0000132107 00000 n Eligibility Requirements; . Only information about dividend attachments in September is listed. Contact Us Trialcourts.nashville.gov is not yet rated by Alexa and its traffic estimate is unavailable. Voluntary assignments: Contact the court. After the court decides the final restitution amount, the court will mail you or your attorney a copy of the restitution judgment. See 15 AAC 23.213(d). Last Name MI Court Site Case # Amount Seized Reason* Payment Date Process Server Document Locator # Public List of PFD Attachments First Name PAGADUAN DANA Anchorage 3AN-08-08987CI $0.00 A ALASKA COURT SERVICES PAGANO ALEJANDRA K Anchorage 3AN-14-07497CI $0.00 B INQUEST PROCESS SERVICE 2014048137 5 PAGANO ALEJANDRA K Fairbanks 4FA-12-00220SC $0.00 B Certified Mail By Clerk Of Court 2014048137 5 Permanent Fund Division Web Site. The state has different license among them commercial driving license (CDL). Restitution Collection, Accessibility republic act no. For information about seizing other property, you should read Execution Procedure: Judgment Creditor Booklet (CIV-550), available from the court. POAGE MARIA S Anchorage 3AN-06-04998SC $664.79. The 2023 online application will be the last year an online application can be filed without a myAlaska account. Last Name MI Court Site Case # Amount Seized Reason* Payment Date Process Server Document Locator # Public List of PFD Attachments First Name FA ALATA FAGAOTAUTO ON Anchorage 3AN-17-03642SC $0.00 A NORTH COUNTRY PROCESS FAAFIAULA ANDRONICUS Anchorage 3AN-17-02736SC $733.60 06/20/2020 ALASKA COURT SERVICES 2020036164 9 FAAFITI LAUFAELE P Anchorage 3AN-13-03282SC $0.00 A ALASKA COURT SERVICES . For a list of courts, addresses, and contact numbers, see Court Directory. 0000132132 00000 n Fill Out The Sentencing Affidavit - Alaska Online And Print It Out For Free. cg uf4l!n|lvys:tOw0s>A XH[uL` You may also contact the office which handles requests for marriage commissioner appointments in the judicial district of the court nearest to where the wedding will be performed. hN)C2g? Get FREE WRANGELL CITY AND BOROUGH COURT RECORDS directly from 3 Alaska gov't offices & 7 official court records databases. Summary of Dividend Applications & Payments, How to access your 1099 and tax information. Stream of commerce theory 2 . AS 43.23.065(b). AS 43.23.065(b). Webmaster. Last Name MI Court Site Case # Amount Seized Reason* Payment Date Process Server Document Locator # Public List of PFD Attachments First Name ABALAMA AMBER R Palmer 3PA-10-00783SC Last Name MI Court Site Case # Amount Seized Reason* Payment Date Process Server Document Locator # Public List of PFD Attachments First Name FA ALATA FAGAOTAUTO ON Anchorage 3AN-17-03642SC $0.00 A NORTH COUNTRY PROCESS FA AMOANA PAGOPAGO E Anchorage 3AN-15-01180SC $0.00 A NORTH COUNTRY PROCESS FAAFIAULA ANDRONICUS M Anchorage 3AN-17-02736SC $636.20 10/09/2021 ALASKA COURT SERVICES 2021044652 6 Last Name MI Court Site Case # Amount Seized Reason* Payment Date Process Server Document Locator # Public List of PFD Attachments First Name PAGADUAN DANA Anchorage 3AN-08-08987CI $0.00 A ALASKA COURT SERVICES PAGANO ALEJANDRA K Anchorage 3AN-14-07497CI $0.00 B INQUEST PROCESS SERVICE 2014048137 5 PAGANO ALEJANDRA K Fairbanks 4FA-12-00220SC $0.00 B Certified Mail By Clerk Of Court 2014048137 5 09/25/2009 CIVIL CLAIMS SERVICE 2009044181 2. O+O#O-Kx.SxN; O@x;wO!O.O_x{woUxV[oUxV www courts alaska gov trialcourts pfd htmdoes the wesleyan church believe in speaking in tongues. Order of Dismissal Page 3 of 12 Plaintiff has filed a First Amended Complaint,15 another "Request for Representation Through the United States Attorney's Office,"16 14 additional related documents under the guise of "judicial notice,"17 a certificate of service to numerous state, federal, and private entities presumably . 0000130932 00000 n Statute Definition I understand that entering untrue information on this application is the crime of unsworn falsification. 10/16/2009 INQUEST AGENCY 2009041098 3. Jury Service You can search court dockets, view oral arguments, find court calendars, access SJC briefs, and . Site Index Drivers who receive the traffic ticket need to react to the ticket by paying or challenging the fine at Alaska court. If the driver commits an offence, they get license suspension for one year. Supreme Court Order No. https://records.courts.alaska.gov/ Fax: (907) 746-8152 Email: 3PACopy@akcourts.us Records Request Requestor's Name: Today's Date: Requestor's Agency: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-Mail Address: Mailing Address: Case Name: Case Number: Make sure to give us the case number or you will be charged an hourly research fee to find it. If you need a private attorney, the Alaska Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service can help you find one with the expertise you need. If you are calling from outside Alaska, please call 907-272 . U>o(4& jC i$D"HmC`06&/$W( W %mS H$D6Yu/[KPpuJ.2CH$D"ild4MW}_ the court. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Legal Notices 0000071132 00000 n If you need to file a document, we encourage customers to email your document(s) to 4FYmailbox@akcourts.gov. 0000131152 00000 n Last Name MI Court Site Case # Amount Seized Reason* Payment Date Process Server Document Locator # Public List of PFD Attachments First Name FAGAFAGA RAMONA Anchorage 3AN-13-01041SC $0.00 B ALASKA COURT SERVICES 2019009928 1 FAGAFA-TOTUA IOKA M Anchorage 3AN-16-06701CI $0.00 A INQUEST AGENCY FAGAN KELLIE R Anchorage 3AN-19-00777SC $0.00 B NORTH COUNTRY PROCESS 2019036590 6 CR DOB: APSIN: ) ) RESTITUTION JUDGMENT IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The automatic stays on enforcement provided in Civil Rule 62(a) and District Court Civil Rule 24(a) do not apply to the enforcement of restitution judgments. Last Name MI Court Site Case # Amount Seized Reason* Payment Date Process Server Document Locator # Public List of PFD Attachments First Name CLENDENIN JEREMIAH C Anchorage 3AN-04-03893SC $0.00 B ATTORNEYS PROCESS SERVICE 2012048854 4 CLEVELAND ALAN A Fairbanks 4FA-08-00063SC $0.00 B ALASKA COURT SERVICES 2012040681 3 CLEVELAND BRENDA Anchorage 3AN-96-08208CI $0.00 A INQUEST PROCESS SERVICE Last Name MICourt SiteCase #Amount Seized Reason*Payment Date Process Server Document Locator # Public List of PFD Attachments First Name SORDELLI GUIDOFAnchorage3AN-06-10079CI$0. Form Cr-445 Is Often Used In Alaska Court System, Alaska Legal Forms And United States Legal Forms. Process Server Document. (f) Victim's Options for Collection. Priority of Claims Against A Debtor's PFD Biotech companies in the us 1 . Jury Service 0000131174 00000 n State of alaska court view. ; MAIL the document(s) to our main office at: Alaska Department of Revenue Permanent Fund Dividend Division PO Box 110462 Juneau, AK 99811-0462; FAX* document(s) to (907) 465-3470 *Documents where an original is required such as birth certificate, passport, or certificate of naturalization will not be accepted through fax. The dividend was attached by a claim with a higher priority. However, all drivers have the right to plead not guilty if they feel the ticket was wrongly issued. Contact Us Effective immediately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fort Yukon Trial Court's front counter is only available by appointment. If you have any questions, please contact PFD. If any of these dividends have been attached by the court, the money will be sent to the court instead of to the applicant. 0000117269 00000 n 0000001036 00000 n :E4F;JSZJch4:CL*MaUl@O7kS)=D4fjnOCB4zZ&t!"z?}@b? t4uM!wt?> k Kenai Superior Court 125 Trading Bay Road Kenai, AK 99611 907-283-3110 Directions. A Quick Guide to Editing The Alaska Tf Affidavit Pdf. Offences Punishable for Commercial Drivers. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Tribal Court Application; Distribution Centers; Eligibility. 5 0 obj The Executive Office of the Trial Court includes staff to support judicial policy, judicial education, general counsel, research and planning, intergovernmental . Summary of Dividend Applications & Payments, How to access your 1099 and tax information. Last Name MI Court Site Case # Amount Seized Reason* Payment Date Process Server Document Locator # Public List of PFD Attachments First Name UA GLORY V Anchorage 3AN-16-04635CR $314.00 10/09/2021 ACS RESTITUTION 2021027585 8 UA KAPIOLANI F Anchorage 3AN-08-08779CI $891.20 10/09/2021 ALASKA COURT SERVICES 2021010176 0 UA KAPIOLANI F Anchorage 3AN-15-01493SC $0.00 B ATTORNEYS PROCESS . 0000058056 00000 n The collections unit established within the court system will execute on the defendant's permanent fund dividend as needed to collect the restitution . CR DOB: APSIN: ) ) RESTITUTION JUDGMENT IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. VISIT one of our three PFD Office locations. CR DOB: APSIN: ) ) RESTITUTION JUDGMENT IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. Public List of PFD Attachments. Records Request Requestor's Name: Robert Griffiths, Executive Director Requestor's Agency: Alaska Police Standards Council - AK DPS Phone Number: 907-465-5523 Fax Number: 907-465-3263 E-Mail Address: bob.griffithsgalaslca.gov Date. 1907 Page 4 of 11 Effective Date: April 5, 2017 provided in Civil Rule 62(a) and District Court Civil Rule 24(a) do not apply to the enforcement of restitution judgments. Filing your online application with a myAlaska account enables you to; For security reasons, myAlaska accounts should not be shared. Case No. Public List of PFD Attachments. /FitWindow true myAlaska is a web service operated by the State of Alaska that provides single-sign-on (authentication) for multiple state services and a framework for electronic signatures for state forms or transactions. Last Name MI Court Site Case # Amount Seized Reason* Payment Date Process Server Document Locator # Public List of PFD Attachments First Name KAGANAK TIMOTHY Chevak 4CH-11-00022CI $0.00 B NORTH COUNTRY PROCESS 2014013571 5 KAGOONA MARVIN G Anchorage 3AN-09-12334CI $0.00 B ALASKA COURT SERVICES 2014059610 2 KAHANANUI DANA M Anchorage 3AN-09-05128SC $0.00 B NORTH COUNTRY PROCESS 2014002861 6 under alaska statute 25.05.261 (a) (2) 1, anyone can perform your marriage ceremony, including a friend or relative, if they first obtain a marriage commissioner appointment from an alaskan court as authorized by as 25.05.081. Forms hb```b`0>zAXV}i)RY2jZi\,$np}2'+y^E3M>5]KeVBk?oas9^q2 Tim Flannery Family Members, Locator # 09/25/2009 NORTH COUNTRY PROCESS 2009040376 2. Reason* Payment. Fill Out The Sentencing Affidavit - Alaska Online And Print It Out For Free. Alaska court system forms.

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