El Chapo hitman Chino ntrax tortured, executed with sister - MEAWW He reappeared in Culiacan, Sinaloa on May 15, 2020 where he was found murdered along with his sister, and brother-in-law. "El Chino ntrax" y el trgico final de su emperatriz - infobae Privacy PolicyTerms of ServiceSign Up For Our NewslettersSite Map, Copyright 2023, The San Diego Union-Tribune |, Jose Arechiga Gamboa, aka El Chino Antrax, (Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Treasury), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, A SoCal cocaine kingpin will do way less time behind bars than anticipated, A 2023 San Diego bucket list of things to do for a more adventurous year, Interactive map of all homicides in San Diego County since 2010, Fat Leonard, set to finally be sentenced in long-running Navy bribery scheme, is on the lam, High-ranking cartel leader, cousin of drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero, sentenced to time served. The video starts with the former vocalist of Banda El Recodo singing "El Seor de las Canas", a song by Vicente Fernndez, alongside a mariachi group. Maybe chino did this!, she was probably fucking around with other men enjoying chinos money! Claudia Ochoa Flix, dubbed the 'Empress of Antrax,' died from drug Yeah these ppl dont really give a fuk.capos with a rep cant stand for a women to go around spending there money on other men plus she was getting old and default. Following the separation of the Sinaloa organization and the Beltrn Leyva Cartel that year, he went on to form Los ntrax, an armed squadron of the Sinaloa Cartel for providing armed security services to "El Mayo" Zambada. The Sinaloa state prosecutors office identified him as Jos Rodrigo A, providing only his last initial, as Mexican law dictates. Right Mayo. here we go again..all these stupid snitch comments.why don't you guys wiki your favorite criminal super heros!!! CAF did it then no it was BL then it was CDS then it was Chino and the even the corner junkie. Reply. Murder squad leader who once worked for El Chapo is found shot dead He was finally sentenced to seven years and three months in prison last December but most of his time had already been served by then. [4][5][6], He was nearly killed on 4 November 2008 when an armed commando opened fire at a car wash in Culiacn. .And apparently Chino is in the U.S. already. She was trying to live in a world where people are killed everyday. Damn, I wished they had kidnapped Rita 17yr. . Condolences to your family. When he is released, he hopes to work in construction and home remodeling. La Fiscala General del Estado de Sinaloa confirm que Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa, "el Chino ntrax" es una de las 3 personas que fueron abatidas el pasado 16 de mayo en . Initially, the authorities did not give any details on the identity of the detainee, but an anonymous U.S. federal agent and Mexican local newspapers leaked information to the media that the man was in fact Archiga Gamboa. Home. Yuriana Castillo Torres romantic partner, Rodrigo Archiga, was one of Ismael El Mayo Zambadas trusted men, he was in charge of Los ntrax, one of the armed arms of the Sinaloa cartel. Nummer 2 - 2018; Nummer 1 - 2018; 2017. According to the court archives, the DEA has under its possession documents that prove that Archiga Gamboa participated in at least fifty drug trafficking shipments between Mexico and the United States. That wasn't even his wife but he does have a daughter w her. The investigation also included the testimony of arrested smugglers, seized drugs and money, and photographs that inculpate them. Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa (15 June 1980 15 May 2020), commonly referred to by his alias "El Chino ntrax", was a Mexican drug lord, a professional hitman, and a high-ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel, a criminal organization based in Sinaloa. Jaja te mataron pinche pendeja. Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa - Wikipedia Arechigas wife wrote in a letter to the court that getting married so young and starting a family I believe is what forced Rodrigo to look for other options to provide for us. The options were more prosperous, she said, adding I cant explain it to you because it was a conversation we never talked about.. 203 following. Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa, conocido como el Chino ntrax ( Culiacn, 15 de junio de 1980- Ibidem, 16 de mayo de 2020), fue un narcotraficante mexicano fundador y lder de la clula criminal Los ntrax, brazo armado del Crtel de Sinaloa . [24] He also has pictures with Serafn Zambada Ortiz (alias "El Sera"), also son of "El Mayo" Zambada who was arrested by U.S. authorities in November 2013 while attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona. The killing of Turks is a step in that direction. He was one of the leaders and the founder of Los ntrax, an armed enforcement group that protected Sinaloa cartel leader Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada and his sons. What happened to the Sinaloan credo of respecting women, children and the elderly? [56], His romantic partner Yuriana Castillo Torres was reportedly kidnapped by armed men while heading to her vehicle after leaving a gym in Culiacn, Sinaloa on 6 May 2014. R.I.P. Qu fue del Changuito, lder de Los ntrax? - EL DEBATE He was extradited to the US on July 10, 2014. El Chino ntrax. At the funeral home where the wake took place, members of Los ntrax reportedly paid their condolences by leaving a floral ornament in honor of her. [21], His most common alias was Chino Anthrax, but the drug lord was also known as El Comandante ntrax ("Commander Anthrax"), R-57, El Oriental ("The Oriental"), El Quinto Elemento ("The Fifth Element"), Scarface Renacido ("Reborn Scarface"), among others. Que fueron dejadas al interior de una camioneta en las inmediaciones del poblado de Ayun este sbado por la maana, confirmaron fuentes federales de seguridad. http://riodoce.mx/narcotrafico-2/despiden-los-antrax-yuriana-castillo, http://www.latintimes.com/el-chapo-guzman-news-new-yorker-magazine-reveals-el-chino-antrax-was-key-sinaloa-cartel-171824. Zambada or El Chapo. [17][26] He was part of the younger generation of Mexican drug traffickers that enjoy displaying their luxurious lifestyle online. En su juventud, ascendi en la jerarqua del cartel hasta llegar eventualmente a dirigir el brutal escuadrn de sicarios ntrax. Arechiga was extradited to San Diego in July 2014 and a year later he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to import cocaine and marijuana. [20] While in Los Cabos, Archiga Gamboa reportedly ordered the murder of Francisco Rafael Arellano Flix, a former leader of the Tijuana Cartel, on 18 October 2013. Wat dnt these cds wannabees understand?let me. The authorities found bodies of Chino, his sister Ada Jimena Arechiga Gamboa and brother-in-law Juan Garca Espinoza inside a BMW X-5 sports vehicle . FOTOS: As luce en la morgue; Confirmado "El Chino ntrax" fue Chino was gun battled for 4 days back to back, they say he whacked 20-30 men by him self after the night before they had sent 50 trucks of dudes to finish him. Those present in the courtroom had to pass a secondary metal detector and pat-down before entering the hearing site. El . Something about the Sinaloa Cartel, they dont kill children they go ahead and kill any other of your loved ones but never children. When Yuriana Castillo Torres lifeless body was found, it was wrapped in white sheets and tied with electrical cables in a vacant lotbehind a preparatory school of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, in the Lomas de Guadalupe neighborhood. Thank you! [49][50] On that date, however, the hearing was postponed to 6 March 2015 after his attorney asked in court for more time to evaluate the evidence against his client. Considering time already served, Arechiga, 39, doesnt have much longer behind bars. All of you "real men" defending the poor dead woman are completely missing the point, maybe because the other side is being so vitriolic about it. [7] The Dutch authorities confirmed that the drug lord had been arrested at the request of the U.S. government, which had contacted Interpol to assist them in the arrest of the drug lord for charges relating to drug trafficking. She was kidnapped and killed and her body was later found. So get your heads out of your asses, false caballeros. Abbott pleaded guilty last year in federal court to a wire fraud charge. you know, it is free to be considerate, and respectful, even if you lead a desperate and lonely life, full of regrets for having done that with your priest, and resentment against everyone else, be kind and nice, nobody cares either way anyway, see you around, mini-anibal lecter Ladies, This would not have happened if she had dated a nice Zeta gentleman. The other 2 bodies were identified as his sister and her husband. Es Jos Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa, "El Chino Antrax", fugado de San Diego, California apenas el 9 de mayo, una de las personas asesinadas. U.S. law enforcement managed to identify Archiga Gamboa through unspecified forensic methods despite the fact that the drug lord had used a fake name to travel, undergone plastic surgery to change his appearance, and altered his fingerprints. who are innocent. @4:12. And finger is pointer to chapitos personal gunmen. And had him in a save house. Did El Chino Anthrax's Instagram feed lead to his arrest? The diocese said they will oppose it. -El Nemesis. Is there anyone in Mexico with money that has class, and doesn't do over the top chrome on cars, gold on wrists, and gaudy leather on fake, laughably large asses and tits. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. [34][36] The arrest of the drug lord was officially confirmed later that day by the U.S. Chino was working closely with the DEA here in Sinaloa and before El Chapo's arrest is said they gave him two choices and too pick sides between Zambada and El Chapo. Don't know if this is true or you just have a good imagination.But anyways,what did this have to do with the girl?Its doudtful that they would kill her(and the way she was killed)because he did all this.And if she wasn't main girl.Wouldn't they go after his wife and kids to really make him suffer.just my thoughts.But of you really know something about something,let us know,anonymously of course.peace!! How the fuck would u know ? The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. The blood money makes them feel rich but they are truly poor. El Chino Antrax Wife. The body was dressed on wearing Lycra leggings, lilac top and white socks, the same clothing worn by Torres when kidnapped. El hombre engros la lista de criminales como Vicente Zambada Niebla, hijo de "El Mayo" y Edgar Valdez Villarreal "La Barbie", que cooperaron con la justicia de EEUU para reducir sus condenas This is how they found dead the number 1 murderer of 'El Chapo', the All these cartel whores deserve the same as their husbands and boyfriends do to others. We bring to you daily trends in Ghana and all around the world. [13] Mexico's Office of the General Prosecutor (PGR) and Secretariat of Public Security (SSP) have identified various other leaders under the hierarchy of El Chino ntrax. She got what she deserved. Giving them also a choice. Today, we'll be talking about Mexican drug lord Jos Rodrigo Archiga Gamboa, aka El Chino ntrax. They grew to be best friends, his attorney wrote. Now Chino has a bigger reason to rat out all of them. The jointly requested delay could lead to a deal, possibly with the developer building new fire evacuation routes for the Junipers. That's the thing with you white knights: you think you hold some kind of moral ground when in fact it's the complete opposite. Influencer Jenny69 calls herself a 'buchona.' How a narco-inspired Tenia marcas de quemada y como k le dieron con un bate. Death 4 Hire: "El Chino Antrax" El Chapos #1 Hitman - YouTube [59] At the funeral home where the wake took place, members of Los ntrax reportedly paid their condolences by leaving a floral ornament in honor of her. Its payback for what chino did to the arellano brother. You need to take some grammar classes. Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa wanted to be a pilot in the Mexican military, but he couldnt pass the physical exam. I read somewhere that el chino antrax is a snitch on his pose in san diego of 10 ppl. Howard Abbott, 76, served as the trustee on a life insurance policy purchased by the victim in 2009, according to the U.S. Attorneys Office in San Diego. 'El Chapo' enforcer 'El Chino Antrax' found murdered in Mexico Last edited on 18 February 2023, at 10:06, Netherlands Ministry of Security and Justice, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, Metropolitan Correctional Center, San Diego, "Sinaloa Cartel lieutenant: Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa", "Cae en Holanda supuesto jefe de sicarios de 'El Mayo' Zambada", "Detienen en Holanda a presunto sicario de Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzman", "Ldera "El Chapo" a otras 4 clulas de "matazetas", "Detienen en Holanda a El Chino ntrax, sicario del Crtel de Sinaloa", "Se fugan operadores de "El Chapo" del penal de Culiacn", "Chino ntrax, historia de un sicario la Pared", "Saltan dudas en enfrentamiento entre Ejercito y presuntos sicarios", "Cae en Holanda El Chino ntrax, jefe de sicarios de El Mayo", "Dutch Police Nab Sinaloa Cartel Top Enforcer", "Confirman captura de "El Chino ntrax" en Holanda", "El Chino ntrax, otro golpe al Crtel de Sinaloa pero no en Mxico", "Otro golpe al Crtel de Sinaloa pero no en Mxico", "El Chino Antrax vivi en Los Cabos, BCS", "EEUU aprieta el cerco al cartel de Sinaloa", "Holanda captura a aprendiz de Ismael El Mayo Zambada", "Lujo y armas, en supuestas redes sociales de 'Chino ntrax', "Inside the flamboyant, violent lives of El Chapo's sons", "Dutch police nab Sinaloa cartel top enforcer", "Facebook posturing helps nail Mexico's young drug barons", "Chino ntrax: Exhibicionismo caro Los costos del ego", "Chino ntrax: el 'Narco James Bond' y su reloj de millones", "Is Mexico's Kim Kardashian-Lookalike Assassin for Real?
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