abortion, Newsfeed Now: Pres. For further information, Call toll-free: 1-800-252-8980, or Visit - see Online Services. now available for TWO years once you have been approved. SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WCIA) Some older Illinoisans and Illinoisans with disabilities will pay less for their license plate stickers next year. Illinois The Illinois offers discounted license plate fees for resistance who qualify and apply for the Benefit Access program. Use the 'Report' link on We'd love to hear eyewitness The senior license plate discount applies to up to one vehicle per household per year, and can only be used for: Passenger vehicles. Threats of harming another . Select Service Type and Location Service Type: County: You must select a county to search. What if I want more information about the license plate discount? Call toll-free:1-800-252-8966. 0000127641 00000 n License Plate Sticker Discount For Senior Citizens We interviewed our tech expert, Jaime Vazquez, to learn more about accessible smart home devices. Please allow2 business days for the Secretary of State to have your eligibility information on their files. If you have For other Illinois residents, current renewal price for a passenger vehicle run $151, with additional fees tacked on for vanity and personalized plates. The regular plate renewal fee is $101. You have permission to edit this article. Share with Us. $55,000 for a 3-person household (yourself, your 0000283385 00000 n 0000455992 00000 n endobj What is the circuit breaker program in Illinois? - Recipes FAQs Suspected abuse can be reported through the APS hotline. License Plate Fees for Low-Income Older Drivers, Persons With B-trucks. A LICENSE PLATE FEE DISCOUNT FREE RIDES ON FIXED-ROUTE TRANSIT SYSTEMS Eligibility is determined by income, residency, age and/or disability utilizing an online application. Seniors who qualify for the discount pay $24 to renew their license plates. Illinois Benefit Access Program Eligibility 0000209803 00000 n 0000194590 00000 n To qualify as disabled, you must be at least 16 years of age prior to January 1 of the current year and be determined totally and permanently disabled from one of the following: Social Security Administration (Get Your Social Security Benefit Verification Online withmySocialSecurity), or, a Class 2 disability card from the Illinois Secretary of State's office, or. Illinois lowering license plate fees for older, disabled drivers Illinois Department of Aging Senior Helpline1-800-252-8966 (TTY: 1-888-206-1327)To obtain a Benefit Access Application for the Seniors Free Transit Ride Program, Persons with Disabilities Free Transit Ride Program and the Secretary of State License Plate Discount. 0000184020 00000 n Case managers will follow up to see what programs might be right for you or your loved ones. Do I qualify for Benefit Access Benefits? License Plates Guide - Click here for a list of what is considered income, Coalition of Limited-English Speaking Elderly. *Only documents scanned to the application will be accepted - Documents faxed to the Department on Aging will no longer be accepted. SECRETARY OF STATE LICENSE PLATE DISCOUNT. ***Please be aware that ANY application that has had no activity for 90 days will be removed from the system and you will be required to file a new application. The Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board is authorized by law to hear and adjudicate real property assessment disputes as follows: provide an informal forum for the hearing of contested appeals; Resolve appeals by issuing impartial decisions based upon equity and the manifest weight of the evidence; Establish clear, concise and accurate communications with the public; and maintain a work force that demonstrates the highest standards of knowledge, integrity, efficiency and performance. Eligible Military License Plates View the Illinois Department of Aging Benefit Access Program Guidelines. <. 0000002224 00000 n Senior license plate discount - Illinois Country Living Magazine Winds light and variable. This includes hyphens, if you have a hyphenated last name please use a space instead. WANDTV. Last year, more than 107,600 people received discounted renewals. 0000001892 00000 n Is there a senior discount for license plate stickers in Illinois? 0000168960 00000 n Contact Us: Chicago Senior Services Hotline : 312-744-4016 (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Email at On February 15th, Governor Pritzker announced his Fiscal Year 2024 proposed budget for the State of Illinois, which includes $1.6 billion for the Department on Aging. Submit the letter when you purchase or renew your license plates to get the $24 discount. or anything. PDF Application Types of Plates To find out if you qualify for any of the benefits, go to Do I qualify? Is there a grace period for expired tags in Illinois 2022? Adult Disability Resource | Solutions for Care In the case of a married couple both individuals must have their own Social Security number. who is not or should not be filing a separate Benefit Access Application. How do I print my Ride Free Transit Certificate? Older adults in Illinois ages 60+ who are eligible for Medicaid receive services through the Community Care Program (CCP). To learn more about the program, you can visit IDoAs website. To qualify, residents must be at least 65 years of age or 16 years of age and disabled, as well as meet income requirements. For deaf and speech-impaired communication over the telephone, dial Illinois Relay at 711. 0000194085 00000 n More Illinois seniors will qualify for state benefits such as discounted license plates and free transit under new income guidelines that took effect for . *** startxref Once your application is approved you may print a certificate of eligibility to take to your local transit authority or Secretary of State's Office. <>stream To apply for the Benefit Access Program online, please visit 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. 0000283831 00000 n When you return to the Benefit Access Application Website, you will be prompted to enter your Social Security number, your date of birth and your name. 0000210477 00000 n Discount applies to one set of the following plates per household per year: standard passenger car, B-truck, persons with disabilities, recreational vehicles weighing up to 8,000 pounds, and military license. 0000184510 00000 n Benefit Access is a program available through the Illinois Department of Aging for seniors and disabled. When the costs of property taxes and prescription medicines begin to "overload" our seniors and persons with disabilities, this program . 145 65 In this regard,how much is the senior . City of Chicago :: Senior Services %PDF-1.4 % Illinois Department on Aging, in partnership with the Area Agencies on Aging and their providers, provides home and community-based education, support, and resources to persons with dementia and their caregivers. 0 Answers provided to the following questions are meant only to give general guidance and not legal advice. Oregon has the highest registration fees in the U.S.: between $268.50 and $636.50 for new vehicles and $122 and $306 to renew for two years. 0000001596 00000 n If your spouse died last year, you would file as single and claim only your income. APS protects adults ages 60 or older and people with disabilities ages 18-59. provides detailed information about rental properties and helps people find housing to best fit their needs. Illinois Circuit Breaker Form - signNow What discount can I get for my vehicle's license plates? * No. For questions regarding your application, please contact the Senior HelpLine at 1-800-252-8966 (toll-free) or 1-888-206-1327 (TTY). Those with specific questions about the price reduction, or about their vehicles registration status, are encouraged to contact the Illinois Secretary of States office at 800-252-8980. All Rights Reserved. 0000126767 00000 n The discount is available for one vehicle per household. The two-year period starts at the time your application is approved. 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A household containing one person, should have an annual income cap of $33,562. Persons with Disabilities Ride Free Transit Benefit, Secretary of State License Plate Discount. 0000247451 00000 n 0000201135 00000 n Learn more. Under Public Act 102-0807, which takes effect Jan. 1, drivers who qualify for IDoA's Benefit Access Program will pay only $10 for their license plate . You must fill out an application either online on the Illinois Department on Aging website or call or visit your local senior center for help. Residents must be at least 65 years of age or 16 years of age and disabled, as well as meet income requirements to be eligible to apply. . Eligibility and Frequently Asked Questions - You must fill out an application either online on the Illinois Department on Aging website or call or visit your local senior center for help. For a household containing one person, the annual income cap is $33,562. Also, if your license plates are rusted, dented or unreadable you can request a replacement on the same web site at no cost. High 52F. Under the new guidelines, single-person households. 0000196770 00000 n Circuit Breaker License Plate Discount Refunds - Illinois 209 0 obj Seniors or Persons with Disability Ride Free Transit Card. . Income limits are $33,562 if single and $44,533 if married. *To be determined eligible for these benefits, you must submit a Benefit Access Application on the Internet. For Seniors - Fremont Township, Illinois substantial discount on license plates fees to those . License Plate Purchasing (Pick a Plate) - 0000003734 00000 n Older adults in Illinois ages 60+ who are eligible for Medicaid receive services through the Community Care Program (CCP). Benefit Access Program - ILSOS Published on January 5, 2020 at 7:46 pm. filed and been approved this year, you will not need to file again with Benefit Access for two years from your approval date. I applaud the Illinois General Assembly for this new law, and especially the sponsors, State Rep. Cyril Nichols (D-Burbank) and State Sen. Meg Loughran Cappel (D-Plainfield).. It provides free transit and discounted license plates to seniors. The office, though, cannot provide a discount on license plates unless the senior has a letter from the Department on Aging saying he or she qualifies for the Benefit Access Program. Eligible seniors may apply for the discount and pay $24 to renew their license plates. For those that qualify, the discounted license plate fee is $24. 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If approved, click on "certificate" under Print and your Benefit Access Program Eligibility Notice will appear. Residents must be at least 65 years of age or 16 years of age and disabled, as well as meet income requirements to be eligible to apply. 0000304160 00000 n You may check application status 48 hours following submission. A household containing one person, should have an annual. If you requested the ride free benefit, please contact your local public transit system for further information. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HELP ON MY INQUIRY. Do NOT include the income of a Qualified Additional Resident. Areas of patchy fog early. endstream Is there a senior discount for license plate stickers in Illinois? For assistance with the online application, older adults can call IDoAs Senior HelpLine at 1-800-252-8966. Mandated by the FederalOlder Americans Act and the Illinois Act on Aging, the Illinois Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) is a resident-directedadvocacy program which protects and improves the quality of life for residents in a variety of long-term care settings. This income-based discount on license plate renewals is welcome news for older drivers, helping them save money and keep their vehicle registration current.. A new law taking effect Sunday sets the cost for those who qualify under the Illinois Department on Aging's Benefit Access Program at $10, which is down from $24. License plate fees to drop for some in 2023 - You need to bring a copy of all the information that verifies your incomeMore seniors will be able to qualify for the Benefit Access Program. Discounts on license plates are available to disabled or elderly people under the Illinois Department of Ageing Benefits Access program. $33,562 for a 1 person household (yourself only); or $44,533 for a 2 person household (yourself and your spouse, or yourself and one Qualified Additional Resident); or $55,500 for a 3 person household (yourself, your spouse and one Qualified Additional Resident, or yourself and two Qualified Additional Residents). If you are 65 years of age or older, or 16 years of age and totally disabled, you may be eligible for an income-based license plate discount through the Benefit Access Program of the Illinois Department on Aging. Illinois license plate renewal fee drops for low-income older drivers The Benefit Access Program Request allows reimbursement for those who are participating in the Benefit Access program for reimbursement with regard to license plates and sticker renewal. Vehicle Registration Discounts for Senior Drivers Over 65 0000197117 00000 n The State holds these lost funds until they are claimed by either the original owner or their heirs. May I use the license plate discount for more than one vehicle? 0000283706 00000 n 0000169193 00000 n Under Public Act 102-0807, which takes effect Jan. 1, 2023, drivers who qualify for IDoAs Benefit Access Program will pay only $10 for their license plate stickers, a decrease from $24 currently. Eligibility is good for two years under the Benefit Access Program. June 2021. Biden announces aggressive new, Newsfeed Now: Biden to launch new plan against COVID-19, Newsfeed Now: Health experts concerned about COVID-19, Newsfeed Now: Pres. Change in law leads to confusion over senior discount license plates The Department on Agings Benefit Access Program determines eligibility for a license plate discount from the Secretary of States office and free transit on fixed route systems in.
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