See the above section for more details on Rhondas fish oil supplementation (no point duplicating it). | 2022 | Nutrients15Lutein and Zeaxanthin Supplementation and Association With Visual Function in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Liu et al. 2 medium to large carrots. Click here for a special offer!. Mentioning that higher levels are associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality8Blood n-3 fatty acid levels and total and cause-specific mortality from 17 prospective studies Harris et al. | 2014 | Clinical Nutrition. Dr. Rhonda Patrick Age, Wiki Bio, Husband, Married Age, Diet, Net worth Rhonda Patrick's Core Daily Vitamin & Supplements: Multivitamin - Pure Encapsulations O.N.E. Heart rate variability improves, blood pressure goes down, cardiovascular health improves, all-cause mortality decreases. Dr. Rhonda Patrick has been making waves in the field of healthy aging. . | 2021 | Nature Communications. Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Joe Rogan: Benefits of Vitamin D (May 2020) "This episode of the podcast is [] Between 2016 and 2019, VSL Inc. claimed that the beneficial effects of the formula remained the same. #1474 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick - CovidClips Vitamin K is an essential micronutrient, thats plays a crucial role in the ability to form blood clots, and to transport calcium around the body. Nootropics are products aimed at improving cognitive function, and in Rhondas June 2021 members Q&A she updated us on her preferred nootropic, which she consumes in the form of a drink. According to Rhonda, omega-3 phospholipids are found in fish, and in greatest concentration in fish roe (fish eggs). It also includes a section for brands specific to UK & Canada. However, when asked on Joe Rogans podcast how vegetarians can supplement EPA & DHA, she believed algae oil is the optimal source. Regardez le Salaire Mensuel de Prof Dr Med Djordje Nikolic en temps rel. She has done extensive research on aging, metabolism, nutrition, and cancer. Taken from JRE #1474 w/Dr. Services. As mentioned above, for more details on Rhondas use of sulforaphane see this separate post. Fish Oil DHA and EPA. Note: the easiest way to find this comment thread on her Instagram is to open the post via the Instagram mobile app where this is the top comment. The nicotinamide riboside product she was taking before was called Thorne NiaCel (now discontinued) which contained Nicotinamide Riboside Chloride made by Chromadex. See Rhondas research section on metformin for more info. Prior to this she was taking a herring roe extract made by Nordic Naturals, and before that, Krill oil. Rhonda Patrick's Top 11 Supplements, Trusted Brands and Doses Rhonda is keenly aware of the importance of a healthy gut microbiome, and probiotics play a role in that. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a Ph.D in biomedical science and expert on nutritional health. Below summarizes the details: VSL #3 was originally created by Professor Claudio De Simone, and produced by VSL Inc. All the clinical studies before 2016 were performed on the original formula of VSL#3. However whilst pregnant, Rhonda stopped taking any non-essential supplements (including Nicotinamide Riboside) that could pose even the slightest risk to her child. Melatonin is a hormone produced by our bodies to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. There are many ways to make a healthy smoothie. It needs a separate supplement, so omitting magnesium is understandable. Joe Rogan & Dr. Rhonda Patrick Discuss Their Vitamin D - YouTube That said, its still relatively under studied compared to other supplements. Smoothies are great because they are easy to make, quick to consume and are packed with nutrients. A post shared by Joe Rogan (@joerogan) Additionally, an 18% increase in the content of haemoglobin was found in the skin dermis suggesting improved microcirculation (study source). She's dedicated to the pursuit of longevity and optimal healthand shares the latest research on nutrition, aging, and disease prevention with her growing audience. Rhonda Patrick Float Tank? - TheFloatCenter - Floating SPA & Art Rhonda mentioned in her February 2023 Q&A that shes continuing to take Life Extension- PQQ 20mg Caps. Vitamin K2 - Thorne Research K2/D3 Drops: One drop every two to three days. Its worth clarifying which fish oil supplements Rhonda isnt taking anymore for avoidance of confusion. Therefore she suggested to the subscriber to contact Althetic Greens for their microcystin testing data. As this novel, off-label use has become more popular, its invited further research into whether this approach makes sense. Joe Rogan - Some incredibly important information on the | Facebook She noted that this is in addition to the 2,000 IU in her multivitamin. She co-ordinates her supplementation with Vitamin D blood testing, so that she stays between 40 and 60 ng/ml, generally hovering around 50 ng/ml. Currently Rhonda is consuming sulforaphane in 2 forms; Broq tablets and moringa powder. Summary: Joe Rogan and Dr. Rhonda Patrick - Carnivore Style Transcript and discussion of #1474 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick from The Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Dr. Rhonda Patrick on The Joe Rogan Experience #1474 Joe Rogan, with his go-to fermented and sweetened/flavored tea called kombucha by GT's Kombucha for total gut health on the road. ONE contains CoQ10, Alpha lipoic acid, choline, inositol and molybdenum, whilst Thornes does not. One of the things she revealed is the importance of Vitamin D during this pandemic! Rhonda Patrick Supplements List - Updated February 2023 - FastLifeHacks 1. Rhondas a big proponent of the benefits of sulforpahane and has talked about it a lot. The test comes in 3 versions: For 10% off the tests, use this OmegaQuant coupon code. Thornes contains much less lutein and. Vitamin D may reduce susceptibility to COVID-19 - FoundMyFitness Of course, its worth noting that the amount of cocoa in regular chocolate is low so you want to be consuming high cacao content products to receive these benefits. Note that if youre interested in taking the prescription drug metformin for off-label use, you should consult with a doctor on the subject. ONE contains more non-provitamin A carotenoids; lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene. We've complied her top 11 supplement recommendations all in 1 place. As a self-proclaimed "biologist with two PhDs," Dr. Rhonda Patrick has been studying the gut microbiome and all that it entails for years - she even hosts her own podcast on the topic! Of course, more isnt always better. Rhonda Patrick Float Tank? Written By. This is because the health benefits of exercise are vast and well documented, and it appears that metformin inhibits a number of these. In addition, the supplement also has 50 mg of quercetin and 100 mg of rutin both flavonoids with potential health benefits. So far weve discussed Rhondas morning supplements. Rhonda was previously using a low dose melatonin supplement (300 mcg by Life Extension), based on this research by MIT. 1 large avocado. She opts for the salmon roe rather than supplements, as its a potent, fresh source of phospholipids (~438 mg of EPA and ~514 mg of DHA per ounce). Unfortunately this particular product she uses, Norwegian PURE-3, has had inventory issues for some time and is unavailable for order. Rhonda currently takes between 6 grams daily. In recent years its become popular amongst biohackers looking to extend their healthspan + lifespan. 5,000 IUs daily, especially during these covid 19 times. I'm being deadly serious,I want to see these freaks of nature super charged. Dr Rhonda Patrick is one of my all time favorite guests and absolutely one of the most brilliant people I know. See Rhondas Instagram post on collagen for more info. If youve got any queries on the above, please leave them below in the comments. Metformin has been studied in humans since the 1950s, and is most commonly taken to battle type 2 diabetes. There are over 40 (!) However, it turns out the new formulation of VSL #3 differs significantly from the old one37P884 No shared mechanisms among old and new VSL#3: Implications for claims and guidelines C De Simone (2018), and thus should be treated with caution at minimum, and at maximum, avoided. This coupon code gives 10% off orders, in case thats of use. However, now Rhonda only takes Visbiome after drinking alcohol. The specific figure of around 10 mg likely comes from a string of research papers on sleep disruption, where ~9mg was the dose used. The results in men varied depending on age and weight. Rhonda added Moringa powder to her diet after research from Jed Fahey at Johns Hopkins University. This has greater bio-availability than sulforaphane glucosinolate, which is used in a lot of sulforaphane supplements, including Avmacol. By Team | May 27, 2020 | Infrared Sauna. For more background on the interplay between vitamin K1 and K2, Rhonda describes it as follows. Avoid taking on an empty stomach. Rogan takes 5,000 IUs of vitamin D daily. The supplements that Joe Rogan takes include vitamins, fish oil, protein, pre-workout, nootropics, probiotics, and more. Part of the reason for the increase in Alzheimers risk with APOE4 is that it impairs regular DHA transport into the brain. Dr. Rhonda Patrick's Diet Plan (2022) - Brainflow We know that good sleep is absolutely crucial to overall health, so if we can supplement melatonin and measure a noticeable positive impact on sleep, thats a big (easy) win. Meet Dr. Rhonda Patrick Dr. Rhonda Patrick has a gift for translating complex scientific topics into actionable insights in her videos, podcasts, and articles. She currently uses a blend of vitamin D3, vitamin K1 and calcium. Eggs are particularly potent source, and so she typically has a breakfast that includes eggs. However, another study using 500mg showed synergistic effects in combination with exercise43Resveratrol Enhances Exercise-Induced Cellular and Functional Adaptations of Skeletal Muscle in Older Men and Women Alway et al. Its a blend of magnesium gluconate, magnesium acetyl taurinate and magnesium citrate, coupled with l-theanine. Rosanoff et al. She bulk buys her caviar from Vital Choice, who offer it in 2.2lbs packages that can be frozen, and then defrosted one quarter at a time. Went down an Edward Witten rabbit hole : r/JoeRogan Its also worth noting that her Luteolin supplement, discussed below, contains a calcium ascorbate blend of vitamin C that results in 68 mg of additional vitamin C. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are yellow and orange pigments, also known as carotenoids, that are found in fruit and vegetables. 23andMes more expensive health package should include ApeE4 testing as standard. The entire team is a huge fan of Dr. Rhonda Patrick's work and has been following her and her team at Found My Fitness for years. Joe Rogan's Supplements List - Strong Healthy Dad Dr. Rhonda Patrick's diet recommends substituting one meal with a healthy, vitamin-rich smoothie. Saying that if she had to take antibiotics for some reason, then she would take Visbiome probiotics after, in order to replenish the healthy gut bacteria. Its important to note that Rhonda has no affiliation with any of the brands mentioned instead she uses them because her research, or her colleagues research, suggest they are good. However, they have since stopped doing IFOS testing for their product (link), so its not possible to check batches for their oxidation levels or heavy metal content. The reason for this is that phospholipid DHA gets converted to DHA-lysoPC, by a specialized transporter called MFSD2A39Mfsd2a is a transporter for the essential omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid Nguyen et al (2014). See this detailed post for the details on which supplements Rhonda took during pregnancy and breastfeeding. 3 grams of their high EPA product in the morning and 3 grams of their high EPA product in the evening. 1 year ago. Below is an excellent video of Dr. Patrick discussing the benefits of Vitamin D on the Joe Rogan Experience. Omega-3 Phospholipids, Alzheimers & APOE4. Rhonda currently takes a sulforaphane supplement called BROQ. Whilst its found naturally in our diets, Rhonda said in her Jan 2023 Q&A she is supplementing an additional 200mg per day. This section covers the supplements Rhonda takes in the morning. (2017). A randomized controlled trial showed that a bioavailable form of curcumin improved memory in older people with mild memory complaints.
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