At each stage, the editor will discuss the manuscript with editorial colleagues in the light of referees reports, and send a letter to the author offering one of the following options: Editors letters also contain detailed guidance about the papers format and style where appropriate (see below), which should be read in conjunction with the manuscript formatting guide when revising and resubmitting. How long do editor decisions take at Science/Nature? PIs gone AWOL? Your IP: 3 weeks is pretty long for this. and JavaScript. Click to reveal How long time should we wait for editor decision on a manuscript? and The paper is accepted for publication without any further changes required from the authors. Got lab stories? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. However, the final decision may not be only that of an acceptance or a rejection. We oversee this process to ensure that your manuscript contains everything our editors and peer reviewers need to perform a fair and thorough assessment of your work. Make sure that your arguments are backed by solid evidence. Table 11 sketches the different situations the editor may encounter and the decision s/he usually makes in each of these situations. We understand your anxiety :-) However, the decision on manuscript acceptance depends on several factors, such as availability and responsiveness of peer reviewers and the extent of revisions recommended. For our last submission the decision took 25 days for which the editor apologized. Either rejection or sending it out for review. This is known as a rescinding. To obtain I have experience with the manuscript submission process, from submission to peer review, to acceptance/rejection. What does this mean and should I contact the editor? Most professional editors have eyes on the page from four to six hours a day; any more tends to dull the focus needed to spot issues. ensure that the paper is at the length specified by the manuscript editor (including number of figures). Rejections based on serious errors are frustrating for authors and damaging to the journal's credibility, and so we have a procedure for reconsidering decisions at the author's request. For more information,please refer to our FAQ page. On submission, the manuscript is assigned to an editor covering the subject area, who seeks informal advice from scientific advisors and editorial colleagues, and who makes this initial decision. The first thing to do when you get a rejection is to take a deep breath and consider your options. Manuscript Status Tables Part 2 - Notes from the JGR-Space Physics What does the status 'under editor evaluation' mean? Its been more than 2 months since I submitted my manuscript to a journal. n - This will reduce delays. If you receive a revise and resubmit it may take another 24 months to hear back on the revised article. 'We regret to inform you'that your scientific manuscripts will be What does "Editor Decision Started" mean? : r/labrats - reddit Manuscript rejection: A problem or an opportunity? Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? How long should we wait if the current status of the manuscript is Nature (journal) - Wikipedia (You are not allowed to say "Gamma" unless you give a shape and scale parameter). In replying to the referees comments, authors are advised to use language that would not cause offence when their paper is shown again to the referees, and to bear in mind that if a point was not clear to the referees and/or editors, it is unlikely that it would be clear to the nonspecialist readers of Nature. The EiC may have seen merits in your paper after all (or a fit, if that was the issue). any technical failings that need to be addressed before the authors' case is established. Authors are free to discuss their paper with the media from six days before the publication date, and are asked to ensure that Nature Research's embargo conditions are understood by journalists and others. Editors, on the other hand, must guard against a different category of mistake, as it is their responsibility to balance the intense investment of the authors in a particular decision against the more diffuse interests not only of their readers but also of other authors. Status has been "Ready for decision" for 25 days. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) makes the final decision on manuscript, with the associate editor (AE) making the initial decision. However, the Editor, in the rejection letter, provided an objective explanation for this long wait. Because it was sitting in my barn / shop for over 12 years!! How long does an editor decision take? - Studybuff It could mean just about anything. @Fomite so you still said gamma with just 1 parameter What is the other? [CDATA[// >