Flamingo | Bane | Ultra-Humanite | Mister Nebula | Injustice 2: Brainiac | Gorilla Grodd | Captain Cold | Reverse Flash | Cheetah | Deadshot | Poison Ivy | Bane | Scarecrow | One Earth Regime (Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Nightwing & Black Adam) | Dr. Solomon Grundy | Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Foot Clan (Shredder & Baxter Stockman) | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Ubu) | Joker | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Mr. Tooth Fairy | Hyena | Hank Henshaw | This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category. However, Vixen and Jason manage to escape and began to warning the Regime and Insurgency of Damians captures. Raised by the League of Assassins and further trained by his father, Batman, and his ward, Nightwing, Damian Wayne models his fighting style after Dick's instead of Bruce's, combining his speed and athleticism for devastatingly fast attacks. Amygdala | Amanda Waller | Season 7: Oliver Queen | Ninth Circle (Emiko Queen, Dante, Virgil & Beatrice) | Kevin Dale | Ricardo Diaz | Longbow Hunters (Red Dart, Kodiak & Silencer) | Stanley Dover | Jon Cortez | Cameron Adams | Jarett Parker | Magee | Javelin | Pyotr Roslov | Max Fuller | Mirror | Dark Archer | Nora Fries | Reverse-Flash | William Glenmorgan | Sam Hackett | Chimera | Andrew Thornton | Blackout | Felix | James Midas | Gustavo Hernandez | Shadow-Thief | Jason Toth | ZETA | Danny Brickwell | Derek Sampson | John Deegan | Monitor | A.M.A.Z.O. Klatak | Stinger | Timothy " Tim " Jackson Drake es un superhroe ficticio que aparece en los cmics estadounidenses publicados por DC Comics, comnmente en asociacin con el superhroe Batman. Arion | My blood. Robin : I'm your only son, old man. Arkhamverse Mxyzptlk | Electrocutioner | Tim Drake (DC Comics) - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Ra's al Ghul | Villains: Superman and everyone associated with Superman. Baby Doll | Father and prodigal son then battle, but Batman proves his superiority over his son and bests him. wikipedia.en/List_of_Justice_League_members.md at main chinapedia Batman: The Killing Joke: Joker | Vinnie & Joe | Paris Franz Alias T.O. Not until I saw it stained with my father's blood. Lobo | Angel | Not even Batman had done that. Johnny Sorrow | Magic God | Science Squad | In the prequel comic when Damian is freed and forced to return to Ra's Al-Ghul's side instead of having his Regime friends freed along with it, Damian has a chance to resurrect Alfred to Lazarus Pit, while ambushing Batman's Insurgency, and ruining a wedding between Black Canary and alternate Green Arrow, including on kidnapping two of Black Vulcan's daughters and Connor Lance-Quinn (Black Canary and the original universe's late-Green Arrow's son) as hostages. Blockbuster II | I was so obsessed with escaping the Bat's shadow that I never appreciated what the symbol really meant. Maxwell Lord | Plasmus | Fate) | Red Hood | Mr. Batman: Under the Red Hood: Jason Todd | Joker | Black Mask | Ra's al Ghul | Riddler | Ms. Li By the time he wakes up, he is in the Hall of Justice's medical bay, where Cyborg reveals that he received Damian's distress call, much to his confusion. Lex Luthor | While moving through Bldhaven as Nightwing, he is followed by various members of the League of Assassins, who wish for Damian to join them in toppling over Earth's governments in order to bring the world under their balance. But despite all that, he sacrificed himself to save me. Clayface | "Bruce Wayne was my father, and it was no secret I hated him. Brotherhood of Evil | Damian is probably in his mid 20's. Enchantress | White Martians | Powers / Skills Cosmic King | In response, Damian kills all the assassins. Damian Wayne | Batman Wiki | Fandom After the events of Batman R.I.P. Mrs. XL Terrestrial | Dr. Light | This edition was first published in 1877. Justice League: Brainiac | Darkseid | Lex Luthor | Cheetah | Star Sapphire | Shade | Copperhead | Ultra-Humanite | Solomon Grundy | Joker | Kanjar-Ro | Lord Orm | Deadshot | Felix Faust | Gorilla Grodd | Aresia | Morgaine Le Fey | Mordred | Simon Stagg | Amazo | Volcana | Luminus | Firefly | Doctor Destiny | Despero | Giganta | Killer Frost | Sinestro | Parasite | Clayface | Metallo | Kalibak | Livewire | Weather Wizard | Toyman | Royal Flush Gang (Harley Quinn) | Mercy Graves | Vandal Savage | Lobo | Superman | Ray Thompson Chronos | Before the two fought, Joker notes him siding with Superman over Batman. Days later, Damian makes a surprise visit to the Batcave, bringing along a cake to celebrate Alfred's birthday. Onomatopoeia | Raised from birth by the League of Assassins, Damian Wayne has always struggled with Batmans non-lethal code of honor. Metallo | Decay | Twister | Muscleor | Five (Jinx, Gizmo, Mammoth, Billy Numerous, See-More, & Kyd Wykkyd) | Parasite | Son of Bruce, grandson of the Demon. He has worked alongside and against his father as both Robin and, later, Nightwing. Freeze | Man-Bat | Ventriloquist and Scarface | Roland Daggett | Clock King | Bane | Hugo Strange | Lloyd Ventrix | Kyodai Ken | Baby Doll | Emile Dorian | Red Claw | Boss Biggis | Sewer King | Talia al Ghul | Maxie Zeus | Lock-Up | Professor Milo | Count Vertigo | Daniel Mockridge | Grant Walker | Gil Mason | Arkady Duvall | Ferris Boyle | Arnold Stromwell | Tony Zucco | H.A.R.D.A.C. Castle Bat | Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Ghouls | Crucifer | Oracle | Punchline | 3/8/23 NEW COMIC HIGHLIGHTS - Third Eye Comics & Hobbies Eventually, Hawkgirl arrives to fetch Damian only for him to sense something amiss. Even Black Adam Admires the Bat-Family's Deadliest Member Teen Titans Go! Doomsday | Lady Shiva | He is the former leader of the Insurgency and member of Justice League. Match | Damian Wayne, also known as Robin and under the mantle of Nightwing, is the twisted alternative version of the heroic main-universe Damian Wayne. General Ulysses Armstrong | The Agent | Mercy Graves | Plastique | Maxie Zeus | Now in direct opposition to his father, Damian seeks a new mentor in Supermanwhom he considers to be more of a father than Batman ever was. He acted as one of Superman's lieutenants in the One World Regime. King Shark | Justice League vs. Slade | Goldenrod | Felix Faust | With his last breath, Damian reminded his father of the mantra he he taught him: "Justice, not vengeance." Damian then succumbed to his wounds and Batman wept as he held his son's lifeless body in his arms. Psycho-Pirate | Bizarro | Red Death | KGBeast | Justice League Heroes: The Flash: Gorilla Grodd | Circe | Killer Frost | Brainiac It is in this form that he appears as a playable character in Injustice 2. Warp | Lobo | While Batman's unit can't weather the struggle together, one member's dedication to striking out on his own helps earn him the respect of the ruler of Kahndaq. Batman 60s show Interesting enough, Dick Grayson is also dead in the comic. Batman states that he stopped being his son after that and that Dick Grayson was his true son. 3. Neron | Wintergreen, Television Blockbuster I | Injustice 2 Comic Athanasia is first seen beside her mother Talia, breaking her brother Damian out of Prison. Joe Chill | Gizmo | Joker | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Penguin | Mr. Atlas | While Kara is able to accomplish her task, Damian's group soon begins to try and flee Gorilla City, but Animal Man is killed while trying to fly Damian out, and Damian is left behind by Vixen and Jason. Project Cadmus (Lillian Luthor, Cyborg Superman & John Corben) | Dr. Otto Von Death | Lillian Luthor | Insect Queen | He is also playable as "Nightwing" outside of story mode if the player obtains his full Nightwing gear set and equips the Staff of Grayson as an ability. Damian then returns back to his grandfather after learning that a town in Arizona was destroyed along with everyone save for the animals. Sinestro had his suspicions confirmed when a yellow power ring found its way onto Nightwing's finger. Otis Graves | Electrocutioner | Spellbinder | Before the Joker can finish him off, the Insurgents arrive, and Hawkgirl grabs Damian and retreats. During the riot, Damian is grabbed by the head by Solomon Grundy, but he is freed by Superman before Batman and Nightwing arrive to help Damian back up. Cluemaster | Benjamin Bollen Wikipdia Freeze | Bane | Lex Luthor | Killer Croc | Man-Bat | Riddler | Deadshot | Calendar Man | Condiment King | Solomon Grundy | Kite Man | Doctor Psycho | Clayface | King Shark | Nora Fries | Sy Borgman | Doctor Trap | Frank the Plant | Felix Faust | Toyman | Metallo | Livewire | Parasite | Black Adam | Captain Cold | Gorilla Grodd | Black Manta | Cheetah | Giganta | Sinestro | Maxie Zeus | Eris | KGBeast | Two-Face | Catwoman | Nick Quinzel | Sharon Quinzel | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller) | Clock King | Firefly | Court of Owls, Batwheels League of Assassins | Zach Callison ( Injustice Animated Film) Damian Wayne was the son of Batman and held the mantle of Nightwing in the Regime Universe. Killer Moth | Occupation lol jk. In his Classic Battle ending, after defeating Superman, Nightwing realizes that he is capable of anything and challenges anyone who gets in his path. Although represented in the game as Nightwing, Damian is called by most of the players by his own name. In Injustice: Heroes: Batman and anyone associated with Batman. Multiplex | Soldiers | And Harley and Cyborg are probably late 20's at least. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages Sabine Baring-Gould. Young Justice Villains, Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Lex Luthor | 5. Krona | Damian Wayne - Bookmarks | Archive of Our Own | Damian continues to loyally follow Superman, though he remains a constant visitor of Alfred despite their differing standpoints. Shark | Wizard, Theatrical Movies Damian Wayne (Injustice Universe) | Batman Wiki | Fandom Before the Joker can get a chance to finish him off, the Insurgents arrive and Hawkgirl grabs Damian and retreats. Baron Ryang | (1 year ago) 12 246 Tighnari. Mxyzptlk | Dr. Sivana | Justice League: Doom: Legion of Doom (Vandal Savage, Bane, Cheetah, Ma'alefa'ak, Metallo, Mirror Master, & Star Sapphire) | Royal Flush Gang (King, Queen, Jack, Ace, & Ten) Suicide Squad | Belinda Zee | Freeze | Clayface | Riddler | Poison Ivy | Lex Luthor | Flower Children | Fun Haus |Harley Quinn | Morgaine Le Fey | Sweet Tooth | Queenie Goldstein | Bane | Kite Man | Black Manta | Gentleman Ghost | Major Force | Mirror Master | Metallo | Brainiac | Flamingo | Mxyzptlk | Toyman | Thinker | Doctor Sivana | Mister Mind | Black Adam, Beware the Batman
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