What were the early voting start and end dates? }); Lisa LaBue(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Matthew Mackey(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) [3][4][5][6][7], Designating petitions must be submitted to the appropriate county board of elections, with the following exceptions:[8], Designating petitions must be filed between the 10th Monday and ninth Tuesday prior to the primary election. Steve Burke, Did not make the ballot: Gary Lipson(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Matthew Slater(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Dana Levenberg(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) [16], On June 10, 2022, an appellate division of the New York Supreme Court ruled that the state's Assembly district boundaries adopted in February 2022 were invalid but should still be used for the 2022 legislative elections. 12, 2022, Defeated state legislative incumbents, 2022, Primary election competitiveness in state and federal government, 2022, Heart of the Primaries 2022, Democrats-Issue 25 (June 2, 2022), Heart of the Primaries 2022, Democrats-Issue 1 (November 18, 2021), Ballot access requirements for political candidates in New York, State legislature candidate requirements by state, When state legislators assume office after a general election, appellate division of the New York Supreme Court, Partisan composition of state legislatures, https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=New_York_State_Senate_elections,_2022&oldid=9030175, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. LOB 723 Albany, NY 12248 518-455-5662 Fax: 518-455-5918. border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; For more information about Ballotpedia's competitiveness analysis of state legislative elections, please click here. Ruben D. Vargas margin-top: 5px; 8:53 PM EDT, Thu October 13, 2022. chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-down'); James Magee Yu Lin Kevin Gorman, David Weprin(i) 6:15 am. } else { Apply today! This race was featured in The Heart of the Primaries, a newsletter capturing stories related to conflicts within each major party. For non-overnight travel: $61/day. chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); box-sizing: border-box; Wendy Rodriguez(Republican Party, Conservative Party), John E. Brooks(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) The 2023 New York City City Council elections will be held on November 7th, 2023, with primaries occurring on June 27th, 2023. William Weber Jr.(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Julie Shiroishi(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Peter Harckham(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Michelle Hinchey(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey responses, Annual State Legislative Competitiveness Report: Vol. .leg-hnt-leadership-title { Michael Novakhov(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Mathylde Frontus(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) Nathalia Fernandez(i), Phyllis Nastasio(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Did not make the ballot: Nathalia Fernandez(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Kevin Pazmino(Conservative Party) Elections for the New York State Senate took place in 2022. This may result in instances where multiple incumbents face each other in contested primaries or general elections if the incumbent in the new district also seeks re-election. Democratic nominee Kathy Hochul (left), and Republican nominee Lee Zeldin (right), Democratic nominee Letitia James (left), and Republican nominee Michael Henry (right), Democratic nominee Chuck Schumer (left), and Republican nominee Joe Pinion (right), a scandal involving nursing home deaths in the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple accusations of sexual harassment, 2022 United States Senate election in New York, 2022 United States House of Representatives elections in New York, https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/11/why-red-wave-hit-new-york/672057/, https://www.newsday.com/opinion/editorials/2020-election-2022-midterms-stop-the-steal-election-denial-ijy7ye2r, "New York Governor Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis", "Gov. Mizan Choudhury, Did not make the ballot: [18], Elections for all 26 house districts in New York will occur. display: block; One incumbent lost in the Aug. 23 primaries. Vote. Cynthia Cox, Did not make the ballot: Colton Mennig(Working Families Party), Donna Lupardo(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Christopher Friend(i)(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Anna Kelles(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), John Lemondes Jr.(i)(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Did not make the ballot: padding-top: 5px; Jelanie Deshong Abraham Fuchs, Did not make the ballot: Report this profile Report Report. [3][11], The group of voters making the nomination may designate a name for themselves, provided the name is rendered in English and does not suggest similarity with an existing political party or a political organization that has already filed a nominating petition. Nayma Silver-Matos These totals include data from all regularly-scheduled House and Senate elections. Alberto Torres, Did not make the ballot: Early voting for the General Election will take place October 29 to November 6. .leg-hnt-border-top { Week ending 11-25-22 25 Nov 2022, 17:27 . [2] It will be updated as information becomes available following the states candidate filing deadline. [3] After a series of blunders including a scandal involving nursing home deaths in the COVID-19 pandemic and multiple accusations of sexual harassment, Cuomo resigned in August 2021. Sarahana Shrestha, Brandon Gaylord The New York State Assembly was one of 88 state legislative chambers holding elections in 2022. Denny Salas: 12.65%. The 2022 New York state elections took place on November 8, 2022. widget_load_check_dom() event.srcElement.innerText = '[show]'; [22], Democrats held a supermajority in the state assembly, and CNalysis gives Republicans a 24% chance of breaking the supermajority.[22]. [7], Congressman Lee Zeldin is the Republican nominee after defeating three high-profile primary challengers. break-inside: avoid-column; .leg-hnt-flex-column { 6:15 am. width: 100%; Emmanuel Martinez, Did not make the ballot: [1][2], Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo was elected a third term in 2018. Edward Rath III(i)(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Robert Ortt(i)(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Timothy M. Kennedy(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); flex: 0 0 175px; [9], Enrolled party members may also circulate petitions to allow for the opportunity to write in a candidate for an office for which there is no contest for the party nomination at the primary. if (chevron.hasClass('fa-chevron-up')) { Jamie Cheney, Did not make the ballot: Jamie Cheney(Working Families Party), Did not make the ballot: .leg-hnt-title { Danniel Maio(Republican Party, Conservative Party, Medical Freedom Party, Independence Party), John Liu(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) Ballotpedia asks all federal, state, and local candidates to complete a survey and share what motivates them on political and personal levels. }); No member of the legislature shall, during the time for which he or she was elected, receive any civil appointment from the governor, the governor and the senate, the legislature or from any city government, to an office which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time. Orlando Rivera(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Demond Meeks(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) } Rebecca Shiroff, Al Stirpe(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) Otis Danne Jr. Did not make the ballot: Under this system, if a candidate loses one primary but wins another, he or she may appear on the general election ballot with the nomination of the party won. Dan Girard Jose Zapata Next month's state Senate primary has at least seven Democratic incumbents facing challenges, plus competitive races for open seats in Brookly and Staten Island. He has received his party's nomination to run for a fifth term. Elections for all 63 state senate districts were held. Bella Matias, Ron Kim(i) Irene Estrada, Jeffrey Dinowitz(i) Terry Bernardo, Leslie Danks Burke Did not make the ballot: The table below shows the number and percentage of open seats in the New York State Senate from 2010 to 2022. [13], Nominating petitions must be submitted to the appropriate county board of elections, with the following exceptions:[8], Nominating petitions must be filed between the 12th and 11th week prior to the general election. } A bill that would empower New . chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-up'); Faye Pietrak(Conservative Party), Monica Martinez A candidate must file a certificate of acceptance or declination of the designation no later than the third day after the last day to file nominating petitions. On this date, the State of New York held elections for the following offices: Governor and Lieutenant Governor (on one ticket), Attorney General, Comptroller, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, New York State Senate, New York State Assembly, and various others. Harrison Marks .leg-hnt-district-number { } Eight incumbents were not on the ballot in 2022. (l-r) Democratic candidates for Governor Tom Suozzi, Kathy Hochul & Jumaane Williams New York is slated to hold two separate primary elections this year after a chaotic redistricting process led to legal challenges and United States House of Representatives and State Senate district lines had to be redrawn. The following analysis covers all state legislative districts up for election in New York in 2022. Timothy Peterson(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Jo Anne Simon(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) Arkadiusz T. Tomaszewski(Medical Freedom Party), Steven Cymbrowitz(i)(Democratic Party, Independence Party) Dion Powell, J. Gustavo Rivera(i) Steven Rhoads(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Kevin Thomas(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) Lisa Do Hofflich Scott Gray, Did not make the ballot: padding: 2px; } Scroll left and right on the table below to view more years. Jessica Altagracia Woolford(Working Families Party), John Greaney(Conservative Party, Republican Party), Amanda Septimo(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Kenneth Burgos(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Yudelka Tapia(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Karines Reyes(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Amy Paulin(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) column-gap: 1em; The general election was on November 8, 2022. The Spectator, Chang beats Abbate 25 Nov 2022, 17:26 . Compensation $119,702 per year for rank-and-file members, $128,680 for second-ranking members of each party, $137,655 for the speaker and the minority party leader, plus a per diem of $211, as long as the Assembly meets once every three days (so say goodbye to three-day weekends ). Cory Provost document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content6403166ad0058').classList.remove('leg-hnt-hide'); This may happen for a variety of reasons ranging from redistricting to a change in residences. A state government trifecta is a term that describes single-party government, when one political party holds the governor's office and has majorities in both chambers of the legislature in a state government. [17] Republican challenger Joe Pinion, a former TV host, is the first black individual to receive a major party's senate nomination in New York history. For Democrats, this was up from 53 in 2020, a 13% increase. The chamber's Democratic supermajority decreased from 106-42 (with one independent and one vacancy) to 101-49. Susan Serino(i)(Republican Party, Conservative Party, Independence Party), James Skoufis(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) .thirdpartyname { [5] Hochul selected Bronx State Senator Brian Benjamin to fill the role of Lieutenant Governor, and Benjamin served in the role from September 2021 until he was arrested for bribery and resigned in April 2022. Election information in New York: Nov. 8, 2022, election. Joel Giambra (unofficially withdrew), Did not make the ballot: David Yule Dean Michael, Did not make the ballot: Dean Michael(Conservative Party), Angelo Santabarbara(i) Mary Jo Carroll, Sandra Magnano(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Monica P. Wallace(i)(Democratic Party, Integrity Party) VoterInfobyState_Timeout_jquery = setTimeout(widget_load_check_jquery, 500); Abinanti beat a primary challenger last year by a comfortable margin. In 2022, 17 incumbents filed to run for re-election in new districts different from those they represented before the election. Karen Ayoub(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Did not make the ballot: Rebecca Shiroff(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Pamela Hunter(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) Maria Danzilo(Parent Party), Rachel May(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) Francesca Castellanos A candidate must file a certificate of acceptance or declination of the designation no later than the fourth day after the last day to file designating petitions. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. }); starting a new position as Senator at New . VoterInfobyState_Timeout_jquery = setTimeout(widget_load_check_jquery, 500); Nomiki Konst (unofficially withdrew) Gabriel Boxer, Did not make the ballot: Monique Allen-Davy(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Jaime Williams(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Michael Reilly(i)(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Vincent Argenziano(Democratic Party, Independent) The appellate division ruling determined that the Assembly district map was enacted in violation of the state's constitutional redistricting process and that a New York City-based state trial court should oversee new boundaries for the 2024 elections.[17][18]. margin-top: 5px; Steve Sophocleous, Did not make the ballot: Steve Sophocleous(Conservative Party), Emily Gallagher(i) Welcome to the California State Assembly's homepage. Frank Smierciak(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Michael J. Norris(i)(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Angelo J. Morinello(i)(Republican Party, Conservative Party), Karen McMahon(i)(Democratic Party, Integrity Party) if (window.jQuery) { Brian Fox(Republican Party, Conservative Party) margin:0; chevron = $(this).find('i.fa-pull-right'); [1] Due to redistricting and the 2020 changes to the New York City Charter, Councilmembers elected during the 2021 and 2023 City Council elections will serve two-year terms, with full four-year terms resuming after the . The remaining 73% of incumbents did not face primary challengers. Shana Harmongoff, Robert Jackson(i) .leg-hnt-leadership > div { Across both chambers, 25 of those districts were left open, meaning no incumbents filed to run, a decrease from the 33 open districts in 2020 but up from the 18 in 2018.

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