If you want to give your chinchilla some treats, then these should be carefully selected. Chinchillas and cats can get along just fine, but this depends on your cats personality and demeanor. Dog food is not nutritionally balanced for chinchillas and can make them sick. So what can chinchillas eat? Chinchillas can't eat blueberries for a variety of reasons. Water should be provided in the form of a water bottle rather than a bowl as this is much more hygienic for your chinchilla. Copyright tagDiv. The body of an average chinchilla grows to about 10 inches long, but it can range from 8 inches to 12 inches, and its tail will typically be about 5 inches in length. Rhubarb. What is the reason why Chinchillas are not allowed to consume blueberries? Offering too much or too little of one food group can cause your chin to have digestive and even health issues. As rodents, their standard diet tends to follow a more opportunistic model, with chinchillas eating plants, seeds, fruits, and insects that it can get its paws on. Chinchillas in the wild tend to consume most of their food early in the morning and late at night. And of course too many raisins can cause diarrhea. Yes, chinchillas can eat C heerios, . Chinchillas can eat leaves and twigs in captivity, yet these types of food are more difficult to find when not in the wild. This is because rabbits require higher amounts of protein than chinchillas, which is reflected in the content of their food. It is the purest type of water available and it does not contain any bacteria. As you know, chinchillas are plant-eating animals. 1. Hibiscus is known to be a healthy treat for chinchillas if offered in small quantities and is often used in commercial chinchilla treats. The diet of chinchillas should ideally be high in protein and fiber while containing low moisture and fat content. These are usually made up of timothy or alfalfa hay, so you will have limited options to choose from. Alfalfa hay (low dust/hypoallergenic) Blue Grass hay. On the flip side to this, if your chinchillas have more phosphorus than calcium in their diet then this can also, cause health problems with muscle development, bones health and growth. Timothy hay should be offered in unlimited quantities so your chinchilla can graze and feed on it continually throughout the day, again, more on the exact amounts of food to offer your chin each day later in the post. Chinchillas are rodents and behave in pretty much the same way as a squirrel would. They won't go hunting for insects, but if they see one, they will eat it. Their access to water and hay or grass should be maintained in a way that they never run out. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Rabbit Food? Just make sure that they are safe. Some dos and donts for having chinchillas as pets are listed below. As you know, chinchillas are very active, so they run around a lot. The diet that you choose to feed your chinchilla should mostly contain hay. Because of the sensitive nature of a chinchillas digestive tract, sugar can be extremely harmful even if its fed in moderate quantities. Providing greens in small amounts and not too often is something you will have to get used to as a chinchillas owner due to the fact that chinchillas have unusual nutritional needs. So, what type of hay do chinchillas eat? Greens especially leafy greens are a food group that you can and should offer to your chinchilla on a regular basis. Growing, breeding, and nursing chinchillas may be fed a larger amount of pellets to provide additional calories, protein, fat and calcium. This ensures its overall wellbeing is guaranteed, meaning your chinchilla gets to enjoy a peaceful life. So what should you do? such as elevated levels of calcium and in turn, cause health issues. There are some things that you should do to have a healthy chinchilla. If your hamster has consumed any of these items then please seek veterinary advice. Bottles water is safe for chinchillas to use but is an expensive way of providing your Chinchilla with water and some would consider this quite wasteful. For example, if you have horses then you know they're prone to overeating. This means your cat gets to see your chinchilla but isnt in a position to touch it.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'smallpetshq_com-portrait-1','ezslot_19',188,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-portrait-1-0'); You also need to make sure that this area is just as comfy as where your chinchilla is to avoid your cat from wanting to stretch inside the cage bars.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'smallpetshq_com-leader-4','ezslot_8',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-leader-4-0'); Moreover, make sure there isnt a bed positioned over the chinchillas cage to prevent your cat from having a post from where it might try and reach the chinchilla. But guinea pigs are actually really good at eating slowly and reading their body. What Owners Must Know! Chinchillas love dandelion leaves. You should thus monitor it at all times to make sure it doesnt hunt down your chinchilla. Hey is extremely high in fibre which is important as the dietary tract of a chinchilla requires constant movement and large amounts of fibre are essential to help with this process. Second, not all rabbit foods are created equal. 3 Human Foods For Chinchillas: Final Thoughts. The short answer is yes, chinchillas can eat rabbit food. Well, you should try to distribute the appropriate amount of food around their cage instead of handing them their feed in a bowl. Lets look at some more information that is essential for chinchilla pet owners about pet food. If a chinchilla were to eat dry cat food, it would likely experience digestive issues and may even die. Purebred Silver & White chinchilla. While chinchillas and hamsters may seem similar, their diets couldn't be more different, and that means you . Feeding your chinchilla excessive amounts of pellets does not supply enough fiber for their gastrointestinal tracts (which require high fiber for fermentation of food) and doesnt provide the roughage to wear down their continuously growing teeth. Look for a pelleted, formulated diet specifically for chinchillas that is 16-20 percent protein, low in fat (2- 4 percent), and high in fiber (15-20 . link to How Often Should Chinchillas Have Dust Baths? You should do this by giving your cat ample time to become used to the new smell while making sure your chinchilla remains in the cage. The worry is that the chinchilla will refuse to eat unless being served the ingredient (even if a health condition requires them not to eat it anymore.) Oxbow Essentials Deluxe Chinchilla Food. Also, as with people, some chinchillas may not react well to all foods so give new items in small amounts. Cats are feline predators that are known for hunting rodent prey like chinchillas. [Top Speeds], Is My Chinchilla Fat? Although it is made from flour, bread has very few nutrients for chinchillas. Fruits and Veggies - Fresh fruits, fresh greens, and other veggies are a healthy part of your chinchilla's diet as well. Are Chinchillas Territorial? The best way to safeguard your chinchilla from your cat is by placing its cage far from the reach of your cat. All of our pet experts are here to help you and . [What Owners Will Want To Know], Can Chinchillas Get Fleas? Image Credit: Natalis.ph, Shutterstock. In fact, when given the choice between dry cat food and fresh grass, chinchillas choose the latter every time! 29493 7 Mile Road . They should be given very small amounts of chinchilla vegetables like carrots and leafy greens as healthy treats. Even though this might sound really confusing, if you follow the feeding guide later in the post then you should have no issues with over or underfeeding greens to your chinchilla. Raisins and dried cranberries. You should also consider designing hiding spots where your chinchilla can sleep or hide whenever its feeling tensed due to the cats presence.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'smallpetshq_com-leader-3','ezslot_6',187,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'smallpetshq_com-leader-3','ezslot_7',187,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-leader-3-0_1'); .leader-3-multi-187{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Specialties: The Wishbone Pet Company has the largest selection of raw diets in Santa Cruz, CA with a strong emphasis on holistic natural care. These adorable kittens are loving , caring and very affectionate. As such, it can cause kidney damage and other health problems. As with all pets, a proper diet is key to health and long life in chinchillas. On the flip side to this, if your chinchillas have more phosphorus than calcium in their diet then this can also cause health problems with muscle development, bones health and growth. The brand that we would recommend using is Oxbow as their pellets are of a high quality and are fortified with vitamins such as vitamin D3. This is the case even if the chinchilla is caged as your cat might opt to stare down at the chinchilla or reach down the cage.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'smallpetshq_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_15',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-narrow-sky-2-0'); This will be a traumatizing experience for the chinchilla, which your cat views as prey. The short answer is no. When they are let out of their cage, chinchillas Chinchillas come in a wide variety of colors. Learn more about their diets, below. As we mentioned earlier, hay is the most important part of a chinchillas diet. This means it should comprise 35% carbohydrates, 30% fiber, 15% protein, 4% protein, and less than 3.5% fat. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Chinchillas, for the most part, eat a really basic and simple diet that consists of very few foods. Oxbow hay (low dust/hypoallergenic) The chinchilla's pellets should be put in a food bowl, and they should be given fresh pellets every day. Fresh greens, such as dark green lettuces, should also be given to provide additional water and fiber. It is also better to distribute the food all over the cage to make it fun and much healthier for the domestic animal. Belmore, NSW. Note: Its important to understand that this is a guide only. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Timothy Hay? They are extremely high in fibre while offering low amounts of sugar. As a Chewy & flexoffers affiliate I earn commissions for qualifying purchases. It comes with a water bottle and food dish as well, all priced under $20. Some common options for food items that every pet chinchilla owner needs to keep their chinchilla safe and healthy are listed below. Two such posts that we have recently published are. Raisins. As for what kind of water chinchillas solid drink, you cant just give them any old water from the tap. It should be bright green and smell fresh, or else it can be harmful to your chinchilla. In this post, we will share the foods your chinchilla should be eating on a daily basis, how much they should be eating as well as what foods they need to stay away from. Foods You Can Feed to Your Chinchilla as Treats Include: Rope Hips are considered one of the healthiest treats you can offer your chinchilla. Dont give food that is meant for guinea pigs as they have different digestive systems. Always offer small amounts of sugar to your chinchillas and seek advice from your vet if you still arent sure. Long-tailed chinchillas are primarily herbivorous. Orchardgrass. Strong expertise in both dogs and cats. They love to play and interact with humans which makes them excellent pets. All greens and veggies should be offered in limited quantities and in moderation. So, what should you feed a chinchilla? This list includes common household foods that hamster should avoid but is by no means exhaustive. Hay which is sweeter and has more nutrients, should be mostly given to young chinchillas and only occasionally to adult chinchillas. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Its always best to check before you offer your chinchilla a new fruit just to make sure its safe and to see just how much you can offer them in one sitting. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you want to bring a chinchilla into your home, you could be worried about their diet and general health. Made from dehydrated rose hips, Exotic Nutrition Critter Selects Rose Hips Chinchilla Treats are great little chunks that you can even add to a food puzzle. Here is a breakdown of the nutrients your chinchilla needs in their diet and in what percentages. Below we have listed the most common greens that your chinchillas can safely eat in moderation as part of a healthy and balanced diet. For this reason, we have chosen to list the most common greens and veggies that owners often choose to feed their chinchillas and that we can validate are safe using veterinary sources such as the. Homeopathic and herbal remedies. The stomach, chest, and chin are pure white. This is what your chinchillas diet should look like, Hay Unlimited amounts (80-90% of the diet), Pellets Limited amounts to complement hay diet, Fresh Greens Small amounts offered daily, Fruit Very small amounts offered on occasion, Lets now break down the different elements of a chinchillas diet and see exactly what they should be eating to keep them both happy and healthy. Fat - 2-5%. This cage features a plastic and wire mesh construction with a built-in wheel and hideout. Chinchillas cannot eat hamster food. As such, its impossible for chinchillas to eat the same diet as cats. Instead, they prefer to nibble at their hay or grass. Finally, since chinchillas cannot vomit, small or hard foods such as dried fruit, nuts, seeds, or raisins can get stuck in the back of the mouth or esophagus leading to salivation, gagging, lack of appetite and possible problems breathing. Chinchillas will eat plenty of native plants in the wild to give them a good balance of minerals and vitamins essential for optimum health. Laurel. Dont discourage your pet from eating its own dropping, as it is natural for them to do so. The auto cat feeder has a 1080HD camera with automatic night vision as well as wide-angle view and supports 10-second voice message recording. 2.2 Nutritional requirements. Health and welfare issues - other. So, can rabbits eat chinchilla food? Cavies Know Their Body and Can Regulate Their Guinea Pig Food Intake. Find & Download the most popular Chinchilla Animal Vectors on Freepik Free for commercial use High Quality Images Made for Creative Projects. Its advisable to have a big enough cage for your chinchilla to jump around should they ever feel threatened by your cat. The most important thing is to provide chinchillas with additional water, especially in summer, and monitor their daily water intake. They can also be found in mixed dried dandelion mixtures, which can include dandelion leaves, flower petals, and even roots. What is more, this intelligence defines how much they will learn about their, Read More Are chinchillas Smart? This only happens opportunistically, though. nuts and sunflower seeds need to be avoided. Here Are Safe Wood Options For Chinchillas to Chew On: There is often a lot of confusion about if chinchillas actually need water. The problem is that the majority of fruits are high enough in sugar to cause your chinchilla digestive problems amongst other things so only a handful are really considered safe enough to eat even in small quantities. To be more specific, the diet should have 30% fiber, 16% protein, 35% carbohydrates, and the rest should be filled with fat, minerals, and sugar. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Strawberries? However, they eat mostly vegetation and seeds. Please talk to your vet for a detailed diet plan that suits the individual needs of your pet. Our main focus is helping owners to better understand and care for their pets with both straight forward and actionable advice. They need to have variety in the boring food they eat while also getting all the nutritional requirements met. If you're looking for a reasonably priced cage that comes with a variety of accessories, try the Habitrail Cristal Hamster Cage with Wheel. Cat with can food. Another important thing that they eat is pellets. This is a general rule for most small animals such as hedgehogs and even the majority of reptiles. Like most animals in the world, chinchillas require a variety of nutrients to be considered healthy and for their organs to work correctly. There are so many different hay varieties to choose from and sometimes it can be hard to know which ones will serve your chinchillas nutritional needs the best. While long term overfeeding of sugary foods can cause problems such as tooth decay and obesity, even overfeeding sugary food just once and cause diarrhoea and gas. Therefore, youll want to choose the hay wisely if you dont want, Read More Best Hay For Chinchillas 2023 Reviews and ComparisonContinue. We try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choice for you. Only a couple of tablespoons (1-2 tablespoons) of pellets should be given as daily amounts to a baby or adult chinchilla. Chinchillas require large amounts of fibre in their diet for their digestive system to function correctly. Chinchillas require a diet high in fiber and low in fat. Chinchillas only need to consume around 3-5% fat in their diet which is easily attainable from their base diet so foods such as nuts and sunflower seeds need to be avoided. Remember that treats are only supposed to be offered sparingly and not in large amounts daily. There are a lot of food items that a chinchilla owner should never feed their pets. Similarly, pet chinchillas should be offered food twice a day but may consume food throughout the day, as they tend to eat more slowly than other small animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs. On top of this, wet cat food has a tendency to stick around in the digestive tract for long periods of time. However, if you are allergic to hay, this is a great option as it greatly reduces the hay dust in your house, which reduces the allergic reaction that you might have to the hay. cute cat; Cat cartoon; cat eat; 1. Later in the post, we will share the exact pellets we recommend you feed your chinchilla so head over to that section of the post if you are looking for good quality pellets. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. Again, although this is the common amount of food that your pet needs, you need to contact the pet veterinarian to be sure of ample amounts of food that your chinchilla needs. Chinchillas in captivity often require a balanced diet of low fat, low moisture, low carbohydrates, and high fiber. Also note: the initial interaction shall be concise, lasting only a few minutes. Alfalfa hay is usually recommended for young, growing chinchillas. This means that chinchillas require a diet rich in protein but low in fat and carbohydrates. Fresh vegetables and fruits can occasionally be fed to your chinchillas, but only some of the fruit and vegetables your chinchillas digestive system can bear. Some other healthy treats include rosehips and mountain ash berries. Wild chinchillas are omnivores and feed on grasses, seeds, fruits, small plants, plant leaves, small insects, and bird eggs when they get a chance. Eggshells are rich in calcium and, as such, theyre an excellent source of nutrition for your chinchilla! Its role in highlighting their adaptability to new or specif environments is matchless. Its important to understand that this is a guide only. However, this makes them need a lot of physical and mental stimulation. This might not sound that bad at first, however, the fact that a chinchillas digestional tract isnt adapted to processing large amounts of sugar means that it can be left to ferment and cause gas. 2.1 Fresh Vegetables. The main takeaway here is that you should never give cat food to your pet chinchilla. Now, lets talk more about the healthy treats that you should feed these exotic animals. Their mum is a chinchilla Persian Semi-long haired silky & soft coat and their Dad is a red . An overweight chinchilla is susceptible to many illnesses like diabetes, diarrhea, and liver damage. Can Chinchillas Eat Cucumbers And Is It Safe? Chinchillas could be temperate and might be picky eaters, and you should be careful about, Read More Can Chinchillas Eat Cucumbers And Is It Safe?Continue, This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Chinchillas cant eat cat food. No fruits, seeds, nuts or vegetables. Answer (1 of 2): It is not so much that they are 'fragile', but have different habitat requirements than we are used to. Chinchillas are South American rodents that have continuously growing, open-rooted teeth to compensate for the wear that occurs from chewing on very abrasive, high-fiber grass and hay. so from these numbers alone its clear to see that good quality hay is undoubtedly the most vital part of your chinchillas diet. Some comments from a popular forum AGAINST giving raisins include: 1. Guide + Chart. Filtered water is ideal for use in Chinchilla bottles. 2.5 Dried Cranberry And Apple. List Of Safe Greens & Vegetables For Chinchillas: Fruits should only ever be offered as a treat to your chinchilla. In conclusion, make sure to feed your chinchilla with care and monitor their diets properly. Food items that need to be provided to them continuously are hay and clean drinking water. Thankfully, nowadays, there is a variety of hay available so that you can choose the hay type that your chinchilla loves the most. While hay should be offered in unlimited quantities, feeding large amounts of high-calcium alfalfa hay to non-breeding, adult chinchillas has been associated with the development calcium-based bladder stones. Fibre - 30-35%. "Hay should be offered free choice 24 hours a day and should be the main component of your chinchilla's diet." Hay should be replaced daily with fresh hay to prevent bacteria and mold growth. Customer: Hi my name is***** and my granddaughter has a chinchilla and I'm taking care of her her name is ***** ***** her chest got wet because her water bottle was leaking and now her hair is kind of clumped a little bit but she's trying to pull it out what can I do to help her and she is so mad at me because I'm trying to take care of it and she's not happy can you give me some good ideas . They need to have variety in the boring food they eat while also getting all the nutritional requirements met. Always keep an eye on your cat even after your chinchilla and cat have started getting along. Its quite possible that if you put cat food down on the floor, your chinchilla will try to eat it. Following a healthy diet will maximize your chinchillas lifespan. These flowers should be dried before feeding to ensure that they are crunchy since our little ones love to nibble. There is, however, no harm in using this type of water providing they get enough minerals from elsewhere. Avoid using wooden toy balls. Chinchillas with these signs should be examined immediately by a veterinarian to have the lodged material extracted. They eat all sorts of different plants . In addition, wet cat food is often too salty for chinchillas. So here is a list of fruits and vegetables that you can feed your chinchillas. Food Options. Both chinchillas and hamsters are small rodents, so it's not surprising that they have similar dietary needs. It is also built with a speaker for remote interaction with pets. In fact, the hamster food is likely to be harmful to them. You should also provide them with a dry food that has been specifically designed with chinchillas in mind. Fruit is a food that can be offered to your chinchilla as a treat. Persians (the Chinchilla is in the Persian or Longhair cat family) can carry a gene that leads to kidney failure (called autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease) through the development of cysts in the kidney. Both Chinchillas and Hamsters Are Small Rodents. To be more precise, these furry animals are mainly folivores, preferring a diet made up of vegetation.Some of the food items that make up most of their diet are seeds, grass, grains, nuts, and leaves. For this reason, we have chosen to list the most common greens and veggies that owners often choose to feed their chinchillas and that we can validate are safe using veterinary sources such as the PDSA. You will only find the best in customer service and pet care at The Wishbone Pet Company . Lets now take a look at each of these and see why you need to only offer foods that are high in these nutrients sparingly. Even though your chinchilla and cat might get along just fine, its advisable never to leave these two pets unsupervised or unattended when interacting with each other.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smallpetshq_com-portrait-2','ezslot_20',176,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-portrait-2-0'); With that said, for your cat and your chinchilla to get along are two different things you must consider before getting these two pets living in the same house. This leads to problems including diarrhea, weight loss, and stomach ulcers. Yucca. Unfortunately, yes. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. , they get most if not all of the nutrition they need from this basic diet. Take a look at this guide that shares the types of water your chinchilla can drink, If you want to know everything you need to know about chinchilla water bottles in less than 3 minutes then check our easy to follow guide here. Package Include: PStarDMoon pet automatic feeder set contains 1 food feeder and 1 water feeder and 1 hay feeder bag, a complete set with large capacity, which can satisfy pets' drinking and eating at the same ; Size: The food feeder can hold 1400ml of food and the water feeder can hold 500ml of water, which can meet the supply of food . The Chinchillas are often described as adorable, but they're also Is your chinchilla looking a little too plump? Buy Merrick Dog Food online in Canada from Canadian Pet Connection. The average pet chinchilla lifespan is 15-20 years However, this isnt something they enjoy doing. Hamster food is made largely of things that would be harmful for a chinchilla to eat. 1.1 Rabbit Food; 1.2 Hamster And Gerbil Food; 1.3 Sugary Foods; 1.4 Certain Vegetables; 1.5 Certain Fruits; 1.6 Processed Human Foods; 1.7 Chocolate; 2 What Foods Are Toxic To Chinchillas: Final Thoughts Specific Substrate Needs. Tomato Leaves. You may be tempted to buy cheap cat food from the supermarket. Plain Cheerios. Hi, my namesElena Coolidge, and this is my site. Of course, there are some other food items that chinchillas cant eat as well, so it is best to ask a vet if you are unsure about the food item that you could feed your pet. 3 Spot-clean soiled bedding daily, and do a full bedding change weekly when you wash everything in the enclosure with mild soap and water. These commissions help to keep the rest of my content free, so thank you! Fruit can cause problems to chinchillas such as.