Required fields are marked *. Then, it should be easier to take stubborn screws and nails out. It's the most likely to have its colors fade in sunlight and doesn't hold up for older children. Any other components such as swings or ropes also need to be wrapped up and packed separately. As with any movers, the distance you are traveling also influences the final price. If thats the case, and youll be disassembling it solo, you might want to get a dolly or hand truck to help you out. Should you decide to take the swing set apart and move it yourself, our guide is here to help. Most homeowners opt for two swings, which you can usually get in a pack for about $50 to $60. Find Out Why. Anchoring everything to the ground makes it a lot safer for your kiddos. This varies depending on location. What isnt optional is cleaning your playset. If you are deciding to go the less expensive route and want to move the swing set yourself, then you are in for quite a ride. You may also have a swing set thats bolted down to heavy concrete or wood, making removal an ordeal at the best of times. Give your playset away on sites like Facebook or Nextdoor, with the caveat that the new owner disassemble and move the set . Just be sure to take note of anything that was broken or missing during each stage of the moving process. Ask for Help from Your Dealer. In that case, you could have a carpenter put together a fantasy-themed playground with a castle that houses a slide and a climbing frame or wall, finished with a bridge, monkey bars, and a swing set. Depending on labor and materials, most spend between $328 and $709. The area will require clearing, grading, and possibly a new layer of topsoil before building can take place. Even though theyre heavy, it doesnt take much wind to blow one over. Even the most well-made and beloved swing set is not worth a ruptured disc. So, start by removing small joints. Perhaps you find that there are raving reviews. Continue reading to learn more about moving your swing set via professional movers or yourself. It can cost between $100-$1,000 for professional movers to move a swing set depending on the size of the set. Time has a way of rusting metal pieces making them hard to loosen and remove. Check the price on NordicTrack CHECK latest PRICE on amazon They come with two trays on which you can play them, and you can choose to move up in weight either by 2.5 or 5 . You are likely wondering whether or not having professional movers move your swing set is worth the cost. They can improve balance and coordination, as well as a child's ability to interact with other kids. Top 8 Exercises To Do On Mini Trampoline To Lose Weight, Cool Trampoline Tricks to Impress Everyone, How Long Does it Take to Set Up a Trampoline? Protect your back at all costs. A custom set featuring premium wood can easily reach $10,000. Just make sure when you do it yourself, you keep every piece organized and together with compatible pieces. This can be due to issues such as frozen or rusted parts. Heres a quick video showing a large swing set move in action: To move a swing set, consider the following steps: Be sure to take a good look over your entire swing set to make a note of any damaged parts or structures that need to be replaced upon your arrival at your new home. From tire swings to baby swings, what youll pay heavily depends on the type of swing (or swings) you want in your playground. Plus, you can usually do the disassembly within a day. However, digging out ground for a sandbox might cost between $100 and $200. Otherwise, you can feel happy knowing that your kids will take a piece of home with them. But, if the set cost you more than you will have to pay to move it, then it might be worth it. If your playset is not a luxury model and doesnt have a very complicated design, you should be able to disassemble it without a problem: Bonus tip: If you break a piece while disassembling the set, do not throw it away you will need it to find the right replacement. Choosing the right base for your outdoor play area is vital. Make sure you have sturdy, large boxes with which to pack up your parts. That way you know what to look for in terms of replacements. You will work in reverse of this when it comes to reassembling the swing set in the new yard. On average, you can save around 11% of the cost if you install the playground yourself. But, if you want to do it yourself, we hope that our guide will help you get the job done right. The average cost to repair playground equipment ranges from about $280 to $520. This means you need to have pre-measured the yard and swing set so that you know exactly where you want it to go. But to move those big structures, you need to keep yourself safe from injury. Make sure the structure is stable and well secured before you let your kids use it. This will save you some headache when you set up shop at your new home. Looking to move your swing set to a new home? When you start to disassemble the swing set, start at one end and work towards the other. Skip to content curiosity | Dec 20, 2022 . Comparably, you can build a simple swing set for $300 that might be similarly priced to a simple metal one. The only time the cost becomes a real factor when you are having it moved individually. Commercial playground equipment tends to be larger and built to a much higher standard to withstand many years of use. Ultimately, what youll pay depends on what you include in your playground, from slides and treehouses to swing sets and trampolines, as well as labor and any necessary resurfacing. Make sure you have a sheet of plywood on the ground and place the fort on it, tipped to the side. You might need materials to loosen nuts and bolts. If you want a complete swing set that includes the structure with it, you might pay anywhere from $100 to $700 for a two-swing set. The price for a single standalone swing is around $30 to $50, with toddler bucket swings costing between $25 and $80 each. 2. For a DIY build, youll need to factor in roughly $450 worth of tools and supplies, plus the cost of lumber and individual pieces of play equipment. Plain wood chips cost about half the price of rubberized mulch, though theyre prone to pests and wont last nearly as long. When it comes to issues such as this, its best to ask for professional help. The pieces will be safely packed and carefully loaded and secured into the moving truck. If you have a larger set with bars, ropes, swings, or canopies, it may add $500+ to the moving bill. Water tables can cost as little as $30 at your local home improvement store or as much as $500 for a custom, permanent wooden structure. Only selling because we are moving. For complex projects, look for professional playground installation services nearby or local swing set installers. Before you start disassembling your playset, you must plan it out. If there is a fort, the roof can usually be removed to make moving easier. After removing the seats and their hardware, you can start on the frame, that is if you do not have ladder, ropes, etc. This can still be too much for one person to move, so its best to disassemble it. While most companies will protect themselves and rule out their responsibility in the event of loss or damage to any parts of the swing set, some companies will take the fall and replace the parts themselves. Everything You Need To Know, Rebounder Exercises for Seniors: Top Benefits of rebounding. You have options when you need to move a large swing set. You can use sand, mulch, pea gravel, or other options depending on your new neighborhoods climate. Here are a few ready-made pieces to feature in your new swing set: If youre a crafty (and careful!) Embed this data. And if you decide that the set is worth moving, you will have to find a safe and efficient way to take it to your new home. Playground mulch, which is a mixture of soft wood chips, goes for around $45 to $60 per cubic yard. If the set is in a poor condition (rotten wood, broken parts, etc. How Much Does it Cost to Install a Window. Playset Prices Playsets or jungle gyms cost between $200 and $5,000 or more. Just be sure to keep it healthy and free of sharp objects and pet souvenirs. If you do, then you will need the right wrenches, screwdrivers and even hammer to help you take your childrens wood swing set down. Use some plastic wrap to secure the bundles and prevent the protective wrapping from falling off and the chains from tangling; Pack smaller elements in large moving boxes with plenty of padding inside; Wrap the swing crossbeam and the other larger pieces of the set in moving blankets or other appropriate protective materials (old blankets and linens will do). Most experts charge between $150 and $900 to install your playground equipment. But it may be safer to separate when youve already removed extra roofs, slides, and pieces first. Moving a used playset can cost $600 or more . This is often better handled by professionals. Or, perhaps this is definitely not the case and you find that professional movers in your area struggle to get the job done. You can select from multiple options like grass, soft rubber tiles, wood chips, and sand, at a cost between free and $3,500. There's no limit to the possibilities of a custom playground setup, but the more elaborate you go, the more it'll cost. This will make it even easier to keep all parts together when re-building the set. You can try sealing or staining it to make the parts more sturdy for the move, too. Make sure you keep nuts, bolts, and screws in the appropriately marked bags. All rights reserved. While it costs less than rubber mulch, it can double as a buffet for insects like termites and ants. Get instant ballpark pricing for long distance professional movers with our moving cost calculator. When you move, the swing set should go to. Consider fastening associated bolts and screws to the pieces of the set that they belong with. Your swing set installation cost could range anywhere between $150 and $900, depending on who you hire for the job. Wood chips are also expensive and attract insects like ants and termites. If you have enough room and are ready to move your wooden swing set, have all your tools handy. If the base of the swing set is in concrete, you may have to dig the posts out or loosen the concrete with a small jackhammer. This is a major task, and some larger structures could require an additional permit or safety check to ensure that its sound for child or adult use. Heres what you may need, along with some average costs: If youre building your own swing set, there are plenty of la carte options for equipment. The swing set movers will charge significantly higher rates for a luxury swing set than for a standard A-frame swing set with two swings and a slide, of course. Degreasers like WD-40 can help save you time and prevent injuries. The movers will make sure the swing set is in the location you want it before reattaching all components. Secure the wrappings in place with plastic wrap. Moving a swing set can be tricky, so we're here to make the process a breeze. If you're planning to install protective surfacing, measure the height of the top bar then extend the surfacing the same distance from the front and the back of the swing set. Moving gets complicated pretty quickly when you factor in heavy equipment. All you have to do is dismantle your current swing set, and you may want the help of your older children or friends here. Cost data is based on actual project costs as reported by 306 HomeAdvisor members. So, before you start planning the swing set relocation, you need to check the condition of the play equipment and consider the following questions: Once you know the answers to the above questions, you will be able to make an informed decision about whether to relocate your childrens swing set or not. But, with the right insight into the situation, hopefully, you will be able to make the decision that is right for you and your family. While this might not seem like too big of a deal, a swing set is a large structure that could require a large amount of storage space. Another small note when preparing to disassemble the set, is to remember to keep anything that gets broken. The first step is to identify the route the swing set will take to its new location. Trampoline Wheels! What We Take Bulk Item Playground Equipment Removal. For a basic project in zip code 47474 with 1 set, the cost to Assemble Swing Set starts at $241 - $661 per set. You may want to spray on some corrosion protection coatings to keep your nuts, bolts and other hardware in good working condition. If you dont, then you will need to make other plans for your wood swing set. The individually wrapped larger pieces (swings, crossbeam, etc.) But, there are often conditional requirements that will be associated with the cost of the move. For example, youll need thick gloves if youre working with wooden bases. The area where the playground goes needs to be cleared of all debris and structures, graded to be level and then covered in topsoil if necessary. A metal swing set typically costs $80-$500 for a standard backyard A-frame, or $500-$4,000 or more for a commercial-grade metal set. But beware, any set that costs less than $1,500 is either very small or poorly made. Also, you have invested a lot of money in bring your current swing set home and do not want to spend twice for the same thing. The cost of moving a swing set depends on whether or not youre moving it with professional help or solo. Before you start to disassemble the set, remove the swings by unhooking them. ), the movers may refuse to move it as doing so may result in personal injuries and/or property damage; If the set is large and has many add-ons, the professionals will determine which pieces should be taken apart, so the set becomes safer and easier to relocate; If the set is small, the pros may be able to move it without disassembling the whole thing. Check to make sure all the pieces of wood are still in good shape. 12 ft or 15 ft Trampoline Which One is Best ? But you can get it done and you can get your large swing set safely to its new home. The materials and quality may differ on the two. First, collect all of the tools and equipment you'll need for the job. Then, you need to reassemble it and secure it in its new place. You can look up the Name Of Your Playset + manual on Google, and chances are youll find the complete guide. You may be able to rent a trailer that can accommodate the a-frame of the swing set standing up. Can You Put Trampoline On Concrete? Our guide breaks down the best swing set movers to help you move with ease. It is usually a good idea to remove the roof to reduce the size and weight of the fort and make it easier to carry and more space-efficient inside the truck. You just have to be prepared to handle the the disassembling and reassembly if you are doing it yourself. Large swing sets can be moved in one piece, but this is tricky. Protecting all your pieces helps make reassembly a lot easier. Inspect the pieces to make sure they didnt sustain any damage during the move (replace lost or broken parts). Backyard design & build vendors. Many places have regulations regarding the size of swing sets and play sets. These would have to come off before you tackle the frame. Plastic playground equipment is often the cheapest but also the least durable. Next, you want to take a pencil to mark different parts and joints. Unfortunately, sometimes the pieces that were good in disassembly get damaged in transit. Playground surfacing can cost anywhere between $15 to $160 per cubic yard, or up to $225 per square yard if you go with poured rubber. While moving during the winter months is cheaper overall, its difficult to disassemble a swing set in cold weather. Most come in prefab kids and take just a few hours to put together. Therefore, each foot of equipment costs between $50 and $80 to cover. One where the crossbeam connects to a fort or clubhouse and one where the crossbeam connects to the A-frame. Always recruit a few friends to help if you are moving the swing set yourself. After you get your help, make sure to have the proper sized boxes to hold the different parts. Calling movers and scheduling your day around their window can be time-consuming (which is why . You dont want to leave large parts together that could get damaged on the ride. Be sure to enlist the help of a friend, spouse, and older children. However, if you are short on any of those items, its worth it to hire a professional.. If you have the option, try and move in the warmer months. Remember there will be two possible connection points. Youll also need to make sure it stays free of sharp objects and any presents your dog might leave behind. Chances are you put the swing set together, so you can take it apart too. So before you put the parts back together, make sure each piece is good to go. Its normal for us to miss a few details. Once it is reassembled, they will not be moving it around the yard to find the right spot. Professional installation can cost between $200 and $500. Monkey bar kit (bars and hanging hardware). These joints can look like the bolts for slides, swings, or decorative pieces that stick out. Then your costs could range between $100 to $1000 or more. Many retailers that sell this playground equipment also offer installation for a $200 to $800 fee. If the cost of moving exceeds the playsets worth, you may prefer to do it yourself. Once the route is determined, it is essential to clear any obstacles that could block or impede the progress of the swing set. Sets can range from $1,000 to well over $5,000. For example, your swing set may have a warranty to replace broken pieces. We do a lot in our backyards, and this site is where we share everything we learn along the way. Because of this, most professional moving companies will come out to provide an estimate on what it will cost to move the swing set, or you will be asked to send pictures of the structure. Due to liability and hazards, professional movers have the right to refuse to move your swing set if it is in too poor of condition. Bars and metal pieces get hot in direct sunlight. A majority of swing set removal services, but not all, can be removed for our minimum demolition price of $500. First, you want to inspect your swing or playset to make sure there are no damaged parts. There is nothing wrong with moving your childs swing set with you. Professionals will use custom trailers that are designed for the relocation of play equipment. Its time to move which means you need to figure out the best way to move a large swing set. Rainbow Play Systems are a highly customizable option that generally goes for between $1,500 and $4,000. After all of the parts are labeled and you have a game plan for installation in your new backyard, you can begin to carefully disassemble the swing set. The answer is sometimes. Then you can load the smaller boxes, bins, and parts after. Moving a smaller, lighter swing set on your own could set you back $100 to $300, including renting a truck and buying packing supplies. Weight Limit On Trampoline: How Much Weight Can a Trampoline Hold? As unwilling as you (or your children) may be to let go of the backyard swing set, sometimes moving it to your new home may just not be worth it if the swing set is damaged or too worn out, if it is anchored to the ground with concrete, if there isnt enough space for it in your new property, etc. Material is the biggest cost variable, but it also impacts durability, longevity, and the maximum user weight. At the new home, the swing set is removed and re-assembled. Later, you can move on to remove the playsets anchor. Include leveling the ground for the new swing set in your installation process before you begin to reassemble and install the structure in your new backyard. When their projects are done, they fill out a short cost survey. Building a water table ranges between $50 and $150. However, the wood needs regular cleaning and sealing to prevent rot, and metal models require regular cleaning and any damaged paintwork requires rapid repair to avoid rust setting in. There are several different approaches you can take and not every swing set is the same. Ideally, youll have at least two to three strong friends helping you outalong with plenty of drinks and snacks. It is, after all, a part of the house. Compatibility with your sled, ease of installation, quality, and performance are key factors. You apply it and let it sit for 60 minutes. Are you wondering if you should pay the movers to do it? You can keep the specific bolts and hardware that goes with each of these in bags, taped to them. You can disassemble most swing sets swiftly and painlessly. Whether or not you need the aid of movers depends on the swing set youre planning on taking with you. Most swing sets cost around $200-$300 to move. Check out other categories that can help you find the information you need! Older swing set models, on the other hand, might not have the aid of a manufacturer. Swing sets are unique for not just being heavy but rather unwieldy. Try Trampoline Socks or Jump Socks, How To Repair a Trampoline Mat Patch and Net Repair, Finding The Best Ball Pits For Kids And Toddlers, How Much is a Pogo Stick Best Pogo Stick for 8 year old, Spikeball The Beach Game with Small Trampoline and Ball, The JumpSport Model 250 Fitness Trampoline Review, The Pure Fun Mini Rebounder Trampoline Review, The Pure Fun Mini Trampoline With Handrail 9005mth 40-inch Review, The Stamina 36-inch Folding Trampoline Review, The Sunny Health and Fitness 40-inch Foldable Trampoline Review, Is It Really Worth It? Once you have made sure that the swing set will fit in the new location, you can follow our guide to get the swing set home. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased. Your swing set assembly cost depends on how many kids will be playing at one time. Call the manufacturer and see if they can provide you with disassembling services. You might need to dig up the soil, remove rocks, roots, and trees, or replace topsoil. You might find that the swing set is not high enough in value to pay to have professionally moved. Take pictures of your set before and after to help with your case. The cost to install a swing set or playground is $508 on average, but you may end up paying between $328 and $709. Playground mulch is essentially a mix of soft wood chips with dull ends. Its just another step that makes it easier to track and buy parts.

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