Emails being blocked which we send to email addresses, Re: Emails being blocked which we send to email addresses. 16:52 EST 04 Mar 2023 Those who wish to hold on to their email account just have to log in from time to time to keep it active. on 10h59. The usual SPF and DKIM and other DNS settings are in place to verify the sent emails. on At some point during one day a couple of weeks ago, the following issues seem to have started: missing virtually all sent emails from the account on my iPad since the account started, but not my iPhone similarly, logging onto web based email account, using different devices, my iPad, my iPhone, wife's iPad and . And now, Google Groups users are reporting ( 1, 2, 3) that they are unable to send emails from BT and Earthlink email addresses. I entered my password into the incoming and outgoing IMAP Email Servers, (; the ports default to 993 incoming and 993 outgoing I had a feeling that the outgoing was not correct, that it should be 465. 15h31. ), having escalated the issue, within one hour, I was able to send email again from all devices and from all applications. Has anyone else encountered this and found a solution ? If an item is purchased and the buyer's delivery address is a PO BOX, the item will be cancelled by the seller. No links of any sort and it still bounces, coming back with the messages unable to deliver after repeated attempts. on 2. A workaround would be to use another SMTP - for example gmail if you have a google account. In my view, the Postmaster group are doing it the wrong way round. We receive the following message when we try to send from our Mac. Though as the BT email service is independent of the Plusnet one, we can't speculate as to any issues or configuration choices that have been made by their team. This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. Log out of your email account then, Using an email program? Email headers can be found by looking at the email item's properties. If not, how do we get a moderator involved? Yesterday, I managed to contact BT via webchat. Townman, Gandalf. I expect that they are simply burying their heads in the sand and do not look at all. I have a recent problem with my email service. to know I'm not alone. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, Batman Outlaws #1 2 3 Complete DC Comics Lot Doug Moench, Comic should be in the grade given in the listing title. None of the posts I have seen are the same as my problem however. 23-04-2021 8h29. [Image Edited by Moderator to Remove Personal Information], Jan 8, 2021 10:47 AM in response to Suze07. 11-07-2019 It seems that I can only send messages to my iCloud account from the iMac. So we can look in to this further, could you provide us with the full bounce back message you're receiving and the email headers. That sounds like something has been stuck in a queue somewhere. 09-07-2019 I went to Advanced Settings and found that IMAP incoming and SMTP outgoing ports were set to 993. 19-12-2022 Yet a number of readers have told us that they feel prevented from doing this because switching provider risks losing the email address on which they rely. We resorted to texting instead, as neither of us had the time or knowledge to pursue it, although I did have a look online without much success. 26-08-2021, on I've got a "failed delivery message". BT need to deal with this at a high level, NOT an individual user's account. 14-07-2019 How can we as customers get BTs attention and ensure that there is a fix? Will post any update that I get. 19h32. It is useful Anne that you have posted a similar experience on this topic, for it helps to see if there is a common issue. My husband hasn't yet received a reply to the ticket he opened on his BT account yesterday however it seems more than coincidental that this morning I received six delayed mails from two different people with btinternet addresses. Also, the web interface seems to be working just fine. 'I have always used the same email address,' says Dave, 79, from Cambridge. 1) Set up an email address with a free service. 25-08-2021 There will be times when for various reasons, a receiving system does not respond to a message forwarding request and then the sending system does not retry at the right time / interval. Thank you anyway. If not, how do we get a moderator involved? If that doesn't fix the problem, see the next section. Thanks So it seems to be something between Android and BT Mail. - We do not send parcels to PO BOX addresses. Delays in Emails being delivered can arise from a multitude of reasons. A few months ago I realised I wasn't receiving emails from a friend with a email address. Thanks for the super fast analysis and reply. I've also found an old post from someone (Peter) with the same problem, but I can't see that his problem was resolved. Any ideas? There can be other issues with the sending system which can cause the receiving system to defer acceptance of emails due to perceived security issues - a year or two ago, Google applied significant delays to accepting emails sent from * to their free@gmail users. You should check that you are complying with this link and if you are you will need to contact the BT Postmaster. About 4 days letter I get a reply saying the message could not be delivered. by Having established that I was able to send email from webmail, the agent told me that there were no issue with BT's Servers (or the company who provides this service on their behalf), and the issue was with my device. Terms and conditions of the sale . But again got error messages which I now cant remember. Surface mail is also available; please e-mail us for . 1-800-MY-APPLE, or, If you cant send or receive email on your Mac, Sales and Something went wrong. I guess I will have stop e-mailing my wife from the iMac (I could even talk to her!). This amount is subject to change until you make payment. 23-04-2021 I've got a "failed delivery message". Have you had the chance to check if the issue persists on a different user account? Announcements, Guides & Community Updates. None of the posts I have seen are the same as my problem however. 2) Set up a forwarding system on your old email account so that all new emails are automatically redirected to your new email address. Any ideas? Its broadband expert Catherine Hiley says: 'Staying loyal to a broadband provider to keep your email address could prevent you from enjoying savings of up to 162 a year on average if you switch. for DISH Protect Silver unless you call to cancel. By coincidence(? The other two people that are having the same problem are using Samsungs, but haven't said which model. Many customers find the BT community forum is a great way of getting help. Those who want to retain the same features once they leave BT can pay for Premium email, which costs 7.50 a month. Thanks I decided to wait and see and this evening emails are sending OK again with the exception of one email that returns a 453 Too many recipients error message - I was trying to send an email to about 50 people on Both accounts are loaded into Mail on the iMac but only mine is on the MacBookPro. I cannot send even the simplest of messages this morning. Yes they do and they can send successfully to my Metronet email from ipad and PC using a gmail address, I have sent you a pm with the raw text source header from an email sent 13th April which only arrived this morning. View cart for details. captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee as to the efficacy of BT L1 agent wasn't able to resolve and it has been passed to their email support team. I consistently receive this warning:whenever I try. My husband has opened a ticket with BT and provided them with the timestamp in formation from the delayed email. Announcements, Guides & Community Updates. 26-08-2021 Customer: replied 2 years ago. There have been problems with the BT IMAP/POP servers stopping email clients from accessing the users email account for years. 26-08-2021 Re: Emails from addresses not received. Martin Gates, from Hampshire, has had an email account with Virgin Media for years. There will be times when for various reasons, a receiving system does not respond to a message forwarding request and then the sending system does not retry at the right time / interval. on 15h04. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Today all of our emails addresses would receive, but not send. By posting your comment you agree to the house rules, The comments below have not been moderated, By 10-07-2019 In the case of delayed emails, that do eventually arrive, the headers can be useful in determining where the delay occurred. I consistently receive this warning: whenever I try. It's reassuring not to be alone. 26-08-2021 If anyone else is having similar issues with delayed emails, and wants to see if it's the same thing, all you need to do is obtain the email headers for the received message and then look at lines that start with the word Received. That will mean that when someone emails you at that address, they will receive an automated message saying their email has been forwarded, and explaining that you will be responding in future from the new email address. Email: It's not just that there has been a delay. The destination account that I am using for tests is another btinternet account (my wife's) - in fact it's a subaccount to my own account. It is very annoying, I hope you guys reach me out soon. Get our superfast unlimited fibre broadband, Flexible and affordable sim only deals with no contract, Our network reaches over 99% of the UK, so we've got you covered, Low on minutes, data or texts? The advice from forum users is to do nothing such as changing passwords or deleting and resetting up accounts as this invariably causes more problems than it solves. If you click on them we may earn a small commission. Thank you, JW. on When this happens. I have tried sending individual messages and simple test messages but nothing works. Clearly, somewhere, somebody in BTs email service provider organisation has made a change in their configurations, or there is a fault. Thanks for the examples that have been provided so far. Anyone else experiencing the same issues? That being said, a delay of over 5 days is rather unusual, as most email servers will give up after that long and assume it's not possible to deliver the message. BT Email - best practices for postmasters and senders of email | BT Help, on If I go into iCloud web page, then I can send and receive as normal. On 19th May I had a chat session with a plusnet advisor who could not help but said he would pass it on to the email specialists. A Virgin Media spokesman adds: 'There is a cost to us to provide an email service and so it's not something we'd provide free of charge to former customers.'. Having the same problem myself today - unable to send emails from my account. on The worrying thing is I don't know how many other emails I'm not receiving. With a significant delay between the timestamp on the two BT ones and the timestamp on the two Plusnet ones. Does anybody have any idea how I can resolve this, other than changing ISP. It is they that should investigate why other email providers don't have this problem. The usual SPF and DKIM and other DNS settings are in place to verify the sent emails. Sending or receiving email. No disrespect intended as your advice is probably based on years of experience of BTs service! Dave Bradford would love to ditch Virgin Media and get a new broadband provider. 15h27, on btinternet email server refusing to send outgoing issue can clear itself after a day or two" proves to be the case. My email is not sending from my iMac (iCloud). Working on the theory that it was another case of BT doing something, I decided to leave it overnight. 26-08-2021 20h13. Re: Unable to send email from Outlook app, If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings icon. I use Mac OS High Sierra: version 10.13.6 and Phone Software Version is: 13.3.1 on on Outgoing Mail Server: Port: 465 (this may not be automatically populated on selecting SSL, so you'll need to check) SSL Encryption: Enabled (but not STARTTLS) Authentication: PLAIN Username: your email address including the @btinternet or part Password: your btinternet or btopenworld password When I pointed out that the same issue happened at the same time on multiple devices, running multiple email applications, the agent agreed to escalate my issue, and I have been promised a reply within a further 24 hours. Also my husband can now successfully send me emails using his btinternet address from his Ipad that arrive in my mailbox immediately which wasn't working before. Oops. Just goes straight to outbox, then tries to send, comes back with a message Do other emails they send get to where they need to go? Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community. I cannot find an obvious way of asking bt about this! The accounts work on BT Webmail, both to receive and send. 11h40. I am experiencing it with emails from different addreses within a domain which belongs to another ISP. Neither of these has solved my problem. We work with the Royal Highland Show and their database system sends out emails to its 1,000s of members by email. Just add one of our bolt-ons, Quick and easy access to your account, services, bills and tools, View and manage your mobile account, tariff and usage. only. All other emails to other systems have no issues. I manually changed the outgoing port to 465 and repeated the procedure above, but still couldnt send emails from my phone no problem doing so on my laptop. If I send a message to this group it gets to 10 for the group but not the other 4, all of whom have btinternet addresses. Your post does not go to BT. iPad is working ok. A forum where Apple customers help each other with their products. I have the exact same problem. What can be done to fix this problem please? All incoming emails were there on my phone, but when trying to send an email, I got the same error as Shortm showed in his first post. - last edited on Read more about failed deliveries and messages from "MAILER-DAEMON" or "Mail Delivery Subsystem". If I send a message to this group it gets to 10 for the group but not the other 4, all of whom have btinternet addresses. Why cant my email address have in the display name? This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes At my age, I just don't have the energy to set up a new email address and tell everyone.'. 20h35, BT Mail | | Cannot send mail, Re: BT Mail | | Cannot send mail, Announcements, Guides & Community Updates. btinternet email server refusing to send outgoing messages - rejecting as having spam/phishing conte Go to solution I anybody else having this problem. The whole ISP domain is blocked. Look from the bottom upwards to see the activity timestamps from when the message was sent, through to when the message was received by Plusnet. 23-04-2021 He received emails from me okay (from my Metronet email address) but I wasn't getting his replies. I installed Spark on the iMac but it can't login to my btinternet mail account (it can't establish a stable connection) so I cannot test it with another client. Rachel Rickard Straus, Financial Mail On Sunday, Virgin Media sent most audacious price hike letter I've seen, says RACHEL RICKARD STRAUS: Telecoms giants take us for fools it has to stop, Pull plug on phone and broadband giants' price hike rackets NOW! For those that aren't arriving, things obviously get a little more involved. I feel there is something going between Google and Apple. Help with setting up your email > Other tips: Check that email addresses are typed correctly Check spam folders - genuine emails sometimes end up in there by mistake I can take the same message and copy it into gmail and send from there and it gets through with no problem. That is because he has a Virgin Media email address, which would be deleted if he switched away. Those who leave have their email account terminated and closed 90 days later. Both server names are mai;, both IMAP usernames show my email address; Ive tried entering my IMAP password into both the incoming and outgoing servers and when I click on the tick so show that everything is entered, I get this error message almost immediately: The connection to your email server timed out.

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