Mikasa's admiration for Eren is genuine, and many fans appreciate their relationship. Light took on the identity of "Kira" and became a mass murderer in the name of saving the world. By the end of Attack on Titan manga, it's safe to say that Mikasa was the best soldier in the Survey Corps. Paradis (, Paradi) is a massive island on which the three Walls are located. If you're a fan of Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan) you've probably got a few favorite characters that are hopefully still alive. Afura Mann. Known as the "White Demon," Gintoki became a revolutionary during the Edo period. Naruto. Meg Thomas | Levi Ackerman | His genius was unrivaled. Jean Kirschtein | Support They are the largest force in the military due to the small exclusive number of members in the Military Police Brigade and the high death rate of the Survey Corps. The one-eyed ghoul's story is truly a tragedy, but fans admire him for several reasons. List of Attack on Titan characters - Wikipedia They give characters, well character! Annie Leonhart | Feng Min | Killua Zoldyck Jin Sung Lee Seishiro Nagi Jingo Raichi Vox Akuma Hyouma Chigiri Rensuke Kunigami Meguru Bachira Yoichi Isagi Lucifer Nahoya Kawata Reki Kyan Doppo Kannonzaka Mahito Satoru Gojou Megumi Fushiguro Obanai Iguro Sabito Ritsuka Uenoyama Fans may find Tanjiro's empathy endearing, but it puts him at a massive disadvantage when facing someone like Levi Ackerman. Light Yagami is the protagonist of Death Note and an anime icon in his own right. When the Marley government proclaimed the Warrior program, Grisha planned to make his son Zeke enlist as a Warrior cadet and serve as a sleeper agent so the Restorationists can acquire the Founding Titan from Paradis. When Eren gets out of his Titan body and is surrounded by titans, Levi comes back from his tour and rescues the group from them. Complete your winter wardrobe with these wonderful anime jackets. Still, Levi has proven on countless occasions that he cannot be counted out, even against the threat of supernatural foes like the Titans. Sakata Gintoki is one of the most lovable anime characters of all time. Here are some of the most interesting characters. 3. Kakashi's one-liners, jutsu imitation skills, and mental resilience are just a few of the reasons why fans love him so much. 2013 was a great year for anime. Levi and Gabi, facing the "ghost" Intelligent Titans on Falco's Jaw-Beast Titan. Anime and Manga Characters | Anime-Planet The metal arsenal that Edward Elric is able to equip at a moment's notice is impressive, but Levi demonstrated his ability to overcome technological advantages when he was blindsided by Kenny Ackerman in the third season ofAttack on Titan. He is said to have been extremely strong even before joining the Scouting Legion. FAQ Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Most of the Royal Government are loyal to Rod Reiss and his puppet ruler King Fritz. As the protagonist of Gintama, Gintoki is the ultimate class clown. In the modern era, it has become increasingly harder for Marley to still use Eldian-transformed Titans as convenient weapons of mass destruction to maintain its status as a dominant world power, as other nations are all making technological progresses that can offset Marley's Titan advantage. Between Spike's fashion sense, stoic yet relatable attitude, and badass gunslinging moves, it's easy to see why anime fans adore Spike so much. His in-the-moment decision making is successful. Ymir, Survivors Naruto Spin-Off: Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals, Boruto: Naruto the Movie Tokubetsu Bangai-hen - Naruto ga Hokage ni Natta Hi, Kakashi's Story: The Sixth Hokage and the Failed Prince (Light Novel), Naruto Shippuden Movie 5: Blood Prison (Light Novel), Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring, Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie (Light Novel), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 4-Koma Theater, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Specials, Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa, Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos, Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Specials, Fullmetal Alchemist: The Complete Four-Panel Comics, Attack on Titan 3rd Season: Part II Specials, Attack on Titan Movie 1: Crimson Bow and Arrow, Attack on Titan Movie 2: The Wings of Freedom, Attack on Titan Movie 3: The Roar of Awakening, Attack on Titan The Final Season: Part II, Attack on Titan The Final Season: Part III, Naruto Movie 2: Legend of the Stone of Gelel, Naruto: Innocent Heart, Demonic Blood (Light Novel), Naruto: Mission - Protect the Waterfall Village! The Eren Yeager that viewers have gotten the chance to see in the final season ofAttack on Titan is a different beast entirely than the one fans learned to love throughout the first three seasons of the anime. Original Japanese version published by Kodansha. Enemies Throughout the series, he continually picks up after her and does most of the cleaning. Privacy Are you still thinking what to wear on an anime festival day? The Caped Baldy is faster, stronger, and more durable than Levi, but the only thing that really matters in the world ofOne Punch Man is theglaringly obvious plot armor that Saitama is wrapped up in. Experience the wonder of Japanese Animation! But this time around, we bring you a list of the coolest anime characters of all time! when it comes to teaching somebody disciplineI think pain is the most effective way. Over the years, Ive familiarized myself and worked with film organizations and workshops, such as the Austin Film Society, Austin Film Festival, and Austin Film Meet, to grow my understanding of the industry and hone my craft as a writer. Unless you've been living under a rock, it is hard to miss the highly anticipated movie adaptation of the 2013 breakout anime series Attack on Titan. 5 Anime Characters On Levi Ackerman's Level (& 5 Nowhere Close) - CBR TitansZeke Yeager (archenemy)Marley (formerly)Reiner Braun (formerly)Bertholdt Hoover Annie Leonhart (formerly)Eren Yeager (formerly)Floch Forster YeageristsPieck Finger (formerly)Porco Galliard Theo Magath (formerly)Rod Reiss Kenny Ackerman Erwin Smith (formerly)Mike Zacharias (formerly) Claudette Morel | Reiner Braun | Sitemap. 2023 All Rights Reserved. The only character in theAttack on Titananime that even threatens Levi is Eren Yeager, the show's protagonist. Notice at Collection The Military Police Brigade (, Kenpeidan, alt. He also loves when they have to clean at school and particularly enjoys cleaning the bathrooms. Pieck Finger | During the reign of the ancient Eldian Empire, the Nine Titans normally resided within noble families, as family relations play a significant role in passing inheriting memories from the previous inheritors of the Titan power. Levi 's reaction speed is the fastest to any situation. As a whole, Im a valuable asset to any organization seeking experience and knowledge of the media industry as well as any group seeking ambitious storytelling and content creation. If a Titan Shifter dies without being consumed, the Titan power can be passed to a random Eldian child born at the time of the current holder's death by other interdimensional means, regardless of distance.[vol. His skill as a warrior is as of yet unmatched, even in a world populated with incredible beasts like the Attack Titan and Colossal Titan. And what connection could be deeper than that between the AoT characters, who we've seen go through the most devastating of events. These dream boys and girls have made their place into the hearts of fans worldwide. Guest Survivors Jean comes right out and says what he's thinking, even if it's something you normally wouldn't be able to say. Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan - Anime Characters Database Royal Family It is commanded by Darius Zachary, the premier of the government. Mike Zacharias | Benedict Baker | Does your favorite character seem to be missing? Tonari no Marley Gakuen. Here are 20 of the funniest quotes from the series! You might have a different preference, but we think that the black haired boys of anime exude a certain mystique that the brunettes and blondes just can't keep up with! In the aftermath, Fritz took some of his subjects to Paradis and turned some into titans who formed the walls' foundation while most of the rest had their memories altered. #1 may surprise you! In the former show, it sometimes feels like there is no plot armor, while in the latter plot armor drives the plot of the story forward. Mikaela Reid | Eren Yeager | With Karl's involvement in their uprising concealed, the Marleyans seized control of seven of the Titans and subjugated most of Eldia with the exception of Paradis Island. The question readers should really be asking when comparing Levi Ackerman to Goku is how far Levi could push the Saiyan before being thoroughly outmatched by him. Lets get a closer look at the cast members who played the main characters! In today's digitized world it's impossible to separate them from us. From an alchemist to a vampire, here is the scoop on some of the best anime male characters! RELATED:Fairy Tail: 10 Anime Characters Who Are Just Like Natsu Dragneel. "Scout Regiment"[18]) is composed of expeditionary soldiers that venture outside the Walls. Levi has an incredible set of skills and even demonstrates the ability to move in ways other humans can not, but Gon Freecs is on an entirely different level in terms of pushing the limits of human physicality. His name "Levi" is a Hebrew name of disputed origin, likely meaning "he who joins". Levi is excellent at using the 3D Maneuver Gear, to a point that everyone says he is the best at it. You know that one male character in every anime who's always losing his shirt and attracting females with pink hearts as their eyes? The members identified their allegiance with a self-inflicted cross-shaped scar on the body. Ichigo Kurosaki. He originally became a hero to have fun, but Saitama eventually realized he wanted to be recognized and respected as a true hero. ISA: HmmMr. Hannes and the Garrison soldiers in Volume I who sit around drinking booze. His face always looks not interested in anything, but he keeps many things in his mind. His nomadic lifestyle makes it difficult to pin him down, but his affinity with technology makes it easy for an audience to stay in touch! While most of the operatives are dead during the conflict with Rod Reiss, the rest of them are restrained by the soldiers on the side of Dot Pyxis and Dhalis Zachary. At the start of the series, Subaru meets Rem and her twin sister, Ram, while they are employed by Roswaal L. Mathers. Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) is meant to be a serious anime, but that doesn't mean it can't be seriously funny! WHY I HATE LEVI? #attackontitan #aotlevi - YouTube This sort of plot armor exists in every anime, butAttack on Titan andOne Punch Man sit on different ends of the plot armor spectrum. He is voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Matthew Mercer and Mikaela Krantz as a child in the English version of the anime. I only use the shape of the body as a model. The protagonist of the bloody anime seriesBerserk is an incredibly talented swordsman. Applicants into the Military are first required to enter the Training Corps, after which they are allowed to join one of the three divisions. Are you looking for some clothes to warm your body and your anime otaku soul this winter season? . An etymology is given in the Bible in connection with the story of the birth of the tribes' founders. During the early stages of the Marley Mid-East War, the Volunteers betray Marley's first survey fleet sent to Paradis Island to set up Zeke's covert alliance with the Eldians in providing the country with technology and intel in return to receive amnesty for Zeke and his followers. Due to the rarity of these individuals, efforts are taken to ensure that, if possible, these Warriors are not put into situations which could lead to the loss of one of Marley's Titans. and cute anime characters. He is also said to be as valuable as an entire brigade, far outweighing all of the other soldiers. Ever wonder what conventions are like in other parts of the world? Still, Levi has proven on countless occasions that he cannot be counted out, even against the threat of supernatural foes like the Titans. Attack on Titan series feature an extensive cast of fictional characters created by Hajime Isayama. Jonah Vasquez | Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin) - Featured - MyAnimeList.net Nature will always inspire numerous things people do on Earth, including naming their children. Regardless of the strategy he relied on or his ability to tap into his ancestor's combat experience, Natsu would end this fight whenever he decided to unleash the full strength of his magic. James Sunderland | But which voice actor is the best at his job? Drinking tea while trying (and failing) to rest.Chatting with his old friends (most of them now are dead).Hanging out/messing with Hange Zoe. 13. Ash Williams | He is voiced by Daisuke Ono in the Japanese anime, and by J. Michael Tatum in the English version. Dwight Fairfield | Active/Alive Deceased Former Unknown Status, or Non-Canon Disqualified Deceased in the Exam Non-Canon, or Unknown Status Alive Deceased Active Active Former Animal Alive/Active Deceased Unknown Animal or Magical Beast Active Deceased Former Non-Canon, or Unknown Active . Carlos Oliveira | Rem from Re:Zero is one of the most loyal characters in the series. These people once used the Titan power to establish a glorious empire named Eldia (, Erudia), and are hence called the Eldians (, Erudia-jin). Afro Samurai. When the audience meets him, however, he takes up any "odd job" he can find to make ends meet. Claire Redfield | In this instance, my knowledge and research could be fundamental in creating and editing effective material. His gear offers him mobility that few others can match. However, Zeke snitched on his parents to the Marleyan authorities, and all the Restorationists members were arrested, tortured and exiled to Paradis as Pure Titans. He's the ultimate wacky scientist, and he leads the Future Gadget Research Establishment. Marley maintains its military dominance in the world stage by the use of five (formerly seven before the failure of the Paradis Island Operation) of the Nine Titans and a technologically moderate military force, which is not as developed as that of other powers around the world. She's sarcastic, painfully blunt at times, and underwent meaningful character development. Gojo may come off as arrogant and infuriatingly cocky, but he has every right to act as such. Lets take a look at the top 10 male seiyu (voice actors) on MyAnimeList to find out! Much like the first season ofAttack on Titan,Demon Slayer has reached a much larger audience than fans of the manga may have originally expected. Cookie Ilse Langnar | Levi discussing Rod Reiss' syringe with Erwin, Hange, Zachary, and Pixis. Not only is he incredibly loyal, but his skills as a Scout are nearly unmatched. Animeography. -M-NUva. MyAnimeList is a great way to gauge which characters fans prefer at any given time. Jujutsu Kaisen's Satoru Gojo is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer on the planet. Erwin Smith | Keith Shadis (formerly) | Marley (, Mre) is a large empire located beyond the Walls and across the ocean from Paradis. It consists of an enormous continental mainland as well as many overseas territories. The Best 15 Anime Outfits - Ideas for Anime Costume! While each member of its eclectic cast has played a part in defining the series, its main man will always be the pro gamer himself, Kirito. The Nine Titans (, Kokonotsu no Kyojin) are nine Titan Shifter lineages that have been passed down through the Eldian people for nearly 2,000 years after Ymir Fritz's death, each of them having inherited a ninth of Ymir's soul and possessing a unique set of Titan power (, Kyojin no Chikara). He has a harsh and unsocial personality, but is well-regarded by his subordinates and he cares about their lives. add Supporting. She's the ultimate badass and has proven her strengths as a fighter several times throughout Attack on Titan. The Best 15 Anime Outfits - Ideas for . Gabi Braun | Springer means "knight" but also the verbs "to jump" and "to leap," which are both integral to Conny's job as a soldier and relates to his speed using the 3D Maneuver Gear. 20 Interesting Facts from Attack on Titan, About He had to learn the actual value of human life. Edward Elric. Levi the Slasher, video game character. ISA: That would be Jean. They gave Marley freedom and power as an act of atonement for their ancestors' crimes against the Marleyans. You may be a big fan of it, but how well do you really know the series? Warning: Unmarked Spoilers Lie Within These Pages! Haddie Kaur | Levi Ackerman Attack on Titan 2. Mikasa Ackerman | ", "Q: Mr. Isayama, which character in Attack on Titan most resembles you? RELATED: 10 Manga Series More Popular Than Jujutsu Kaisen On MyAnimeList, In the spirit of a popularity contest, MyAnimeList is a great way to gauge which characters fans prefer at any given time. Naruto Movie 1: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, Naruto Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom. Sitemap. Original Survivors New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Attack On Titan: 5 Anime Heroes Levi Could Beat (& 5 He Would Lose To), Levi Beats Tanjiro (Demon Slayer) With His Mastery Of The ODM Gear, Goku (Dragon Ball) Beats Levi With His Supernatural Durability, Speed, & Strength, Levi BeatsGuts (Berserk) With His Lightning Fast Swordsmanship, Levi Beats Luffy (One Piece) With Slashing Attacks& Mobility, Saitama (One Punch Man) Beats Levi Because HeOf His Impenetrable Plot Armor, Levi Beats Eren Yeager (Attack On Titan) Because He Has Been Studying His Weaknesses For Years, Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail) Beats Levi With His Dragon Slayer Magic, Levi Beats Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) With The Use Of Stealth& Strategy, Gon (Hunter X Hunter) Beats Levi Because Of His Nen Enhancement, largely responsible for Eren Yeager's safety, Attack On Titan: The 10 Best Titan Takedowns, Ranked, Dragon Ball: All Of Gokus Transformations (& How He Got Them), question the validity of the Ackerman's supernatural power, Fairy Tail: 10 Anime Characters Who Are Just Like Natsu Dragneel, REVIEW: Frank Miller Presents Ancient Enemies: The Djinni #1 Crafts a Compelling Origin Story, REVIEW: DC's Shazam! Ackerman bloodline's "Awakened power"Enhanced strength and enduranceInhuman speed and agilityExtraordinary dexterity and reflexesImmunity to Titan transformation (supposedly)Normal abilities:Mastery in Three Dimensional Maneuver GearMaster swordsmanshipTactical witKeen judgment and perceptivenessCunningMaster hand-to-hand combatantLeadership through strengthUnique resourcefulness RELATED: 10 Anime Heroes Who Are Willing To Take A Life. He makes quite the impression when he's first introduced, and he certainly lives up to the title of best Titan killer. Levi from Attack on Titan. The name Springer could also mean a person who lives by a fountain or a spring of water. Edward (English origin), meaning "wealthy guard" from Edward Elric, the protagonist of 'Fullmetal Alchemist'. She also stands out as one of the most controversial since the fandom can't seem to make up its mind about her. They have been entombed within the three Walls of Paradis by King Fritz using their hardening abilities to deter an immediate attack from Marley. Characters > Levi Levi () Birthday: December 25 Height: 160 cm (5'3") Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs) Affiliations: Scouting Legion, Special Operations Squad Levi is known as humanity's most powerful soldier. The Eldian population remaining on the home continent that did not migrate with King Karl to Paradis Island have since been forced to be subjugated by the Marleyans, who despised Eldians as subhumans and treated them cruelly as second-class citizens confined to segregated lives within the gated Liberio Internment Zone (, Reberio Shy-ku), where the Eldians are forced to wear armbands with a nine-pointed star as a badge of shame and forbidden to leave Liberio without permits. Ultimately, Itachi put his life on the line and pretended to be a villain to save Sasuke. Before he even masters Nen, Gon is stronger and faster than Levi. Shingeki no Kyojin. He has to be my favorite character because I just feel like he is the living definition of saiyan pride. Vittorio Toscano | Keith Shadis | Kaneki's journey in Tokyo Ghoul is one of suffering, pain, and a gruesome, nightmarish reality. Holding a severe grudge after being conscripted to fight for the country that oppressed them, the Volunteers aspired to overthrow the Marleyan government for their freedom. Character Index: L Absolute Anime RELATED: 15 Most Popular Pokmon Anime Characters (According To MyAnimeList). The succession of the Nine Titans' power is tied to a form of cannibalism, with a successor being administered a Titan serum and transformed into a Pure Titan that acts on instinct to devour the current holder and consume the predecessor's spinal fluid, inheriting the power and cumulative memories of all previous holders. Whether Levi can defeat Eren's Titan after it stolethe power of the Warhammer Titan is yet to be determined, but it would be unwise of Eren to underestimate his former ally. Eren would repeat this when he acquires the War Hammer Titan from the younger sister of Willy Tybur, bringing the number of Titan Shifters down to seven. These houses were in a constant conflict with the Fritz family using the Founding Titan to maintain the peace. Civilians Armin Arlert | Unlike other protagonists, Hachiman can't just use the power of friendship and optimism to force life to go his way. Klaus | 8] The Military Police Brigade's insignia is a white-haired green unicorn. Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) features the terrifying prospect of the extinction of humanity at the hands of nearly unstoppable monsters. Elric (English origin), meaning "king" from Elric brothers, a great middle anime name for a boy. Kakashi is a complex and iconic character in the anime series "Naruto." He's a skilled and powerful ninja known for his mastery of the Sharingan and his laid-back attitude. As a mentor for Yuji and the rest of his students, Gojo always takes a hands-off approach and encourages them to find solutions on their own. Steins;Gate was one of the most pivotal and influential anime of its time, but one character stole the spotlight from the rest. David Tapp | Hange Zo (, Hanji Zoe, alt. By the end of the season, Levi proved that it doesn't matter what sort of technological disadvantage he finds himself in, he is capable of overcoming it. Sword Art Online is an anime behemoth. The waifu and husbando phenomenon has exploded in the world of anime. MyAnimeList.net is a property of MyAnimeList Co.,Ltd. Itachi Uchiha Naruto 4. Most Warrior cadets are recruited and trained from childhood, expected to carry out the needs of their superiors without question or objection, and serve as expendable shock troops on the battlefield, performing the riskiest and most dangerous tasks and strategies while the other Marleyan soldiers remain out of harm's way. But in volume 5 Levi refers to hange as her/she", "Attack on Titan Cast Announcement Day 3", "In case you missed it last night, I voiced Ilse Langnar in the new episode of #AttackonTitan Junior High! If you're a fan of Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan) you've probably got a few favorite characters that are hopefully still alive. Andrew Tefft is a writer, reader, watcher, and gamer based in the United States. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, Naruto: Madara's Reanimation May Be the Biggest Plot Hole in the Series, 10 Times The Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Broke Our Hearts, Why So Many Anime Characters Make This Weird and Childish Pose. [1] Levi may refer to: This page or section lists people that share the same, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Levi_(given_name)&oldid=1120282348, Levi Stewart, a fictional character in the novel, Levi, a fictional character in E.L. James' novel, Levi Boulder, a fictional character in the novel, This page was last edited on 6 November 2022, at 05:33. However, they seem to operate on sunlight and do not require food or drink to survive, and would typically later vomit up the remains of those they devoured. The Top 25 Greatest Anime Characters of All Time - IGN Top 10 Best Anime Characters of All Time - TheTopTens "Ymir's people"), who are the only humans known to be reactive to Titan serum. Press Room Levi Ackerman is the tritagonist of the Attack on Titan anime/manga series. Type of Hero Hitagi comes off as totally unapproachable and even purposely intimidating, but she starts opening up to others later on. Although his body is rather short, it's lean and well-trained. The last Episode of this Season is scheduled to air on 4 April 2022, and fans are waiting eagerly for it. Other Branches As the protagonist of Gintama, Gintoki is the ultimate class clown. He had noble ideals of saving humanity from the Titans to avenge those he's lost. Guts is one of the most well-written protagonists of all time and one of the most unique in the medium. Kyojin Koukou: Seishun! As a child, Thorfinn was cheerful and full of optimism for the future, often pictured with a positive outlook on life. The Titan Shifter inheritors along with their families are granted privileges of "honorary Marleyans" () and can have basic human rights almost equal to ordinary Marleyans, though these rights can be revoked any time by the Marleyan authority. Most of his behavior stems from deep insecurities, which is something that many viewers can relate to. Do-Gooder Top 10 Anime Characters Who Are Just Like Levi Ackerman! Anime would be nothing without their hard work and dedication. Civilians Jake Park | Kyojin Koukou: Seishun! ", "The first Attack on Titan OAD, "Ilse's Notebook: Memoirs of a Scout Regiment Member", just released in English, & I'm over the moon to return to the role of Ilse Langnar. One of his strangest habits is that he likes talking to himself on the phone and seemingly laughs hysterically at nothing. They are part of the 104th Training Corps, whose graduates assume different positions in the Military, including the Garrison Regiment, the Survey Corps and the Military Police Brigade. The Survey Corps Special Operations Squad (, Chsa Heidan Tokubetsu Sakusen-han), also known as Squad Levi (, Rivai-han), is a squad of four elite soldiers with impressive combat records hand-picked by Captain Levi. What Do The Attack On Titan Characters' Names Mean? - ScreenRant Zarina Kassir | Cheryl Mason | Since Saitama is so overpowered, no enemy truly fazes him. This was just an act to get the people to think that Levi can keep Eren down and that the police force cannot, assuring them that the Scouting Legion will take care of him. Ken Kaneki Tokyo Ghoul 6. Notoriously lazy and seldom seen without a cigarette in his mouth, anime fans generally agree that Spike is one of the medium's coolest and most badass characters. 6 Thorfinn - Vinland Saga. Only once he ranked second in the Third Character Popularity Poll, being surpassed in votes by. Mina Carolina | 88]. Hachiman Hikigaya is the protagonist of My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, which is often abbreviated as OreGairu. He has shown the capability of incapacitating Annie Leonhardt in her Titan form (A 15 meter deviant type), something which whole squads and even Eren in his Titan form couldn't accomplish.
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