Although chilly, we weren't discouraged, as the early hours brought calm to the usual windy conditions on this particular range. JavaScript is disabled. While theyre not geared to the long-range crowd, they are light enough to be toted over hill and dale by varmint hunters, and theyd sure be a prairie dog or coyotes worst nightmare. I still had to use the RCBS Trim Mate crimp remover so the primers could be properly seated later without damage. Velocities on these were smoking, reaching 3,074 fps out of our relatively short 18.5-inch barrel. I just thought it might be helpful to some even though everyone has a different setup. The dead in Valhalla were considered heroes and were fed lavish feasts by the Valkyries; Oden feasted there with his heroes, day after day. (Above) Starline brass makes cases for a host of handgun and rifle cartridges, including the new .224 Valkyrie. However, while Eugene Stoner got it right in 1959, the one thing that the AR-15 always lacked was range. At 26.9 grains of CFE223, the author found his best load with the 60-grain V-Max. Picking the rifle up after this development, I quickly realized how valuable it would be at slinging V-Max bullets at prairie dogs and groundhogs. 0000042952 00000 n My power charges were like those that have performed well for me in other .224 Valkyrie rifles. The biggest bonus I have from this is the amount of load data out there that is available. Significantly, after firing and resizing, the Starline cases lengthened only a smidgenanother bonus. The extremely uniform primer pockets of the Starline cases made priming a breezeno crushed pellets, or goosey-loosey pockets here. XcPNH) :X?X$?K l21\b8'k>. 0000017843 00000 n Learn the difference between revolvers and semi-auto pistols and what makes them different. At this point, Chris and I scratched our heads and sent the 88-grain loads downrange to see just how far the rabbit hole went. Concluding our test-firing, we found a node at 23.4 grains that produced an adequate group measuring just outside of 1 MOA. Hornady takes the 224 Valkyrie to new heights! (speaking to AR mag length loading) Edit: Case capacity (velocity) for: .223 is 31.4g (3370fps) .224V is 34.5g A World Record Attempt and everyone is out at the range shooting and practicing. Guys on the facebook page "Valkyrie Ascending Reloading" have convinced me to switch from . This substance is a mild lubricant that should be removed from the inside of the case necks before loading. The correct shellholder is the same as the 6.8 SPC. 0000003101 00000 n 0000050046 00000 n : 3,213 3,480 Press. .224 Valkyrie reloading data with 160 loads. Use load data at your own risk. The powder measures very well and consistently. 0000098223 00000 n At more than 3,000 fps, this is sure to send a prairie dog flying off a mound. (The other half went to Flkvangr, the afterlife of the goddess Freyja.) But do you know how to properly use them? To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. Make sure to watch till the end. Federal spent considerable time and energy developing a smaller cartridge to duplicate (and even improve upon) the Creedmoors impressive ballistics. ALL Bulletin content is copyrighted, 2023 In the future, I may do some work with one to seewhat the best-possible accuracy and range can be had out of this cartridge.Only time will tell what our 224 Valkyrie handloads will do. Federal Premiums Valkyrie ammo is stoked with Sierras sleek, new 90-grain MatchKing BTHP, and the Fusion line has a 90-grain Fusion soft point meant, presumably, for deer hunting. I have used Starline cases in numerous cartridges for years and have been impressed with their performance and uniformity. 0000015856 00000 n Toggle menu . Of all of the propellants I tried, several Alliant choices performed well, as did Hodgdon and IMR selections. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); Amp up your AK with these exciting accessories. /wp-content/uploads/2017/02/imr_stickylogo_red.png. Varget hits the sweet spot for the best performance in this cartridge." This is available to consumers in 100-round bags. We expect some bolt-action PRS shooters might adopt the .224 Valkyrie. Whether such an arm would crowd out the .223 or 22-250 Remingtons is a question that can be only answered in the marketplace. %PDF-1.3 % 0000098734 00000 n "Shooting heavier . 0000004084 00000 n I never could get very tight ES with it . It meters smoothly, it is superbly accurate, and it limits jacket fouling. Hodgdon CFE 223 is a very fine spherical powder. The .223 is limited by powder capacity, but not the usual 7- to 9-inch twists. I will not post velocities (I don't care about velocity, only accuracy.) Notes:1. Subscriber Services. Because Valkyrie ammo is primarily intended for autoloading rifles, Hornady lightly stakes the primer in place. Joseph Von Benedikt shows his custom 500 and how well it shoots. Weather was good, optic was solid and previously tested on other firearms, shooters were both NRA-certified instructors, but still the gun wouldnt perform.Now Ive had plenty of guns that simply could not achieve any reasonable accuracy with factory ammo, so it didnt stop us from carrying on, and we continued.We went through our loads with the 60-grain V-MAX loaded with CFE 223 and they were just a hair better than our average factory group, acceptable but certainly not handload-level accurate. Our takeaway for the Valkyrie handloading project is that this is a very viable and interesting round for handloaders. Metering it is effortless and very consistent. Taurus has redesigned this sporting pistol for performance. With a G7 BC of .274, it trumps even the 6.5 mm 123-grain ELD MATCH rounds in wind-beating capability, which only has a G7 BC of .255. The 75-, 77-, 80-, and 90-grain match bullets shot pretty well, too, and would hold up better over longer ranges. Sierra's .224 Valkyrie load data covers projectiles from 50 grain all the way up to 95 grains. Some writers have described the Valkyrie as a scaled down Creedmoor. However, the Valkyrie case is derived from a slightly shortened 6.8 SPC case, necked-down to .22 caliber. A more compact version of the classic Hi Power design. Tips, techniques, and equipment are applied to these classroom discussions on how to become more proficient and successful at making long-range shots while hunting with AR-platform rifles. 0000013501 00000 n I switched back to applying just a dab of Reddings Imperial case wax to the lower body, and the rate of dented shoulders dropped to just an occasional occurrence. Federal Premium drove it home with the 224 Valkyrie at the 2018 SHOT Show, and a number of barrel manufacturers quickly started churning out barrels chambered in this overnight success. Scott Rupp gets a chance to talk to Aaron Oelger about a few new products from Hodgdon and why reloading store shelves are empty. With velocities north of 3,000 fps, this was a natural choice, as copper fouling is guaranteed at those speeds. Starting our journey, we looked at what was already commercially available. Over the years, I've always been able to fine-tune cartridges to run better than factory ammo, and I was certain this cartridge wouldn't be any different or so I thought. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; 243 WINCHESTER . There was no additional work needed to use the AR barrel, and gunsmith John Gallagher performed the needed modifications to the CZ 527. Once you know how much distance you need to dial, all you have to do is spin your turret and pray that the wind doesn't affect your bullets course. containers. Running the numbers through Hornady's mobile app, we were pleased to find that this loading would only experience 9.1 inches of drop between 200 and 300 yards. About Hodgdon Powder Company, Inc. Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. 0000035495 00000 n 80.5's still have some possibilities with small changes. The author was able to meter each throw to within 0.1 of a grain. 0000016556 00000 n 0000097813 00000 n Custom Mossberg 500 at the Range and Live Turkey!. Most critically, case length (base to mouth) is short enough to allow loading super-sleek, high-BC bullets with long, fine-entry ogives. In today's episode of "I Carry," we have a Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Metal pistol with a Holosun EPS Red2 red-dot sight carried in a KSG Armory Lexington IWB holster. Loads for 20 bullet types and 22 powders* are listed. Starline Brass and the author accept no responsibility for use of the data in this article. In other words, range estimation becomes less critical, even when it comes to tiny targets like small steel plates or prairie dogs. Subscriber Services. (Above) Test handloads were prepared with RCBS dies. Their availability will certainly contribute to the successful Flight of the Valkyrie. Hornady's match-grade 224 Valkyrie load features an 88-grain ELD Match bullet with a polymer tip that, unlike standard polymer-tipped ammo, won't melt in flight at extreme velocities. (I fully admit that shooter error is a potential factor.) With Sierra's remarkable new 95-grain MatchKing, this gives the little . (function() { 0000035400 00000 n But they are still a place to start. Looking it over, we found a dozen different powders that we can load with, and staring at me were two of my favorites. The only problem with this solution was the limitations of 5.56 NATO case itself. trends and tips from the leader in reloading. In Norse mythology, Valkyries were maidens who served the god Oden, who ruled over the realm of Asgard. Since I haven't had any feedback I am simply curious. So, I was anxious to try out the new Starline brass in the .224. Unfortunately you wont achieve much accuracy without consistent velocity. A database of .224 Valkyrie handloads. The trim length, of course, is nominally .010 inch less than that, so cases ready to go should be about 1.590 inches in length. About the .224 Valkyrie Cartridge. Weighing a sample, we found them to be exceptionally consistent with just a weight variance of +/- 1 grain from the median weight of 114 grains. The RL15 sucked at 25.4 with 3 moa, the upped charge at 25.9 grouped it at around 1 moa+-. Turning it over to the target side of things; the 88-grain ELD MATCH bullet will indeed stabilize in a 1:7-inch twist barrel, but I now understand the need for the new 1:6.5-inch twist barrels that are hitting the market, as of this writing. This offers super-sonic velocities at ranges greater than the .223 Remington and the 6.5 Grendel can achieve at magazine length. Sierra Bullets states: The [Valkyrie] case length is shorter than the 223 Remington affording the use of heavier match-grade bullets with very long ogives and high ballistic coefficients. 0000087437 00000 n Luckily, this was just a few days before SHOT Show 2019, where I would be immersed in a wealth of gun knowledge and industry information. 0000003136 00000 n Joseph Von Benedikt is with Rafe Nielsen of Browning to take a look at a new X-Bolt series rifle. We show you how. I was pleased to learn the company just released its AR-15 barrels, and in the lineup was an 18.5-inch, helical-fluted 224 Valkyrie option. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program. Starline suggests doing this by either resizing (with regular case lube on the outside of the case) or running the case neck over the expander ball. v>012`l{nCew 38m endstream endobj 8 0 obj <>>> endobj 9 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Shading<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Thumb 3 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 432.0 648.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 10 0 obj <> endobj 11 0 obj [/Indexed 12 0 R 13 30 0 R] endobj 12 0 obj [/ICCBased 29 0 R] endobj 13 0 obj <> endobj 14 0 obj <> endobj 15 0 obj <>stream 0000022446 00000 n I decided to rebarrel two of my guns, and Lothar-Walther USA provided two stainless-steel barrels chambered for the new round., Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36. 4 . 0000030592 00000 n A critical marksmanship skill that is easy to overlook. America's favorite platform, the AR-15, reigns supreme in many applications. . Location. 0000087166 00000 n To this day, it is still my go-to service rifle loading for reduced course matches. The .224-inch diameter bullet has always been readily available in a variety of configurations for a variety of tasks and is a favorite because of its low recoil,so many manufacturers were focused on making an AR-15-sized round to accommodate heavier bullets in this caliber. Good stuff, I have my hands on a couple boxes of Nosler 85s and have been wanting to test them I also have 6.5 twist , I will give them a try. Although our original barrel was defective, we still felt that a 10+ MOA load need some sort of change, and we were hell-bent on making the 88-grain rounds fly. Joseph VonBenedikt is with Joel Hodgdon to talk about the improved accuracy and long-range potential of the already reliable Core-Lokt ammo line. At Hodgdon, weve been researching this cartridge since before its introduction and are excited to release load data for the Valkyrie featuring powders like Hodgdon CFE 223, IMR 8208 XBRand Hodgdon Varget. These are all shown in Table 2. Bullet: Berger 22 Caliber 80.5 Grain Fullbore Target. The Valkyrie has spawned a crop of new, high-tech bullets, including (from left): Hornady 70-grain GMX, Hornady 75-grain ELD Match, Hornady 80-grain ELD Match, Hornady 88-grain ELD Match, Sierra 77-grain Tipped MatchKing, Sierra 80-grain MatchKing, Sierra 90-grain MatchKing, Nosler 64-grain Bonded Solid Base, and Nosler 77-grain Custom Competition. Although 100-yard results arent mind-blowing, this round will still outperform others at distance, because it is less susceptible to wind drift. Hodgdon, the Brand Thats True, is pleased to announce the launch of load data for the new 224 Valkyriecartridge, now available on Hodgdons Reloading Data Center at 80.5 Bergers & 85 Nosler RDF with CFE-223, Re: 80.5 Bergers & 85 Nosler RDF with CFE-223, Quote from: 1000 yrd guy on August 08, 2019, 04:13:28 AM, Quote from: Alaska_guy on August 12, 2019, 12:27:46 PM, Quote from: igotta40 on August 28, 2019, 10:29:49 PM. I've had the pleasure of working with the 300 BLK CFE powder before and even had the opportunity to do a before-and-after comparison with a Lyman Products Borecam, and it was amazing how it actually keeps its promise.Load development was relatively simple, as both of these powders have a narrow range between max and min charges. The Mossberg 500 Pump Action Shotgun is one of the most popular home defense shotguns on the market. Powerhouse .224 Valkyrie Features The cartridge case is arguably the best .224-caliber, AR-compatible design ever engineered. Walther's new Performance Duty Pistol is ready for both concealed carry and conventional service situations. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; Keep up-to-date on new products, Contributing Editor for RifleShooter Magazine, Brad Fitzpatrick gives us a review of this modernized version of an iconic favorite. 7 80 Graciously, the company supplied me with one for testing and I left with it that day. With that knowledge, we decided to go with the bookends and build a heavy-for-caliber target round and a light-for-caliber varmint round.For our project, we selected the Hornady 60-grain V-Max, as I have had amazing luck with this bullet in a standard 5.56 NATO cartridge. With a slower round that's dropping faster, 25 yards of error in range estimation could be the difference between a hit and a miss with asteeper, rainbow-style trajectory. However, the Valkyries shoulder angle is 30o, while the 6.8s is 23o. Learn more here: There are thinner walled steel mags available that will accept 2.290-2.300 . CFE-223: Subscribe: 2662: Remarks: COAL (inches): 2.140; 5-shot 100-yard group (inches): 1.75 77: Nosler Custom Competition: Hodgdon: 7 0 obj <> endobj xref Valkyrie means chooser of the slain, so we may assume that the connotation is that the .224 Valkyrie cartridge is going to go forth to a battlefield, and choose the dead with its accuracy and long-range power. 0000101288 00000 n "Shooting heavier bullets, in an AR-platform rifle, that maintain supersonic speeds beyond 1,300 yards has captured the interest of shooters and handloaders everywhere. *j. Joseph Von Benedikt visits with Aaron Oelger from Hodgdon about the unprecedented demand on the shooting supply industry. High-velocity rounds generate more heat, and this addition might mean the difference between taking that extra shot or sitting out. If you own an AR, youve probably heard of the hot, new .224 Valkyrie cartridge.
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