Jeff prefers to stay out of the spotlight, in part, we assume, due to his profession, so we cant be sure about anything else. We interviewed our tech expert, Jaime Vazquez, to learn more about accessible smart home devices. McArthur and Wright were together on Sept. 8, the last day anyone saw Wright alive. Cassandra Walker, Counselor, Mission, KS, 66202 | Psychology Today Authorities soon discovered that McArthur was the last person to see Wright before she disappeared and they also found that she had deposited a $34,000 cheque made out to Wright into her personal checking account and spent the money, court documents show. TUTTI I PRODOTTI; PROTEINE; TONO MUSCOLARE-FORZA-RECUPERO Season 3 Episode 5 Exclusive: On Sept. 8, 2017, Taylor Wright, a 33-year-old private investigator, was enjoying life with her girlfriend, Casandra Waller. Cassandra Walker at California State University - Sacramento The two had just moved in together and everything was going well, despite the stressful divorce proceedings that Taylor was going through with her ex-husband. Upon her arrest, McArthur was charged with first-degree premeditated murder. Ashley Britt McArthur, 40, appeared in court Monday after state prosecutors filed a motion to revoke her bond. Ashley McArthur is being held on a $1 Million bond and is due in court on November 9, 2017. The name Cassandra Wright has over 270 birth records, 10 death records, 96 criminal/court records, 1006 address records, 187 phone records & more. Fundraiser by Casandra Waller : Taylor Wright/Turcotte Memorial - GoFundMe And it later came to light that Taylor didnt voluntarily fade away; she was killed. Bank records included in the affidavit show that there were several transfers from the joint account to the McArthurs account and, that by the next day, the balance was down to $627.57. Taylor Wright was reported missing on September 14, 2017, by her domestic partner, Cassandra Waller after Wright spent the day with McArthur, according to the arrest report filed late last week . A former crime scene technician who murdered her friend was 'flirty and playful' with police officers as they interrogated her about whereabouts of missing woman. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. However, a neighbor reportedMcArthur was spending many nights at her husband'shome in Pensacola, raising the questionof whether McArthur had violated the terms of her pre-trial release. Senior Development Officer. McArthur is charged with first-degree murder in the death of 33-year-old Taylor Wrighta woman who reportedly went to confront McArthur about $34,000 missing from theirshared account and never returned. Two years after her body was found,Ashley, 41, was found guilty of killing her friend and received a life sentence, after it was discovered that she'd stolen$34,000 from Taylor before killing her at her parent's farm. While Ashley denied having anything to do with Taylor's disappearance, a search team combed the farm where, phone records showed, Ashley and Taylor had been together on the day that she went missing. She and her team are responsible for supporting the delivery of quality and timely service to every NCARB stakeholder and ensuring high levels of performance with consistent delivery of service excellence. Attorneys successfully argued for the $400,000 bond on the grounds that McArthur had spent her whole life in the area, was not a flight risk and had no previous criminal history. Bank records showed that on August 16, McArthur deposited a cashiers check in Wrights name for the amount of $34,000 into McArthurs personal checking account and that the money had since been spent. As a result they may . Ketia Daniel, founder of BHM Cleaning Co., is BestReviews cleaning expert. Ashleys friends testified in court that she had made statements about wanting Wright dead. Cassandra has 6 jobs listed on their profile. Mother of slain private investigator knew 'something horrible - WEAR breaking news kittanning, pa. true freshwater flounder; lululemon goals and objectives Link your TV provider to stream full episodes and live TV. Taylor entrusted $32,000 to her friend, Ashley, for safe keeping - with no knowledge that her friend was facing money troubles of her own. 2010 Don't Go in the Woods Ashley (as Cassandra Walker) 2008 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (TV Series) Magician's Assistant - Vanishing Act (2008) . PENSACOLA, Florida (WKRG) Newly obtained court documents illuminate the financial problems that may have led to the murder of Taylor Wright. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. "She knew what she did, and the whole entire time, she was pretending to be my friend. Facebook gives people the. Shes always come across as being tough. Facebook/Florida Department of Corrections While weekspassed and Taylor failed to appear, a break in the case was not made until investigators were finally granted access to Taylor's phone records. McArthur runsher family's entertainment rental business, Pensacola Automatic Amusements. A real man 16 y 17 - Jenika Snow - novelas romanticas Cassandra Walker - Assistant Principal - Petersburg City - LinkedIn Still, Ashley picked up Taylor under the guise of going to the bank, but she likely made up a story about needing to stop by the farm, where Taylors body would later be found. After all, Wright left without contacting her young son. Authorities were able to obtain a search warrant for three different properties owned by the McArthurs, and on the day that they planned to execute the warrants, they invited Ashley down to the station for an interview to keep her out of the way. In all this, one of the most intriguing people involved was her ex-husband, Jeff Wright. Cassandra Walker Design 2022. Authorities zeroed in onAshley and began searching her and her husband's bank and phone records. Check out never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! Check out never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! We finally got the justice that Taylor deserved," Waller said. All rights Reserved Website Made By Camille Link your TV provider to stream full episodes and live TV. +61 433 333 700 FOLLOW Cassandra Walker Design acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people of the Kulin Nation as the traditional owners of the land we are located on. On Sept.8, 2017, Taylor Wright, a 33-year-old recently-divorced private investigator, was enjoying life with her girlfriend, Casandra Waller. According to a second affidavit for search warrant filed, Ashley McArthur had kept $20,000 in cash and several cashiers checks made out to Wright in her home. Create your free profile and get access to exclusive content. The two had just moved in together and everything was going well, despite the stressful divorce proceedings that Taylor was going through with her ex-husband. That day, Taylor went out with a friend, Ashley McArthur, and it was the last time she was seen alive. The remains of 33-year-old Taylor Wright were. Kevin Robinson can be reached at and 850-435-8527. Casandra Waller, reportedly a high-school administrator in Escambia County, was Taylor Wrights live-in girlfriend at the time Wright was brutally slain by someone she called a friend. Cassandra Waller Profiles | Facebook The report continues that on 8/16/2017,a cashiers check made out to Taylor Wright was deposited into the account in the amountof $34,000. Wright went missing in September 2017, and police found her body on McArthur's family property with a bullet hole in the back of her head. She is a businesswoman and the owner of Clover Juice, a . McArthur told deputies they went to her house in Pensacola by herself. Waller then went to the police, who suggested that she reach out to Taylor's ex-husband, Jeff Wright, to investigate further on her own. Datelines chilling episode, titled The Necklace, delves into the investigation of the cold-blooded murder of 33-year-old private investigator Taylor Wright, who was found buried in a Florida farm after she had been shot and killed by someone she thought was close to her. As per reports, when Taylor first went missing, her live-in girlfriend, Casandra Waller, contacted Jeff, who stated that their son was also trying to reach out to his mother but was getting no response. Keep reading to find out where Ashley McArthur is now, and for more information on what exactly happened to Taylor Wright. After the testimony, Judge Jan Shackelford said she was "flabbergasted"that no one from community corrections hadcontacted her for instruction on the terms of McArthur'srelease. -All Night Long - The first episode of Murder Masterminds airs on CRIME+INVESTIGATION on Tuesday 7h July at 9pm. Kassandra Doyle Taylor | Miami Maritime Attorney | Jones Walker LLP The two women were friends, and prosecutors said McArthurkilled her friend after Wright had entrusted her to hold on to $32,000 while she was going through a divorce with her husband. Casandra Waller Now: Where is Taylor Wright's Ex-Girlfriend Today? Update . All rights reserved. Cassandra Walker - Development Manager - Locality | LinkedIn Cassandra Walker in MI - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages Law enforcement officials interrogated McArthur on September 15, 2017, and prosecutors described her first interview as flirty, maybe a little playful, according to the Daily Mail. I think she knew she was caught.'. Taylor Wright, a private investigator and former North Carolina cop, was 33 years old when she disappeared on September 8, 2017, in Pensacola, Florida. After not. McArthur arrested: Arrest made after body of missing private investigator Taylor Wright is found, More charges: Suspect in PI murder also accused of starting fire to avoid confronting fraud allegations, Guilty: Former crime scene tech found guilty of killing private investigator. Wright went missing in September 2017, and police found her body on McArthur's family property with a bullet hole in the back of her head. So, lets find out more about him, shall we? The Untold Truth Of Andrew Walker's Wife - Cassandra Troy - BiographyPedia Waller eventually reported Taylor Wright missing. Where Is Ashley McArthur Now After Taylor Wright's Murder? - Distractify In September of 2017, the 33-year-old private investigator went missing in Pensacola, Fla. At the time, Wright was going through a difficult divorce, and she had just moved in with her girlfriend, school administrator Cassandra Waller. One official reported that in a 42-day span, McArthurspent about nine nights at her husband'shouse. Join Facebook to connect with Cassandra Waller and others you may know. Cassandra Troy is the wife of the award-winning Canadian actor, Andrew Walker. She was also found guilty, and she sentenced to another seven years in prison. Details Released In Murder Of Private Investigator Taylor Wright, a native of South Carolina, was 33 years old when she went missing in Pensacola. Arrest made after body of missing private investigator Taylor Wright is found, Suspect in PI murder also accused of starting fire to avoid confronting fraud allegations, Former crime scene tech found guilty of killing private investigator. McArthur had already spent some of it, and she had put it into an account that Wright could not access. Authorities zeroed in onAshley and began searching her and her husband's bank and phone records. Taylor Wrights body was discovered on October 19 buried on propertynext to the McArthur residence in north Escambia County. Both said they could monitor McArthur's location in real time using GPS monitoring, and, in their opinion, McArthur had not violated the terms of her release. The 2017 murder of a Pensacola private investigator and a former police officer will be the focus of an episode of NBC's Dateline set to air Friday night. Waller was the one who reported Wright missing on September 14, 2017, telling the police that she had last seen Wright on September 8, as she was leaving to go meet Ashley McArthur, her close friend. Crime News is your destination for true crime stories from around the world, breaking crime news, and information about Oxygen's original true crime shows and documentaries. "That was the last time that I ever saw Taylor," Wallertold Buried in the Backyard, airing Thursdays at 8/7c on Oxygen. Ann M Taylor, Nicole Rhea Johnson, John Wesley Wright, . The episode airs at 8 p.m. Central Time on NBC. Wright stopped responding to her partners texts mid-morning and later that night she got a message from her phone saying she needed time to sort out her life. On September 8th, 2017 Taylor Wright went missing. She said she picked up Wright that morning and they went to her family property to ride horses. Still, McArthur has built up quite a rap sheet in the past year. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. She had been shot in the back of the head, and her body had been buried under concrete and soil. They also discovered that McArthur had a gun in her home with a bullet missing, and that she had deposited $34,000 into her own bank account. The outlet reported that McArthur told investigators, I dont believe Taylors been harmed, I think Taylor is doing what Taylor does, but I dont know, you know. Detectives had a line-up of suspects to investigate includingher ex-husband from whom Taylor stole $100,000, her new live-in girlfriend Casandra, and her best friend Ashley McArthur, the last person to see Taylor alive. ESCAMBIA COUNTY, Fla. (WEAR) The family of an Escambia County woman who was murdered has some strong words for the woman charged in her death. Jeff had remarried soon after his 10-year long union with Taylor had ended, and it appears as if he is still in blissful matrimony. A review of the joint accountshowed on 07/03/2017 the account was negative $43.33 and stayed in the negative until 8/10/2017 until two small deposits ($26.89 and $160.00) were made on 08/10/2017. In the days leading up to that deposit, the account was overdrawn several times, and for over a month at one point, accordingto the filing. Delivering specialist consultancy to community sector organisations on governance, business and financial planning, asset ownership and management and social impact. Taylor Wright, a private investigator and former North Carolina cop, was 33 years old when she disappeared on September 8, 2017, in Pensacola, Florida. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Cassandra Walker, Wright's live-in girlfriend, took the stand on Tuesday. He claimed that he hadn't heard from his ex-wife sinceSept.9, when she sent him a text message. Wrights girlfriend continued to try to communicate with her with no success until 7:58pm, when she received a text from Wrights phone stating that she needed time to think and get her life on track. 'If you look at the first interview she was flirty, maybe a little playful with law enforcement. Waller does not keep a public social media account, so information on her current whereabouts is scarce. Waller told Ashley to have Wright call her back later, but she never got that call. During a February hearing, McArthur was released on $400,000 bond withinstructions she was to submit to GPS monitoring and reside at her mother's home in Gulf Breeze. Ashley soon dropped a bombshell on investigators, however, claiming Taylor had hadan affair with a woman in another town while she was seeing Waller, and that the couple had argued about it in the past. Shackelford clarified that McArthur must spend "every single night at her mother's house." During an interview with investigators, Wallersaid that she had purchased the gun after Jeff told her that Taylor had gotten violent with him in the past. Create your free profile and get access to exclusive content. Cell phone records then showed that she was back in the area of her familys farm, CourtTV reported. Kassandra has experience . New Crime+Investigation series Murder Masterminds, delves into the case, and shows prosecution lawyer Bridgette Jenson explain howAshley was 'playful' while speaking to police and lying about her friends whereabouts. An Exclusive First Look At 'Buried In The Backyard' Season 3, Episode 4, John R. McRae Suspected In Other Boys' Disappearances, "That was the last time that I ever saw Taylor," Wallertold . Ashley McArthur, the last person to be seen with Taylor Wright, became a person of interest in the case almost immediately. Shes always carrying weapons whether its knives, or guns, or whatever. Taylor Wright, a 33-year-old private investigator and ex-police officer, disappeared on September 8, 2017, in Pensacola, Florida, and her body was found the following month buried under. According to the former crime scene technician, she was in charge of holding on to the money until the divorce was finalized.

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