We included it since social work is part of healthcare regardless of where it occurs. Consider including National Women Physicians Day Feb 3rd. Ultimately, the best recognition strategy involves your employees feedback, so ask them what matters to themthen, rinse and repeat! Savvy HR leaders know that recognition is important enough that early planning and budgeting are important. Do Your Employee Recognition Strategies Work? Every year, this day of recognition falls on the Wednesday of the last full week of April. Recognize the network of logistics professionals throughout the country who tirelessly orchestrate the distribution, shipping, and transportation of consumer goods. Global Diversity Awareness Month, Thanksgiving and gratitude go hand in hand, but did you also now that cultivating gratitude among your employees is a sure-fire way to boost engagement? A Baldwin Publishing representative will be in touch with you 2023 Blackhawk Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Master the art of communication to improve clarity, make better decisions, and operate more effectively. Wed love to explain your best prepaid card options.866.829.0707. Recognize the accomplishments and promote the idea of coworking globally. Put down the phone, and block as many distractions as you can to focus on key tasks. 0 Our Employee Recognition Calendar lists the best recognition days in one place so you can stay on top of all your workplace celebrations. National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day. Click here to learn about our enterprise solution. Rawan Saab Diwali* (11/12/2023) Diwali is a festival of lights and one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs. Acknowledge the importance of strong employer-employee relations to the success of any business and take time to connect with and appreciate employees. Kaylee: We did (consider it) and thought it was a great suggestion. Contact Baldwin Publishing to get your calendar ordered today! Employee appreciation day focuses on employees across all industries and is a day to celebrate and recognize all achievements and contributions. Veterans Day (11/11/2023) Veterans Day is a public school holiday per California Education Code Section 37220 (8). Short Company All rights reserved. Recognize nurses for all the work theyve done to obtain their professional certifications and thank them for their dedication to patient care. j.src = Honor the accomplishments of African Americans throughout the history of the United States, and recognize the importance of Black history to the American story. Use this day to take a moment to relax, reward yourself, and recognize all your accomplishments. National employee appreciation day falls on the first Friday of March every year. All Rights Reserved. In verifying it, I learned that Feb. 3 is the birthday of Elizabeth Blackwell who was the first woman to attend medical school (in spite of her perceived genetic inferiority). If you are looking for the perfect gift for your employees to start 2022 on the right foot, consider Baldwin Publishing's custom printable calendar of health observances and recognition days. If you are looking for the perfect gift for your employees to start 2022 on the right foot, consider Baldwin Publishings custom printable calendar of health observances and recognition days. 13-19, Healthcare HR Professionals Week Mar. Pay tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched Americas history and are instrumental to its success. Recognize the long way American businesswomen have come in our society and continue to advocate for women in the workplace. Because of this, there is often disagreement. A Baldwin Publishing representative will be in touch with you soon. Need inspiration? March 14-20: National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week. 2024: April 24. Lets face itwhen summer rolls around, many of us would rather be outdoors than sitting in Zoom meetings. 14-18, Health Information Professionals Week Mar. Support a local business and get involved in your community. Enhance your employee experience, simplify enrollment, and relieve administrative burdens on the HR team with enterprise-class solutions that improve efficiency, compliance, and marketplace competitiveness. The calendar compiles twelve months of recognition to serve as a reminder of well-known holidays such as "National Boss' Day" or "National Nurses Week," as well as lesser-known holidays. Get your downloadable calendar! In Canada, Prepaid Mastercard is issued by Peoples Trust Company under license from Mastercard International Incorporated. (function(w, d, s, l, i) { www.doctorsday.org March 14-18: Long Term Care Administrators Week Purpose: Since 1994, the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA) has sponsored this national 05/02/2022 World Nutella Day. Start a conversation with a rewards and recognition expert or call us at 866.829.0707. The last page of the calendar includes a 12-month calendar for 2023. March 14-20: National Patient Safety Awareness Week. Recognize the vital role of pharmacy technicians in supporting pharmacists and pharmacy operations. Every year, there are numerous days on which you can thematically recognize your employees and create new Moments That Matter! Appreciate the contributions of skilled administrative professionals to the economy and help support their development in the field. 12 Tue. Tip: Integrate financial health into your wellness program. Monthly blog updates, 6-12, Registered Dietician Nutritionist Day Mar. March 23: The American Diabetes Association Alert Day. Bring focus to the critical and growing role of medical assistants who do everything from running the front office to drawing blood to checking patients vital signs and more. Celebrate the rich ancestry and traditions of Native Americans, as well as the contributions theyve made to the establishment and growth of the United States. Contact me and we will verify your submission and add it to the list. Download Your Employee Recognition Holidays Calendar. This is also a day to recognize local small businesses. Celebrate that you got through another year. Every year, there are numerous days on which you can thematically recognize your employees and create new "Moments That Matter"! National . World Maritime Day : Appreciation: . 18-24, Administrative Professionals Week Apr. Celebrate biking to work, healthy living, and safer transportation by taking part in a host of biking-related activities around the country. })(window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-NK8ZCB8'); The 2022 Calendar of Healthcare Recognition Days is Here. 30 National Doctors' Day April Recognition Dates May Recognition Dates June Recognition Dates July Recognition Dates August Recognition Dates September Recognition Dates October Recognition Dates November Recognition Dates December Recognition Dates January Recognition Dates February Recognition Dates Social Media Recruiting: The question is not if but how well you do it! Looking for an Employee Recognition Software? Click here to view our breadth of Payroll & HR Solutions. 25-29, Administrative Professionals Day Apr. National Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Day: If youre a small business owner, take advantage of this day to get together with your peers and share knowledge. Thanks for the assist. Highlight the necessary work of translators and language professionals in helping others clearly and smoothly communicate in international circles. For example, if you have an online recognition platform, how are you supplementing your efforts for front-line workers? Awareness Days: 12: National Pharmacist Day 25: National IV Nurses Day Awareness Weeks: 23-27: NAP (National Activity Professionals) Week 23-29: National CRNA Week All Month: National Blood Donor Month February Awareness Days: 17: National Caregivers Day Awareness Weeks: 1-7: Patient Recognition Week 6-12: Ambulatory Nurses Week HALO's Celebration Planner lists popular recognition events, holidays, and industry observances in one place to stay on top of your employee appreciation planning. %%EOF Whether youre a healthcare professional, HR employee, employer, or educator, mark these days on your calendar to plan for awareness day activities. Terryberry's Recognition Calendar is a free resource created just for you. Here are some winners! Below are some the key days, weeks and months set aside to raise awareness or recognize healthcare conditions and people working in the industry. Aside from recognizing your employeeswhich is always appreciatedyou can cultivate an attitude of gratitude by encouraging employees to donate to minority-owned businesses or having conversations on Native American history. Master work-life balance this October and learn how to set proper boundaries. Acknowledge the invaluable efforts of compliance officers in ensuring safe, ethical work environments that follow laws, regulations, and requirements. Whats the date for Medical Assistants Recognition Day? Recognize the many skilled trade workers and technicians who provide essential services, from plumbing and electricity to building and construction. Recognize the countless hours team managers invest in ensuring that their team's entire season goes off without a hitch and all the effort they put forth in serving as the point of contact for coaches, parents, and players. Recognition isnt just about treats or giftsits also about making sure your company fosters a culture of belonging for all employees. World Plastic Surgery Day, July 15. January National Blood Donor Month Cervical Cancer Awareness Month National Eye Care Month National Pharmacist Day - Jan. 12 National Activity Professionals Week - Jan. 23-29 Intravenous Nurse Day - Jan. 25 February American Heart Month National Children's Dental Health Month Wise Healthcare Consumer Month Patient Recognition Week - Feb. 1-7 12 Tue. It is a cool celebration. Thanks for the update. Show research administrators appreciation for the significant role they play in a smoothly functioning research organization or educational institution. Recognize the significance of the job that project managers perform within our businesses. If you need help planning awareness day activities, contact us! It features a comprehensive, 12-month listing of healthcare-related recognition events, complete with descriptions and links. Though step challenges and biometric screenings are great, more and more employees wantand even expectcompanies to go beyond physical health programs. " A@6Y Pediatric Nurses Week Oct. 2-6. Holy Grail: More Objective Performance Appraisals. Celebrate single working women everywhere who do so much to contribute to society and the economy. For 2023, employee appreciation day falls on Friday, March 3, 2023. Financial stress can wreak havoc on engagement. Recognition isnt just a passing trend. Baldwin Publishings 2022 printable calendar is filled with hundreds of health observances and recognition days. Encourage the younger generations to assume leadership positions and make unique contributions to the community. There is an official Employee Appreciation Day each year on the first Friday in March. PrimePay can partner with you to offer support throughout the entire employee lifecycle. It can help hospitals plan community health events, employee communications, and social media campaigns. You are a human first and an employee second, and your employees are no different. Celebrate the contributions women have made in American history and recognize the specific achievements of women in a variety of fields. National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day. As a people leader, were likely preaching to the choir when we say its been a year. In addition to celebrating the days, weeks, and months listed above, you can also take a variety of specific actions in the workplace to show employee appreciation and keep employees motivated, such as company swag, gift cards, happy hour, trivia, ice cream or donuts in the break room, you name it! Healthcare awareness days are centered around recognizing your health care staff making them a great addition to your employee engagement and recognition program strategies. Distribute these calendars in print or digital format to your staff in December or January as thank you gifts! 27, Medical Lab Professionals Week Apr. IAY+::aG1 2 Breeze through your to-do list like an absolute champ. to your team April 15 Passover Starts April 17 Easter April 21 World Creativity and Innovation Day Start a suggestion boxthen recognize employees for their creativity April 27 Administrative Professionals Day Celebrate the integral role interns play in the workplace and how interning is a great opportunity for people to learn valuable skills and take the next step on their career path. check out our website for the entire product line! Celebrate the hard work and dedication of community managers and vendors who work in the social media space. 1 6 Statistics that Confirm Employee Recognition and Retention are Related, https://www.toolbox.com/hr/employee-recognition/articles/employee-recognition-and-retention-statistics/, 2021, 2 The 2018 SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Report, http://go.globoforce.com/rs/862-JIQ-698/images/SHRM2017_GloboforceEmployeeRecognitionReportFinal.pdf?_ga=2.181556775.1655145278.1641946474-1785039714.1641946474, 2018, 3 Morgan Stanley Study Finds that Financial Wellness Is an Opportunity to Reduce Employee Stress, Improve Retention and Engagement, and Differentiate Companies, https://apnews.com/article/lifestyle-business-stress-job-stress-management-mental-health-1165d1e23e934b4a8d828844b97fb0ac, 2019, 4 Money is no longer the biggest incentive in selecting a job, https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2017/11/29/money-no-longer-biggest-incentive-selecting-job/901899001/, 2017, Call us MondayFriday, 9:00 a.m.8:00 p.m. Thank an engineer this year and elevate their efforts from building the roads and bridges to the cars and planes we use to travel. Calendars 2024 2023 2022 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2021 2020 2019 Upcoming Today Next 7 Days Next 30 Days Categories Action (142) Alcohol (82) Animals (60) Arts (34) Business (38) Charity (32) Clothing (23) Culture (113) Diversity (56) Education (67) Environment (30) Family (65) 08/02/2022 International Safer Internet Day. 9 unique and holistic wellness challenges, Read our blog to learn about the different love languages in the workplace, reward your employees while giving back to non-profits, https://www.toolbox.com/hr/employee-recognition/articles/employee-recognition-and-retention-statistics/, http://go.globoforce.com/rs/862-JIQ-698/images/SHRM2017_GloboforceEmployeeRecognitionReportFinal.pdf?_ga=2.181556775.1655145278.1641946474-1785039714.1641946474, https://apnews.com/article/lifestyle-business-stress-job-stress-management-mental-health-1165d1e23e934b4a8d828844b97fb0ac, https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2017/11/29/money-no-longer-biggest-incentive-selecting-job/901899001/, 21 Opportunities to Reward Your Customers in 2021. Dates that involve recognition of people or healthcare functions are listed in bold. Check out the list of employee appreciation day ideas below to view each month's employee celebrations! w[l].push({ We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other . National Preschool Teacher Appreciation Day: Honor the role models who shape the minds of our children and are frequently their first contacts with the educational system. Take some time to declutter and arrange your office to help you be more comfortable and productive. Job skills and experience are not enough to insure that the candidate will be successful. Acknowledge the contribution of female police officers who enforce law and order around the country, and encourage more women to join the service. If you havent already, consider embracing flexible scheduling, host a virtual picnic, or give your employees an extra day-off to enjoy summer fun. Thank everyone who makes up the essential workforce, including the police, medical professionals, and others. . This is a perfect opportunity to honor their laborious work that often goes uncredited. National Athletic Training Month is March. Raise a toast to the bartenders who serve us drinks and food, engage us in conversation, and help make our overall experience in a bar or restaurant enjoyable. Everyone loves being recognized, but its not a size-fits all approach. We hope this calendar inspires you to make recognition and rewards an integral part of your employee engagement strategy. If you're a student, take advantage of this day to support a cause youre passionate about. Important note: This is not an exhaustive list and may be updated throughout the year. 2023: April 26. February 2022 Thursday, Feb. 3 National Women Physicians Day: Celebrate Elizabeth Blackwell's birthday the first female doctor in the U.S. and honor all women doctors across the country. Employee achievement and contributions are honored. var _hsq = _hsq || []; 05/02/2022 Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. Rating scales are an important part of performance appraisals. Social media tips. Mark these dates on your calendar: 2022: April 27. With so many holidays and recognition ideas, it can be challenging to decide which days and causes to promote in your company. This is one of our most popular offerings every year. Tip: Speak your employees love (recognition) language. National employee appreciation day falls on the first Friday of March every year. Some of the most important and popular workplace holidays are Employee Appreciation Day, Admin Appreciation Day, High-Five Day, Customer Service Appreciation Week and Bosses Day. Read our blog to learn about the different love languages in the workplace. Required fields are marked *. Our2022 Calendar of Healthcare Recognition Daysis an invaluable resource for you and your team. Did you know that peer-to-peer recognition is 35.7% more likely to have a positive influence than manager-only recognition?2 This Employee Appreciation Dayencourage everyone in your company to recognize each othernot just managers or executives. Acknowledge the great and dedicated bosses out there who shoulder many business responsibilities and keep the workplace humming. When that happens, the value of recognition diminishes. Administrative Professionals Day, Apr 26, 2023 Labor Day, Sep 4, 2023 Boss's Day, Oct 16, 2023 Upcoming holidays in United States Holidays in United States 2023 Holidays in United States 2024 Bosses across the United States have the chance to support, thank and reward workers on Employee Appreciation Day on the first Friday in March. Remind employers and job seekers of the valuable experience of veterans who have returned to civilian life and how hiring veterans enhance the workplace.

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