chains resolve backwards, so superpoly will fusion using the targets and then the misc will apply. You can if you chain super poly to the misc. The Pot Collection is Now Available for Pre-Order! "Skill Drain" is also a viable solution as it counters the anti-Special Summoning effects of the "Shaddoll" Fusion Monsters. The only real downside to Dragon is that he doesnt advance your game plan in the way that Beast or Falco does. If it was up to me I'd change Shadoll Fusion so that it always requires 1 monster from the hand/field and the second can be one from the Deck whose attribute matches the attribute of a monster summoned from the Extra Deck that your opponent controls and I'd change all the fusion monsters to have a "When: you can" effect on their spell recycling. All fusion spells and rituals spells send as effect cost. "But they have a BLS on the field; how am I supposed to out it without leaving a Construct on the field? Easy! D.D. Most Fusion Monsters need two Fusion Material monsters, and then the Polymerization card. The vast majority of them only contribute to the aforementioned normal summon problem or are inconsistent in accomplishing the decks goals such as White Dragon. Use Master Key Beetles effect to target your facedown Vanity's Emtpiness page. Although the main focus of this archetype is Fusion Summoning of "El Shaddoll Winda", "Shekhinaga" (with "Mathematician") and "Construct" (until it was banned; OCG lifted the ban on El Shaddoll Construct in October and more recently, in November 2019, the TCG also removed it from the ban list), the Level 4 "Shaddoll" monsters are the most disruptive on the Field, namely "Shaddoll Dragon", who bounces cards when flipped face-up and "Shaddoll Squamata", who destroys a monster. Hedgehog is the only flip effect monster youre going to want to see on your first turn the majority of the time when you dont have Fusion. Its the same old story of draw MST or you cant play the game. The problem is actually worse for Shaddolls though. "Curse of the Shadow Prison" has "Satellerknight Unukalhai" with the staff from "Constellar Rasalhague", which is the card "Evilswarm Kerykeion" is based off of. Fusion summoning mechanics and one-sided effects of the fusion monsters. Falco is the absolute slowest card in the deck. It's probably the fact that they never minus and all float. First you Normal Summon Math/Arma and use its effect to send Shaddoll Squamata to the grave. Often times youre going to need him to attack for 1800 to actually win. Additionally, once per turn (on both players' turns), Prediction Princess can change a face-up monster to a face-down defense position or a face-down monster to a face-up attack position. This engine may suffer from consistency issues, given the random nature of . EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved In the abyss of this world, there is a certain something called the "Shaddoll Core" (The Primordial "Core" of Shadow-Possession) which gives birth to shadows that absorb light, the "Shaddoll". I guess this question also applies to cards being sent to GY due to other fusions. End of Format Innovations: TCG DABL Metagame Report, TCG DABL Metagame Tournament Report: YCS Sydney 2023. In short: D.D. craigslist hattiesburg ms community ; cottonwood financial administrative services, llc; disney channel september 2002 does super poly trigger shaddolls Thanks to this, Super Polymerization is a fantastic card for Decks that go second to take care of problem boards, as well as a solid choice in the Side Deck. Copyright 2023 Altereality Games, All Rights Reserved, Origins Part III: Overcoming the Bubble Years, ARGCS Washington DC May 31 & June 1, 2014, Circuit Championship Cleveland, Oh July 25-27, 2014, ARGCS Atlantic City, NJ August 23-24, 2014, ARGCS Indianapolis, IN September 20-21, 2014. Instead of immediately sending materials for a fusion summon from your deck to the graveyard (as it used to do), you now wait until your next standby phase after activation. Super Poly should be something you save for the right moment and not a contest as to which Shaddoll player draws into three Super Poly's first. It was Shaddoll. Has a targeting negation effect when an Extra Deck monster is special summoned (not just from the Extra Deck). FLIP: You can draw 2 cards, then discard 1 card. It's not actually part of the effect itself, so if the card you discarded was a Shaddoll, it would not trigger its 'sent to GY' effect. Unlike most low-level main deck Shaddolls, Beast is a level 5 monster and thus needs a tribute if you normal summon or set him. All the other Shadoll effects go through though. Additionally, the Lightsworn engine makes it much easier to run multiple chaos monsters, which are very powerful in the Shaddoll mirror, given that they can out Extra Deck monsters without forcing you to touch your own Extra Deck. Registration for 250th YCS in London is Now Open! Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? They're broken because they beat my Rank Four or Die deck. Invoked Dragma Shaddolls deck profile and COMBOS! You can only activate 1 Instant Fusion per turn. "El Shaddoll" is a play on "El Shaddai", one of the Judaic names of God. In this week's article I will discuss some things that I've noticed can help put you ahead in the Shaddoll mirror match. Looking at the YCS Toronto results, it looks like we're in for a three deck format (Burning Abyss, SatellarKnights, and Shaddolls). When playing in the mirror match, it's very risky to leave an Extra Deck monster out on the field during your opponent's turn because that gives them a lot of value out of their Shaddoll Fusion by letting them send monsters from the deck. If this card is sent to the GY by a card effect: You can draw 1 card. Are the benefits of Mathematician greater than the benefits of Armageddon Knight? The "Shaddoll" Link Monster, "Shaddoll Construct", is primarily intended to be Summoned to the Main Monster Zone via its revival effect. Open New Zealand is Now Live! page. Also destroys all monsters your opponent controls during the End Phase of the turn it leaves the field. If your that scared of el shaddoll fusion summoning from the deck then just dont summon an extra deck monster until you have vanity , book , compulse etc to anwser the fusion card. If that wasn't a Deck, 3 Super Poly would certainly change a lot. Even dragon rulers in their prime weren't unbeatable. Youre rarely going to get lots of use out of him being a tuner because whatever he summons is summoned face down. Super Polymerization - You literally have no reason to not play this card. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; The only problem is Fusion's ability to use materials from the deck. Nobody is allowed to activate anything while another card or effect is resolving. Furthermore, Shaddoll Schism had just come out back then, so the attached explanation on the card's usage was less than ideal. All "Shaddoll" Main Deck monsters monsters can only use one of their effects per turn, and only once that turn, so players are advised discretion and to plan ahead. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. True, this effect is a bit random since you never quite know what's at the top of your deck, but you're virtually guaranteed at least one or two (if not more) Shaddoll activations. Was this a fluke and are Shaddolls really the deck to beat or is there something more at play that contributed to them not being able to finish the job? Sure, this takes your normal summon for the turn and sacrifices your own monster, but you're pulling any spell/trap (not necessarily a Shaddoll one) and stocking your graveyard with several cards, potentially activating up to four Shaddoll effects at once! Unlike most low-level main deck Shaddolls, Beast is a level 5 monster and thus needs a tribute if you normal summon or set him. Since Super Polymerization cant be responded to, every time you activate it, you can be confident that it will work. An excellent field for the Shaddolls; just note that Prison doesn't actually carry the Shaddoll name and won't qualify for name-dependent effects. And when sent to the graveyard, Dragon may target and destroy a spell/trap on the field, offering some much-needed spell and trap destruction to the series. With a few exceptions, after that it doesnt care where it is during resolution (Drulers do because they have to be summoned out of the Graveyard). Italian Deck. Against Shaddolls, you could have no monsters, they can have a Construct and another Shaddoll. But unlike Polymerization it's a Quick . Shaddolls suppose to punish the opponent for special summoning, but the deck itself is faster and can special summon more than any other deck in the format (except Burning abyss). To compensate for this disadvantage, he wields higher battle stats than other non-fusion Shaddolls, and when flipped, he lets you draw two cards, then discard one, simultaneously increasing your hand and potentially activating another Shaddoll's ability. Being a level 2 fits with the whole awkward level thing Shaddolls have going. " Shaddoll " ( Shadru) is an archetype comprised primarily of DARK monsters that debuted in Duelist Alliance. This is done on Yu-Gi-Oh! Today we will look at a card that came back from Forbidden to Limited once again, Super Polymerization. Leveling Up for Limited Formats #1: The Basics of Limited, TCG Meta Snapshot: Kashtira February 2023, The Design of Yu-Gi-Oh 1: Built for Spectacle, 2 New Cards: Elemental HERO & Code Talker. This can even annihilate your own spells/traps in rare situations where you want to. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Being level 5 makes him awkward though, as tributing for him isnt very commonplace and when nothing else in the deck is level 5, your XYZ and Synchro plays are limited and awkward to say the least. French Got banned for the same reason Mermails got Avarice banned. SatellarKnights can't use Stellarnova Alpha to negate Super Polymerization as it can't be responded to. The variety of Types and Attributes also makes the Fusion Monsters vulnerable to floodgate cards like "Rivalry of Warlords" and "Gozen Match". Dramaturge - Main deck boss monster. It Fusion Summons at a cost of a discard by shuffling the materials of that Fusion monster from your GY or banished to the deck. It also sets you a Branded Spell/Trap from your Deck if it is sent to the GY this turn, ideally either. Registration for the Yu-Gi-Oh! It was neither of those. Help new and returning players join Yugioh! The entire Shaddoll monster core is comprised of normal summons. Master Duel or Neuron using our Web Browser extension! Each additional normal summon is one less option you have for the turn. As we eagerly await Konami's next expansion of Shaddoll support, vote for your favorite card, and I'll see you at our next Yu-Gi-Oh countdown! However recent support in Burst of Destiny and changes to the surrounding meta game make this deck poised to be a powerful threat in the upcoming . The Circuit Series stops by Indiana, Indianapolis next on September 20-21. This light-attributed fairy wields a fierce 2700 ATK and can once per turn (during your end phase) special summon a flip monster from your hand or graveyard in a face-down defense position, a superb way to revive Shaddolls or other flip units. "El Shaddoll Construct" uses these shadow strings to control the manifested shadows, and with this to extend its influence and power[1]. Lets not underestimate how good Soul Charge actually is. Prevents monsters from being Special Summoned from the hand or Graveyard by the effect of Spell/Trap Cards. Lists Examples of such Decks include "Qli", "Malefic", "Dark World", "Scrap", "Archfiend", "Yang Zing" and "Zombie". Community content is available under. Since Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon a Dark Fusion Monster, we may see Super-Polymerization become popular again. Additionally, when a monster this card points to is flipped face-up, you can add a flip monster from your deck or graveyard to your end. Since using "Shaddoll Fusion" or "El Shaddoll Fusion" involves sending "Shaddoll" monsters to the Graveyard by a card effect, their effects can be activated as soon as one attempts to Fusion Summon them, creating even more advantage. Despite his Beast name, this card is as much a spellcaster as his kin, qualifying for the same support effects.

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