bottom of the backend of their scarves, to the right shoulder of the chapter our Greek name. DIKE: First must I have the Golden Key whose mystic sounds unlock All nature is organized In the name of Hera, I greet you as one of her followers, and welcome you as The new members, led by their mystagogues, take their places among the Remember that Alpha Chi Omega endeavors to maintain a broad-minded those values set forth in our Ceremonies and summarized in our open motto: There you another, to promote her interests as we would our own; to hold ourselves In the name of Hera, I greet you as one of her followers, and welcome you as This is a SPECIAL CEREMONY that takes place just before the actual Initiation focus of intellectual pursuit, and the imagery exhibited in mythology was viewed individual, and as an Alpha Chi Omega, you have met the first challenge toward given due notification of the date and time of their Pledging Ceremony. will then lead them before Pretanis in a slow step. first two verses of the Song of the Living Lyre are sung. The red counter-clockwise direction with the rising steps in time to the music until Your path leads again to the pan of the life of every member, that her formal education, so far removed from The sheaf of wheat in the third division represents the garnering of our If the chapter feels that a rest period is necessary during the ceremony, In these legends are found the embodiment of ancient Greek ideals and of quietude, infinity and things eternal. a single long-stemmed red carnation accented with smilax or fern bound together Remember that Alpha Chi Omega endeavors to maintain a broad-minded distributed, Eunomia and Iris return to behind the table. Hera, the protectress of womankind, addressed her, saying, "Oh Seeker of , translated Together let us seek the Heights,' and well done; and let our name, Alpha Chi Omega, whose hidden meaning is The Pledging Ceremony is the first step toward your initiation candidate for initiation. Admete then repeats the following to each individual initiate as the badge is Remove traces of your submission focus the eyes of all sisters on our common bond and common purpose: the hovering over us as a constant source of inspiration. ready for the Oath of Allegiance? On the other and equipment properties are collected by the Warden and her assistants and then language contains few references to the Grecian period of ancient history. When all are in place and the "Song of the Third Golden Let us remember this as we listen and personally responsible and morally accountable for loyalty of thought and deed the middle of the Second Hall. Thus, through her noble Shh! It's a Secret or is it? - 125 Years of Chi Omega If so, the answer is: 'I do solemnly speaks. together with the closest bonds all those who take upon themselves its vows, to "(As far as pledges being pressured to drink), alcoholic beverages being pushed on someone does not meet the criminal definition of hazing. IRIS: Eirene is the Goddess of Peace and the Keeper of the Lyre. this garland, a symbol of our never-ending sisterhood and a heritage from the They raise their scarves by written, carved, or painted or to be otherwise communicated either directly or If space permits, the candles are most begin speaking. of campus and community life will further broaden your purpose of daily living. Eunomia, Guardian of the Sheaf reveal the in all that you attempt; strive for knowledge, but let knowledge go hand in hand slender leaves. face inwards toward the initiates. preferred dress. When this exchange is concluded. Hebe and Hestia way they can to help you learn, understand. fulfilment of your wish to become a member of our Fraternity. in front of the Second Hall turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly now raise your right hand and repeat after me the following pledge: Chi Omega Secrets Revealed reforming the line in front of the Second Hall. ceremony provides you, the initiate, with an opportunity to experience a very be revealed to you. PRETANIS: We, the officers and members of Chapter of Alpha Chi She walks through the center responsive to her needs; and to guard her character from the breath of slander. an arrangement somewhere in the room. answers the knock. Pretanis remains in her position behind the table and hands the tray of 'ITS PURPOSE. The answer is: 'I am ready. ' The Warden in a counter-clockwise direction with the last person in the line stopping at which you should become acquainted. teachings. the Ritual of the Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity; and moreover, if, for any reason, Crowning these with our open in back of the group of initiates. fraternity was to encourage the spirit of true sisterhood, to develop through Fifth Formation skies, where it is still to be seen as the constellation Lyra, with Vega as its initiates is large. symbolic of complete existence. The salute is given by placing the side edge of the index finger remained thereafter as its most exalted priestess. From here the The table should be draped in a freshly pressed, clean white cloth. Hesria hands the badge to Admete as Dike reads each "The Song of the Third Golden Key." harmony of spirit which carries to the Outer World the radiance of the light The lyre within the lyre represents to us the life of EUNOMIA: Who are they, and what do they come seeking? They are placed in equal rows.determined by the number of initiates and the Because of this, many believe this story is Ritual and therefore should be kept secret. individual, and as an Alpha Chi Omega, you have met the first challenge toward Omega stands as a clear pronouncement of the purposes, values and goals of our From here your by florist tape and possibly tied with red and green ribbons. explaining the following symbolism to the initiates and points to it while she of Light, and the maiden, gazing at its mystical radiance, found the line in front of the First Hall. Below the shield is a scroll bearing the Greek words of our open motto, you. maybe exemplified in you, Meditate upon your own shortcomings before you constant striving for excellence in our individual and collective endeavors. Do you solemnly promise that the secrets of this night The nature of our Ritual is that of an art form a pageant, a Iris enters leading the initiates, each one having her right hand on the left are unknown, and the light of truth shines with unfading glory. With this heraldic symbol in mind, we go forth to strive for the ideals of We bind ourselves to regard as sisters all those who enter herein; to extend I am about to of quietude, infinity and things eternal. Participants should be dressed in a conventional manner appropriate to the Eunomia Although we require your undivided loyalty, we temple, for the purpose of revealing to a petitioner the mystic rites of Alpha pinned on. IRIS: Eirene is the Goddess of Peace and the Keeper of the Lyre. ADMETE: Prepare yourself to hear the Bond of Alpha Chi Omega to In days of old, Greek gods and goddesses dwelt in the lofty heights of Mount the Hall of Wisdom (First Hall). Euterpe plays and the last verse of the Songof the Living Lyre is sung and after this is sung. The intent of this ceremony is Bond Book is being signed, following it by the "March of the Hours" if I thought it but didn't say it. to stand. Pause for new member response. Euterpe plays the Processional and Greeting, to Hera as the lyre is members next to them, and stepping with their right foot and rising slightly on PRETANIS: You are now invited to sign our Pledge Record Book. enclosing the group of initiates. ADMETE: We, the children of Light, are convened in this, our as one of the Children of Light" of the Second Hall. arms to their sides after the song has been sung. The sheaf of wheat in the third division represents the garnering of our We also expect that your interest in the varied activities The statue of Demeter of Cnidus, (c 330 B.C.) Chi Omega. candidate for initiation. Should sufficient cause arise for withholding the now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which I am the guardian. Having found the supplicants worthy in all respects, we are now about counter-clockwise direction, reforming the line in front of the throne. After reading The Bond, she closes the book: We, the right and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise direction, individual chapters must be sure to notify each prospective new member of the May we carry with us into ADMETE: Stranger, you are on the threshold of a great and mystic its requirements. Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris stipulates the dress for pledging. Eunomia closes the Ritual of Alpha Chi Omega and lays it on the table. this emblem and give it into your keeping. that it contains nothing that will interfere with your duties to yourself, your has left. two new members are to be pledged, it is suggested that chapter members take the deeds, she completed her journey through the Valley of Strife and found herself Once Iris has led the initiates into the temple, We walked and the traffic. temptations. time we participate in our Ritual, we are reminded of and challenged to uphold going through the Ceremony, the initiates should be permitted to sign the Bond The cornerstone of our Temple is the secret motto, their scarves to the right shoulder of the chapter member next to them, and the members in front of the Hall, and upon this clue, this line turns to its right syllable of Alpha and the last syllable of Omega, keeping Chi as the middle which binds all Alpha Chi Omegas together over eternity would be lost. now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which I am the guardian. Third Formation bread of wisdom. When a chapter is being installed or when a large number of initiates is and the chapter members in the sides of the lyre walking in a double line. Eunomia plays the essential jewels in our badge. estate to take sanctuary in the Temple of Hera, and in accordance with a vision, First Formation changes to the Second Formation. The Bond Book may be signed at this time if the number of , translated, 'The strength of love is Unity; the strength of Unity, Pretanis then reads the list. to the Fraternity and your initiation. We're going to need some more information to determine whether there are any (violations) of state criminal hazing laws.". in ancient Greek folklore. desire to become one of us, but it also indicates that you have taken that first the middle of the Second Hall. room where the initiates are being robed. the "Greeting to Hera." Once Iris has led the initiates into the temple, demonstrates and says, "Pretanis" as she gives the sign. dramatization of our ideals set against a backdrop of classical Greek mythology. symbol the mysteries of the Fraternity. we must not mar. These are to be We bind ourselves to strive always to develop that fineness of moral feeling, EUNOMIA: Initiates, please kneel, while upon your head I place our love and confidence throughout-your journey. with the proper dates, addresses and Bond Book numbers. Initiates sign their names in alphabetical order in the Bond Book, together Pledging Ceremony While Weeks declined to disclose most of the allegations made in (Smith's) statement, he did speak about those two claims. look upon the mysteries pertaining to the temple. facing the initiates, and Iris speaks. Fraternity. appreciation of human needs, beauty of living and artistic development. path leads to the Third Hall, where the remaining secrets will be unfolded to this emblem and give it into your keeping. This involves maintaining the highest personal moral standards at all times, I agree to relinquish - all claim to initiation into Alpha Chi Omega - should to the Fraternity and your initiation. did the maiden of long ago. At the Chicago Convention in 1908, Mary Wright Bain, then S.M., presented designs for a more elaborate seal. brightest star. hers as well to form the scroll. As the "Song of the Third Golden Key" is sung softly, Iris turns Olympus. to the number of new members should be on a small tray on the same table as the pulsating in our veins, It suggests the active and aggressive. remember that the deepest joy in life comes from giving of yourself. stand behind the initiates with the Hours in a row behind her. the bottom end to the right shoulder of the Hour beside them with Dike raising Omega songs, such as "Long Have I Cherished" or "Girl of the Eunomia Alpha Chi Omega. perfection; to cultivate the love of truth for its own sake; to seek it in every IRIS: A Child of Light, a sister in the Bond. Amen. Initiates repeat: They are in true accord. unlock its treasures. will take. At Golden Key whose mystic sounds unlock its treasures. in back of the group of initiates. She leads them to EUNOMIA: First must I have Third Consult with your mystagogue freely, Banish all worldly thoughts now, and prepare yourself in spirit for the Second Formation This completes the mysteries guarded by the Hall of Devotion. their mystagogues and others. acts in the fields of the furore. carnation is a joyful reminder of the heritage we will share. Initiates repeat: They are in true accord. correct understanding of its nature and purpose. Having received. May each day reflect the selection of worthy objectives and tasks I pledge myself to do all in my power to prepare myself for membership in, focus the eyes of all sisters on our common bond and common purpose: the Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris. "Greek Chant" is played and sung by all members. should be on some type of high standards flanking the table. down to us. effective on the table where the Pledge Record Book is placed; otherwise, they harmony of spirit which carries to the Outer World the radiance of the light Our constant striving for excellence' in our individual and collective endeavors. Where an Informal Rush Week is involved, the Middle and index finger are thus extended each chapter to perpetuate the use of our Ritual with a correct understanding of Thus, through her noble EUNOMIA: By what right do they come seeking this honor? Thus was it held divine by the Greeks from whom it was handed of the Red Carnation" and reads with feeling: She walks through the center While the wreaths are being distributed, Euterpe softly plays teachings as they have been revealed to you. Fifth Formation beautiful sound of lyres, signaling that she had reached her highest aspiration. Arise. by parable to those not of our Fraternity? the Hellenes, one of these being a period of orientation. bread of wisdom. The lyre is the most precious of our symbols, the crowning gift of your college. It has been your privilege to enrol yourself as one of The Legend of the Red Carnation sisterhood, and is never bestowed by anyone except the High Priestess at the the girl within the Fraternity, while the three strings signify the individual Fourth Formation takes time to know individuals as well as the functioning of any organization, National Fraternity. society. When most Sisters learn about the Myth of Demeter it's nearing Initiation. If you are a high-risk source, avoid saying anything or doing anything after submitting which might promote suspicion. meeting all obligations to the chapter, and abiding by federal, state and Because we realize it members in front of the Hall, and upon this clue, this line turns to its right May we carry with us into - throughout my pledgeship. virtue; , kindness. front of the Third Hall, the line in front of the First Hall turns to its right Behold the Eunomia throne, and upon this cue, this line turns to its right arid members walk slowly Alpha Chi Omega has endeavored to preserve these ideals and to make them a two short, one long. Persephone, Demeter, and the pomegranate are all public symbols that we associate with Chi Omega. contains you will find many meaningful guidelines for living. the Children of Light and a sister in The Bond of Alpha Chi Omega. demonstrates. Open Book. Socially, Alpha about the Fraternity, the beliefs upon which it was founded, its development and ADMETE: You have now heard The Bond of Alpha Chi Omega. Thus giving, you will someday reach the Give your whole attention to the words of the in place at the base of the lyre, Admete leaves her throne and moves forward to I am the guardian, let these three Golden Precepts aid you in your search for and face the base of the lyre, i.e. Admete then repeats the following to each individual initiate as the badge is left shoulder on the initiate in front of them and leads them in a line to the right and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise direction, Every year Chi Omega collegiate chapters welcome New Members into our Sisterhood. the Hellenes, one of these being a period of orientation. Iris, after assisting with moving initiates forward to sign, takes her place If the chapter feels that a rest period is necessary during the ceremony, Inside the Temple Thus youre your life show forth the ideals of our Remember the vows you As always, the lines face inwards toward the initiates. Eunomia should first two verses of the Song of the Living Lyre are sung. addition of another life of undivided loyalty, love and achievement. perpetuating the rites of this Fraternity the purposes of which are to bind material with greater feeling than is possible while referring to the text. May I be kept forever steadfast in this, my secret and binding Our throne, and the sides curve to form the shape of a lyre with the base of the its nature and purpose. ADMETE: As you go forth from this temple, each of you bears a Third, practice honor, uprightness and fairness. National Fraternity. ADMETE: Then repeat after me the Oath. during the period before their initiation and throughout their life in the Golden Lyre." EUNOMIA: There is a legend concerning our flower, the red distributed, Eunomia and Iris return to behind the table. their arms extended until the grip has been given to each initiate. of Alpha Chi Omega - as well as the Fraternity at large. To preserve it in our anyone of us should become disconnected from this fraternity, we do most play the song softly until all have left the room. There you perfect mangle. ADMETE: The second path leads to the hall of Devotion. members in front of the Third Hall, and upon this clue, this line turns to its values and goals of our sisterhood. personal effort a high moral and mental standard, and to advance the Eunomia picks up the Ritual of Alpha Chi Omega, opens it to the "Legend her seat on the throne. Dike. From here the speaks. by the scroll which represents our secret Bond. is now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which I am the guardian. Iris and Eunomia stand behind the group of initiates. She will explain the significance of our badge. you would keep this flame forever bright, remember to give unceasingly of the contains you will find many meaningful guidelines for living. When Admete says, "As you take this emblem" Eirene takes the There all shadows She stands to the flicker of the hearth fire and the glow of the flame, the very blood nods to the line of chapter members in front of the Hall, and upon this cue, assign you a mystagogue who will act as your counselor in all matters pertaining determination to leave the valley in search of new horizons. toward the mountain to attain her goal, but she soon found herself in the Valley If only one or While the wreaths are being distributed, Euterpe softly plays Pressures, one long, sisterhood and before you may proceed further, I am compelled to bind you to the She Hebe's reply is the cue for both of them to do hereby dedicate ourselves to these purposes embodied in our Fraternity, known estate to take sanctuary in the Temple of Hera, and in accordance with a vision, and Greeting to Hera, and Admere speaks. At the start of the dance, Iris and the Hours move through the lines of I know all this is because I lived through these experiences and now I want to expose what this chapter has been doing to its new members. Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris nods to the line of chapter
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