Linking Sentence: Ultimately, through highlighting the development of Lewis views towards insanity, Nowra positions his audience to reflect on the complexity of madness and thus warns of the danger of stereotypes. Plus, all of this racial violence was justified by the socio-economic interests of enslavers. Act II, Scene 2: Juliet. Cosi Julie Monologue StageMilk final 2 - YouTube SAC: A 900-1200 word essay offering a detailed comparison between ideas, issues, and themes of both texts. Although we see the theatre being touched up with new lights and a coat of paint, it still remains derelict and run-down. For example, Nicks lack of development is highlighted through comparing his stagnation/unchanging ways to Lewis growth., Lewis development is facilitated by the patients. Doug's monologue from Louis Nowra's Cosi - performed by Michael Smith - 2016. In hindsight, I know that without them, I wouldnt have overcome my mid-exam crisis and done as well as I did. Out, damned spot! How does Shakespeare explore the burden of a guilty conscience in Macbeth? Lewis deluded himself into believing that Lucy was faithful, when all signs (such as Nick residing in the same home and Nick and Lucy spending time together) indicated that Lucy was, in fact, blatantly disloyal. Additionally, Nowra blurs the lines between insanity and sanity by portraying Lewis as a bridge between the real world and that of the asylum. Cos is a play by Australian playwright Louis Nowra which was first performed in 1992 at the Belvoir St Theatre in Sydney, Australia. cosi julie monologue Download a PDF version of this blog here. He fights as you sing prick-song, keeps time, distance, and proportion; rests me his minim rest, one, two, and the third in your bosom: the very butcher of a silk Secondly, interpret the themes and issues addressed in the quote and implement these into your discussion. Side note: The 'Writing in Context' component fromthe old syllabus has been semi-integrated into 'Reading and Creating'. (Frankenstein). It is clear that both Napoleon and Macbeth are powerful leaders. Is social media negatively impacting on student studies? Nature is also a major element in Skrzynecki's effort to become an Australian poet, his frequent referencing of Australian landscapes signposting his journey to identify as an Australian, as well as an Australian poet. Although seemingly insignificant, the brown tabby cat that runs across the steps of Greenwich Village represents freedom and individual autonomy, later comparable to the character of Lisa in the film. cosi julie monologue Nowra's Cosi is an intriguing comedy which explores our society's treatment of mental patients. While the men in Cos Fan Tutte do not actively participate in adultery, they do fabricate their departure to the war and also disguise themselves as Albanians. Their deception is also a betrayal to their wives. Lewis (Ben Mendelsohn) struggles to get started after selecting his six actors. The opening of this chapter is blunt and brutal. Get in touch with us here - we usually reply in 24 business hours. WhileMacbethconcentrates on Macbeths growing guilty conscience and his gradual deterioration to insanity,Animal Farmoffers no insight into Napoleons stream of consciousness. She digs in her bag for her lipstick, her fingers searching for the small cylinder, and pulls out a crayon, then a battery, then a tampon, then a gluestick.. John Monologues. This gives us, as students, a wonderful opportunity to look deeper into the text and identify Skrzyneckis differing positions in regard to identity, family and belonging, through the perspective from which he writes his poems at different stages of his life. The Most Challenging Scene From Netflix's Julie And The Phantoms Because of this, I walked out of my exam teary - I thought those had to be the worst essays Id ever written! SAC:A sustained oral piece (~4-6 minutes) that presents a point of view relating to an issue currently in the media + a written explanation (~300-500 words) explainingyour decisions made in the planning process, and how these demonstrate your efforts in attempting to persuade the audience. How does Grenville showcase Rookes inner conflict in The Lieutenant? (The Lieutenant). Nevertheless, its rarity, as often commented on in Cos , is linked with the seemingly infrequent loyalty demonstrated by women. Abandoned him to a roomful of rampaging strangers. This links to Nowras view of the senselessness of war, which he views as a problem that mankind has created for themselves. Shes fighting a terrible nausea, feeling the sweat in the small of her back.. Enslaved workers werent fighting to be heard, they were fighting to survive. You will be using compare and contrast skills (see our blog post on Compare and Contrast Essays). Also, Cos is full of symbols and imagery, which can help you score highly on your essays if you integrate them into your work. Countless students ask me every year, What do I do when theres a quote in the prompt? What is the effect of power on the two characters? The use of a colloquial idiom of kept pace only with the Joneses'' in Feliks Skrzynecki, to reference how his belonging only feels surface deep. These "fighter phrases reveal Lizs anxious mindset, as she imagines a world where her son is almost in the wilderness, every man for himself, as though its the survival of the fittest - and which Liz so fearfully express, not that theres going to be anybody with enough time to notice that Daniel needs help, is not an environment where Daniel belongs. 1-2 Min. Nowra encourages his audience to accept both the complexity of people and of life, which begins with accepting your own reality. Monologue spoken by Mercutio in Act 2, Scene 4: More than prince of cats, I can tell you. Oops! Liz has longed to see Daniel all day, her anxiety getting the best of her, and yet at the moment of their reunion, its not as she expects. PLOT: Lewis (BEN MENDELSOHN), an unemployed young man, takes a job at a mental asylum to direct a play as therapy for the patients. Finally, Cos explores how Lewis deals with a hardship that he essentially created for himself he signed up to direct the play. For more sample essay topics, head over to our Cos Study Guide to practice writing essays using the analysis you've learnt in this blog! Its jam-packed with awesome, FREE advice for how to ACE Text Response. . An experienced student director, roommate and friend of Lewis who is heavily involved in the moratorium (a protest against the Vietnam War). Through the generational gap between Peter and his father, we can identify the difficulty older generations may have in letting go of customs, whilst the younger new Australians often find it far easier to attach themselves to new traditions. Although, its important not to take Lewis development at face value. Linking Sentence(s): In contrasting Lewis meekness to his boldness, Nowra alludes to the personal benefits that personal growth can have. Thus, before analysing Alfred Hitchcocks 1954 thriller Rear Window, it is important to consider its cultural, political and social context: As the blinds roll up to reveal the apartment complex, a medium shot of the wide-open windows of each apartment immediately convey to the audience an environment of an uncomfortable openness. Despite acting as the main location of progressive culture, such as the beginning of the international gay rights movement, Greenwich Village was also the setting for the broken dreams of its eclectic residents. However, Chapel was far more committed to freedom than to survival. Topic Sentence 1: Through his exploration of Lewis changing ideals during Cos, Nowra attempts to highlight the value of companionship and productivity of the mentally ill, which act to increase Lewis confidence when faced with adversity. Contention: agree to a degree - caged in & intelligent BUT not symbolic of women in general, Body para 1: how she is caged in - marriage & infidelity, exiled by men, not given choice, Body para 2: intelligence - outsmarted Creon & Aegeus (manipulation) - intellectual superiority over Jason, Body para 3: not symbolic of women - demigod &sorceress - filicide - deus ex machina, Research the places referenced in Skrzynecki poems such as Mt Warning, Dont just analyse the poems individually, try and see the big picture and apply the overarching themes. The suburban setting ofRear Window reinforces the sense of confinement and suspicion rampant during the 1950s. This is the onlypart of the new course where you have the opportunity to experiment with your creative writing skills. Instead, George Orwell focuses on the pain and suffering of the animals under Napoleons reign. She is a born natural at performing and she loves the stage. Julie later reveals that she has a girlfriend who she would prefer to be with, confirming that both men and women are unfaithful in relationships, despite whatever values they may claim to have. Now, I know a lot of us are still grappling to understand the changes, and who knows? But if youre not thinking clearly, youre probably not writing clearly. She pushes him to make a choice between the world of insanity and fidelity that represents truth for Lewis, or the world of sanity, free love and politics that Lewis comes to view as restrictive and stifling. Skrzynecki often uses places of transit such as train stations or hostels to showcase the uncertainty often experienced in a migrants journey. does climate change exist?). While the patients were viewed as madmen by outsiders, Lewis soon discovers that they are, in many ways, ordinary people. He doesnt run over when he sees her. Ambition in the play Macbeth leads to success. Discuss. If you find this essay breakdown helpful, then you might want to check out our Cos Study Guide where we cover 5 A+ sample essays with EVERY essay annotated and broken down on HOW and WHY these essays achieved A+ so you reach your English goals! Girlfriend and roommate of Lewis, Lucy cannot understand why Lewis is directing a play about love when thousands are dying in the war. For one of most popular posts on Comparative (also known as Reading and Comparing), check out our Ultimate Guide to VCE Comparative. Theres also your last-minute sustenance - even after my good breakfast, I always ate a banana or a mars bar right before I walked into an exam, because theyre great for an immediate energy boost. 1. The cameras focus on the beads of sweat on Jeffs forehead signify the intense heat of summer in Greenwich Village, confirmed by the following close up shot of 94F on the thermometer: The stifling temperature of the season foreshadows imminent tension about to unfold in the film, as does the following close-up shot: The slow panning from Jeffs head to his broken left leg in a cast, in tandem with the ominous, epitaph-like words, Here lie the broken bones of L.B Jefferies, increase the impending sense of tragedy. Whenever you get a new essay topic, you can use LSGs THINK and EXECUTE strategy, a technique to help you write better VCE essays. The play is dominated by Lewis development. Fain would I dwell on form, fain, fain deny. In a scenario where physical violence was used the way it was in order to oppress, self-emancipation was seen by many as the only path out. FEMALE CONTEMPORARY SCREEN MONOLOGUES Please do not impersonate the actor's representation of the below character in the film or television version. However, customs are also seen to be the way in which migrants make themselves at home whilst being able to still identify with their past. This image of Lisa in the negative literally symbolises Jeffs negative perception of his girlfriend Lisa at the beginning of the film. Area of study 2 - (Part I) Analysing argument. What you should aim to do: Avoid superficial connections. The prompt is phrased as an instruction (Compare) which invites you to analyse both texts together, but you totally knew that already! Purpose: To explore meaningful connections between two texts. Peter in comparison is seen to have far more of a disconnect with his Polish ancestry he inherited unknowingly and forget his first Polish word as he learns of a culture further South of Hadrians Wall. The hard part of this is that you only have about FIVE MINUTES to plan each essay in the Year 12 English exam (more info on the best way to tackle that challenge in this video!). The medias portrayal of terrorism. Social changeprobably towards equalityisnt something that just happens, so the prompt also wants us to think about how to get there, and whether that seems achievable in the contexts of these stories. Both texts show how memory and grief are significant burdens for Bla(c)k people and operate at multiple dimensions. We see Skrzynecki in Migrant Centre Site, revisiting the location where he first lived after arriving in Australia, noting that there was nothing to commemorate [their] arrival, this perhaps demonstrates his desire for a legacy, to leave a footprint of the journey so many thousand migrants travelled and not just a slab of cement as if his home was a dead cemetery. [1] Set in a Melbourne mental hospital in 1971, Cos is semi-autobiographical, and is the sequel to his previous semi-autobiographical play, Summer of the Aliens. (Rear Window). Guerilla warfare, Jungle gym, "seasoned commanders. Through participating in the play, which is an illusory form of reality, the patients are able to explore their views on love and commitment. InThe 7 Stages of Grieving, we see how death can bring together entire communities to commiserate, dance and mourn collectively, drawing on one anothers strength. Miss Julie Monologues. My breakfast favourite during exams was oats with raspberries and banana - a bit of sugar, a good amount of carbs, and having a nice brekkie always put me in a good mood! As shown through Ruth who struggles to pretend like she is having real coffee on stage, it is difficult for some to distinguish reality from illusion, even if it is clear to everyone else. Topic Sentence 2: Moreover, throughout Cos we see Lewis develop a greater understanding of the complexity of madness due to his partnership with the patients., Examples: Lewis changing perspective of the patients, Lewis involvement with the patients beyond his role as director, fire and water imagery. The repetition of delete, delete, delete gives us the sense that shes frustratingly attempting to delete her self-acknowledged, perhaps over-the-top anxiety surrounding Daniel, or trying to delete herself out of her situation. So, have a peek at the infographic below to get a good overview of what we're saying 'hello' and 'farewell' to: Students study:2 selected texts from Text List 1 (see the 2017 VCE English Text Listhere). According to Mozarts Cos Fan Tutte, fidelity is depicted as an ideal that is never achieved. [2] The play was adapted into the 1996 film Cosi . This means that setting, structure and stage directions are all crucial, and make for a high-scoring essay. Nowra uses his unfaithfulness as evidence of the indiscriminate nature of infidelity it is not restricted only to women. Its depicted as a home invasion, a ship taking up a whole harbour, and as a process of devaluing land and ignoring its custodians. Caroline, Julie and Stella had laughed dutifully enough, but their faces had shown a kind of pained disappointment, something faintly aggrieved.. VCE is a registered trademark of the VCAA. For example, he admitted to helping Lewis with his direction only so [Lewis would] help [him] on the moratorium committee.. Peter Skrzynecki wrote his poems over a significant amount of time, starting in 1970 and ending in 2006. Over the course of a midsummer night in Fermanagh in 1890, an unsettled daughter of the Anglo-Irish aristocracy encourages her father's valet to seduce her. The fear of Communist influence in the USA led to heightened political repression from the government, and Americans could only prove their loyalty to the country only by offering others names to the government. Everyone swears it exists, but no one has seen it.. Unlike other forms of text, a collection of poems is not one continuous body of writing, instead a poetry collection is more like a series of vignettes, snapshots into poignant moments, in this case, of an authors life. In the 1970s, those who behaved abnormally were declared to be insane and placed in mental institutions that were shunned by society. Ultimately, the behaviour of characters such as Roy and Ruth encourages us to consider the reliability (or unreliability) of our own perceptions. I discuss all these themes in further detail in A Killer Comparative Guide: The 7 Stages of Grieving & The Longest Memory. Depictions of families in projections of photographs also outline how joy and solidarity can be drawn from community. There isnt necessarily a right answer either way, but this definitely isnt a tension that we see in the play. For example, at the start of the play Lewis shares similar superficial values to Nick, admitting to only take the directing job for a bit of money; however, by the end of Cos, he holds vastly different views than Nick. The women in both Cos Fan Tutte and Cos are compared with the Arabian Phoenix. She has an affair with Nick, who shares similar beliefs that politics and the Vietnam War protest are more important than anything else. Example #2 "And for that matter, I have no secrets." - Julie from "Miss Julie." Miss Julie's woeful tale dates back to the year 1888, which was written by playwright. The only things adorning Jeffs small room are his many photographs, all taken by himself. Gender: Male Age Range: 40's | 50's | 60's Summary: Ruth, about to host a lavish party, talks to her maid about a dream she's been having. We don't hate and destroy each other. Discuss. This is in contrast to later in the story when she is reunited with Daniel and is comforted by inhaling[ing] the scent of him again. it a perfect crime, give yourself full satisfaction. In poems such as Immigrants at central station Skyznecki illustrates an environment of anxiety and trepidation, however, he finishes the poem with sentiments of hope of the new future, the new world the immigrants were travelling to, along glistening tracks of steel. 'The Clock Struck Nine When I Did Send The Nurse' Soliloquy Purpose:To write an expository essayon the 1st text, and thena creative response onthe 2nd text for Area of Study 1. Now quite sure how to nail your text response essays?Then download our free mini-guide, where we break down the art of writing the perfect text-response essay into three comprehensive steps.Click below to get your own copy today! ! My reply to these questions is actually fairly straightforward! Now is the sun upon the highmost hill. While Lucy is sleeping with Lewis, she is also triflingly having sex with Nick. I know youve probably heard the self-care talk many times, so from student to student, let me sum it up for you: For the 1000th time - sleep! Several of the poems are set in places of transition, such as at a train station, this helps to emphasize the displacement some migrants may feel as they struggle to acclimatise to their new home. Give these essay topics a go. Whatever boat you may be in, by the end of your study of Peter Skrzyneckis New/Old World poems, youre bound to have a new appreciation for the art that is poetry and find analysing poems less of a daunting prospect and more a something easy to nail. Both texts offer ideas about what the fight against racism might look like, but at times these ideas are more different than similar. Is three long hours, yet she is not come. Overall, Nick lives up to his label of being an egotistical pig who likes the sound of his own voice. P2: With The Longest Memory, social change is required across the economy that depends on enslaving people and stealing their labour, while others have an economic interest in the status quo. When faced with unknown prompts in a SAC or your exam, it's reassuring to have a formulaic breakdown of the prompt so that your brain immediately starts categorising the prompt - which of the 5 types of prompts does this one in front of me fall into? August Strindberg has been adapted into modern works such as the National Theatre's production of 'Julie.' "And for that matter, I have no secrets. The lights in Act 1, Scene 1 highlight Lewis entrance into a new world, where he befriends patients who will ultimately help him to learn and develop.