Mathurin, 90, 118, 155-7, 234, Bretagne Province, France, 16 Lewis, 52, 349 Jean, 350 Satur, 33, 215, 217 Malacare, France, 310 Peter (IV), 54, 261, 303 246, 278, 283-90, 302, 307- Her Miroir de l'me pecheresse, first published in 1531, then again as the first poem in the Marguerites (1547), provoked the censure of the Sorbonne theologians for its expression of ideas associated with the religious reform movement. Jonathan (II), 102-3 Townsend Nicholas de (II), 225-7 Ville John, 134 Its casualty rate was among the highest of the Indian Wars; for more than a year, the Indians seriously threatened the continued existence of the colony. Magdalen, 316 Susanne, 58 Theodore, 85 Jeanne (Billebaud), 155 Each application gives a genealogy of the applicant . Martin, 177, 334-5 Barthlmy, 9, 22, 23, 29, 31, 254, 259, 306, 311, 319, 325-7, Still a valuable resource. On one day, August 24, 1572, an estimated 50,000 Protestants were slaughtered during what history records as The Saint Bartholomew's Day . Jean, 45 Charles, 64-5, 110-11, 114-15, Suzanne (Bouteiller), 56 Josias, 133, 195, 197, 226-7, Thomas, 77, 161-2, 182, 191, The names of Huguenot leaders at that time included the royal houses of Navarre, Valois, and Cond; Admiral Coligny, and hundreds of other officers in the military. Jacques, 197 Susanne (Bouquet? Paul (II), 54, 69, 70, 86-7, 102, Jean, 115 Nicholas, 17, 53, 62, 273 Elizabeth (Bossu), 210 James, Mrs., 55 Chartoe, John, 266 Isabel (Black), 336, 338 James, 157 Jean, 342 Garrittsen, Barent, 345 Endeavor, 297 Jeanne Elisabeth (Boyd), 61-2, Peter/Pierre, 48-9, 248 264-5, 270, 273-5, 306-7, Ruymbeke, Bertrand Van. Anne, 296 Esther (Berresford), 352-3 139 Madeleine, 338-9, 341 Marie Elizabeth, 150, 239 Print. Susanna (de la Coussaye), 151 8, 351, 359 Susanna de la, 151, 255 Mary, 116 247, 286, 308 Rachel (DuPr), 270, 272 Catherine (Gaillard), 126, 141 Wool cards, 187 Isaac (IV), 216-17 Rennes, France, 6, 144, 165, 281- Mary (Lynch), 172, 302-4 Anne, 235, 238 69, 126, 215-6, 219-20 188 285, 299, 326, 344 William, 259, 261 Pierre, 75, 133, 148-9, 156, Margaret (Poitevin), 134, 266, Lydia (Peyre), 126, 260 During the entire period between the early part of the sixteenth century to 1787, thousands of Huguenots left their homes in France for other countries because of recurring waves of persecution. Marie (Bardet), 228-9 Elizabeth, 126, 328-9, 331 Goutier. Commission, 251, 308, 315 Georges, 17, 194-6, 348, 358 Stephen, 249 63-4, 65, 66, 72, 74, 78-9, 86, St. James Santee Wardens, 54, 69, 240, 241, 242, 318 Stone, 87, 192, 322, 370-1 Pamor. Varin Elizabeth, 275 Anne, 237, 261, 350-1 228-9, 254, 315, 344 Elizabeth (Mazck), 140-1 On that day, soldiers and organized mobs fell upon the Huguenots, and thousands of them were slaughtered. Mary, 112, 329, 331-2 John Caldwell, 194 Judith (Mayrant), 242 Elizabeth, 54, 126, 135, 138- Privateer, 23 (French), 133, Atthoe, 101, 203 Joseph, 319 John, 173 Abraham, 256 John Vincent was born in 1815, in Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States. 317-19 234, 248-9, 254, 255, 258-9, Anne (Le Roy) de, 225 Etienne (Stephen), 106, 150, The way I have heard it . Auguste, 64 La Combe Mr., 9 Serjeant, 337 Stephen, 112, 158, 166, 187, Joseph (II), 175, 333-4 Marie Anne, 115 ISAAC CAILLABEUF, n Ste. Jail, 211 Henry, 237, 350 127, 130, 132, 137, 150 Elizabeth Mayrant, 242 Samuel, 262 286, 315, 321, 329, 370 Aelarge, 115 Some see this dual emphasis on creation and on salvation, and God's sovereignty over both, as a cornerstone principle for Huguenot developments in architecture, textiles and other merchandise. Mary (Villepontoux), 116 Washaw/Washo Creek, 18 Rodolphe, 283 Thomas, 305 Jeanne (Pascaud), 56-7, 79, Jean, 348 44 Wilkes-Barre, Penn'a: E.B. Dutart Creek, 20, 33, 44, 46, 66, Snakes, 366-7 Widow, 53, 63, 273 Jeanne, 280 LIsle, France, 79, 85 Anne, 114-16, 357 Esther (Cordes), 236-7 John, 89, 108, 161, 288-90 Switzerland, 242 78, 134, 185, 229, 254, 347 Elizabeth (Harrison), 292 Mr., 207 Lucy, 62 James, 91, 100 Cooper, 48-9, 74, 75-6, 97, Elizabeth, 165 James, 277 James, 90, 92, 222, 237 ABRAHAM FLEURY, De la Pleine, n Tours, fils de Charles Fleury, et de Madeleine Soupzmain. Metal Worker, 343 Elinor, 279 Elizabeth (Rutledge), 204 Marianne, 188 Margaret, 183 Louis, 72 Mary Anne, 294 James, 112 David, 86, 155, 239, 346 Owen, Mary, 77 169, 239, 295, 302, 308, 265, 313-15, 339, 345 290 Press of Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co. Jeanne Elizabeth (Guerri), 37, John, 106, 139, 160, 163, 167, Major, 267 118, 132-3, 178, 185, 195, 245, Civil wars followed. Charles, 262 Sara, 319 245-6, 248, 253, 255, 257, 267, Martha (Bremar), 267 Bouvell, Elias, 56, 86, 238, 336 Benjamin S., 222 Whenever possible, women are indexed under their maiden and married names, with their maiden names given in parentheses. See also Forger. Nancy, 235 Bellinger, Edmond, 226 Robert, 68, 81, 292, 330 Itttewan, 139 115, 128, 131, 145, 149, Thomas Rigdon, 244-5 Elizabeth (Bacot), 200 Daniel, 252, 340 John, 261 LAmmonier. Tours, France, 74, 78, 96, 117-8, Louis, 17, 111-12, 265, 267, Ester/Esther, 151, 235-6 Christopher, 38, 175 Martha, 345 Francis, 271, 294-5, 297, 325, Paul (II), 173 Marie, 155-7, 233-4 Butler points to factors such as a loss of national identity and a failure of the American French Protestants to maintain their cohesion as causes for the demise of the Huguenots. Boones House, 182 Catherine, 152 Claude, 268 216, 218-9, 258, 280, 287- Garonne River, France, 368 Varner Fogartie 157, 201-2, 255, 343 B., 234 Compagnion, Oliver, 100 Ann(e), 155-6 227, 288, 347-8 Trade with, 60 Clerk, 26, 251 Goose Creek, 5 John, 49 301 Jane Elizabeth, 152 School for, 142 Biloxi, MS, 185 Tacitus (II), 127 Susanne (Dutartre), 113, 267 Jermain. 319 Jeanne, 197, 199 Judith, 260-1, 296, 351 Vines, 9, 11, 291, 364, 371 Jean, 302, 333 Traders, 284, 315, 317 Martha, 237 Atkins, 133 Jane, 241, 349 Mississippi Company, 185 James, 106, 159, 167, 321, 326 Isaac, 345 DeJean/Dejean Leslie, 39 Judith (de St. Julien), 318 Hell Hole 268 Catherine (Bonneau), 261 2 French Huguenot churches were established at Jamestown, Goose Creek, and in the city of Charles Town. Servants, 64 Harriott, 171 Sutton Susannah Elizabeth, 52, 349 Richard, 74 (Chastaigner), 83-4 286-7, 306-9, 328, 332, 346 Grayhound, 313 102, 104, 111-12, 154-5, J., 240 Hester (Vincent), 343 Susannah Elizabeth (LeNoble), Moyon John (II), 164, 258-9, 324 Pepper, Charlotte, 152 216, 324 Andr, Jr., 69, 261 Susannah (Juin), 196 Tour de P/La Tour-de-Peilz/, Jonas (II), 200 223-4, 246 Simond, 120 Paul, 178, 184 Rhne River, 120, 230, 287, 368 NJ, 205 Judith, 129, 241 Henry, 243-5 Abraham, 264 1. Jean, 96, 104, 257, 319-20, Hull, Mr., 184 Maid Servant, 44, 64, 114 Elizabeth, 177 Johnston Pierre, 153, 201, 254-5, 257, Bochet (II), Nicholas, 350 Terms such as Indian Slaveand Negro were used when persons were so identified in the records. Notary Public, 44, 64, 165, 178 Franois, 149, 151, 253 Gitteau, Lidie, 310 Charles, 197 Judith (Girard), 316 86-7, 95, 103-5, 109, 113- James, 305 Susanna (Poitevin), 267 211 James, 303 Deputy Secretary, 269 Benoite (Pitauer), 327 Gabriel, 68 Pickens Stinson Occupations Henrietta, 139, 318 175 See Palmer. John, 177, 178, 184 John, 169, 170-2, 190, 233, Susannah Beersheba, 103, 153 319-20 Wappetaw, 100 Susanne, 282 133, 135-6, 144, 165, 206, 230, Droulihards, G., 64 Daniel (II), 247 143, 198, 279, 280 Jeanne, 211, 218 Mary (Postell), 277 John, 302, 306 Esther, 324-5 Paul, 133 299 Paul Pierre, 206-8, 283 Watchmaker, 226, 315, 357 259-62 267, 289 Elizabeth, 305 Wateree, 296 Rolinson, Daniel, 77 Mary Magdalen, 236 259 Original Settlers, 16-17 Piston, Rmond, 99, 268 John, 262 Rundell, Edward, 169 Mnigaut, Elizabeth, 201, 205, Nicholas de, 17, 68, 181, 195, Ester, 338, 339, 341 Elisha, 161-2, 290 Anne, 225 Elizabeth (Trapier), 173 Didcott. 216, 285 Elizabeth, 9, 78, 80-4, 86, 124, Charles II (of England), 57 River, 330 Marie (Palot), 62 George, 190 230, 242-7, 253-4, 286, Guadeloupe, 53, 63, 80, 273 Mary Anne, 162, 217 Honor, 75, 243, 247 Valencie, 319, 322 Henry DuRant came to South Carolina sometime in the late 1600's. His descendants were plantation owners in South Carolina on Lynch's Creek; and Benjamin Durant, who has been identified by historians as being descended from French Huguenots, left South Carolina and settled along the Alabama river sometime in the 1780's. 321, 330-2 She has taught genealogy and has written books and articles on the subject, including Tracing Your Huguenot Ancestors and Tracing Your Family Tree in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Mississippi, 126, 185 Francis (Sir), 130 6. See also Mounier. Beaufort, SC, 304, 319, 320, 379 Quebec, Canada, 209 290, 294 Prioleau, 374-5 John, 174-5, 177 307, 325, 335, 344 Jerman/Jermon. Sainte-Croix Island, 343 Elizabeth (Simon), 259 John, Sr., 77 Dennis, 76 308 54, 74, 89, 96, 99, 112, 182, Jeanne (Le Febvre) de, 226, 300 Capt., 192 The colony of Carolina was settled by English people|English settlers, mostly from Barbados, sent by the Lords Proprietors in 1663, followed by Huguenot|French Huguenots. 267, 288, 302, 348-50, 357 Pineville, SC, 154 320, 322, 329, 370-2, 373, 375 Toomer, Mary (Bonneau), 349 Hester, 48 Hewit, Mr., 133 North Santee, 190 Jacquine (Mercier), 117-8, Jacques, 53, 256, 307, 339 Levi, 36, 182 Cooper River, 5, 6, 13, 30, 49, 51- Toumeys Geological Survey, 375 Brunet de Passey, Ester, 255 Esther (Savineau), 324-5 3. Pennsylvania exceeded those in South Carolina.1 1 Laux, "The Huguenot Element in Pennsylvania," p. 1. 259 Marthe, 132 Marianne, 60, 140, 148, 210, Mary (Joy), 77 Picot, Peter, 264 132, 137, 150 169-70, 183, 207-8, 241, Capon Silk Throwster, 227 Mary, 211 French Huguenots made two attempts to establish a haven in North America. Louis, 351 Jacob, 116 The Huguenots adapted themselves readily to the New World. Woodruff, Ann, 242 The Southern Intelligencer, 358 Daniel, 17, 281-4, 310-11, Mary, 158 Thousands of Huguenots were in Paris celebrating the marriage of Henry of Navarre to Marguerite de Valois on Saint Bartholomew's Day, August 24, 1572. Commissary, 34-5, 70, 89, Manigault Creek, 153, 180, 191, Dalton, John, 98 Lewis Dutarque, 112 Anglican Church, iii, 25, 141, 287 Sarah, 174 183, 282 121, 284 Madeleine, 211-13 Huguenots were ordered to renounce their faith and join the Catholic Church. William, 342 Cassique,18, 366 289 Elizabeth (Gendron), 138-9, Couly Elizabeth, 97 313 Jean, 50 See DeJean. Margueritte (Huger), 168-9, Pierre, 67, 208 Abraham, 129, 231, 313, 339, Mary, 182 Douxsaint, 217, 375 Daniel, 6, 358 Dymes Lewis, 332 Chastain Catherine, 237 Marie Ester (Page), 129-30, Beauchamp, 341 Madeleine, 266 Ryder, Francis, 325 Anne Marie de, 298 Anthoine, 44, 152, 207, 357 Marie Anne (DuPont), 115 DesChamps/Deschamps Jeanne, leur fille, ne St. Jean D' Angely. Peter, 266, 277 Philadelphia, PA, 101, 153, 173, Charles, 151 The Reformation: A History of European Civilization from Wyclif to Calvin: 1300-1564. Magdalen (Cottin), 55, 230 James, 276 Susanna, 157 Sarah (Faucheraud), 117 J., 270 Cailleau, Jacob, 267 Holland, 4, 9, 57-9, 80, 117, 145, Harleston Marie, 323, 324 Souchard. 241, 255, 258 Anne (May), 115 Glover, Charlesworth, 280 Print. 117, 135, 137, 165, 249-52, Susannah, 259 Eau-de-vie, 147, 371 Louis, 158 Anne (Salone), 98 John (II), 172 Anne, 47 Albert, 34, 71, 93, 139, 198-9, Matthew, 188 Benjamin Marion was a French Huguenot (Calvinist Protestant) from Chaunay, in the Poitou-Charentes region of western France. Benjamin, 173 Joanna, 76, 77 Abram, 95 Mr., 20, 209, 250 122, 127 Then, on April 13, 1598, as the newly crowned Henry IV, he issued the Edict of Nantes, which granted to the Huguenots toleration and liberty to worship in their own way. Elizabeth, 240 Le Moyne George, 116 Pecoates, 264 260, 314, 334 Mary (Ford), 158 Marye (Souchard), 110 Ester, 9, 119-2, 124, 127, 130, 174-5, 177, 193-4, 200, 330, Mary, 137, 222-3 28-30, 33, 39, 67, 79, 86, 96, At its first synod in 1559, fifteen churches were represented. Jean, 357 London), 281, 344-5 Charlotte, 88 Jane, 98 Elias Lynch, 172 Claig, Lydia (Michaud), 247 Edgehill Bluff, 171, 175 Dasserex. Marie (Rendon/s), 306 Jeanne, 226, 281-2, 309, 310, Robert, 276 240-1, 318, 358 Marinna. Dame (Marquise), 61 Switzerland, 141, 144, Joseph (II), 112 Murray, John, 338 Jean, 254 Anne (Peyre), 261 Peter Elias, 304 James, 266-7 Marriage Contract/Settlement, 64, Marie de, 67 Antoinette, 44 331, 332 214, 217, 222, 250, 285-6, 205, 211, 244, 262, 266, Thomas, 330 Jeanne, 358 Marianne (Vandamme), 57 Quark/Quash Stephen, 128 Marie (Callard), 345 Philippe, 138 Etienne, 37, 69, 86-7, 106-7, Peter, 36, 86-7, 89, 106-8, 150, Beer (small), 360, 371 Jacques (II), 48, 49 Caleb, 286, 288, 349-50 Magdalen, 134 Jeanne, 350 Esther (DuBourdieu), 281 Elias, 254 Palmer/Pamor, 375 James, 88, 107-8, 174, 177, French Graveyard, 152, 159, Indigo, 11, 30, 39, 140, 147, 286, THE HUGUENOTS OF ABBEVILLE, S. C. During the persecutions of the Huguenots in France, which had continued through the 18th century almost to its close, a colony arrived in South Carolina in 1764. Angoulins-sur-Mer, France, 79 High Hills of Santee, 108 273-4, If you would like to contribute to this page, please feel free to edit it. Endeavour, 13, 58, 65 Elizabeth, 132 Nicholson Daniel (II), 186-8 Julien, 51 188, 300 Calvin, Jean, 4, 25 Louis, 227 Copias, Margaret, 226 Poc, Bretagne, France, 281 Floride de, 227-8

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