To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. According to the Edexcel Pearson GCSE 2022 examination timetable, the Edexcel maths exams will begin on Friday 20th May with the Paper 1 (Non-Calculator) for both Foundation Tier and Higher Maths Tier. GCSE exams are back in 2022 our guide reveals the key dates and all the information you need to know,, Unlimited access to all Tes magazine content. There were usually a few exams even later (typically German). GCSE 2022: Exam dates, timetables and key information. 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To mitigate this, GCSE grade boundaries will be adapted. Warwick GCSE Countdown Timer. 2023 Third Space Learning. Start time: am. August 24, 2022 5:02 pm (Updated August 25, 2022 8:53 am) Pupils this year sat their GCSEs for the first time since 2019 , after the tests were cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. Will the grading be adjusted to bring the 2023 results in line with 2022? The 2021/22 academic year saw the return of the summer exam series in which pupils sat GCSEs and exams relating to other Key Stage 4 qualifications for the first time since 2019. Other schools have been closed for some time and will remain closed for some time to come, with significant loss of teaching and learning. A summary of the dates your students will the sit three maths papers: GCSE results 2023 will be available across all exam boards next summer on the 24th August 2023. 2022's GCSE curriculum was designed to have more content. Papers 1 and 4 (the first Foundation Tier and the first Higher Tier papers) will both take place on Friday 20th May. Key exam dates Information from the Joint Council for Qualifications has produced a timetable showing GCSE exams begin on 15 May and finish on 21 June. Grades can go up or down as a result of an appeal. GCSE English GCSE Maths GCSE Italian GCE Italian Paper 2 (Calculator) for both Foundation Tier and Higher Tier is set for the morning of Tuesday 7th of June, lasting one hour and thirty minutes. This paper will take place in the morning and be one hour and thirty minutes. Please read this timetable alongside our documents regarding start times for international centres. Thereby, making it more difficult in the 2022 year group, for any pupils to get GCSE grade 9's. Here's the full list of equivalent GCSE grades. OCR will have the opportunity to sit an examination in the next summer series in 2023. GCE and GCSE exam dates - summer 2022 City Lit Quality and Exams Team July 20, 2022 18:34 Updated Follow Confirmed exam dates for summer 2022 are as follows. Edexcel exam timetable; . They will be sat on May 20, June 7 and June 13. All OCR maths exams will be one hour and thirty minutes and take place during the morning exam session. GCSE grades were much higher in 2020 and 2021 because exams were not taken in person, and teacher assessment was used instead. Now they're back and we have all the information you need to plan your exam timetable. GCSEs and A levels 2022: How will exams look next year. That is the day when pupils across the country will be able to breathe a sigh of relief and keep their fingers crossed that they have been successful. Read our guide to the GCSE exam timetables for 2023, including all the key dates, information and answers you may need leading up to the exam season,, Unlimited access to all Tes magazine content. Mathematics has three papers and they will be sat on 20 May, 7 June and 13 June. Please note there may be some changes from the provisional timetable. We use essential and non-essential cookies to improve the experience on our website. If there is more than one exam paper per subject, those papers will be spread further apart than usual, according to the TES. That is the day when pupils across the country will be able to breathe a sigh of relief and keep their fingers crossed that they have been. Subscribe for just 1 per month for the next 3 months to get unlimited access to all Tes magazine content. Many of the proposals put forward are similar to those proposed for exams in 2021 before they were cancelled. Revision and exams can be a tough time for the whole family. Last updated 17 November 2022, November 2023 exam timetable - GCSE, Functional Skills and Level 3 Extended Project The GCSE 2022 dates have been released and the GCSE exams are taking place this year for the first time since 2019. Notes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 1h 20m. FINAL GCSE Timetable June 2022 1. Schools and colleges will receive the results on Wednesday 24 August 2022. Find out when exams are, when results are out, and when to submit non-exam assessment and coursework along with other key dates. Students who are unhappy with their grade, and who have either been unsuccessful in their appeal or chose not to appeal, will have the opportunity to sit an examination in the next summer series in 2023. GCSE Gaeilge (Listening and Speaking): Monday 21 March - Friday 8 . Both exams would run this year. The timetable for A level exams is also available. 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This paper is also scheduled for the morning and will also be one hour and thirty minutes. You have rejected additional cookies. You can read more about the adjustments in our piece about the changes to 2022 exams. Others are open but face the disruption of new restrictions and possibly reduced teaching and learning. 27 febrero, 2023 . Where there is more than one exam paper per subject, those papers will be spread further apart than usual. Read on for key dates for the GCSE 2023 exams. Consultation on proposed changes to the assessment of GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2022: Analysis of responses Published: 16 September 2021 PDF, 726 KB, 63 pages Detail of feedback received The. The spacing of the gaps between exam papers has returned to normal, and the longer gaps used in the 2022 exam series do not appear on the 2023 GCSE exam timetable. Here's what you need to know. Exams Timetables Changes to the final timetables after they are published are summarised on the useful information page . (Lines open 9.00am-1.00pm) The Joint Council for Qualifications has produced a timetable that says GCSE exams will begin on May 16, 2022. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. GCSE Contemporary Crafts: Monday 9 May - Tuesday 17 May 2022 1c. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. All our centres are allocated to one of six administrative zones. The tool offers a composite list of JCQ and the contributing awarding bodies key dates to support exams officers in: It is recommended that centres useFirefox,Safari(if using an Apple Mac)orEdgewhen accessing the tool. Hence, some GCSE questions were deliberately made to be more challenging for 2022's GCSE students. After five years of secondary school study, Year 11 students will take their GCSE examinations in the summer term of 2023. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. OCR labels mathematics papers 1, 2 and 3 as Foundation Tier and mathematics papers 4, 5 and 6 as Higher Tier. These are on Thursday 8 June 2023 and Thursday 15 June 2023. While the Government intends for exams to go ahead in 2022, it will continue to work with Ofqual on contingency plans in the event that it is not possible for exams to go ahead fairly and safely in 2022. OCR labels mathematics papers 1, 2 and 3 as Foundation Tier and mathematics papers 4, 5 and 6 as Higher Tier. Amid the pandemic, A Level and GCSE exams were cancelled in 2020 and 2021. International GCSE, Edexcel Award, Project qualifications, BTEC, Tech Award (Feb 22) 18 October 2022: 19 October 2022: 19 November 2022 : 19 November 2022 March 2023 exam series. Use our deadline finder to see when you need to submit non-exam assessment, coursework and controlled assessment work to us. Since March 2020 awarding organisations offering VTQs have adapted qualifications where appropriate and are now well placed to take these adaptations into the next academic year. GCSE marks reached an all-time high in 2021 as 28.9% of pupils were awarded one of the top grades after exams were cancelled and results were instead determined by their teachers. Any time for candidates to read through question papers and to study maps etc. To offer extra support to our schools and candidates we are currently publishing a range of guidance and component exemptions for each exam series. Summer 2022 Examination Timetable - FINAL. Paper 3 (Calculator) for both Foundation Tier and Higher Tier will be in the morning on Monday 13th June lasting another one hour and thirty minutes. You can find specific details about what measures are available in each exams series in the Information for schools about Coronavirus area of our website. Papers 1 and 4 (the first Foundation Tier and the first Higher Tier papers) will both take place on Friday 19th May. This website works best with JavaScript switched on. gcse 2022 papers leaked. Chinese Paper 4: Writing in Chinese Foundation Tier; Morning. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. This could factor in the Easter holidays ahead of the end of May start date, as well as any study periods you might have, or a combination of the two! 8702/2: Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry - 21 June 2021 (Morning) 1 Hour, 45 Minutes. International GCSE (R Paper) - Summer 2023 Final Timetable (XLSX) Back to top Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels International A Level - January 2023 Final Timetable (PDF) International A Level - January 2023 Final Timetable (XLSX) International A Level - Summer 2023 Final Timetable (PDF) Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. All topics contain step by step instructions, detailed examples, practice questions, GCSE exam questions and free maths worksheets! The key dates and deadlines for general qualifications, including Cambridge Nationals, are given in the following documents: Key dates for general qualifications and Cambridge Nationals 2022/23 XLSX, 87KB Today Final exam timetables The structure of the exam timetable is agreed by all the JCQ awarding bodies and many factors are considered. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. November 2022 timetable - Zone 3 (PDF, 664KB), June 2023 timetable - Zone 3 (PDF, 934KB), November 2022 timetable - Zone 4 (PDF, 611KB), June 2023 timetable - Zone 4 (PDF, 830KB), November 2022 timetable - Zone 5 (PDF, 605KB), June 2023 timetable - Zone 5 (PDF, 768KB), November 2022 timetable - Zone 6 (PDF, 569KB), June 2023 timetable - Zone 6 (PDF, 729KB). This timetable contains a full list of all exams for the March 2023 series. Students should make a note of exam dates and use this information to create a revision timetable and organise how to revise for GCSE. 2022 Timetables January 2022 Please note: GCSE English Language and GCSE Mathematics examinations have been moved to the November 2021 series as per ministerial instruction. Summer 2022 Examination Timetable - FINAL. Most schools and colleges will let you study your GCSEs alongside A Levels for other subjects, so don't feel that resitting one or . This includes reducing content and advance information on exam topics. We will tell you about any changes we make to the timetable in the Exams Officer eNewsletter. Exams will always be the fairest way to assess students, which is why they will take place next year, but its right that next summers arrangements take into account the disruption young people have faced over the past 18 months. Plans for summer 2022 GCSE, AS and A level exams are expected to be confirmed early in the coming autumn term. This means there is still a chance Ofqual may take the decision to adjust grade boundaries to ensure students taking exams in 2023 are not unfairly disadvantaged. We cannot accept responsibility for candidates who miss an exam because they have consulted the timetable for the wrong administrative zone. English language and mathematics will be available to resit in the November 2022 exam series. The proposed arrangements to assessments come alongside the governments ambitious package of measures to support students education recovery, backed by over 3 billion, including tutoring, summer schools and mental health support, as well as further training and development for teachers. Find out more about our GCSE Maths tuition or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your schools needs and how we can help. The 2022/23 tool contains key dates for the following exam series': JCQ: November 2022, Summer 2023 AQA: November 2022, January 2023, March 2023; Summer 2023 OCR: November 2022, January 2023, Summer 2023 Pearson : November 2022, January 2023, March 2023; Summer 2023 WJEC Eduqas: November 2022, January 2023, Summer 2023 OCR have done something slightly different. All GCSE exams, no matter the exam board, will take place during May and June 2022. Timetable information for all Edexcel International GCSEs is available below. UK centres International centres Pearson Edexcel GCSE Pearson Edexcel AS and A Level Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Edexcel Awards GCSE Mathematics Paper 1 Friday 19th May. Now theyre back and we have all the information you need to plan your exam timetable. The bakery chain will not be selling its popular hot cross buns this Easter. Download this free, printable exam timetable template to help students plan revision and prepare for exams. They have four exam papers - two will be on 25th May and two on 8th June. GCSE Maths and GCSE English Language are both available to re-take in November 2022. Media Officer, 20 October 2022 - GCSE, GCSE results, Vocational education. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. 8 sets of free exam practice papers written by maths teachers and examiners for Edexcel, AQA and OCR. The GCSE 2022 dates have been released and the GCSE exams are taking place this year for the first time since 2019. The suggested arrangements for GCSEs, AS and A levels include choices about the topics students will be assessed on for some subjects, and giving schools and colleges advance information about the focus of content of the exams for other subjects. You can read two more articles on Tes for free this month if you register using the button below. If they have done the best they can, if theyve tried their hardest and taken on the guidance, we cannot ask them to do any more than their best. 19th century text. If a student misses an exam due to being unwell, then paperwork needs to be completed in order to ensure they still receive a grade. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. We asked Nicola Lappage, assistant principal and history teacher at Ninestiles School in Acocks Green for her tips on how to stay on top of the workload and not get overwhelmed. The guidance includes key dates setting out the process. ", Greggs axe popular menu item as shoppers fume it's a 'disaster'. Students in exam years have had two years of disrupted schooling due to the pandemic. This means you'll have a timetable and attend classes with other GCSE students. Similarly, English literature will be sat on 25 May and 8 June. Published 4 November 2022 Published 15 December 2021, January 2023 exam timetable - Functional Skills, ELC and Applied General UPDATE 14 OCTOBER 2022 Summer 2023 provisional exam timetables are available on AQA, OCR, Pearson and WJEC / Eduqas websites The consultation (feedback/comments period) has now closed Information from theJoint Council for Qualifications has produced a timetableshowingGCSE exams begin on15 May and finish on 21 June. Maths and English GCSE resits however will be sat a bit earlier next year during November 2023. Please check back frequently to ensure you have the latest version. According to the Edexcel Pearson provisional GCSE 2023 examination timetable, the Edexcel maths exams will begin on Friday 19th May with the Paper 1 (Non-Calculator) for both Foundation Tier and Higher Maths Tier. Exam changes for 2022 Your GCSE exams will then end around 5 weeks after the start date - which usually makes the end date fall in the third week of June. T Level examination timetables are available below. Keep up to date with news from Cambridge and its schools around the world. Answers and mark scheme included. This paper is also scheduled for the morning and will also be one hour and thirty minutes. Published 15 December 2021 Here's what you need to know: 22 March to 22 April: Entry amendments window open for centres 31 March: Additional assessment materials (sets of questions, mark schemes and mapping) 26 April: Entry deadline for private candidates 12 April: Additional support materials (marking exemplification) November 2022 exam timetable - GCSE, Functional Skills and Level 3 Extended Project . The timetables on this page are definitive. Telephone: 0333 7000 755 If a student tests positive for Covid-19 then the same procedure should be followed as for any other illness. Download this GCSE exam timetable to help you plan for the upcoming GCSE exam season. What dates will the 2022 AQA GCSE Biology exams happen? GCSE results day 2023: when it is and what to expect Your guide to GCSE results day 2023 GCSE results are released on Thursday, 24 August 2023. The Joint Council for Qualifications has produced a timetable that says GCSE exams will begin on16 May and finish on 28 June. November 2022 timetable - UK (PDF, 665KB), November 2022 timetable - Zone 1 (PDF, 564KB), June 2023 timetable - Zone 1 (PDF, 724KB), November 2022 timetable - Zone 2 (PDF, 569KB), June 2023 timetable - Zone 2 (PDF, 730KB). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.